That WAS The Democratic and Repubican Party

I don't think cosplay is helpful to you frail whites. Schools in my Democratic, minority majority, Broward County are some of the best in the country and me and mine have already gotten ours. As wealthy immigrants we'd like to see other black and brown people prosper rather than be exploited by capitalist elites. You and yours though we don't mind if you want stand there hoping to be trickled on. We think that's a prefectly good situation for you and yours.
You want to talk frail and weak? Have you seen the reading, writing and mathematic scores come out of Baltimore and other blue cities to contrast Broward?
Of course you are going to try and blame African slavery for electric vehicles on Republicans and Capitalism while ignoring the Democrats who are trying to mandate electric vehicles for all.
Why don't you frail whites try making real arguments instead of pretending I support African slavery? Or pretending that cleaner energy has to come at the cost of African slavery? It really seems like pretend and make believe are all you're capable of.
I don't think cosplay is helpful to you frail whites. Schools in my Democratic, minority majority, Broward County are some of the best in the country and me and mine have already gotten ours. As wealthy immigrants we'd like to see other black and brown people prosper rather than be exploited by capitalist elites. You and yours though we don't mind if you want stand there hoping to be trickled on. We think that's a prefectly good situation for you and yours.

democrat run schools with a 0% proficiency clearly benefits the political Elites
You want to talk frail and weak? Have you seen the reading, writing and mathematic scores come out of Baltimore and other blue cities to contrast Broward?
I don't live in Baltimore and don't know the particulars of their problems, but from the looks of it neither do you. I do know that that there are excellent performing Democratic districts (like mine) and poorly performing ones and so simply screaming democrats is bad doesn't mean much to me.
Any time a right wing asshole refers to a leftist as a "Commie", I know I'm dealing with someone who is mentally deficient and living in the 1950's.

This is your second white supremacist post, Midget and already I'm disgusted by you.
Opposing communism is “white supremacist” now….

Their name is “Red Front” and they use an image of a Russia wearing a mask with the hammer and sickle on it and you are acting like I’m just randomly calling a “leftist” a commie…ffs.

You are ignorant.
Why don't you frail whites try making real arguments instead of pretending I support African slavery? Or pretending that cleaner energy has to come at the cost of African slavery? It really seems like pretend and make believe are all you're capable of.
Not saying you support African slavery but in all your retorts and attacks on whites, you have yet to condemn modern day African slavery. You also have yet to even question why African slavery has role in clean energy…. All very telling.
Not saying you support African slavery but in all your retorts and attacks on whites, you have yet to condemn modern day African slavery. You also have yet to even question why African slavery has role in clean energy…. All very telling.
It's very telling of your simpleton brain and how you try to make up for your intellectual deficiencies with make believe. What do my attacks on racist whites have to do with African slavery, which I absolutely do condemn, and who's part I don't have to question because it's role in the pertuation of all capitalist endeavors and first world comfort is etched into my family's history. The problem you poor frail whites face is that your elite whites got too greedy and invited an immigrant and minority middle class here to replace the white middle class, because it was just that little bit more cost effective. What they didn't consider is that unlike you poor frail whites we wouldn't cheer to be trickled on.
I don't live in Baltimore and don't know the particulars of their problems, but from the looks of it neither do you. I do know that that there are excellent performing Democratic districts (like mine) and poorly performing ones and so simply screaming democrats is bad doesn't mean much to me.
I live 50 miles from Baltimore and my tax dollars are being inefficiently spent
It's very telling of your simpleton brain and how you try to make up for your intellectual deficiencies with make believe. What do my attacks on racist whites have to do with African slavery, which I absolutely do condemn, and who's part I don't have to question because it's role in the pertuation of all capitalist endeavors and first world comfort is etched into my family's history. The problem you poor frail whites face is that your elite whites got too greedy and invited an immigrant and minority middle class here to replace the white middle class, because it was just that little bit more cost effective. What they didn't consider is that unlike you poor frail whites we wouldn't cheer to be trickled on.
you finally condemned African slavery because you were called out on it. You may resume your hatred of whites and capitalism and enjoy your self entitlement to moral and intellectual authority.
I live 50 miles from Baltimore and my tax dollars are being inefficiently spent

you finally condemned African slavery because you were called out on it. You may resume your hatred of whites and capitalism and enjoy your self entitlement to moral and intellectual authority.
Called out on what? Just because you make some claim doesn't mean it has any validity. Where can you quote me even giving an inkling of excusing African slavery? That's a lot of fail white projection from someone from the culture that actually does. :itsok: I'm supposed to believe you think excusing African slavery is deplorable? Then tell me how you feel about Washington and the Founders.
Resistance to slavery was persistent and multifaceted, encompassing rebellions on slave ships, plantations, and significant revolutions like the Haitian Revolution. This rebellion was inspired by the Enlightenment's ideals of liberty and equality but was fundamentally fueled by the enslaved people's desire for freedom and justice from their European slave masters.

Sorry comrade, the revolution was not driven by resistance on slave ships….

Resistance to slavery was persistent and multifaceted for all of human history. The abolition movement was fueled by Enlightenment philosophies out of Europe and was spread to the rest of the world by European expansion.

It is true that Haiti is the only slave revolt that founded an independent country. At the time it was a French colony. The colonization by France also brought the philosophical principles of the Enlightenment to Haiti.

“In addition to Raynal's influence, Toussaint Louverture, a free black who was familiar with Enlightenment ideas within the context of European colonialism, would become a key "enlightened actor" in the Haitian Revolution. Enlightened thought divided the world into "enlightened leaders" and "ignorant masses."[28]Louverture sought to bridge this divide between the popular masses and the enlightened few by striking a balance between Western Enlightened thought as a necessary means of winning liberation, and not propagating the notion that it was morally superior to the experiences and knowledge of people of color on Saint-Domingue.[29][30][page needed] Louverture wrote a constitution for a new society in Saint-Domingue that abolished slavery. The existence of slavery in Enlightened society was an incongruity that had been left unaddressed by European scholars prior to the French Revolution. Louverture took on this inconsistency directly in his constitution. In addition, he exhibited a connection to Enlightenment scholars through the style, language,and accent of this text.”

Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia

Unfortunately, Haiti is now ruled by a cannibal.
Sorry comrade, the revolution was not driven by resistance on slave ships….

Resistance to slavery was persistent and multifaceted for all of human history. The abolition movement was fueled by Enlightenment philosophies out of Europe and was spread to the rest of the world by European expansion.

It is true that Haiti is the only slave revolt that founded an independent country. At the time it was a French colony. The colonization by France also brought the philosophical principles of the Enlightenment to Haiti.

“In addition to Raynal's influence, Toussaint Louverture, a free black who was familiar with Enlightenment ideas within the context of European colonialism, would become a key "enlightened actor" in the Haitian Revolution. Enlightened thought divided the world into "enlightened leaders" and "ignorant masses."[28]Louverture sought to bridge this divide between the popular masses and the enlightened few by striking a balance between Western Enlightened thought as a necessary means of winning liberation, and not propagating the notion that it was morally superior to the experiences and knowledge of people of color on Saint-Domingue.[29][30][page needed] Louverture wrote a constitution for a new society in Saint-Domingue that abolished slavery. The existence of slavery in Enlightened society was an incongruity that had been left unaddressed by European scholars prior to the French Revolution. Louverture took on this inconsistency directly in his constitution. In addition, he exhibited a connection to Enlightenment scholars through the style, language,and accent of this text.”

Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia

Unfortunately, Haiti is now ruled by a cannibal.

Alright, let's cut through the noise:
  1. Enlightenment Influence? Sure, But... The Enlightenment played a role, but it wasn't the sole or even primary driver behind the abolition of slavery or resistance against it. It's like saying the only reason you know it's wrong to hit someone is that a philosopher said so. People know oppression is wrong because they feel it, live it, and resist it on a fundamental human level. The Haitian Revolution, while influenced by Enlightenment ideas, was fundamentally about the enslaved fighting for their freedom and rights, not just enacting European philosophy.
  2. Credit Where It's Due (And Isn't): Saying the abolition movement spread globally thanks to European expansion oversimplifies history and gives undue credit. Resistance and abolition efforts were happening globally, with or without European involvement. Indigenous revolts, maroon communities, and other forms of resistance existed long before and in spite of European philosophies.
  3. Irony Much? It's ironic to suggest that the same European powers that profited massively from the transatlantic slave trade should be heralded as the harbingers of abolition. It's crucial to recognize the role of those who actually suffered under slavery and fought against it tooth and nail, not just those who eventually came around to the idea that slavery might be wrong after centuries of profit.
  4. The Blame Game: Lastly, reducing the current state of Haiti to being "ruled by a cannibal" is not just disrespectful and inaccurate; it's a gross oversimplification of the complex socio-political and economic challenges Haiti faces, many of which are direct legacies of colonialism and exploitation by foreign powers, including France and the United States. Haiti's struggles today cannot be divorced from the historical context of external interference and debt imposed by those who once enslaved them.

In short, the fight against slavery and for human rights has always been larger and more complex than any single philosophy or group. It's about the resilience and struggle of those most affected, standing up against oppression, often in the face of overwhelming odds. Giving credit solely to European philosophers or abolitionists not only misses the broader picture but also diminishes the agency and bravery of countless individuals who fought for their freedom.
What evidence do you have that the Soviets committed mass murder against innocent people? Present your sources and be careful, because this isn't the first time that I've debunked this claim. Think before you start citing your references lest you just end up regurgitating a bunch of Western Cold War bullshit propaganda.

Mass killings under communist regimes - Wikipedia.'s%20policies%20were%20also,has%20been%20described%20as%20totalitarian.–1933

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Why don't you frail whites try making real arguments instead of pretending I support African slavery? Or pretending that cleaner energy has to come at the cost of African slavery? It really seems like pretend and make believe are all you're capable of.
Alright, let's cut through the noise:
  1. Enlightenment Influence? Sure, But... The Enlightenment played a role, but it wasn't the sole or even primary driver behind the abolition of slavery or resistance against it. It's like saying the only reason you know it's wrong to hit someone is that a philosopher said so. People know oppression is wrong because they feel it, live it, and resist it on a fundamental human level. The Haitian Revolution, while influenced by Enlightenment ideas, was fundamentally about the enslaved fighting for their freedom and rights, not just enacting European philosophy.
  2. Credit Where It's Due (And Isn't): Saying the abolition movement spread globally thanks to European expansion oversimplifies history and gives undue credit. Resistance and abolition efforts were happening globally, with or without European involvement. Indigenous revolts, maroon communities, and other forms of resistance existed long before and in spite of European philosophies.
  3. Irony Much? It's ironic to suggest that the same European powers that profited massively from the transatlantic slave trade should be heralded as the harbingers of abolition. It's crucial to recognize the role of those who actually suffered under slavery and fought against it tooth and nail, not just those who eventually came around to the idea that slavery might be wrong after centuries of profit.
  4. The Blame Game: Lastly, reducing the current state of Haiti to being "ruled by a cannibal" is not just disrespectful and inaccurate; it's a gross oversimplification of the complex socio-political and economic challenges Haiti faces, many of which are direct legacies of colonialism and exploitation by foreign powers, including France and the United States. Haiti's struggles today cannot be divorced from the historical context of external interference and debt imposed by those who once enslaved them.

In short, the fight against slavery and for human rights has always been larger and more complex than any single philosophy or group. It's about the resilience and struggle of those most affected, standing up against oppression, often in the face of overwhelming odds. Giving credit solely to European philosophers or abolitionists not only misses the broader picture but also diminishes the agency and bravery of countless individuals who fought for their freedom.

Socialism is slavery
Our nation's capitalist ruling elites want to divide the American working class by fermenting racial division because what scares them the most is a united working class, organizing to advance its socioeconomic interests. As long as the big money capitalist class has their workers fighting each other, they remain in a position to control all of our nation's resources and the US government.

These big-money capitalists are also responsible for the emasculation of working-class males, the demonization of masculinity, the promotion of feminism, LGBTQ+, racial strife..etc. It's all a ruse, a game that they play to distract the working class, weakening their ability to organize any type of resistance to their power. The US government is a plutocratic oligarchy, serving the vested interests of the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. It will remain that way, until the American working class, wakes up and begins to organize, overcoming all of the racial hatred. That's the only way Americans will take back their government and country, for everyone.
I actually agree with you here, except they are not capitalists, they are globalists.
Sorry comrade, the revolution was not driven by resistance on slave ships….

Resistance to slavery was persistent and multifaceted for all of human history. The

Mass killings under communist regimes - Wikipedia.'s%20policies%20were%20also,has%20been%20described%20as%20totalitarian.–1933

As for as your sources for "mass killings" of supposed innocents by communists, there's nothing there proving that. You're just regurgitating right-wing Western Cold War rhetoric against communists. Capitalist imperialism has killed many more innocents than communism.

Communists didn't start two world wars, their enemies did.

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