Does it make sense to register your guns with a government you might have to defend yourself against

  • Oh Yeah, absolutely

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Yes, your death cult sure does like to pretend genetically-distinct human beings aren't human beings.

Leftists hate science.

Uh, guy, 2/3rds of fertilized zygotes don't cling to the uterine wall, they are not considered human beings. We aren't holding funerals over tampons. We have a million miscarriages in this country, but they aren't investigated as homicides... which they should be if you truly think that fetuses are people.

Again, I'd be more impressed with you guys if you stop trying to yank food and health care away from actual children before I get all worked about your concern for fetuses.

News flash: Criminals don't obey the law. All gun laws do is make it harder for the law-abiding to protect themselves and their families.

Actually, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents.

Of course, you know that, and you have no problem with criminals going unopposed. Because, like all leftists, you don't give a shit if people are unsafe.

You just want people unable to resist leftist tyranny. That's it. End of story. You can deny it, but not rationally, not credibly.

Actually, what I want to do is be like the Europeans or Japanese... They don't have our crime rates because their crooks don't have access to guns. Also, they actually do something about poverty, mental illness and racism.

Our issue is poverty. Yea we could live in a police state and reduce crime like the japanese. Just as important to crime rates are privacy rights as gun ownership rights. With privacy rights you can hide your illegal gun. Europeans have much less robust civil liberties than we do. The Chinese have less problems with this because Chinese citizens have no expectations of privacy.

Swiss are very well armed for example, they aren't mowing each other down.

For the most part most murders are within your "racial" group. Ours is jacked up by an ultra violent portion of urban America. Mostly black and latino.

Only way to fix that is to bring up their wealth and assimilate them so they react with violence at similar rates to europeans. We're not going to magically get rid of their guns there are literally hundreds of millions out there.
Our issue is poverty. Yea we could live in a police state and reduce crime like the japanese. Just as important to crime rates are privacy rights as gun ownership rights. With privacy rights you can hide your illegal gun. Europeans have much less robust civil liberties than we do.

Okay, frankly, here's the thing. You guys whine about "Freedom" and "Liberty", but if we are building our whole society around the nut with the gun, to the point where we have gun free zones in every workplace, metal detectors, security guards, CCTV, Active Shooter Drills, electronic key cards in every workplace, sending our kids off with bullet proof backpacks when they go to school, are we really "Free"?

All this because the gun industry has promoted the fantasy than an obsolete amendment about militias entitles everyone to own a gun.
Our issue is poverty. Yea we could live in a police state and reduce crime like the japanese. Just as important to crime rates are privacy rights as gun ownership rights. With privacy rights you can hide your illegal gun. Europeans have much less robust civil liberties than we do.

Okay, frankly, here's the thing. You guys whine about "Freedom" and "Liberty", but if we are building our whole society around the nut with the gun, to the point where we have gun free zones in every workplace, metal detectors, security guards, CCTV, Active Shooter Drills, electronic key cards in every workplace, sending our kids off with bullet proof backpacks when they go to school, are we really "Free"?

All this because the gun industry has promoted the fantasy than an obsolete amendment about militias entitles everyone to own a gun.

I'm not a gun owner, but i also don't like being treated like a dog

As they do to Canadian and Austrlian citizens. A large part of that is being armed. Constiutions are not enough as corona lockdowns prove. Our rights are very easy to strip without the ability to ramp up the cost to the state

You saw it very recently. Large armed groups are not easy for the state to deal with without just mowing them down. It's very important we retain the ability to arm ourselves so our elites continue to fear us.

Let them have their barbed* wire and their concrete barricades around congress. This generation has enough fear in em to last a lifetime hahahaaha. But they may forget when our children grow

Just like you could reduce crime by curtailing speech rights.

Or any other number of rights you want to strip. It's not just all benefit, don't pretend it is. There may come a day when there is a Trump like figure in office and you like the idea of an armed citizenry. I find i like it no matter who is in power but i'm a cynic
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Feel free to provide the quote where Trump called covid a hoax and not the state run medias coverage of it.

Wow.>>> That didn't age well at all!

Also, don't think you avoiding the second question went unnoticed. I guess you agree with the feds intentionally doxing gun owners and making them vulnerable to home invasions.

Frankly, I want to know which of my neighbors have guns and might do something crazy.

You fucking propagandist, why don't you provide something that isn't so highly edited? Of course your masters fucked up when they included Trump saying they were going to do everything in their power to not only keep out the virus but, other health problems as well.

Also it's none of your fucking business what your neighbor owns or not. And you still didn't answer the question I actually asked.

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Yes, your death cult sure does like to pretend genetically-distinct human beings aren't human beings.

Leftists hate science.

Uh, guy, 2/3rds of fertilized zygotes don't cling to the uterine wall, they are not considered human beings. We aren't holding funerals over tampons. We have a million miscarriages in this country, but they aren't investigated as homicides... which they should be if you truly think that fetuses are people.

Again, I'd be more impressed with you guys if you stop trying to yank food and health care away from actual children before I get all worked about your concern for fetuses.

News flash: Criminals don't obey the law. All gun laws do is make it harder for the law-abiding to protect themselves and their families.

Actually, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents.

Of course, you know that, and you have no problem with criminals going unopposed. Because, like all leftists, you don't give a shit if people are unsafe.

You just want people unable to resist leftist tyranny. That's it. End of story. You can deny it, but not rationally, not credibly.

Actually, what I want to do is be like the Europeans or Japanese... They don't have our crime rates because their crooks don't have access to guns. Also, they actually do something about poverty, mental illness and racism.

Wow you're spewing damn lies all over that post. That "43 times" as been debunked endlessly, and most gun deaths are homicides committed by career criminals. With any luck you'll run across one of those guys real soon, be sure to call 911, the police are only minutes away when seconds count. Oh, and they have plenty of chalk and crime scene tape, just in case.

Our issue is poverty. Yea we could live in a police state and reduce crime like the japanese. Just as important to crime rates are privacy rights as gun ownership rights. With privacy rights you can hide your illegal gun. Europeans have much less robust civil liberties than we do.

Okay, frankly, here's the thing. You guys whine about "Freedom" and "Liberty", but if we are building our whole society around the nut with the gun, to the point where we have gun free zones in every workplace, metal detectors, security guards, CCTV, Active Shooter Drills, electronic key cards in every workplace, sending our kids off with bullet proof backpacks when they go to school, are we really "Free"?

All this because the gun industry has promoted the fantasy than an obsolete amendment about militias entitles everyone to own a gun.

I'm not a gun owner, but i also don't like being treated like a dog

As they do to Canadian and Austrlian citizens. A large part of that is being armed. Constiutions are not enough as corona lockdowns prove. Our rights are very easy to strip without the ability to ramp up the cost to the state

You saw it very recently. Large armed groups are not easy for the state to deal with without just mowing them down. It's very important we retain the ability to arm ourselves so our elites continue to fear us.

Let them have their barbed* wire and their concrete barricades around congress. This generation has enough fear in em to last a lifetime hahahaaha. But they may forget when our children grow

Just like you could reduce crime by curtailing speech rights.

Or any other number of rights you want to strip. It's not just all benefit, don't pretend it is. There may come a day when there is a Trump like figure in office and you like the idea of an armed citizenry. I find i like it no matter who is in power but i'm a cynic

Okay, I kind of see the argument you are making, but I go back to my original point. How much should I have to go out of my way because you want to own a gun.

I don't own a gun. I saw plenty of guns when I was in the Army. No need to see anymore.

But if we are carving our whole society around "A maniac with a gun can come around the corner and start shooting people". then that's not a freedom.

And if you really think that the angry mob that showed up at Congress was a good thing, I'm not sure what to do with you.

What happens when it's 2028, and an Antifa/BLM mob shows up?
Our issue is poverty. Yea we could live in a police state and reduce crime like the japanese. Just as important to crime rates are privacy rights as gun ownership rights. With privacy rights you can hide your illegal gun. Europeans have much less robust civil liberties than we do.

Okay, frankly, here's the thing. You guys whine about "Freedom" and "Liberty", but if we are building our whole society around the nut with the gun, to the point where we have gun free zones in every workplace, metal detectors, security guards, CCTV, Active Shooter Drills, electronic key cards in every workplace, sending our kids off with bullet proof backpacks when they go to school, are we really "Free"?

All this because the gun industry has promoted the fantasy than an obsolete amendment about militias entitles everyone to own a gun.

Actually it's the US Supreme Court that said gun ownership is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT. Why do you hate this country? Perhaps you should pack your shit up and move to Japan or China.

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Our issue is poverty. Yea we could live in a police state and reduce crime like the japanese. Just as important to crime rates are privacy rights as gun ownership rights. With privacy rights you can hide your illegal gun. Europeans have much less robust civil liberties than we do.

Okay, frankly, here's the thing. You guys whine about "Freedom" and "Liberty", but if we are building our whole society around the nut with the gun, to the point where we have gun free zones in every workplace, metal detectors, security guards, CCTV, Active Shooter Drills, electronic key cards in every workplace, sending our kids off with bullet proof backpacks when they go to school, are we really "Free"?

All this because the gun industry has promoted the fantasy than an obsolete amendment about militias entitles everyone to own a gun.

I'm not a gun owner, but i also don't like being treated like a dog

As they do to Canadian and Austrlian citizens. A large part of that is being armed. Constiutions are not enough as corona lockdowns prove. Our rights are very easy to strip without the ability to ramp up the cost to the state

You saw it very recently. Large armed groups are not easy for the state to deal with without just mowing them down. It's very important we retain the ability to arm ourselves so our elites continue to fear us.

Let them have their barbed* wire and their concrete barricades around congress. This generation has enough fear in em to last a lifetime hahahaaha. But they may forget when our children grow

Just like you could reduce crime by curtailing speech rights.

Or any other number of rights you want to strip. It's not just all benefit, don't pretend it is. There may come a day when there is a Trump like figure in office and you like the idea of an armed citizenry. I find i like it no matter who is in power but i'm a cynic

Okay, I kind of see the argument you are making, but I go back to my original point. How much should I have to go out of my way because you want to own a gun.

I don't own a gun. I saw plenty of guns when I was in the Army. No need to see anymore.

But if we are carving our whole society around "A maniac with a gun can come around the corner and start shooting people". then that's not a freedom.

And if you really think that the angry mob that showed up at Congress was a good thing, I'm not sure what to do with you.

What happens when it's 2028, and an Antifa/BLM mob shows up?

I think it's good they got hte fear in them. Without corona i would be a bit disturbed. But this was the perfect time to show that the people still have a little spunk.

Considering there were so few deaths it was ok

If zip tie guy had had his way and they started hanging people....Well yea that would have been very bad and no doubt caused an overbearing reaction from the state.

I was prepared to watch them lynch pence tho. What an ironic death that would have been.
Actually it's the US Supreme Court that said gun ownership is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT. Why do you hate this country? Perhaps you should pack your shit up and move to Japan or China.

Actually, that was a goofy ruling that ignored hundreds of years of precedent.

I love my country... I don't like that it's too easy for crazy people to get guns.

So I have a simple enough solution. Let the victims of gun violence sue the gun manufacturers. Bet you after that, the gun companies will be VERY selective as to who they sell to.
I think it's good they got hte fear in them. Without corona i would be a bit disturbed. But this was the perfect time to show that the people still have a little spunk.

Considering there were so few deaths it was ok

If zip tie guy had had his way and they started hanging people....Well yea that would have been very bad and no doubt caused an overbearing reaction from the state.

I was prepared to watch them lynch pence tho. What an ironic death that would have been.

Okay, if you say shit like that, there's no taking you seriously. We aren't a democracy at that point, it's just mob rule...

Not a good thing. Again, imagine it's 2028, and President Harris incites an Antifa/BLM Mob to storm Congress and lynch some Republicans.
I don't own a gun. I saw plenty of guns when I was in the Army. No need to see anymore.

Did you own a gun when you were a card carrying Republican and before you got kicked in the head by the donkey? Oh wait, it was supposedly a non-head related injury that caused a complete 180 on every political policy and every Republican politician past and present.

Nobody believes you were ever a Republican.
Did you own a gun when you were a card carrying Republican and before you got kicked in the head by the donkey? Oh wait, it was supposedly a non-head related injury that caused a complete 180 on every political policy and every Republican politician past and present.

Nobody believes you were ever a Republican.

I was in the army for 11 years. I handled enough guns to last me three lifetimes.

you see, there used to be a point when non-crazy Republicans supported sensible gun laws. Ronald Reagan supported the Brady Bill and Bush the Elder quit the NRA after they called Federal Agents "Jack Booted Thugs" after the Waco Mass suicide.

So prior to 2008, I supported sensible gun rights, like sensible Republicans did.

Unfortunately, this is another example of how the crazies took over the asylum. The last thing the National Rampage Association wants is guns kept out of the hands of criminals, because it means the 3% of the population that own 50% of the guns won't want to buy more.
"Democrats don't want our guns" ~ democrats

Not only do they want our guns, they want our money too. And, will do everything in their power to steal both.

Exactly. They have TOLD us this...yet the lefties on this board continue to lie and call it a CONSPIRACY THEORY!
Registration is not confiscation...and thus far, our country is in more danger from gun-toting wackos than it is from our stable, legitimate government.
There are wwwaaaaayyyy too many crazy bastards with guns running around this country, to the very great detriment of the General Welfare.

I seriously doubt that HR127 is going anywhere but if by some chance it does then it's probably not such a bad thing for the country, after all.

Right-wing whackoid Billy-Jo-Bob doesn't need 17 AR-15s and 23 Sigs and Glocks and two 55-gallon drums of ammo for home defense or for hunting.

This is just the Federal government ensuring that the Militia (at-large, the general population) is "well-regulated" with respect to firearms. No biggie.

Some sensible control over the types and quantities of firearms and ammunition that may be owned by private citizens is unquestionably long-overdue.

Want a rifle or two, or a pistol or two, or a shotgun or two? Fine. No problem.

Just undergo the background check for your license, register your firearms, and ensure that all transfers are submitted for ATF approval beforehand.

And do it exactly the same way in all 50 States et al of the Union - every citizen goes through the same process, no matter where he-or-she lives.

( the bit within HR127 about undergoing a psych-eval is just too precious for words, and is probably a great idea, but it'll never fly in this country )

The individual States have screwed this up into a tangled knot of sloppy control standards over the past several decades, so it's time for an intervention.

The time has come to either (a) force the States to adhere to a Federal standard in such matters or (b) assume that power on the Federal level.

It should prove fairly easy to conjure-up the necessary logic and legal precedent to close the deal.

( this from a FOID holder who has zero problem with obtaining a license and registering his weapons and proper storage and transaction-vetting )


Oh... and a final thought...

If you "last line of defense against tyranny" clowns were going to do anything along those lines, it would have been January 6. Epic fail. :auiqs.jpg:
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"Democrats don't want our guns" ~ democrats

Not only do they want our guns, they want our money too. And, will do everything in their power to steal both.

Exactly. They have TOLD us this...yet the lefties on this board continue to lie and call it a CONSPIRACY THEORY!
Registration is not confiscation...and thus far, our country is in more danger from gun-toting wackos than it is from our stable, legitimate government.

Have you read the bill?
I love my country... I don't like that it's too easy for crazy people to get guns
For that purpose you have to employ crooked Nazi war criminal doctors to adjudicate U.S. subjects as crazy or "mental defectives", shortlist them on National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) | Federal Bureau of Investigation, blackball them from all fields of gainful employment or business, and consign them to extreme poverty, starvation, and homelessness for the rest of their lives on Earth.

What a traitor and a sick bastard you are if you if you ever served in the U.S. Army, to turn your back on the Constitution like that.

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