Does it make sense to register your guns with a government you might have to defend yourself against

  • Oh Yeah, absolutely

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Did you own a gun when you were a card carrying Republican and before you got kicked in the head by the donkey? Oh wait, it was supposedly a non-head related injury that caused a complete 180 on every political policy and every Republican politician past and present.

Nobody believes you were ever a Republican.

I was in the army for 11 years. I handled enough guns to last me three lifetimes.

you see, there used to be a point when non-crazy Republicans supported sensible gun laws. Ronald Reagan supported the Brady Bill and Bush the Elder quit the NRA after they called Federal Agents "Jack Booted Thugs" after the Waco Mass suicide.

So prior to 2008, I supported sensible gun rights, like sensible Republicans did.

Unfortunately, this is another example of how the crazies took over the asylum. The last thing the National Rampage Association wants is guns kept out of the hands of criminals, because it means the 3% of the population that own 50% of the guns won't want to buy more.

Nobody can take you seriously. You voted for the party of AOC and folks that run around in vagina outfits. Those are the kooks. Not only are they kooks, they are anti-American. They are Euro fans, like most liberals I know.

We won’t get guns out of the hands of criminals. That is what you can’t seem to get through your head. It is the mindless, indoctrinated drones in big cities that are scared of guns. They are terrrified because the only time they ever see one is on TV or being shot by a gangster. That is the narrative the left wants to portray to keep the ants in the ant hills at bay. Unfortunately, it has worked to some extinct and that mentality is begining to spread.

Indoctrination works, there is no denying that. If the government can get everyone(except criminals) to disarm and get us all on the healthcare dole, only the Nancy Pelosi’s of the world will have the luxury of having a dedicated ice cream freezer. You don’t see it, your fellow indoctrinated blue state inner city kooks don’t see it. Those of us that have been spared the indoctrination are astounded and saddened by the lunacy and gullibility by many in our country, but throughout world history, the same pattern is followed and the same folks don’t get it until it is too late. Yes, you and the rest of the folks that continue to vote away your freedoms are THOSE folks.
The time has come to either (a) force the States to adhere to a Federal standard in such matters or (b) assume that power on the Federal level.

Would this mean blue cities like NY and Chicago would have to loosen their restrictions or would you allow a minimum restriction be imposed by the feds and then for states to take on additional restrictions as they see fit? I think I know the answer to this. You want your cake and to eat it too.

If this is done at the federal level, why can’t election laws be governed there as well? Why allow states like CA, PA, etc. to hold federal elections however they see fit? Shouldn’t they be held to a standard? The SC recentrly ruled this is not the case and they can run federal elections how they see fit.
Actually it's the US Supreme Court that said gun ownership is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT. Why do you hate this country? Perhaps you should pack your shit up and move to Japan or China.

Actually, that was a goofy ruling that ignored hundreds of years of precedent.

I love my country... I don't like that it's too easy for crazy people to get guns.

So I have a simple enough solution. Let the victims of gun violence sue the gun manufacturers. Bet you after that, the gun companies will be VERY selective as to who they sell to.

So you want all manufacturers to be liable for customers that misuse their products to harm anyone else. Would that include everything from autos, pipes, knives, baseball bats, 2X4s, screw drivers and on and on. If not you're nothing but an ideological hypocrite, because blunt objects kill more people than all rifles combined.

BTW, what do you gain by invading your neighbors privacy and just knowing whether they legally own a gun or not? There's not a fucking thing you can do about it.

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I think it's good they got hte fear in them. Without corona i would be a bit disturbed. But this was the perfect time to show that the people still have a little spunk.

Considering there were so few deaths it was ok

If zip tie guy had had his way and they started hanging people....Well yea that would have been very bad and no doubt caused an overbearing reaction from the state.

I was prepared to watch them lynch pence tho. What an ironic death that would have been.

Okay, if you say shit like that, there's no taking you seriously. We aren't a democracy at that point, it's just mob rule...

Not a good thing. Again, imagine it's 2028, and President Harris incites an Antifa/BLM Mob to storm Congress and lynch some Republicans.

She already did in multiple cities and raised money to get her soldiers out of jail and back on the streets ASAP. She should be impeached immediately.

I think it's good they got hte fear in them. Without corona i would be a bit disturbed. But this was the perfect time to show that the people still have a little spunk.

Considering there were so few deaths it was ok

If zip tie guy had had his way and they started hanging people....Well yea that would have been very bad and no doubt caused an overbearing reaction from the state.

I was prepared to watch them lynch pence tho. What an ironic death that would have been.

Okay, if you say shit like that, there's no taking you seriously. We aren't a democracy at that point, it's just mob rule...

Not a good thing. Again, imagine it's 2028, and President Harris incites an Antifa/BLM Mob to storm Congress and lynch some Republicans.

Democracy and mob rule are inseparable bud

And we're a republic

Which is why they wanted to lynch pence, they wanted him to use the powers given to him by our republican system
Actually it's the US Supreme Court that said gun ownership is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT. Why do you hate this country? Perhaps you should pack your shit up and move to Japan or China.

Actually, that was a goofy ruling that ignored hundreds of years of precedent.

I love my country... I don't like that it's too easy for crazy people to get guns.

So I have a simple enough solution. Let the victims of gun violence sue the gun manufacturers. Bet you after that, the gun companies will be VERY selective as to who they sell to.

Sure. Every manufacturer of anything will quickly go out of business when their products are used to commit crimes.

That's the problem with idiots, like you, you are so stupid you can't see the real world consequences for your idiotic ideas.
Joe Biden and you won't over come 85 million gun owners

ZERO co-sponsors. Sent to committee a month ago, where it died.

Your point?

It's an example of what the commies want to do and what they're thinking, that's the point. They want to make it so expensive for the average person to own a sporting rifle only the elites can afford to have them. Just proves commies hate poor people.

Joe Biden and you won't over come 85 million gun owners

ZERO co-sponsors. Sent to committee a month ago, where it died.

Your point?

It's an example of what the commies want to do and what they're thinking, that's the point. They want to make it so expensive for the average person to own a sporting rifle only the elites can afford to have them. Just proves commies hate poor people.

It's one person. An;yone can introduce a bill. No co-sponsors. Spiked dead. That is an example that the Democrats DO NOT want to take your guns.
I think it's good they got hte fear in them. Without corona i would be a bit disturbed. But this was the perfect time to show that the people still have a little spunk.

Considering there were so few deaths it was ok

If zip tie guy had had his way and they started hanging people....Well yea that would have been very bad and no doubt caused an overbearing reaction from the state.

I was prepared to watch them lynch pence tho. What an ironic death that would have been.

Okay, if you say shit like that, there's no taking you seriously. We aren't a democracy at that point, it's just mob rule...

Not a good thing. Again, imagine it's 2028, and President Harris incites an Antifa/BLM Mob to storm Congress and lynch some Republicans.

Democracy and mob rule are inseparable bud

And we're a republic

Which is why they wanted to lynch pence, they wanted him to use the powers given to him by our republican system
He had no legal authority in the process! None. His job, in that process, is to open and count. Period. Nothing more...nothing less.
BTW...We are a representative republic...which is...wait for it...a democratic form of govt.

I do note your acknowledgement of the intent of the Insurrectionists....I applaud your honesty.
Joe Biden and you won't over come 85 million gun owners

ZERO co-sponsors. Sent to committee a month ago, where it died.

Your point?

It's an example of what the commies want to do and what they're thinking, that's the point. They want to make it so expensive for the average person to own a sporting rifle only the elites can afford to have them. Just proves commies hate poor people.

It's one person. An;yone can introduce a bill. No co-sponsors. Spiked dead. That is an example that the Democrats DO NOT want to take your guns.

BS, biden himself talked about a tax on each rifle and magazine, even if this one fails, there will be more coming down the pike. All with the intent of making it unaffordable for average and low income people to have a means of self defense.


This message brought to you by the gun retailers and manufacturers of America.

I think it's good they got hte fear in them. Without corona i would be a bit disturbed. But this was the perfect time to show that the people still have a little spunk.

Considering there were so few deaths it was ok

If zip tie guy had had his way and they started hanging people....Well yea that would have been very bad and no doubt caused an overbearing reaction from the state.

I was prepared to watch them lynch pence tho. What an ironic death that would have been.

Okay, if you say shit like that, there's no taking you seriously. We aren't a democracy at that point, it's just mob rule...

Not a good thing. Again, imagine it's 2028, and President Harris incites an Antifa/BLM Mob to storm Congress and lynch some Republicans.

Democracy and mob rule are inseparable bud

And we're a republic

Which is why they wanted to lynch pence, they wanted him to use the powers given to him by our republican system
He had no legal authority in the process! None. His job, in that process, is to open and count. Period. Nothing more...nothing less.
BTW...We are a representative republic...which is...wait for it...a democratic form of govt.

I do note your acknowledgement of the intent of the Insurrectionists....I applaud your honesty.

You don't understand law if you think he had no process

He controlled the session and his powers were undefined

That by legal standards meant he had good faith options

Just like every VP has
I think it's good they got hte fear in them. Without corona i would be a bit disturbed. But this was the perfect time to show that the people still have a little spunk.

Considering there were so few deaths it was ok

If zip tie guy had had his way and they started hanging people....Well yea that would have been very bad and no doubt caused an overbearing reaction from the state.

I was prepared to watch them lynch pence tho. What an ironic death that would have been.

Okay, if you say shit like that, there's no taking you seriously. We aren't a democracy at that point, it's just mob rule...

Not a good thing. Again, imagine it's 2028, and President Harris incites an Antifa/BLM Mob to storm Congress and lynch some Republicans.

Democracy and mob rule are inseparable bud

And we're a republic

Which is why they wanted to lynch pence, they wanted him to use the powers given to him by our republican system
He had no legal authority in the process! None. His job, in that process, is to open and count. Period. Nothing more...nothing less.
BTW...We are a representative republic...which is...wait for it...a democratic form of govt.

I do note your acknowledgement of the intent of the Insurrectionists....I applaud your honesty.

You don't understand law if you think he had no process

He controlled the session and his powers were undefined

That by legal standards meant he had good faith options

Just like every VP has
He only had one good faith option..and he exercised it.

Everything else was extra-legal.

Pence chose America over Trump....kudos.
I think it's good they got hte fear in them. Without corona i would be a bit disturbed. But this was the perfect time to show that the people still have a little spunk.

Considering there were so few deaths it was ok

If zip tie guy had had his way and they started hanging people....Well yea that would have been very bad and no doubt caused an overbearing reaction from the state.

I was prepared to watch them lynch pence tho. What an ironic death that would have been.

Okay, if you say shit like that, there's no taking you seriously. We aren't a democracy at that point, it's just mob rule...

Not a good thing. Again, imagine it's 2028, and President Harris incites an Antifa/BLM Mob to storm Congress and lynch some Republicans.

Democracy and mob rule are inseparable bud

And we're a republic

Which is why they wanted to lynch pence, they wanted him to use the powers given to him by our republican system
He had no legal authority in the process! None. His job, in that process, is to open and count. Period. Nothing more...nothing less.
BTW...We are a representative republic...which is...wait for it...a democratic form of govt.

I do note your acknowledgement of the intent of the Insurrectionists....I applaud your honesty.

You don't understand law if you think he had no process

He controlled the session and his powers were undefined

That by legal standards meant he had good faith options

Just like every VP has
He only had one good faith option..and he exercised it.

Everything else was extra-legal.

Pence chose America over Trump....kudos.

All good faith requires is a possibly valid interpetation

One memo away from being in good faith doing basically wahtever he wants as "leader of the session" or whatever the phrase that is used. Unbelievably vague

Which means there are a myriad of good faith interpretations
BS, biden himself talked about a tax on each rifle and magazine, even if this one fails, there will be more coming down the pike. All with the intent of making it unaffordable for average and low income people to have a means of self defense.

I'm old enough to remember attempts to legislate against “N•gg•rtown Saturday Night Specials” (yes, the original form of that phrase did contain the racist slur, later removed to make the motive less obvious) and “Junk Guns”. Same basic intent—remove affordable guns from the market leaving only expensive guns that the lower and middle classes could not easily afford.
BS, biden himself talked about a tax on each rifle and magazine, even if this one fails, there will be more coming down the pike. All with the intent of making it unaffordable for average and low income people to have a means of self defense.

I'm old enough to remember attempts to legislate against “N•gg•rtown Saturday Night Specials” (yes, the original form of that phrase did contain the racist slur, later removed to make the motive less obvious) and “Junk Guns”. Same basic intent—remove affordable guns from the market leaving only expensive guns that the lower and middle classes could not easily afford.

Not the point, they want to tax the hell out of the guns you already have. quid pro joe floated 300 pre rifle and 300 per magazine that they disapprove of.

I think it's good they got hte fear in them. Without corona i would be a bit disturbed. But this was the perfect time to show that the people still have a little spunk.

Considering there were so few deaths it was ok

If zip tie guy had had his way and they started hanging people....Well yea that would have been very bad and no doubt caused an overbearing reaction from the state.

I was prepared to watch them lynch pence tho. What an ironic death that would have been.

Okay, if you say shit like that, there's no taking you seriously. We aren't a democracy at that point, it's just mob rule...

Not a good thing. Again, imagine it's 2028, and President Harris incites an Antifa/BLM Mob to storm Congress and lynch some Republicans.

Democracy and mob rule are inseparable bud

And we're a republic

Which is why they wanted to lynch pence, they wanted him to use the powers given to him by our republican system
He had no legal authority in the process! None. His job, in that process, is to open and count. Period. Nothing more...nothing less.
BTW...We are a representative republic...which is...wait for it...a democratic form of govt.

I do note your acknowledgement of the intent of the Insurrectionists....I applaud your honesty.

You don't understand law if you think he had no process

He controlled the session and his powers were undefined

That by legal standards meant he had good faith options

Just like every VP has
He only had one good faith option..and he exercised it.

Everything else was extra-legal.

Pence chose America over Trump....kudos.

All good faith requires is a possibly valid interpetation

One memo away from being in good faith doing basically wahtever he wants as "leader of the session" or whatever the phrase that is used. Unbelievably vague

Which means there are a myriad of good faith interpretations
In the world of rhetoric and are, no doubt, correct. people can, and do, argue everything in that light. Every good litigator will tell you that anything can be spun as anything--it does not mean that the prevailing view is the correct one, now does it? Possibly that's some really cotton candy! Who can resist a bite of that!
This board is rife with those who think they are masters of this..most are ludicrously mistaken~

However, in the world of ethics and in the spirit of the Constitution...Pence was correct and Trump was a putz for even suggesting it..especially given the unstinting support that Pence provided Trump..sometimes in the face of gross provocation.

1) Nobody voted to legalize abortion, it was a court decision.
2) Fetuses aren't people.
3) There were just as many abortions going on before Roe as after Roe. That's why the birth rate didn't drop in 1973, it actually went UP in 1975.
Yes, your death cult sure does like to pretend genetically-distinct human beings aren't human beings.

Leftists hate science.
Now, cards on the table, outlawing guns is going to be just as impractical as outlawing abortion. There are already too many guns out there. What we can do is make it harder for the wrong kind of people to get new guns, and hope the old ones just fall into disrepair.
News flash: Criminals don't obey the law. All gun laws do is make it harder for the law-abiding to protect themselves and their families.

Of course, you know that, and you have no problem with criminals going unopposed. Because, like all leftists, you don't give a shit if people are unsafe.

You just want people unable to resist leftist tyranny. That's it. End of story. You can deny it, but not rationally, not credibly.
I pray scum like him are held accountable.
Leftists don't do accountability. They blame other people for their fuck-ups.
Yes, your death cult sure does like to pretend genetically-distinct human beings aren't human beings.

Leftists hate science.

Uh, guy, 2/3rds of fertilized zygotes don't cling to the uterine wall, they are not considered human beings. We aren't holding funerals over tampons. We have a million miscarriages in this country, but they aren't investigated as homicides... which they should be if you truly think that fetuses are people.

Again, I'd be more impressed with you guys if you stop trying to yank food and health care away from actual children before I get all worked about your concern for fetuses.

News flash: Criminals don't obey the law. All gun laws do is make it harder for the law-abiding to protect themselves and their families.

Actually, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents.

Of course, you know that, and you have no problem with criminals going unopposed. Because, like all leftists, you don't give a shit if people are unsafe.

You just want people unable to resist leftist tyranny. That's it. End of story. You can deny it, but not rationally, not credibly.

Actually, what I want to do is be like the Europeans or Japanese... They don't have our crime rates because their crooks don't have access to guns. Also, they actually do something about poverty, mental illness and racism.
Goodness, you sure do hate science. But then, you're a Communist, so your grasp on reality is tenuous at best.

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