That WAS The Democratic and Repubican Party

A person can be angry and correct, so it doesn't matter what his emotional state is. You can be happy, soft-spoken, kind, and be absolutely wrong. Your attempt to discredit him on the basis that he's supposedly angry is just a cop-out, ad hominem, that adds nothing to the conversation.
He is filled with anger, hatred, and racism.
That's just dumb. Repubs were way outnumbered in the Congress, and they were much stronger advocates for civil rights than the dems.

Suggesting anything else is just revisionist history.

The post-1964 narrative created by the dems was designed purely to convince people like you that it was republicans who were behind the systemic racism of the democrats, and absolve them of the historical guilt. And it worked.

So keep voting for dems. They will show up every four years and pander to you and call you a victim, like they always do...
No what's dumb is your excuse making. And so is how you try playing this game. Percentages aren't people and so it doesn't matter, the fact is that more Democrats voted for the civil rghts act. They didn't have to. There is no post 1964 narrative for me idiot. I lived during the times. Both parties have aways been complicit in the systemic racism in this country but right now, its primarly the republicans doing it . And those like you want to try gaslighting somebody. This ain't 1860, nor is it 1960. Todays Repubican party doesn't give a good goobly damn about anybodys civil rights but whItes. Republicans are the ones calling me a victim. Not democrats. You just did it.
Percentages aren't people and so it doesn't matter, the fact is that more Democrats voted for the civil rghts act.
Except that percentages ARE people in this context dummy.

90% of republicans means 90% of the people in the Congress who are affiliated with the republican party.

It wasn't the desks voting, it was the people sitting at the desks...
Republicans are the ones calling me a victim. Not democrats. You just did it.
No I didn't. I said democrats pander to you and tell you that you are a victim. Which is a fact.

I would say that you self-identify as a victim, as evidenced by all the threads you create here about how awful "whitey" treats "your people".

Republicans will not pander to you. We will try to create opportunities, but it's up to you to take advantage of them.
Except that percentages ARE people in this context dummy.

90% of republicans means 90% of the people in the Congress who are affiliated with the republican party.

It wasn't the desks voting, it was the people sitting at the desks...

No I didn't. I said democrats pander to you and tell you that you are a victim. Which is a fact.

I would say that you self-identify as a victim, as evidenced by all the threads you create here about how awful "whitey" treats "your people".

Republicans will not pander to you. We will try to create opportunities, but it's up to you to take advantage of them.
The number of Democrats who voted for the Civil Rghts Act was more than the number of Republicans who did.

No I don't self identify as a victim. And what I have posted is called evidence.

We have this in MODERN TMES from the Republican Party..

On December 6, 2019, The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186.25 This bill was proposed to undo the damage caused by the Roberts Supreme Court 2013 decision. There were 187 Republicans in the House of Representatives in 2019. One Republican voted for this bill, Brian Fitzpatrick from Pennsylvania. In 2021, The John Lewis Voting Rights Act was opposed by every Republican in the senate. Senate Republicans wouldn’t even let the bill come to the floor for debate. They filibustered the John Lewis Voting Rights Act like Dixiecrats did the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

Don't tell me what Republicans won't do. I know what Republicans won't do. That's why you're voting for Trump and Trumps is gong to do this:

Trump allies plot anti-racism protections — for white people

Stop trying to tell me about the Republican Party.
The number of Democrats who voted for the Civil Rghts Act was more than the number of Republicans who did.
So what? The number of democrats who voted against it was also more than the number of republicans who voted against, by almost 3-1.

"Stop trying to tell me about the Republican Party."

I realize you are "all in" on the narrative, and I have no interest in trying to persuade you of anything. So just keep doing what you have been doing- apparently it's working for you...go team, lol.

He is filled with anger, hatred, and racism.
In your opinion and that's fine. That doesn't imply that his views are wrong. You can be angry, hateful, racist, and still be correct on certain issues. What your emotional state is when you present your evidence is irrelevant to whether you're correct or not. Your opinion might be accurate and right, whether you're angry or not. It doesn't matter.
Being white and born in the 50's I can recall just a glimpse of how blacks were treated back then.

I was born in the same period and never saw any kind of glimpse of how blacks were treated back then.
My guess, racism was far less in Northern cities than in the south, today's MAGA states.

Heck, I have witnessed far more black hate toward whites. Far far more.
I will say, the Hispanics always showed a hatred of the black people.
It's not 1860 anymore as I get told when I talk about slavery or reparations. But for some reason the right believes they have special privileges and can determine what particular parts of the past can be discussed today.

How about we tell every murder that his family is responsible for reparations to every person the victim knew for 50 generations. The problem with that is under out system, there is no corruption by blood. Perhaps your time would be better served watching folks that don't play into your hate a bigotry, you might actually enjoy life a little more.


In your opinion and that's fine. That doesn't imply that his views are wrong. You can be angry, hateful, racist, and still be correct on certain issues. What your emotional state is when you present your evidence is irrelevant to whether you're correct or not. Your opinion might be accurate and right, whether you're angry or not. It doesn't matter.

You could have just liked my post if you thought I was right.
You could have just liked my post if you thought I was right.
I don't agree with you resorting to ad hominem illogical fallacies when debating someone. This is a debate board, if you can't take the heat, get out. You're essentially gas lighting people.
I don't agree with you resorting to ad hominem illogical fallacies when debating someone. This is a debate board, if you can't take the heat, get out. You're essentially gas lighting people.
LOL. Sounds like it is you and IM who can't take the heat so you should get out. You are the ones gaslighting people.

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