That Bachelor's Degree Rand Paul Said He Had? It Doesn't Exist

Paul's adherence to libertarian lunacy is enough to render him unqualified to be president – his lies notwithstanding.
There's a reason good schools have accelerated programs like this, and it usually has to do with critical shortages of a particular occupation either at the state or national level. So bottom line, Paul spent three years in undergraduate school, four years in medical school, and five years in residency. That's twelve years of schooling. How long were you in college, Guano? That doesn't include correspondence courses you took while in prison.

I don't know of any programs that target critical shortages but I suspect counselors probably steer students in that direction but-----but I do know that many, maybe all, universities have programs for the privileged. My example happened in the '80's.

A friend did not have any college, he worked for a financial institution that did not require a degree to move into the upper management of the company. His company was taken over by one of the largest financial institutions in the country - his new employer required a Masters but my friend slipped through the cracks during to the takeover. My friend was promoted to a high position ($200K/yr + incentives -in the '80's, because of our screwy tax laws my friend received more compensation via incentive compensation than through regular pay and benefits). After being in his high position for a year or two, someone in HR bothered to check on his education.

Rather than being fired from his very-very lucrative position, he bought himself a master's degree from a prestige school by buying a six (6 week) week "executive" course for, in today's dollars about $70K. At the end of the course my friend had a real Master's Degree from Stanford University to hang on the wall behind his head for people to see when in my friends office.

I don't know if Rand Paul received special consideration because of his daddy but I know these preferential and legacy programs exist. I have another friend whose daddy gave his Alma Mater so much money they named a building after him - a few years later his daughter (my friend) was named the lead cheerleader for a school that is consistently in the NCAA's Sweet 16 and Elite Eight.

Money talks...

Stanford Executive Program

What's next for your company? What's next for your career? For over 60 years, senior-level global business leaders have been coming to Stanford each summer to discover, to connect, to transform. The Stanford Executive Program is a six-week, academically rigorous program, fueled by cutting-edge research and Silicon Valley innovation. It's an experience that will impact the trajectory of your career, providing strategic skills, Graduate School of Business (GSB) alumni status, and connections that will last a lifetime.

Program Dates: June 21 – August 1, 2015
Application Deadline: April 30, 2015
Program Tuition: $62,500 USD
Individual Leadership Skills Development (Optional): $5,900 USD

Program tuition includes private accommodations, all meals, course materials, and an Apple iPad.

"and connections that will last a lifetime." Yep, talk about starting out on third base...!
Are we discussing college transcripts of Presidential candidates?
I thought they were irrelevant
There's a reason good schools have accelerated programs like this, and it usually has to do with critical shortages of a particular occupation either at the state or national level. So bottom line, Paul spent three years in undergraduate school, four years in medical school, and five years in residency. That's twelve years of schooling. How long were you in college, Guano? That doesn't include correspondence courses you took while in prison.

I don't know of any programs that target critical shortages but I suspect counselors probably steer students in that direction but-----but I do know that many, maybe all, universities have programs for the privileged. My example happened in the '80's.

A friend did not have any college, he worked for a financial institution that did not require a degree to move into the upper management of the company. His company was taken over by one of the largest financial institutions in the country - his new employer required a Masters but my friend slipped through the cracks during to the takeover. My friend was promoted to a high position ($200K/yr + incentives -in the '80's, because of our screwy tax laws my friend received more compensation via incentive compensation than through regular pay and benefits). After being in his high position for a year or two, someone in HR bothered to check on his education.

Rather than being fired from his very-very lucrative position, he bought himself a master's degree from a prestige school by buying a six (6 week) week "executive" course for, in today's dollars about $70K. At the end of the course my friend had a real Master's Degree from Stanford University to hang on the wall behind his head for people to see when in my friends office.

I don't know if Rand Paul received special consideration because of his daddy but I know these preferential and legacy programs exist. I have another friend whose daddy gave his Alma Mater so much money they named a building after him - a few years later his daughter (my friend) was named the lead cheerleader for a school that is consistently in the NCAA's Sweet 16 and Elite Eight.

Money talks...

Stanford Executive Program

What's next for your company? What's next for your career? For over 60 years, senior-level global business leaders have been coming to Stanford each summer to discover, to connect, to transform. The Stanford Executive Program is a six-week, academically rigorous program, fueled by cutting-edge research and Silicon Valley innovation. It's an experience that will impact the trajectory of your career, providing strategic skills, Graduate School of Business (GSB) alumni status, and connections that will last a lifetime.

Program Dates: June 21 – August 1, 2015
Application Deadline: April 30, 2015
Program Tuition: $62,500 USD
Individual Leadership Skills Development (Optional): $5,900 USD

Program tuition includes private accommodations, all meals, course materials, and an Apple iPad.

"and connections that will last a lifetime." Yep, talk about starting out on third base...!

I know of several. My closest lifelong friend was a veterinarian from Atlanta who died in 2011. He graduated from Michigan State University's School of Veterinary Medicine at age 21, one of its youngest DVM's ever. Normally, most of the better veterinary schools in America require a bachelor's degree in a related science to get into vet school, then three years of veterinary college, and a year of residency. In the mid 60's, the state of Michigan was in rather critical need of veterinarians, so the undergraduate degree requirement was waived and an accelerated vet school program was instituted without summer breaks, Christmas breaks, etc. Thus smart kids who were accepted could go straight into vet school from high school, and get their DVM degree in less than three years. That program lasted two years. Similar accelerated programs for MD's and dentists existed after WWII for veterans who wanted to pursue MD and DDS degrees. It took about half the time that it does today.
Stupid thread by a stupid human being.

This is like being called a liar because you said you were 6'0" tall and it turns out you're really 6'1"

And that Paul advanced to Med School early has been known about for at least ten years.

That's why I call them the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media; They knew it, too. They just wanted to bring it up again so that STUPID FUCKS like the OP can think they've uncovered something.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Everything they touch turns to shit

Stupid thread by a stupid human being.

This is like being called a liar because you said you were 6'0" tall and it turns out you're really 6'1"

And that Paul advanced to Med School early has been known about for at least ten years.

That's why I call them the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media; They knew it, too. They just wanted to bring it up again so that STUPID FUCKS like the OP can think they've uncovered something.

the problem is, he CLAIMED to have degrees in English and Biology and he didn't.

now, I think there are far better reasons to not vote for Rand Paul, like he's congenitally insane. But he did lie. combine this with his stupid statements on vaccinations, and shushing a reporter, and he's flaming out rather quickly.
Birdshit aka guano aka guno is in a serious contest with Howard Dean for the coveted title: "ASSHOLE OF THE YEAR".
Birdshit aka guano aka guno is in a serious contest with Howard Dean for the coveted title: "ASSHOLE OF THE YEAR".

Oh, come on, this is the Bush family wiping out the oppossition. First Romney, then Paul.
the problem is, he CLAIMED to have degrees in English and Biology and he didn't.

now, I think there are far better reasons to not vote for Rand Paul, like he's congenitally insane. But he did lie. combine this with his stupid statements on vaccinations, and shushing a reporter, and he's flaming out rather quickly.

If you read his quote intelligently :dunno: you will see that he only claimed to have a degree in Biology. No where did he say he had a Bachelors in English. He said his course of study was in English and Biology and that he had a degree in Biology.

Does being a MEDICAL DOCTOR not qualify as a 'Degree' In Biology?

I dislike Rand Paul. I dislike Liberturdians. Immensely. I would not prefer Rand Paul over any of the other Republican Candidates.

But I would vote for Satan himself over a dimocrap scumbag.

I shit you not.
If you read his quote intelligently :dunno: you will see that he only claimed to have a degree in Biology. No where did he say he had a Bachelors in English. He said his course of study was in English and Biology and that he had a degree in Biology.

Does being a MEDICAL DOCTOR not qualify as a 'Degree' In Biology?

No, it doesn't. It means he has a Doctorate in Opthomology. It does not mean he has a Bachelors in Biology, which is what he claimed along with a Degree in English.

The rest of your post is your tiresome rants.
No, it doesn't. It means he has a Doctorate in Opthomology. It does not mean he has a Bachelors in Biology, which is what he claimed along with a Degree in English.

The rest of your post is your tiresome rants.

So, according to our resident Board Moron....... A Man qualified to FUCKING TEACH COLLEGE BIOLOGY doesn't qualify as having a degree in Biology?

Where did you get your degree, Dumbass U?
Stupid thread by a stupid human being.

This is like being called a liar because you said you were 6'0" tall and it turns out you're really 6'1"

And that Paul advanced to Med School early has been known about for at least ten years.

That's why I call them the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media; They knew it, too. They just wanted to bring it up again so that STUPID FUCKS like the OP can think they've uncovered something.

the problem is, he CLAIMED to have degrees in English and Biology and he didn't.

now, I think there are far better reasons to not vote for Rand Paul, like he's congenitally insane. But he did lie. combine this with his stupid statements on vaccinations, and shushing a reporter, and he's flaming out rather quickly.
he is through, finished.
Stupid thread by a stupid human being.

This is like being called a liar because you said you were 6'0" tall and it turns out you're really 6'1"

And that Paul advanced to Med School early has been known about for at least ten years.

That's why I call them the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media; They knew it, too. They just wanted to bring it up again so that STUPID FUCKS like the OP can think they've uncovered something.

the problem is, he CLAIMED to have degrees in English and Biology and he didn't.

now, I think there are far better reasons to not vote for Rand Paul, like he's congenitally insane. But he did lie. combine this with his stupid statements on vaccinations, and shushing a reporter, and he's flaming out rather quickly.
he is through, finished.

we know you wish that were true. But its not. But your female messiah Hillary is trough, finished, failed, dumped on, rejected. But please please run her. After all its her turn, just like Dole and McCain had their turns.
Looks like he is going to be an early drop out of the clown car, Why did he lie?

Uh-oh. Rand Paul is in hot water over the revelation that, as it turns out, Paul lied about having a bachelor’s degree. The Washington Post fact-checked some of the senator’s comments, and concluded that, despite having a medical degree from Duke University, Paul has seriously misled the public about his undergraduate history.

. Paul may have a medical degree from an Ivy League equivalent school, but he certainly doesn’t have an undergraduate degree, let alone two. If there’s any doubt about what he said, the two later talked about Bitcoin and Paul said: “I have a biology degree.” Right.

So, here are the facts. Paul studied at Baylor University for three years, but never graduated. He then attended Duke University Medical School where he did earn a degree. Leaving us with the question: how did he get in? Well, at that time, Duke did not require applicants to have an undergraduate degree.


Yeah, but it's OK if Hillary is married to a horn dog who goes on trips to an orgy Island staffed with under-age prostitutes.
There's a reason good schools have accelerated programs like this, and it usually has to do with critical shortages of a particular occupation either at the state or national level. So bottom line, Paul spent three years in undergraduate school, four years in medical school, and five years in residency. That's twelve years of schooling. How long were you in college, Guano? That doesn't include correspondence courses you took while in prison.

At least he didn't claim he got shot down in a helicopter in Iraq.
Liberals will make a big deal out of relatively minor lies by Republicans, such as this one by Rand Paul, but will rationalize, excuse, and dismiss Hillary's far more serious lies. Why? Why the double-standard? Because, truth be told, liberals don't care if their fellow Democrats lie, even if about serious matters, because most liberals are secular and don't view honesty as being all that important when it comes to Democratic candidates.

Now, I would not rule out any candidate based solely on a relatively minor lie, such as a lie about college degrees. I would find it disappointing but not disqualifying. But when a candidate displays a pattern of lying about all sorts of things, including serious matters, as Hilary has done, then I would rule them out.
Looks like he is going to be an early drop out of the clown car, Why did he lie?

Uh-oh. Rand Paul is in hot water over the revelation that, as it turns out, Paul lied about having a bachelor’s degree. The Washington Post fact-checked some of the senator’s comments, and concluded that, despite having a medical degree from Duke University, Paul has seriously misled the public about his undergraduate history.

. Paul may have a medical degree from an Ivy League equivalent school, but he certainly doesn’t have an undergraduate degree, let alone two. If there’s any doubt about what he said, the two later talked about Bitcoin and Paul said: “I have a biology degree.” Right.

So, here are the facts. Paul studied at Baylor University for three years, but never graduated. He then attended Duke University Medical School where he did earn a degree. Leaving us with the question: how did he get in? Well, at that time, Duke did not require applicants to have an undergraduate degree.


False statement- sure- but also irrelevant. Paul has a post grad degree- a medical degree.

This will have no legs.

Paul has no chance as a candidate anyway but this is not going to be an issue.
Not a fan of Senator Paul, however, he must be one smart SOB to obtain his doctorates without finishing his undergraduate degree. Oh well we fully understand the evaluation and selection process of those desperate elitists that can only muster washed up, has been, candidates as their spokesmen and leaders.
Can one only imagine what they would have said about Lincoln. Thank god these self ordained enlightened idiots were yet to be conceived.

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