That Time Trump Released His Tax Return

I notice there was nothing in there that suggested or even implied anything illegal was done. So what we really have here is Trump using a legal provision in the tax code to his advantage not the first time someone did that nor the last.
No that is your Straw Man deflection!
What we really have is the HYPOCRISY of Trump condemning others for what he himself does.
Get it?????

Again, different rules for Trump. He complains about people not paying taxes then doesn't pay them hinself.

He says politicians are paid for with donations, then asks for donations.

The weird part is the right supported him on both sides of these issues. How can you be pro and con at the same time? Trump says so!
Good for him!!!!! He understands that income taxes goes to pay interest on a fiat currency created from credit created out of nothing, Anyone that can avoid paying a tax for bartering their labor for something of value knows that the income tax is 100 percent unconstitutional.

But he said this was wrong last year.

I don't give a shit either way.

Regardless if you care you can't be pro both paying your fair share in taxes and not paying any taxes.
I notice there was nothing in there that suggested or even implied anything illegal was done. So what we really have here is Trump using a legal provision in the tax code to his advantage not the first time someone did that nor the last.
No that is your Straw Man deflection!
What we really have is the HYPOCRISY of Trump condemning others for what he himself does.
Get it?????

Again, different rules for Trump. He complains about people not paying taxes then doesn't pay them hinself.

He says politicians are paid for with donations, then asks for donations.

The weird part is the right supported him on both sides of these issues. How can you be pro and con at the same time? Trump says so!

Then be sure to cast your vote for the next CEO of USA.INC Hitlery's way. If you think you are gonna make any one here that wants Trump will change over to the leftard side, you are just pissing in the wind. I'm just sitting on the sidelines enjoying the theater. (snicker)
I'm not trying to convince you just trying to get you to explain how you can be for and against the same issue depending on where Trump stands at this moment.
I notice there was nothing in there that suggested or even implied anything illegal was done. So what we really have here is Trump using a legal provision in the tax code to his advantage not the first time someone did that nor the last.
No that is your Straw Man deflection!
What we really have is the HYPOCRISY of Trump condemning others for what he himself does.
Get it?????

Again, different rules for Trump. He complains about people not paying taxes then doesn't pay them hinself.

He says politicians are paid for with donations, then asks for donations.

The weird part is the right supported him on both sides of these issues. How can you be pro and con at the same time? Trump says so!
Just like how Hillary now rails against Wall Street but before that would take all the money they offered her now questions ask. It's more than a little funny hearing the left talk about different rules for Trump while at the same time supporting Hillary who exemplifies the rules are other people mindset.
Good for him!!!!! He understands that income taxes goes to pay interest on a fiat currency created from credit created out of nothing, Anyone that can avoid paying a tax for bartering their labor for something of value knows that the income tax is 100 percent unconstitutional.

But he said this was wrong last year.

I don't give a shit either way.

Regardless if you care you can't be pro both paying your fair share in taxes and not paying any taxes.

Hey, dumb ass, income taxes do not go towards funding this " for profit " corporate entity that you believe to be a legitimate governmental body. What we have is a de facto "gubermint" that is a corporation that was taken into receivership by the IMF after USA.INC filed bankruptcy in 1950 again. The IRS is a Puerto Rican Trust #62 and a collection arm of the IMF. The income tax law and the Federal Reserve Act was passed the same year of 1913......coincidence? Not hardly. You are just an infant and you believe everything your beloved "gubermint" tells fucking pathetic.
I'm not trying to convince you just trying to get you to explain how you can be for and against the same issue depending on where Trump stands at this moment.

I don't have anything to explain or defend anything. I gave up my U.S citizenship to USA.INC and I am no longer under the UCC. I reclaimed my pre 14th amendment status and birthright. I cannot vote because I would have to declare myself a U.S Citizen on the voter registration card which would be putting myself right back under the system I spent so much time and effort getting out from under. I would be "contracting" with this corporate entity....get it now???
No wonder he doesn't want to now...

Trump once revealed his income tax returns. They showed he didn’t pay a cent.

The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public, the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes.

The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income.

Today, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”


What’s he hiding?
I suspect a lot if overseas deposits and investments.

If he had illegal accounts, they wouldn't be on his tax return. Derp!

If he was paying himself $1.00 to avoid income tax penalties..that would look pretty bad.
If his charitable giving was not on a par with what others who are (supposedly) as rich were giving, that would look pretty bad.
If he paid less % than you or me…that would look pretty bad

If he doesn’t release them, he continues to look pretty bad to objective observers.

This is a 40 y/o custom (at least). He knew this was part of the deal.
No wonder he doesn't want to now...

Trump once revealed his income tax returns. They showed he didn’t pay a cent.

The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public, the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes.

The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income.

Today, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”


What’s he hiding?
I suspect a lot if overseas deposits and investments.

If he had illegal accounts, they wouldn't be on his tax return. Derp!

If he was paying himself $1.00 to avoid income tax penalties..that would look pretty bad.
If his charitable giving was not on a par with what others who are (supposedly) as rich were giving, that would look pretty bad.
If he paid less % than you or me…that would look pretty bad

If he doesn’t release them, he continues to look pretty bad to objective observers.

This is a 40 y/o custom (at least). He knew this was part of the deal.

If he was paying himself $1.00 to avoid income tax penalties

You'll have to explain what this means.
No wonder he doesn't want to now...

Trump once revealed his income tax returns. They showed he didn’t pay a cent.

The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public, the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes.

The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income.

Today, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”

Wow, you must really hate Rangle for cheating on his taxes, Buffet for spending millions on accountnats to not pay them and Obama and Biden for being skin flints for charity. Let "us" know now much you hate lying Democrats so "we" know you're a man of integrity. Go ...
No wonder he doesn't want to now...

Trump once revealed his income tax returns. They showed he didn’t pay a cent.

The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public, the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes.

The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income.

Today, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”

Wow, you must really hate Rangle for cheating on his taxes, Buffet for spending millions on accountnats to not pay them and Obama and Biden for being skin flints for charity. Let "us" know now much you hate lying Democrats so "we" know you're a man of integrity. Go ...

Trump said the rich who don't pay taxes are wrong...and you say?
No wonder he doesn't want to now...

Trump once revealed his income tax returns. They showed he didn’t pay a cent.

The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public, the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes.

The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income.

Today, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”

Wow, you must really hate Rangle for cheating on his taxes, Buffet for spending millions on accountnats to not pay them and Obama and Biden for being skin flints for charity. Let "us" know now much you hate lying Democrats so "we" know you're a man of integrity. Go ...

Trump said the rich who don't pay taxes are wrong...and you say?

I say answer my question first. k-k-klown
I suspect a lot if overseas deposits and investments.

If he had illegal accounts, they wouldn't be on his tax return. Derp!

If he was paying himself $1.00 to avoid income tax penalties..that would look pretty bad.
If his charitable giving was not on a par with what others who are (supposedly) as rich were giving, that would look pretty bad.
If he paid less % than you or me…that would look pretty bad

If he doesn’t release them, he continues to look pretty bad to objective observers.

This is a 40 y/o custom (at least). He knew this was part of the deal.

If he was paying himself $1.00 to avoid income tax penalties

You'll have to explain what this means.

Mitt Romney showed us that dividend income is taxed much lower than work income. So if you pay yourself $1.00 as a salary, your income is $1.00. Meanwhile, you’re living off of other income/savings/etc…

You really needed that explained to you?
I notice there was nothing in there that suggested or even implied anything illegal was done. So what we really have here is Trump using a legal provision in the tax code to his advantage not the first time someone did that nor the last.
No that is your Straw Man deflection!
What we really have is the HYPOCRISY of Trump condemning others for what he himself does.
Get it?????
I'm presenting fact your presenting partisan bull shit ignore the facts if you wish I really don't care.
You are "presenting" a DIVERSION from the obvious Trump HYPOCRISY exposed in the OP. Trump did not denounce corporate executives for doing anything illegal, he denounced them for making a fortune and paying no taxes.

Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”
Facts are not a diversion and typing diversion in all caps doesn't change that. There has been hypocrisy in politics long before Trump and will continue long after him I get that but the difference here is I don't pretend like it's unique to one party you on the left go on and on about Trump and his taxes and what it is he hiding yet you don't seem to care in the least about why Clinton won't release the transcripts to those Wall Street speechs as Sanders was calling on her to do. Let me put fourth a reason as to why the left doesn't care about that if those transcripts were released we would very likely discover Hillary was not the warrior against Wall Street then that she makes herself out to be today. In other words we would discover the hypocrisy of Hillary those of us who are honest know there is hypocrisy on both sides and can see past it.
More diversion.
Thank you.
Meanwhile, if there is any doubt that Trump U was designed to be a scam, The Atlantic puts that to rest with a few other choice tidbits from that “Private & Confidential” playbook used by Trump presenters: Every university has admission standards and Trump University was no exception. The playbook spells out the one essential qualification in caps: “ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED IN FULL.” Basically, anyone with a valid credit card was “admitted” to Trump University. . . .

Read more at: Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam
I notice there was nothing in there that suggested or even implied anything illegal was done. So what we really have here is Trump using a legal provision in the tax code to his advantage not the first time someone did that nor the last.
No that is your Straw Man deflection!
What we really have is the HYPOCRISY of Trump condemning others for what he himself does.
Get it?????
I'm presenting fact your presenting partisan bull shit ignore the facts if you wish I really don't care.
You are "presenting" a DIVERSION from the obvious Trump HYPOCRISY exposed in the OP. Trump did not denounce corporate executives for doing anything illegal, he denounced them for making a fortune and paying no taxes.

Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”
Facts are not a diversion and typing diversion in all caps doesn't change that. There has been hypocrisy in politics long before Trump and will continue long after him I get that but the difference here is I don't pretend like it's unique to one party you on the left go on and on about Trump and his taxes and what it is he hiding yet you don't seem to care in the least about why Clinton won't release the transcripts to those Wall Street speechs as Sanders was calling on her to do. Let me put fourth a reason as to why the left doesn't care about that if those transcripts were released we would very likely discover Hillary was not the warrior against Wall Street then that she makes herself out to be today. In other words we would discover the hypocrisy of Hillary those of us who are honest know there is hypocrisy on both sides and can see past it.

So, what you’re saying is that he is no different than any other politician? Nice.

Releasing your tax information is a time honored tradition dating back 4 decades.

His refusal is great news for Ms. Clinton.

What’s he hiding?
I suspect a lot if overseas deposits and investments.

If he had illegal accounts, they wouldn't be on his tax return. Derp!

If he was paying himself $1.00 to avoid income tax penalties..that would look pretty bad.
If his charitable giving was not on a par with what others who are (supposedly) as rich were giving, that would look pretty bad.
If he paid less % than you or me…that would look pretty bad

If he doesn’t release them, he continues to look pretty bad to objective observers.

This is a 40 y/o custom (at least). He knew this was part of the deal.

If he was paying himself $1.00 to avoid income tax penalties

You'll have to explain what this means.

Mitt Romney showed us that dividend income is taxed much lower than work income. So if you pay yourself $1.00 as a salary, your income is $1.00. Meanwhile, you’re living off of other income/savings/etc…

You really needed that explained to you?

Mitt Romney showed us that dividend income is taxed much lower than work income.

You didn't know that before he released his returns?

So if you pay yourself $1.00 as a salary, your income is $1.00.


Meanwhile, you’re living off of other income/savings/etc…

I notice there was nothing in there that suggested or even implied anything illegal was done. So what we really have here is Trump using a legal provision in the tax code to his advantage not the first time someone did that nor the last.
No that is your Straw Man deflection!
What we really have is the HYPOCRISY of Trump condemning others for what he himself does.
Get it?????
I'm presenting fact your presenting partisan bull shit ignore the facts if you wish I really don't care.
You are "presenting" a DIVERSION from the obvious Trump HYPOCRISY exposed in the OP. Trump did not denounce corporate executives for doing anything illegal, he denounced them for making a fortune and paying no taxes.

Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes.

They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”
Facts are not a diversion and typing diversion in all caps doesn't change that. There has been hypocrisy in politics long before Trump and will continue long after him I get that but the difference here is I don't pretend like it's unique to one party you on the left go on and on about Trump and his taxes and what it is he hiding yet you don't seem to care in the least about why Clinton won't release the transcripts to those Wall Street speechs as Sanders was calling on her to do. Let me put fourth a reason as to why the left doesn't care about that if those transcripts were released we would very likely discover Hillary was not the warrior against Wall Street then that she makes herself out to be today. In other words we would discover the hypocrisy of Hillary those of us who are honest know there is hypocrisy on both sides and can see past it.

So, what you’re saying is that he is no different than any other politician? Nice.
I have said that for some time now it's not a state secret.
Releasing your tax information is a time honored tradition dating back 4 decades.
Traditions are not legally binding there have been many things that were tradition that not everyone did.
His refusal is great news for Ms. Clinton.
Kind of like Hillarys refusal to release those Wall Street speech transcripts that Sanders was calling for? Which by the way she is under no leagal obligation to do but to use one of your favorite lines on here whats she hiding?

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