That $80B in Military Equipment Joe Handed the Taliban Could Have Been Dropped Off in Ukraine

Why not? It would have cost far less to have transported that equipment to Ukraine, than to bring it back here.

I thought you guys and girls hated Russians. Wouldn't you rather see all that beautiful surplus American equipment being used to kill Russians?
Afghan has no port, and supposedly the afghan army could have kept fighting. Or that was what Trump signed on to.
Why not? It would have cost far less to have transported that equipment to Ukraine, than to bring it back here.
Because it was equipment we had given to the Afghan army to defend their country.

Which moron thinks that disarming the Afghan military as the US military pulled out was a good idea?
Why didn't Trump start doing that when he announced we would be leaving?
Trump had plans to do a competent withdrawal during his second term as President but the filthy Democrats stole the election and now we have President Potatohead that fucks up everything he touches.
Trump had plans to do a competent withdrawal during his second term as President but the filthy Democrats stole the election and now we have President Potatohead that fucks up everything he touches.

Trump had all kinds of plans he never followed up on. How is that new trade deal with China coming along?
Afghan has no port, and supposedly the afghan army could have kept fighting. Or that was what Trump signed on to.

Trump wasn't President immediately prior to the withdrawal, and we did have working air bases before Biden's botched pullout. There was far more materials there than the Afghan Army could have ever used.

How do you think we got all that equipment to Afghanistan in the first place? By boat? Seriously? :laughing0301:
Trump wasn't President immediately prior to the withdrawal, and we did have working air bases before Biden's botched pullout. There was far more materials there than the Afghan Army could have ever used.

How do you think we got all that equipment to Afghanistan in the first place? By boat? Seriously? :laughing0301:

We got it there by really stupid decisions.
Trump wasn't President immediately prior to the withdrawal, and we did have working air bases before Biden's botched pullout. There was far more materials there than the Afghan Army could have ever used.

How do you think we got all that equipment to Afghanistan in the first place? By boat? Seriously? :laughing0301:
try to google just a little.
try to google just a little.

1,969 miles straight line from AFG to UKR. We have 125 C5-M, 250 C-17, and other transport aircraft.

It would have been such a "headache" if we'd had a competent Commander in Chief.

1,969 miles straight line from AFG to UKR. We have 125 C5-M, 250 C-17, and other transport aircraft.

It would have been such a "headache" if we'd had a competent Commander in Chief.

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Yeah, it's a headache to load vehicles on airplanes, and it's expensive and shortens the life span of planes. And we left the hardware for the afghanies to use .... PER TRUMP. IT'S FAKE NEWS BASED ON ALTERNATIVE FACTS

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Yeah, it's a headache to load vehicles on airplanes, and it's expensive and shortens the life span of planes. And we left the hardware for the afghanies to use .... PER TRUMP. IT'S FAKE NEWS BASED ON ALTERNATIVE FACTS

So you're ok with Biden having just left all that equipment in the hands of the Taliban, instead?
So you're ok with Biden having just left all that equipment in the hands of the Taliban, instead?
YES! Since Trump signed our surrender, we've been pulling out. I'm sure you'd like another 2500 dead for no gain beyond propping up a goat shit country. Biden wanted to pull out all but a thumpring when VP

But no, Joe had to keep his record alive of 5 straight decades of nothing positive from his actions.
You're whinefest is more appropriate directed at the Afghan army. But, hey......"Blame America First", right?

Brandon abandoned $80,000,000,000 in military hardware to the Taliban instead of giving it to nearby Ukraine.

Putin likely never would have invaded then.

Afghanistan is near Ukraine?

Looks Weatherman202 failed 5th grade geography!!!!
If the U.S. had done what Weatherman suggests and given the equipment that was left in Afghanistan to Ukraine, the Russian army would have taken Kyiy in a matter of hours.

It required a whole different category of military equipment to stop the Russian army.

How many anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons did we leave in Afghansitan?

If the U.S. had done what Weatherman suggests and given the equipment that was left in Afghanistan to Ukraine, the Russian army would have taken Kyiy in a matter of hours.

It required a whole different category of military equipment to stop the Russian army.

How many anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons did we leave in Afghansitan?

75 Aircraft, including armor killing Apaches
Counter-Rocket, artillery and mortar systems

Dumbass ignoramus​

YES! Since Trump signed our surrender, we've been pulling out. I'm sure you'd like another 2500 dead for no gain beyond propping up a goat shit country. Biden wanted to pull out all but a thumpring when VP

Brandon waived the peace agreement the Taliban were to sign.
All you Leftards have are lies.
Trump had all kinds of plans he never followed up on. How is that new trade deal with China coming along?
I’m still snort laughing at you blaming Brandon’s Afghanistan failure on Pelosi impeaching him if he didn’t cut and run.
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