Does it make sense to register your guns with a government you might have to defend yourself against

  • Oh Yeah, absolutely

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You don't think they will forget about that do you?

Forget about me ... I seriously doubt they will.

I'm pretty sure they know damn well what I have since I have purchased most of it since Federal Background Checks were required.
But as far as ammunition is concerned, it doesn't matter if they forget me or not.

I have the molds, dies, equipment, raw materials, accessories (like primers) and knowledge to load rounds for everything I own.
So much of it gathered over time, I have to store it in a concrete reinforced hole cut into the slab of the shop.
I keep the powder and other supplies locked up underground to help guard from exposure and/or a possible catastrophe.

Sure the government knows I buy powder and probably have a shitload on hand.
Sure the government knows what I own and the magnitude of complications messing with me would involve.

I don't want them to forget about me, I want them to know damn well who and what they are dealing with.
They trained me initially ... I fought under their command ... They know everything there is to know about me.
If they come after me ... They'll bring some serious hardware with them, that's for sure.

It would serve everyone better if they don't screw around and get stupid ... :thup:
As far as firearms, I don't really need anymore ... As far as ammunition, I won't be running out of it anytime soon.

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Texas does not have gun registration.
It's not official, as you can buy a gun in a private sale and it won't be registered to you. When you buy a new firearm at a retailer, your name and address will be linked to the serial number in a database.

If I kill a group of people with my AR, then toss it in a field somewhere. When it's found and compared ballistically to slugs and casings, they will come to my door and arrest me. To believe otherwise is naive.
Texas does not have gun registration.
It's not official, as you can buy a gun in a private sale and it won't be registered to you. When you buy a new firearm at a retailer, your name and address will be linked to the serial number in a database.

If I kill a group of people with my AR, then toss it in a field somewhere. When it's found and compared ballistically to slugs and casings, they will come to my door and arrest me. To believe otherwise is naive.

We were having arguments about gun registration around here, because State requirements require the destruction of records after 6 months.

Recently (during this last duck season) a friend's son, "forgot" his shotgun at the boat ramp after loading the boat up.
Although it was gone when he returned to the ramp after getting home without it, there were still some honest people to be found.

My friend got a call from the sheriff's department asking, "Did you buy a shotgun as a gift for your son at Bass Pro Shop, 2 years ago?"
He gave them the make and model, then they told him to come pick it up ... That argument was settled for good.

Texas does not have gun registration.
It's not official, as you can buy a gun in a private sale and it won't be registered to you. When you buy a new firearm at a retailer, your name and address will be linked to the serial number in a database.

If I kill a group of people with my AR, then toss it in a field somewhere. When it's found and compared ballistically to slugs and casings, they will come to my door and arrest me. To believe otherwise is naive.
That's not how it works exactly. The form you fill out is used to trace the gun if it is used in a crime. The firearm manufacturer sells the new gun to a FFL dealer. You buy it and if the the gun is found at a crime scene the police contact the gun maker and find out what FFL they sold it too. The police contact the gun dealer and he tells them who he sold it too. If you don't have the gun then they will require you to tell them what happened to it. If you sold back to a gun dealer they contact him and he will tell them who he sold it too. If you did kill people with an AR 15 and toss it into a field then yeah they will find you. A better thing would be to lose it in a boating accident, but the ATF has worked around that now.

flotation devices.jpg
So it's Trumps fault people didn't follow CDC guidance? You're fucking crazy. But how many do you think will die when they make this registration list available to every criminal in the country?

It was when Trump called it a hoax, brought out Quack Doctors like Stella Emmanuel (AKA Dr. Demon Sperm) and Scott Atlas to spread bullshit, held super spreader events.

The man couldn't even protect himself and his family from Covid...
You Keep saying they will take our guns every time a Democrat is elected, and every year more guns are bought than the last year. Guns are not toys Handle them with care.
So it's Trumps fault people didn't follow CDC guidance? You're fucking crazy. But how many do you think will die when they make this registration list available to every criminal in the country?

It was when Trump called it a hoax, brought out Quack Doctors like Stella Emmanuel (AKA Dr. Demon Sperm) and Scott Atlas to spread bullshit, held super spreader events.

The man couldn't even protect himself and his family from Covid...

Feel free to provide the quote where Trump called covid a hoax and not the state run medias coverage of it.

Also, don't think you avoiding the second question went unnoticed. I guess you agree with the feds intentionally doxing gun owners and making them vulnerable to home invasions.

You Keep saying they will take our guns every time a Democrat is elected, and every year more guns are bought than the last year. Guns are not toys Handle them with care.

Did you bother to read the language of the bill? They will be taking the guns from poor people who can't afford the medical exams, licenses and insurance required. This is an unconstitutional imposition on the law abiding, criminals can't be forced to comply or be prosecuted for not complying.


1) Nobody voted to legalize abortion, it was a court decision.
2) Fetuses aren't people.
3) There were just as many abortions going on before Roe as after Roe. That's why the birth rate didn't drop in 1973, it actually went UP in 1975.

Now, cards on the table, outlawing guns is going to be just as impractical as outlawing abortion. There are already too many guns out there. What we can do is make it harder for the wrong kind of people to get new guns, and hope the old ones just fall into disrepair.

So if fetuses aren't people, where do people come from?

You have to believe in magic. When a baby is born, an invisible lawyer fairy has to review all the paperwork to make sure the baby is wanted by the birth mother (no one else can intervene and say they want the baby to live). If, and only if, it is determined against all odds that the baby is actually wanted, the lawyer fairy sprinkles his magic dust on the baby and viola, a person comes into being where only a coordinated mass of cells with a complete circulatory system, digestion system and functioning brain existed a mere second before. Until the lawyer fairy sprinkles his dust, the baby can be destroyed in ways more horrific than we would allow to be done to vicious animals, because they're not people, and reasons, and just shut up and sit down!
My brother in law in NJ had to go through a multi month process just to get a shotgun. If only they treated getting a voter ID the same
New Jersey is one of the most stringent states in the U.S. when it comes to possession of a firearm. It even presents legal issues for people who are transporting their weapon(s) and happen to get stopped or stuck in New Jersey along the way, they can be arrested for violation of the gun laws there.

Maryland and California aren't quite as bad but certainly not much better.

1) Nobody voted to legalize abortion, it was a court decision.
2) Fetuses aren't people.
3) There were just as many abortions going on before Roe as after Roe. That's why the birth rate didn't drop in 1973, it actually went UP in 1975.
Yes, your death cult sure does like to pretend genetically-distinct human beings aren't human beings.

Leftists hate science.
Now, cards on the table, outlawing guns is going to be just as impractical as outlawing abortion. There are already too many guns out there. What we can do is make it harder for the wrong kind of people to get new guns, and hope the old ones just fall into disrepair.
News flash: Criminals don't obey the law. All gun laws do is make it harder for the law-abiding to protect themselves and their families.

Of course, you know that, and you have no problem with criminals going unopposed. Because, like all leftists, you don't give a shit if people are unsafe.

You just want people unable to resist leftist tyranny. That's it. End of story. You can deny it, but not rationally, not credibly.
So it's Trumps fault people didn't follow CDC guidance? You're fucking crazy. But how many do you think will die when they make this registration list available to every criminal in the country?

It was when Trump called it a hoax, brought out Quack Doctors like Stella Emmanuel (AKA Dr. Demon Sperm) and Scott Atlas to spread bullshit, held super spreader events.

The man couldn't even protect himself and his family from Covid...

Feel free to provide the quote where Trump called covid a hoax and not the state run medias coverage of it.

Also, don't think you avoiding the second question went unnoticed. I guess you agree with the feds intentionally doxing gun owners and making them vulnerable to home invasions.

Iosef supports criminals and wants them to have a safe working environment.
So it's Trumps fault people didn't follow CDC guidance? You're fucking crazy. But how many do you think will die when they make this registration list available to every criminal in the country?

It was when Trump called it a hoax, brought out Quack Doctors like Stella Emmanuel (AKA Dr. Demon Sperm) and Scott Atlas to spread bullshit, held super spreader events.

The man couldn't even protect himself and his family from Covid...

Feel free to provide the quote where Trump called covid a hoax and not the state run medias coverage of it.

Also, don't think you avoiding the second question went unnoticed. I guess you agree with the feds intentionally doxing gun owners and making them vulnerable to home invasions.

The liars keep spewing the same lies over and over.

1) Nobody voted to legalize abortion, it was a court decision.
2) Fetuses aren't people.
3) There were just as many abortions going on before Roe as after Roe. That's why the birth rate didn't drop in 1973, it actually went UP in 1975.
Yes, your death cult sure does like to pretend genetically-distinct human beings aren't human beings.

Leftists hate science.
Now, cards on the table, outlawing guns is going to be just as impractical as outlawing abortion. There are already too many guns out there. What we can do is make it harder for the wrong kind of people to get new guns, and hope the old ones just fall into disrepair.
News flash: Criminals don't obey the law. All gun laws do is make it harder for the law-abiding to protect themselves and their families.

Of course, you know that, and you have no problem with criminals going unopposed. Because, like all leftists, you don't give a shit if people are unsafe.

You just want people unable to resist leftist tyranny. That's it. End of story. You can deny it, but not rationally, not credibly.
I pray scum like him are held accountable.
Feel free to provide the quote where Trump called covid a hoax and not the state run medias coverage of it.

Wow.>>> That didn't age well at all!

Also, don't think you avoiding the second question went unnoticed. I guess you agree with the feds intentionally doxing gun owners and making them vulnerable to home invasions.

Frankly, I want to know which of my neighbors have guns and might do something crazy.
Yes, your death cult sure does like to pretend genetically-distinct human beings aren't human beings.

Leftists hate science.

Uh, guy, 2/3rds of fertilized zygotes don't cling to the uterine wall, they are not considered human beings. We aren't holding funerals over tampons. We have a million miscarriages in this country, but they aren't investigated as homicides... which they should be if you truly think that fetuses are people.

Again, I'd be more impressed with you guys if you stop trying to yank food and health care away from actual children before I get all worked about your concern for fetuses.

News flash: Criminals don't obey the law. All gun laws do is make it harder for the law-abiding to protect themselves and their families.

Actually, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents.

Of course, you know that, and you have no problem with criminals going unopposed. Because, like all leftists, you don't give a shit if people are unsafe.

You just want people unable to resist leftist tyranny. That's it. End of story. You can deny it, but not rationally, not credibly.

Actually, what I want to do is be like the Europeans or Japanese... They don't have our crime rates because their crooks don't have access to guns. Also, they actually do something about poverty, mental illness and racism.

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