That WAS The Democratic and Repubican Party

The assertion that without European intervention, slavery would still be globally practiced today oversimplifies the historical narrative and overlooks the multifaceted global efforts that contributed to the abolition of slavery. While it's true that various forms of servitude and slave trading existed across different societies throughout history, the European involvement in the transatlantic slave trade marked a significant escalation in its scope, brutality, and institutionalization, which was unparalleled.

Hundreds of years before the Trans Atlantic slave trade, Africans were castrating the slaves they sold. Native Americans were ritually sacrificing slaves by ripping their heart out. They were also sacrificing children and eating human flesh. “Escalation“??? Again, you diminish the suffering and sacrifice of millions of people.

The philosophical tenets of abolition, came from White European Christian philosophy. There is no debate. Don’t piss and moan about an “over simplification”. There were NO ”multifaceted Global efforts”. The seed of it all, is white culture. Even in the Haitian revolution, the guiding ideology was European Philosophies.
Anytime an openly leftist Commie is going to tell you what’s best for society, just remember that socialism killed more people in the 20th century than WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam combined.
Hundreds of years before the Trans Atlantic slave trade, Africans were castrating the slaves they sold. Native Americans were ritually sacrificing slaves by ripping their heart out. They were also sacrificing children and eating human flesh. “Escalation“??? Again, you diminish the suffering and sacrifice of millions of people.

The philosophical tenets of abolition, came from White European Christian philosophy. There is no debate. Don’t piss and moan about an “over simplification”. There were NO ”multifaceted Global efforts”. The seed of it all, is white culture. Even in the Haitian revolution, the guiding ideology was European Philosophies.

The transatlantic slave trade, driven by European powers, was not a mere extension of existing practices of enslavement. It was a systematized, industrial-scale atrocity that racialized and dehumanized millions of Africans, supported by the pseudo-scientific belief in racial superiority. This belief underpinned centuries of exploitation and is a stain on human history.

Resistance to slavery was persistent and multifaceted, encompassing rebellions on slave ships, plantations, and significant revolutions like the Haitian Revolution. This rebellion was inspired by the Enlightenment's ideals of liberty and equality but was fundamentally fueled by the enslaved people's desire for freedom and justice from their European slave masters.

However, the end of slavery did not herald the end of oppression. In the United States, Jim Crow laws institutionalized racial segregation and disenfranchisement, while practices like lynching and the destruction of prosperous Black communities, such as Greenwood in Tulsa (a.k.a. Black Wall Street), epitomized the violence and economic sabotage faced by African Americans. Policies like redlining and the War on Drugs further perpetuated systemic racism, affecting generations and cementing economic and social disparities.

Globally, the legacy of colonialism morphed into neo-colonialism. France's control over the currency of several African countries through the CFA franc is a stark example, of maintaining economic dominance under the guise of stability. This form of economic control stifles growth and perpetuates dependency, echoing colonial exploitation.

The global military presence of the United States, with approximately 700 installations worldwide and a defense budget surpassing the military budgets of the next ten countries with the largest economies, illustrates a modern form of power projection. In regions like Syria and Iraq, military interventions and control over resources like oil fields represent a continuation of imperialist ambitions, securing strategic interests at the expense of sovereignty and stability in these nations.
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The white race paid no price for ending slavery because they did not fight to end slavery and slavery never should have existed in the first place. If they were really for the end of slavery, Jim Crow would have never happened. Things dd not stop in the 1960's. I was born in 1961.

In 1992-93, I was involved in a class-action lawsuit against R.L. Polk and Company for sexual harassment and racial discrimination. Due to information volunteered to us by assistants to the manager, Patrick Ivey, we found that Mr. Ivey would instruct his assistants to stop hiring blacks once enough blacks were hired to meet the EEOC requirements. Mr. Ivey would white out parts of documents and put in numbers showing that either he met EEOC requirements or that not enough minorities were applying and send copies of the doctored paperwork to the EEOC.

And here is a confession from a USMB member named Flash in 2020.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
The discrimination laws made in the 60's were made to stop didn't stop because there were whites who refused to follow those laws.

Citygroup did a study focusing on U.S. GDP from 2000 until 2020. The study revealed huge losses in GDP due to continuing discrimination against blacks in business revenue, education, housing credit, and income. The study determined that since the year 2000, continuing discriminatory practices in the four areas mentioned in the prior sentence resulted in a loss of 16 trillion dollars in GDP. The breakdown is as follows:

“Closing the Black racial wage gap 20 years ago might have provided an additional $2.7 trillion in income available for consumption and investment.

Improving access to housing credit might have added an additional 770,000 Black homeowners over the last 20 years, with combined sales and expenditures adding another $218 billion to GDP over that time.

Facilitating increased access to higher education (college, graduate, and vocational schools) for Black students might have bolstered lifetime incomes that in aggregate sums to $90 to $113 billion.

Providing fair and equitable lending to Black entrepreneurs might have resulted in the creation of an additional $13 trillion in business revenue over the last 20 years. This could have been used for investments in labor, technology, capital equipment, and structures and 6.1 million jobs might have been created per year.”

Now none of this has anythng to do with how the Repubican Party today got to be the party of racism. Just because you see the word reparations, it shoud not trigger anyone to go off the thread topic.
Flawed premise. slavery did exist for thousands of years it was an accepted practice , including in Africa.

For all of the time you put into writing your posts. It can all be summed up very simply. The issues you talk about slavery and bigotry We’re always worldwide issues. Not uniquely American ones.

Today in the USA more Americans than ever cannot afford a home. Whether they are white or black.

Anytime an openly leftist Commie is going to tell you what’s best for society, just remember that socialism killed more people in the 20th century than WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam combined.
How and when? Present your evidence. It wasn't communists who started WW1 and WW2, but capitalist-run nations. The USSR was invaded by 4 million Germans and lost 28 million of their citizens, which included 9 million soldiers. That amounts to 14% of the Soviet population. Seven out of ten Nazis were fighting on the Eastern Front, not in Western Europe. The US is protected by being surrounded by two vast oceans, acting as effective protection against massive invasions from Europe and Japan or any other nation from another continent. The US came out of WW2 unscathed, losing only 460 thousand people, about .03% of the US population.

What evidence do you have that the Soviets committed mass murder against innocent people? Present your sources and be careful, because this isn't the first time that I've debunked this claim. Think before you start citing your references lest you just end up regurgitating a bunch of Western Cold War bullshit propaganda.
I don't live in Africa and slavery existed on Greece, Rome and Europe at the same time it existed in Africa. I don't care when Mauritania ended slavery, because in the US, Jim Crow,which virtually reinstated slavery lasted until at least 1964 by written law and we see the right trying to re establish Jim Crow now. This conversation is about America and that tired white diversion about slavery in Afrca doesn't have a damn thing to do with this topic.
You don’t live in Africa is what you say. Diversion you say… but you can’t do that because that would be an argument of black privilege. It would be like some white person in Africa demanding reparations for what happened to white slaves by black slave owners hundreds of years ago.

On that last point America, even with the far left BLM terrorism and left-wing politics, the USA is still one of the best places to live in the world. We do have struggles ie this

That should be your number one concern. Those are the facts white people and Black people can’t afford to buy new homes in this country. And the elites are trying to distract you with this nonsense about race. Take a look around … the US middle class is not as strong as it was 75 years ago or 30 years ago.

Imagine some person in Rwanda or Japan, when discussing the horrors of slavery in America, saying I don’t live in America. Your entire argument is flawed..

You and the other very small percentage of pro BLM people will never get over the reality that America is not a uniquely evil country for slavery.

If BLM policies continues the USA will only get worse. But thankfully people all over the country are waking up and rejecting far left radical politics. Even Democrats are noticing this.

Trump 2024 will make things even better.
I can’t believe Blacks in Africa still practice slavery and American Blacks stay silent.
Where and how? Are they being herded into ships and sent to another continent to be used as free labor? What type of slavery in Africa are you talking about? How does this slavery you're referring to justify the centuries of slavery that Africans endured at the hands of their European and White American slave masters? Africans weren't done with the injustice after the abolition of slavery, they had to deal with a whole new set of racist, murderous policies in the Southern United States, being treated like animals. The KKK came after the abolition of slavery.
You don’t live in Africa is what you say. Diversion you say… but you can’t do that because that would be an argument of black privilege. It would be like some white person in Africa demanding reparations for what happened to white slaves by black slave owners hundreds of years ago.

On that last point America, even with the far left BLM terrorism and left-wing politics, the USA is still one of the best places to live in the world. We do have struggles ie this

That should be your number one concern. Those are the facts white people and Black people can’t afford to buy new homes in this country. And the elites are trying to distract you with this nonsense about race. Take a look around … the US middle class is not as strong as it was 75 years ago or 30 years ago.

Imagine some person in Rwanda or Japan, when discussing the horrors of slavery in America, saying I don’t live in America. Your entire argument is flawed..

You and the other very small percentage of pro BLM people will never get over the reality that America is not a uniquely evil country for slavery.

If BLM policies continues the USA will only get worse. But thankfully people all over the country are waking up and rejecting far left radical politics. Even Democrats are noticing this.

Trump 2024 will make things even better.
Our nation's capitalist ruling elites want to divide the American working class by fermenting racial division because what scares them the most is a united working class, organizing to advance its socioeconomic interests. As long as the big money capitalist class has their workers fighting each other, they remain in a position to control all of our nation's resources and the US government.

These big-money capitalists are also responsible for the emasculation of working-class males, the demonization of masculinity, the promotion of feminism, LGBTQ+, racial strife..etc. It's all a ruse, a game that they play to distract the working class, weakening their ability to organize any type of resistance to their power. The US government is a plutocratic oligarchy, serving the vested interests of the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. It will remain that way, until the American working class, wakes up and begins to organize, overcoming all of the racial hatred. That's the only way Americans will take back their government and country, for everyone.
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Oh, so sorry!

Your democrat Masters are giving it to their new Besties- the Illegals.
That's a nice try at spin but unlike you frail whites I don't have a problem with other people getting theirs. Republicans want to give away everything to the rich while they convince you poor whites to appreciate being trickled on. The good Democrats are trying to help who they can with the resources we have that we had to fight Republicans and moderates tooth and nail to get. That lasts as long as your white demographic majority does, which ain't much longer.
That's a nice try at spin but unlike you frail whites I don't have a problem with other people getting theirs. Republicans want to give away everything to the rich while they convince you poor whites to appreciate being trickled on. The good Democrats are trying to help who they can with the resources we have that we had to fight Republicans and moderates tooth and nail to get. That lasts as long as your white demographic majority does, which ain't much longer.

You're not getting yours, you want to take what belongs to others. Not really civil of you

You think democrat run schools where 0% read or write at grade level is helpful?
Where and how? Are they being herded into ships and sent to another continent to be used as free labor? What type of slavery in Africa are you talking about? How does this slavery you're referring to justify the centuries of slavery that Africans endured at the hands of their European and White American slave masters? Africans weren't done with the injustice after the abolition of slavery, they had to deal with a whole new set of racist, murderous policies in the Southern United States, being treated like animals. The KKK came after the abolition of slavery.
Today, African and other non-white nations dominate the centuries of slavery that western whites had the morality to abolish and evolve as a culture. Keep living in the past why don’t you.


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You're not getting yours, you want to take what belongs to others. Not really civil of you

You think democrat run schools where 0% read or write at grade level is helpful?
I don't think cosplay is helpful to you frail whites. Schools in my Democratic, minority majority, Broward County are some of the best in the country and me and mine have already gotten ours. As wealthy immigrants we'd like to see other black and brown people prosper rather than be exploited by capitalist elites. You and yours though we don't mind if you want stand there hoping to be trickled on. We think that's a prefectly good situation for you and yours.
This is especially rich….. Black slaves in Africa mining for cobalt so that today’s Democrats can enjoy their ESVs.
Musk is a Democrat? The people who think capitalism should have as little safeguards and regulation as possible are Republicans and their voters.
Anytime an openly leftist Commie is going to tell you what’s best for society, just remember that socialism killed more people in the 20th century than WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam combined.

Any time a right wing asshole refers to a leftist as a "Commie", I know I'm dealing with someone who is mentally deficient and living in the 1950's.

This is your second white supremacist post, Midget and already I'm disgusted by you.
Musk is a Democrat? The people who think capitalism should have as little safeguards and regulation as possible are Republicans and their voters.
Of course you are going to try and blame African slavery for electric vehicles on Republicans and Capitalism while ignoring the Democrats who are trying to mandate electric vehicles for all.

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