That Kim Jung Un is a pretty smart "rocket man"

You may have heard the ridiculing of Obama's Iran deal by Trump ass kissers........but the deal that KJU is cajoling Trump to make is much more juicy.

First, no moron should conclude that KJU will give up his nukes just for the opportunity to shake hands with an orange buffoon.....What KJU is doing is an attempt to lift the crippling sanctions to his hell-hole of a country.

Now, Obama negotiated his deal with Iran from the oval office, and that deal has proven valid.....Trump having to go to the Korean peninsula with a list of concessions to KJU kind of makes the "great-deal maker" a bit of a patsy.

I sincerely hope that tensions will ease with NK, and sacrificing the pride of this sham of a president would be well worth it.

At "least you" admit your "love for the little" tyrant, I'll give "you" that

Fantastic "conclusion" there Kaz.......Don't forget to wipe flush and wash your hands after such brilliant retorts.........(.what an asshole with reading comprehension

Come now Gnat, isn't it your hope that Kim Jong Un humiliates Trump? Isn't it a fact that a peace accord is the last thing you or your masters at the hate sites want?

You may not love Un, but your hatred of Trump seethes in you to a point that you would happily see New York or San Francisco nuked if it would hurt Donald Trump.

We all know it, it is just how you traitor fucks are.

Yep. Gnat's "loyalties are clearly" against the "United" States
You may have heard the ridiculing of Obama's Iran deal by Trump ass kissers........but the deal that KJU is cajoling Trump to make is much more juicy.

First, no moron should conclude that KJU will give up his nukes just for the opportunity to shake hands with an orange buffoon.....What KJU is doing is an attempt to lift the crippling sanctions to his hell-hole of a country.

Now, Obama negotiated his deal with Iran from the oval office, and that deal has proven valid.....Trump having to go to the Korean peninsula with a list of concessions to KJU kind of makes the "great-deal maker" a bit of a patsy.

I sincerely hope that tensions will ease with NK, and sacrificing the pride of this sham of a president would be well worth it.

At "least you" admit your "love for the little" tyrant, I'll give "you" that

Fantastic "conclusion" there Kaz.......Don't forget to wipe flush and wash your hands after such brilliant retorts.........(.what an asshole with reading comprehension

That's "your" retort and "you talk about my" retorts, gnat? Seriously?
A fucking "peace accord"???.....
(please do NOT breed more idiots like you into this planet....please......LOL

As I said, a denuclearized North would be a disaster for you democrats.

You'll do anything you can to further the goals of Kim Jong Un, and thwart those of the USA.

Yeah, you're a traitor. It's how you scum act now.

You need to be put down, your whole filthy party does. You are traitors engaged in civil war against us. About time we dealt with you like we did last time you pulled this shit, when you wanted to keep your slaves.
Realizing that Twitler is not good for the US does not make one a enemy of the US.
Some idiot wrote, "Trump is the only one to bring them to the table with no preconditions and the intent of NKs disarmament"

North Korea rejects idea of talks without preconditions with U.S. Rodong Sinmun editorial says North is not interested in Rex Tillerson's suggestion
North Korea rejects idea of talks without preconditions with U.S. | NK News - North Korea News

White House suggests additional preconditions to US-North Korea meeting
Video: White House suggests additional preconditions to US-North Korea meeting

Didn't bother to read or watch your links, did ya fakey?

My links are quite clear. Trump said there were no conditions then there were conditions, and "little rocket man" said, 'oh, yeah?'

And OKTexas said, 'wut?'
You may have heard the ridiculing of Obama's Iran deal by Trump ass kissers........but the deal that KJU is cajoling Trump to make is much more juicy.

First, no moron should conclude that KJU will give up his nukes just for the opportunity to shake hands with an orange buffoon.....What KJU is doing is an attempt to lift the crippling sanctions to his hell-hole of a country.

Now, Obama negotiated his deal with Iran from the oval office, and that deal has proven valid.....Trump having to go to the Korean peninsula with a list of concessions to KJU kind of makes the "great-deal maker" a bit of a patsy.

I sincerely hope that tensions will ease with NK, and sacrificing the pride of this sham of a president would be well worth it.

At "least you" admit your "love for the little" tyrant, I'll give "you" that
The Left is hoping for the worst, and they're not doing a terribly good job of hiding it.

Several pro-KJU posts over the last few days. Not exactly a surprise.

It doesn't matter what the outcome is, they will call it the worst like everything else Trump did.
I think the two would get along well.

Trump just wants them to give him respect and lots of praise, which they probably would on a state visit.

He'd probably like it even more than Saudi Arabia. He'll probably try to commission gigantic portraits of himself like they have of the Korean leaders there, once he comes back to the U.S.
I think the two would get along well.

Trump just wants them to give him respect and lots of praise, which they probably would on a state visit.

He'd probably like it even more than Saudi Arabia. He'll probably try to commission gigantic portraits of himself like they have of the Korean leaders there, once he comes back to the U.S.

You're a waste of skin. This is just partisan butt hurt. You could say the exact same thing about every politician. But you don't. Pull the stick out. It's rammed pretty deep in there. I'd use a LOT of lubricant
You swallow, kaz. Yep. All politicians are crazy for applause, but your boy Trump takes it to the top of Mt. Olympus. Grow up.
You may have heard the ridiculing of Obama's Iran deal by Trump ass kissers........but the deal that KJU is cajoling Trump to make is much more juicy.

First, no moron should conclude that KJU will give up his nukes just for the opportunity to shake hands with an orange buffoon.....What KJU is doing is an attempt to lift the crippling sanctions to his hell-hole of a country.

Now, Obama negotiated his deal with Iran from the oval office, and that deal has proven valid.....Trump having to go to the Korean peninsula with a list of concessions to KJU kind of makes the "great-deal maker" a bit of a patsy.

I sincerely hope that tensions will ease with NK, and sacrificing the pride of this sham of a president would be well worth it.

I agree! Trump is being played - or just trying to divert attention away from all his domestic scandals.

Lucy Jong Un & Charlie Trump

Peace in Korea is pretty insignificant when Dotard pours gasoline on the Middle East after setting it on fire.
You may have heard the ridiculing of Obama's Iran deal by Trump ass kissers........but the deal that KJU is cajoling Trump to make is much more juicy.

First, no moron should conclude that KJU will give up his nukes just for the opportunity to shake hands with an orange buffoon.....What KJU is doing is an attempt to lift the crippling sanctions to his hell-hole of a country.

Now, Obama negotiated his deal with Iran from the oval office, and that deal has proven valid.....Trump having to go to the Korean peninsula with a list of concessions to KJU kind of makes the "great-deal maker" a bit of a patsy.

I sincerely hope that tensions will ease with NK, and sacrificing the pride of this sham of a president would be well worth it.

valid? what was good about the Iran deal?
Trumps already gotten more from NKorea than Obama ever got out of Iran.

OH BOY! Iranian Regime Threatens to Release Names of Western Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal

I mean they bribed people to pass or endorse that piece of shit.....Iran deal was horrible
I think standing next to a dotard, Kim Jong Un comes off as pretty smart

Otherwise he is just a petty tyrant
valid? what was good about the Iran deal?
Trumps already gotten more from NKorea than Obama ever got out of Iran.

OH BOY! Iranian Regime Threatens to Release Names of Western Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal

I mean they bribed people to pass or endorse that piece of shit.....Iran deal was horrible

You really should STOP getting all your information from Russian puppet publications

A journalist sacked by the Kremlin-funded Sputnik news network claimed that right-wing U.S. outlets regularly disseminate fake news and conspiracy theories touted by the site.

Sputnik’s influence on right-wing, pro-Trump, news websites is pervasive: “Many of the most popular articles about things like WikiLeaks and “pizzagate” conspiracy theories were prominently featured on the Sputnik website,”

These fake stories get picked up by other American outlets – by Daily Caller, Infowars, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit – right-wing media outlets, and Sputnik functions as part of this right-wing media ecosystem.

Pro-Trump site The Gateway Pundit ran with Russian propaganda mentioned in Mueller indictment
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valid? what was good about the Iran deal?
Trumps already gotten more from NKorea than Obama ever got out of Iran.

OH BOY! Iranian Regime Threatens to Release Names of Western Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal

I mean they bribed people to pass or endorse that piece of shit.....Iran deal was horrible

You really should STOP getting all your information from Russian puppet publications

A journalist sacked by the Kremlin-funded Sputnik news network claimed that right-wing U.S. outlets regularly disseminate fake news and conspiracy theories touted by the site.

Sputnik’s influence on right-wing, pro-Trump, news websites is pervasive: “Many of the most popular articles about things like WikiLeaks and “pizzagate” conspiracy theories were prominently featured on the Sputnik website,”

These fake stories get picked up by other American outlets – by Daily Caller, Infowars, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit – right-wing media outlets, and Sputnik functions as part of this right-wing media ecosystem.

Pro-Trump site The Gateway Pundit ran with Russian propaganda mentioned in Mueller indictment

OMG when did lefties hate Russia?

This is really believe Trump will be impeached...can someone put nat on suicide watch?

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