That 'Plaid Shirt Guy' who dared not to cheer for Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
So before getting his VIP prime seating, they tried to make this dude wear a MAGA hat and told the group they must cheer wildly at Dear Leader's every word. Once removed, the Secret Service held him for ten minutes and then told him not to come back. Folks, this is murderous tinhorn dictator material. Time to end a pathetic little shit-show. Oh - Tyler will be 18 soon. Guess who he won't be voting for in 2020? :)

Donald Trump doesn't like to be criticized. Time and time again, he has lashed out at those who dare utter an unkind word about him -- be they members of Congress, the media or even late-night comedians.

But now Team Trump apparently has a new demand: Enthusiastically cheer Trump or be banished.
That's the lesson that 17-year-old Tyler Linfesty, now known as "plaid shirt guy," found out at Trump's campaign rally last Thursday in Montana. Linfesty, a high school senior, was positioned directly behind Trump during his speech. But, a short time into the speech, a person involved with the rally approached him and stated: "I'm gonna replace you."

And as a person with critical thinking skills, Linfesty expressed his sentiments through subtle facial gestures. For example, when Trump brought up the 2016 election results (yes, it's 20 months later and Trump clearly still hasn't come to terms with Hillary Clinton drubbing him by nearly 3 million votes in the popular election) and claimed it's harder to win the electoral college than the popular vote, Linfesty looked skeptical.

And when Trump shared his strategy of how he could've easily won the popular vote with the line, "you go to three or four states, then boom-boom-boom ... you win," we could see Linfesty subtly turn to people near him and mouthed, "What?"​

Full plus video:

'Plaid shirt guy' dared to question Trump (opinion) - CNN

So before getting his VIP prime seating, they tried to make this dude wear a MAGA hat and told the group they must cheer wildly at Dear Leader's every word. Once removed, the Secret Service held him for ten minutes and then told him not to come back. Folks, this is murderous tinhorn dictator material. Time to end a pathetic little shit-show. Oh - Tyler will be 18 soon. Guess who he won't be voting for in 2020? :)

Donald Trump doesn't like to be criticized. Time and time again, he has lashed out at those who dare utter an unkind word about him -- be they members of Congress, the media or even late-night comedians.

But now Team Trump apparently has a new demand: Enthusiastically cheer Trump or be banished.
That's the lesson that 17-year-old Tyler Linfesty, now known as "plaid shirt guy," found out at Trump's campaign rally last Thursday in Montana. Linfesty, a high school senior, was positioned directly behind Trump during his speech. But, a short time into the speech, a person involved with the rally approached him and stated: "I'm gonna replace you."

And as a person with critical thinking skills, Linfesty expressed his sentiments through subtle facial gestures. For example, when Trump brought up the 2016 election results (yes, it's 20 months later and Trump clearly still hasn't come to terms with Hillary Clinton drubbing him by nearly 3 million votes in the popular election) and claimed it's harder to win the electoral college than the popular vote, Linfesty looked skeptical.

And when Trump shared his strategy of how he could've easily won the popular vote with the line, "you go to three or four states, then boom-boom-boom ... you win," we could see Linfesty subtly turn to people near him and mouthed, "What?"​

Full plus video:

'Plaid shirt guy' dared to question Trump (opinion) - CNN

You need to go back to grade school and learn how to count...
More people voted for the conservative/libertarian candidates then the progressive shit stains...
So shut the fuck up

Candidate Party Popular Votes
Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 1,457,050
Why are all your heroes under age?

Because only millennials or younger will believe that crap.

Those damn millennials and younger who will be out voting by the butt-ton on 11-6 /
Those ones? :)

Yeah, like they voted Hillary in. Oh wait...................

Nope - A lot of people didn't vote for Hillary .. including Obama voters.
The DNC WILL keep their thumb off the scale this time around.
77% of Dems want a fresh face in 2020.
Why are all your heroes under age?

Because only millennials or younger will believe that crap.

Those damn millennials and younger who will be out voting by the butt-ton on 11-6 /
Those ones? :)

Yeah, like they voted Hillary in. Oh wait...................

Nope - A lot of people didn't vote for Hillary .. including Obama voters.
The DNC WILL keep their thumb off the scale this time around.
77% of Dems want a fresh face in 2020.

That's less than 35% of voters.
DrLove said:
The DNC WILL keep their thumb off the scale this time around.
77% of Dems want a fresh face in 2020.
How Many Of The Millennials Going To The Polls For The First Time
Remember Their Parents Drawing Unemployment
And What It Was Like To Live On Assistance

Maybe Most But Democrats Are Ignoring Your Pollsters
Since Your Polls Were All Wrong Before
Why are all your heroes under age?

Because only millennials or younger will believe that crap.

Those damn millennials and younger who will be out voting by the butt-ton on 11-6 /
Those ones? :)

Yeah, like they voted Hillary in. Oh wait...................

Nope - A lot of people didn't vote for Hillary .. including Obama voters.
The DNC WILL keep their thumb off the scale this time around.
77% of Dems want a fresh face in 2020.

That's less than 35% of voters.

Go back to bed

Why are all your heroes under age?

Because only millennials or younger will believe that crap.

Those damn millennials and younger who will be out voting by the butt-ton on 11-6 /
Those ones? :)

Yeah, like they voted Hillary in. Oh wait...................

Nope - A lot of people didn't vote for Hillary .. including Obama voters.
The DNC WILL keep their thumb off the scale this time around.
77% of Dems want a fresh face in 2020.
Is that why the old hag still tops the list?

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