That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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How is equal rights fascist exactly?
It's not equal rights. It's coercive privilege. Homos already had the same right to marry a person of the opposite gender just as heteros do. Homos want privileges granted that involve others for no reason. That is coercion. Heteros can procreate, homos cannot. Not with each other. That is the very legit distinction. Why grant privileges that involve others for what is a completely personal and irrelevant behavior choice? Logically, that opens the door to anything.

There is a reason all of these arguments failed so miserably in almost every courthouse across the nation. It b/c they are outlandishly stupid. Your procreation standard for marriage doesn't exists and applies to no one and yet you insist it must apply for gays to get married. Yeah, no, we're not going to do that.
The procreation argument is the foundation of marriage. It wasn't explained because, like the inventor of the glove, no one felt it needed to be.
This is why the homo agenda has kept the argument in the religious realm. To avoid an inevitable loss in the social science.

Procreation isn't a standard in this nation to get married. If it was the state would take away all the marriages of those that cannot or will not have children. It doesn't exist and it applies to no one. It is a standard purely pulled out thin air in a lame attempt to deny gays access to marriage. The vast and overwhelming majority of the courts across the nation agreed as well.
Those who cannot procreate were afforded adoption privileges. Something homos should not be allowed (except in extenuating circumstances) because they don't provide a mother and a father. Current news. Get with it it. Come into the future and progress a little.

Not one thing you posted changes the fact that having children isn't a requirement for marriage in this nation.

Oh please, you wouldn't know progress if it fell out of the sky and hit you in the lap.
Not one thing you posted changes the fact that having children isn't a requirement for marriage in this nation.

Oh please, you wouldn't know progress if it fell out of the sky and hit you in the lap.

mdk, how do you suppose it will matter if it is found through Whitehouse logs that this rainbow light display was being set up and tested before June 26, 2015?
Not one thing you posted changes the fact that having children isn't a requirement for marriage in this nation.

Oh please, you wouldn't know progress if it fell out of the sky and hit you in the lap.

mdk, how do you suppose it will matter if it is found through Whitehouse logs that this rainbow light display was being set up and tested before June 26, 2015?

I know you think there is some wild conspiracy of collusion between The White House and The Supreme Court; however, like all of your previous conspiracy theories you have jack and shit to back up your claims.
Anybody stop to think about how much Global Warming pollution was caused by running the generators to make electricity for Regime Obama's Little Light Show.

Where IS Algore's righteous religious wrath over this abuse of his planet?
As true as that may be, consider this, how much energy will be saved by gays being married and living in the same house vs maintaining two homes if single. and they will carpool to the store and other places.
Gay marriage is good for the environment.
Not one thing you posted changes the fact that having children isn't a requirement for marriage in this nation.

Oh please, you wouldn't know progress if it fell out of the sky and hit you in the lap.

mdk, how do you suppose it will matter if it is found through Whitehouse logs that this rainbow light display was being set up and tested before June 26, 2015?

I know you think there is some wild conspiracy of collusion between The White House and The Supreme Court; however, like all of your previous conspiracy theories you have jack and shit to back up your claims.

And Jack didn't come to work today, or as we usually call it, "Jack off".

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

Fun to watch the bellyaching.

How do you reckon that this is somehow a "middle finger" to more than half of the country? Or are you just grumpy and now you need your nappy time?


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And in case some of you may have missed the bigger point of this thread, if Whitehouse logs show that display getting set up and tested before June 26, 2015, there's a BIG problem of evident collusion between the Executive and Judical branches of government. A conspiracy to remove democracy from the People. Thought I'd just point out that elephant in the living room..

Given your confidence, will you search out the Whitehouse logs and tell me when the workers were on site installing the colored filters and testing them for an accurate display "when the decision comes down"? Or does an investigation into those logs at that precise time rattle you a bit? Maybe it might turn out this happened BEFORE the June 26, 2015 Ruling?

I already answered your question in post 180-something:

And closest "timeline" I can find: For Obama rainbow White House was a moment worth savoring - The Washington Post
"Aditi Hardikar, the LGBT liaison in the White House Office of Public Engagement, first floated the idea of lighting up the residence a few weeks ago, and White House senior advisers Valerie Jarrett and Tina Tchen worked with outside groups to pull off the move."

That article was posted 6/30/2014, so Valerie and Tina likely started planning this around mid to late May, after they got the presidents approval. Testing, max, one night; all they have to do is flip off every other light and check the alignment - they didn't even move any of the lights if you look at the light placement in other pictures; it's almost like it was meant to be...

There is no conspiracy here, ANYONE with an iota of legal sense knew how the SCOTUS was going to rule on this. Plus even if they had the shit set up in advance and it went the other way, so what? They remove the gels/push "white" on the LED remote panel - 30minutes max - and colored lights don't happen.
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We only have a year and half left for these pukes to crap all over us.

please DON'T vote them for President come 2016 OR EVER again
Christian activists have promoted the criminalization of homosexuality since the founding of the country- and not only homosexuality- but the kinds of sex that any consenting adults can have in private.

Only because of Supreme Court rulings have those laws been overturned.

You call that condoning perversion- I call it getting Big Brother out of our bedrooms.

and I call it the slow erosion of values for our society toward and "anything goes" and "everything is relative" thought process". Time will tell..... once you get a ball rolling it's hard to stop it.

And right now the ball is rolling along the path of Equal Rights.

... will the next group of degenerates please stand in line ... the USA will gladly give you Equal Rights and further the moral decay of our society much to the pleasure of our enemies!

What you call 'degenerates' I call Americans.

Glad we are keeping you from having the Government in our bedrooms.

they never were in our bedrooms. that's just a line people like to say/ use to try to make others think they ever were.
it's just silly

Actually they were.

Read Lawrence v. Texas- it will help relieve your ignorance.
We the people are free to not be discriminated against. The people includes gay people. No matter how much you cry, this is a victory for the civil rights of all Americans.
And then your asshole president goes and puts up that homofascist display, discriminating against dissenters.
How is equal rights fascist exactly?
It's not equal rights. It's coercive privilege. Homos already had the same right to marry a person of the opposite gender just as heteros do. Homos want privileges granted that involve others for no reason. That is coercion. Heteros can procreate, homos cannot. Not with each other. That is the very legit distinction. Why grant privileges that involve others for what it a completely personal and irrelevant behavior choice? Logically, that opens the door to anything.
Not this shit again.

Gay couples should be able to marry for love, just like straight couples.
And the protection of legal marriage in case that love results in a baby is what legal marriage provides. Completely moot for homos. Instead, legal marriage for homos generates the excuse to contrive unstructured families. Empirically proven to be bad for society. Get with it. Come into the future and progress a little.

Legal marriage doesn't care whether there is any possibility of a baby being created or not.

Matter of fact- Wisconsin required some couples to prove that they could not have a baby together before Wisconsin would allow them to legally married.

And you wouldn't know what was 'empirically proven' if it slapped you in the face.
As with many groups, once they sense they have any kind of leverage, they abuse it.

And will continue to do so as long as the political machine (which includes the media) hangs around for the joy-ride.

When did this discussion turn to the Tea Party?
You mean because of the people.
No, in spite. Those who agree would be moot.
We the people are free to not be discriminated against. The people includes gay people. No matter how much you cry, this is a victory for the civil rights of all Americans.
And then your asshole president goes and puts up that homofascist display, discriminating against dissenters.
How is equal rights fascist exactly?
It's not equal rights. It's coercive privilege. Homos already had the same right to marry a person of the opposite gender just as heteros do. Homos want privileges granted that involve others for no reason. That is coercion. Heteros can procreate, homos cannot. Not with each other. That is the very legit distinction. Why grant privileges that involve others for what is a completely personal and irrelevant behavior choice? Logically, that opens the door to anything.

Just like blacks in Virginia had the same right to marry a person of the same color- just as whites did.
Homosexuals wanted to be able to marry the person they wanted to marry- just as my wife and I did, just as the Lovings did.
No one is coercing you to get 'gay married'- really you have an odd viewpoint of the word 'coercion' since the only ones who were being 'coerced' were same gender couples who were told they could not marry.

Now- no one is being coerced.

Life is good- well except for the bigots.
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

I'm not racist, sexist, or homophobic, so I'm not insulted.
You speak for everyone?

You don't speak for "Americans", either - and this thread is most certainly about butthurt.

The fact that you were "insulted" by the lights on the White House is your own issue to deal with, not mine.
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

I'm not racist, sexist, or homophobic, so I'm not insulted.
You speak for everyone?

You don't speak for "Americans", either - and this thread is most certainly about butthurt.

The fact that you were "insulted" by the lights on the White House is your own issue to deal with, not mine.
I speak for Americans who were insulted and there are plenty of us. Considering that the president is supposed to represent all of the people his display was rude and in poor taste. Selfish homos who like to have their butts hurt can't get past their own agenda.
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

I'm not racist, sexist, or homophobic, so I'm not insulted.
You speak for everyone?

You don't speak for "Americans", either - and this thread is most certainly about butthurt.

The fact that you were "insulted" by the lights on the White House is your own issue to deal with, not mine.
I speak for Americans who were insulted and there are plenty of us. Considering that the president is supposed to represent all of the people his display was rude and in poor taste. Selfish homos who like to have their butts hurt can't get past their own agenda.


How many is "plenty", exactly? Did they all vote to make you their spokesperson?

The fact that you were "insulted" by the White House sharing in celebration with millions of couples around the country who now have the ability to marry who they choose says much more about you than it does the President.

You guys lost, and most Americans are happy about it.

Deal with your butthurt.
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

I'm not racist, sexist, or homophobic, so I'm not insulted.
You speak for everyone?

You don't speak for "Americans", either - and this thread is most certainly about butthurt.

The fact that you were "insulted" by the lights on the White House is your own issue to deal with, not mine.
I speak for Americans who were insulted and there are plenty of us. Considering that the president is supposed to represent all of the people his display was rude and in poor taste. Selfish homos who like to have their butts hurt can't get past their own agenda.

What about selfish people who want to control everyone else's lives?
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

I'm not racist, sexist, or homophobic, so I'm not insulted.
You speak for everyone?

You don't speak for "Americans", either - and this thread is most certainly about butthurt.

The fact that you were "insulted" by the lights on the White House is your own issue to deal with, not mine.
I speak for Americans who were insulted and there are plenty of us. Considering that the president is supposed to represent all of the people his display was rude and in poor taste. Selfish homos who like to have their butts hurt can't get past their own agenda.


How many is "plenty", exactly? Did they all vote to make you their spokesperson?

The fact that you were "insulted" by the White House sharing in celebration with millions of couples around the country who now have the ability to marry who they choose says much more about you than it does the President.

You guys lost, and most Americans are happy about it.

Deal with your butthurt.

How do you know most Americans are happy about it. You go take a poll or something? that is only your opinion like everyone else has one. so you deal with it
No, it's about Americans being insulted.

I'm not racist, sexist, or homophobic, so I'm not insulted.
You speak for everyone?

You don't speak for "Americans", either - and this thread is most certainly about butthurt.

The fact that you were "insulted" by the lights on the White House is your own issue to deal with, not mine.
I speak for Americans who were insulted and there are plenty of us. Considering that the president is supposed to represent all of the people his display was rude and in poor taste. Selfish homos who like to have their butts hurt can't get past their own agenda.


How many is "plenty", exactly? Did they all vote to make you their spokesperson?

The fact that you were "insulted" by the White House sharing in celebration with millions of couples around the country who now have the ability to marry who they choose says much more about you than it does the President.

You guys lost, and most Americans are happy about it.

Deal with your butthurt.
I'm sure quit a few sheeple not unlike yourself were excited by Dred Scott, too.

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