That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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In the 10 or so hours of daylight left after the announcement of the SCOTUS decision, I'm pretty sure they could have made the light display happen before sunset.

Sheesh..................some people are acting like the WH has only 1 groundskeeper who is ancient and can't get around very fast.

To swap out gels? Minutes.

And to test the display before it was lit?

I thought this issue was put to bed already? What in the hell are you complaining about now?

Iowa lights help bathe White House in rainbow colors

Lights that were donated from an Oskaloosa company in 2008 helped illuminate the White House in rainbow colors following the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage Friday.

All that means is that this conspiracy goes all the way back to 2008. BEFORE Obama was president. So not only did they know in advance of the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in 2008, they knew Obama was going to be sitting in the White House when it happened. This before the election!

The entire system is rigged! Where's my fainting couch?!
maybe we can ask that Dear leader of ours to please light up our white house with this; it's so simple. all in favor. call, write. email

Why would the u.s. who won the civil war display the confederate flag who lost the civil war and were disbanded?

What a weirdo suggestion
All that means is that this conspiracy goes all the way back to 2008. BEFORE Obama was president. So not only did they know in advance of the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in 2008, they knew Obama was going to be sitting in the White House when it happened. This before the election!

The entire system is rigged! Where's my fainting couch?!

It isn't a conspiracy theory to notice that within hours of the Supreme Court Ruling, a perfectly adjusted/tested rainbow light display blazes across the Whitehouse in a massive "fuck you" to the majority and the governed who lost their voice in the crucial debate of "should we make an institution out of fatherless or motherless marriages where children are the main focus?".

I know it was there and set up the day before. The Whitehouse logs are available to the public, no?
In the 10 or so hours of daylight left after the announcement of the SCOTUS decision, I'm pretty sure they could have made the light display happen before sunset.

Sheesh..................some people are acting like the WH has only 1 groundskeeper who is ancient and can't get around very fast.

To swap out gels? Minutes.

And to test the display before it was lit?

I thought this issue was put to bed already? What in the hell are you complaining about now?

Iowa lights help bathe White House in rainbow colors

Lights that were donated from an Oskaloosa company in 2008 helped illuminate the White House in rainbow colors following the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage Friday.

All that means is that this conspiracy goes all the way back to 2008. BEFORE Obama was president. So not only did they know in advance of the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in 2008, they knew Obama was going to be sitting in the White House when it happened. This before the election!

The entire system is rigged! Where's my fainting couch?!

And it's done by electric lights! Thomas Edison's in on it too!! :eek:
All that means is that this conspiracy goes all the way back to 2008. BEFORE Obama was president. So not only did they know in advance of the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in 2008, they knew Obama was going to be sitting in the White House when it happened. This before the election!

The entire system is rigged! Where's my fainting couch?!

It isn't a conspiracy theory to notice that within hours of the Supreme Court Ruling, a perfectly adjusted/tested rainbow light display blazes across the Whitehouse in a massive "fuck you" to the majority and the governed who lost their voice in the crucial debate of "should we make an institution out of fatherless or motherless marriages where children are the main focus?".

I know it was there and set up the day before. The Whitehouse logs are available to the public, no?

Uh, yyyyyyeah, because when I see a rainbow, the first thing I think is .... "fuck you". :eusa_shifty:
All that means is that this conspiracy goes all the way back to 2008. BEFORE Obama was president. So not only did they know in advance of the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in 2008, they knew Obama was going to be sitting in the White House when it happened. This before the election!

The entire system is rigged! Where's my fainting couch?!

It isn't a conspiracy theory to notice that within hours of the Supreme Court Ruling, a perfectly adjusted/tested rainbow light display blazes across the Whitehouse in a massive "fuck you" to the majority and the governed who lost their voice in the crucial debate of "should we make an institution out of fatherless or motherless marriages where children are the main focus?".

I know it was there and set up the day before. The Whitehouse logs are available to the public, no?

Oh, those damn lights. They are out to get you! Everyone is out to get you. You should probably just go hide somewhere and lay low for a while.
maybe we can ask that Dear leader of ours to please light up our white house with this; it's so simple. all in favor. call, write. email

Why would the u.s. who won the civil war display the confederate flag who lost the civil war and were disbanded?

What a weirdo suggestion

Requires one hell of a gobo design too.
maybe we can ask that Dear leader of ours to please light up our white house with this; it's so simple. all in favor. call, write. email

Why would the u.s. who won the civil war display the confederate flag who lost the civil war and were disbanded?

What a weirdo suggestion
No idea but I've written to the Floriduh presidential candidates (Rubio, Bush) and asked them to suggest doing this. I think it would be totally sweet.
All that means is that this conspiracy goes all the way back to 2008. BEFORE Obama was president. So not only did they know in advance of the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in 2008, they knew Obama was going to be sitting in the White House when it happened. This before the election!

The entire system is rigged! Where's my fainting couch?!

It isn't a conspiracy theory to notice that within hours of the Supreme Court Ruling, a perfectly adjusted/tested rainbow light display blazes across the Whitehouse in a massive "fuck you" to the majority and the governed who lost their voice in the crucial debate of "should we make an institution out of fatherless or motherless marriages where children are the main focus?".

I know it was there and set up the day before. The Whitehouse logs are available to the public, no?

Uh, yyyyyyeah, because when I see a rainbow, the first thing I think is .... "fuck you". :eusa_shifty:

Next time some ass cuts me off in traffic, I'm gonna get 'em told. I'll flip a switch and my whole front bumper will light up in a rainbow. Because nothing says "fuck you" like a rainbow light display, except maybe a li'l unicorn with a daisy in its mouth.
All that means is that this conspiracy goes all the way back to 2008. BEFORE Obama was president. So not only did they know in advance of the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in 2008, they knew Obama was going to be sitting in the White House when it happened. This before the election!

The entire system is rigged! Where's my fainting couch?!

It isn't a conspiracy theory to notice that within hours of the Supreme Court Ruling, a perfectly adjusted/tested rainbow light display blazes across the Whitehouse in a massive "fuck you" to the majority and the governed who lost their voice in the crucial debate of "should we make an institution out of fatherless or motherless marriages where children are the main focus?".

The majority support same sex marriage. And the batshit conspiracy is this:

Silhouette said:
Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

Or......the lights had been given to the White House more than half a decade earlier.

Remember Sil, and this point is fundamental: you have no idea what you're talking about.
All that means is that this conspiracy goes all the way back to 2008. BEFORE Obama was president. So not only did they know in advance of the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in 2008, they knew Obama was going to be sitting in the White House when it happened. This before the election!

The entire system is rigged! Where's my fainting couch?!

It isn't a conspiracy theory to notice that within hours of the Supreme Court Ruling, a perfectly adjusted/tested rainbow light display blazes across the Whitehouse in a massive "fuck you" to the majority and the governed who lost their voice in the crucial debate of "should we make an institution out of fatherless or motherless marriages where children are the main focus?".

I know it was there and set up the day before. The Whitehouse logs are available to the public, no?
What "majority?" Most people agree with the Supreme Court decision.
All that means is that this conspiracy goes all the way back to 2008. BEFORE Obama was president. So not only did they know in advance of the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in 2008, they knew Obama was going to be sitting in the White House when it happened. This before the election!

The entire system is rigged! Where's my fainting couch?!

It isn't a conspiracy theory to notice that within hours of the Supreme Court Ruling, a perfectly adjusted/tested rainbow light display blazes across the Whitehouse in a massive "fuck you" to the majority and the governed who lost their voice in the crucial debate of "should we make an institution out of fatherless or motherless marriages where children are the main focus?".

I know it was there and set up the day before. The Whitehouse logs are available to the public, no?
What "majority?" Most people agree with the Supreme Court decision.

You forget the other hopelessly batshit conspiracy theories that clutter Sil's worldview: that Gallup and every other polling agency that shows majority support for same sex marriage has been 'infiltrated by homosexuals' and is offering false polling data.

For Sil, its a conspiracy based on a conspiracy based on a conspiracy ad infinitum. The rhetorical equivalent of 'turtles all the way down'.
What "majority?" Most people agree with the Supreme Court decision.

Justice Scalia doesn't:

Justice Antonin Scalia is chastising the Supreme Court’s landmark decision legalizing same-sex marriage on Friday as an affront to the principle of democratic rule...Scalia argues in his opinion that the court is increasingly creating policy rather than serving as a neutral arbiter...“Today’s decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court,” he writes...“This practice of constitutional revision by an unelected committee of nine, always accompanied (as it is today) by extravagant praise of liberty, robs the People of the most important liberty they asserted in the Declaration of Independence and won in the Revolution of 1776: the freedom to govern themselves.”.. ..But he wrote that he views the opinion as an overreach by the court, and chides the justices as “hardly a cross-section of America.”..He notes that all the justices graduated from Harvard or Yale Law School, eight grew up on the coasts, and that not one is an evangelical Christian or a Protestant, religions that make up significant chunks of the American population. ..“To allow the policy question of same-sex marriage to be considered and resolved by a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine is to violate a principle even more fundamental than no taxation without representation: no social transformation without representation,” he writes.

Faun, would it be a problem for you from a Constitutional separation of powers viewpoint to learn that the rainbow lights were set up and tested at the Whitehouse before the Ruling came down from the Supreme Court?
What "majority?" Most people agree with the Supreme Court decision.

Justice Scalia doesn't:

Justice Antonin Scalia is chastising the Supreme Court’s landmark decision legalizing same-sex marriage on Friday as an affront to the principle of democratic rule...Scalia argues in his opinion that the court is increasingly creating policy rather than serving as a neutral arbiter...“Today’s decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court,” he writes...“This practice of constitutional revision by an unelected committee of nine, always accompanied (as it is today) by extravagant praise of liberty, robs the People of the most important liberty they asserted in the Declaration of Independence and won in the Revolution of 1776: the freedom to govern themselves.”.. ..But he wrote that he views the opinion as an overreach by the court, and chides the justices as “hardly a cross-section of America.”..He notes that all the justices graduated from Harvard or Yale Law School, eight grew up on the coasts, and that not one is an evangelical Christian or a Protestant, religions that make up significant chunks of the American population. ..“To allow the policy question of same-sex marriage to be considered and resolved by a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine is to violate a principle even more fundamental than no taxation without representation: no social transformation without representation,” he writes.

Faun, would it be a problem for you from a Constitutional separation of powers viewpoint to learn that the rainbow lights were set up and tested at the Whitehouse before the Ruling came down from the Supreme Court?

Justice Scalia isn't the majority. Not of the people and not of the courts.

Perhaps 'majority' doesn't mean what you think it means. As you seem to be equating the term with whatever you already believe.
What "majority?" Most people agree with the Supreme Court decision.

Justice Scalia doesn't:

Justice Antonin Scalia is chastising the Supreme Court’s landmark decision legalizing same-sex marriage on Friday as an affront to the principle of democratic rule...Scalia argues in his opinion that the court is increasingly creating policy rather than serving as a neutral arbiter...“Today’s decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court,” he writes...“This practice of constitutional revision by an unelected committee of nine, always accompanied (as it is today) by extravagant praise of liberty, robs the People of the most important liberty they asserted in the Declaration of Independence and won in the Revolution of 1776: the freedom to govern themselves.”.. ..But he wrote that he views the opinion as an overreach by the court, and chides the justices as “hardly a cross-section of America.”..He notes that all the justices graduated from Harvard or Yale Law School, eight grew up on the coasts, and that not one is an evangelical Christian or a Protestant, religions that make up significant chunks of the American population. ..“To allow the policy question of same-sex marriage to be considered and resolved by a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine is to violate a principle even more fundamental than no taxation without representation: no social transformation without representation,” he writes.

Faun, would it be a problem for you from a Constitutional separation of powers viewpoint to learn that the rainbow lights were set up and tested at the Whitehouse before the Ruling came down from the Supreme Court?

It would be a problem from the viewpoint of knowing how fucking spotlight gels work.
In a perfect world we would have 9 neutral justieces (sp) who would not let personal opinion sway their votes. Robots who only look at case law and the constitution. A robot court would have voted 9-0 in favor of SSM.

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