That WAS The Democratic and Repubican Party

Your post shows that you cannot face criticism of white racism. I see thread after thread by whites here about blacks who you say nothing to and in fact join in on the racism. Hate has nothing to do with my post, but that is what you must make yourself believe because you can't face the truth.
Your post is racist. I was not referring to anything regarding blacks and whites. That is YOU making the discussion racist.
Another racist post. I didn't say anything about black or white. I merely said your posts are filled with anger and hatred. And, yes, sometimes the truth is hard to hear.
Look man I''m black and 63, I know racism when I see it and you don't have to mention color for it to be so. You have not entered one thread made by somebody white about blacks and said anything in opposition. Yet you have harrassed me and other blacks over and over. That shows your racism.
No they don't even get charged. If you're caught with pot and you're white - no charges. Black kids get charged 7 times more than white kids.

Time to wake up and live in the real world.

Not anymore
Your post is racist. I was not referring to anything regarding blacks and whites. That is YOU making the discussion racist.
No it isn't. Again, the fact that you don't do this to whites shows your racism. YOUR racism, not every white person here because not every other white person here only chooses to harrass blacks who post about white racism while sayng nothing to whites when they post about blacks.
Look man I''m black and 63, I know racism when I see it and you don't have to mention color for it to be so. You have not entered one thread made by somebody white about blacks and said anything in opposition. Yet you have harrassed me and other blacks over and over. That shows your racism.
Everything is racist to you. I never mentioned anything about black vs white. YOU did. I merely said your posts are filled with anger and hatred. What color you and I are has nothing to do with it.
No it isn't. Again, the fact that you don't do this to whites shows your racism. YOUR racism, not every white person here because not every other white person here only chooses to harrass blacks who post about white racism while sayng nothing to whites when they post about blacks.
YOU are the one talking about black and white. I'm not talking about it at all. I don't care what color people are. I just stated a fact that your posts are always filled with anger and hatred.
Everything is racist to you. I never mentioned anything about black vs white. YOU did. I merely said your posts are filled with anger and hatred. What color you and I are has nothing to do with it.
Everything is not racist to me, racism is racist to me. You say my posts are full of angerand hate but don't say a damn thing to anyone white in any thread made by whites denigrating black people. This is why I call you a racist. And if you don't think that what you are doing is racist, you best think again.
YOU are the one talking about black and white. I'm not talking about it at all. I don't care what color people are. I just stated a fact that your posts are always filled with anger and hatred.
Look idot, you made it about black and white when you decided to tell me how my posts are full of hate and anger when you don't say the same thing to whites when they make threads about blacks. Don't try that ---- wth me. Don't give me that colorblind bs when you don't do this to whites. Whites are in here posting angry shit all the time and you don't say anything. So don't say anything to me about anger or hate. I wasn't angry when I created this thread. I wasn't angry when I first responded to you, but now I am because you have the unmitigated gall to try this ---- and then lie about how it's not about color. How about you start going into threads made by whites and tell them how they are full of hate instead of agreeing with them? Until you can do that, STFU.
Everything is not racist to me, racism is racist to me. You say my posts are full of angerand hate but don't say a damn thing to anyone white in any thread made by whites denigrating black people. This is why I call you a racist. And if you don't think that what you are doing is racist, you best think again.
You are the one talking about blacks and whites, not me.
Look idot, you made it about black and white when you decided to tell me how my posts are full of hate and anger when you don't say the same thing to whites when they make threads about blacks. Don't try that ---- wth me. Don't give me that colorblind bs when you don't do this to whites. Whites are in here posting angry shit all the time and you don't say anything. So don't say anything to me about anger or hate. I wasn't angry when I created this thread. I wasn't angry when I first responded to you, but now I am because you have the unmitigated gall to try this ---- and then lie about how it's not about color. How about you start going into threads made by whites and tell them how they are full of hate instead of agreeing with them? Until you can do that, STFU.
All I said was that your posts are filled with anger and hatred and every reply back to me proves I was right.
Much of Haitis problems have been caused by the west. And perhaps whites, who have started 2 world wars, numerous other conflicts, and who policies have destablized nations should STFU about Haiti.
Wrong, just like Zimbabwe and South Africa once you all get rid of the white people who actually kept the nation going you all can't keep things running on your own

If I may? It’s because the world is black and white. It’s because slavery, Jim Crow, the “privilege of being white”. It’s because white people have received 100 billion trillion in government assistance. It’s because white racist hurt black bodies.
You’re an idiot. How much do the non-white slave owners owe?
It's not 1860 anymore as I get told when I talk about slavery or reparations. But for some reason the right believes they have special privileges and can determine what particular parts of the past can be discussed today.

It's ALWAYS 1860 in the DemoKKKrat party.
Democrats were the party of slavery and Lincoln was a republican. Not much has changed in the last 150 years except the modern perception of history courtesy of the federal education system.
LOL. I'm just pointing out the truth. Sometimes the truth is hard to listen to. Every post this poster makes is filled with anger and hate. It has nothing to do with winning debates.
A person can be angry and correct, so it doesn't matter what his emotional state is. You can be happy, soft-spoken, kind, and be absolutely wrong. Your attempt to discredit him on the basis that he's supposedly angry is just a cop-out, ad hominem, that adds nothing to the conversation.
I don't live in Africa and slavery existed on Greece, Rome and Europe at the same time it existed in Africa. I don't care when Mauritania ended slavery, because in the US, Jim Crow,which virtually reinstated slavery lasted until at least 1964 by written law and we see the right trying to re establish Jim Crow now. This conversation is about America and that tired white diversion about slavery in Afrca doesn't have a damn thing to do with this topic.

Well with you harping on the start of slavery by whites, all of that start was before the United States was even a country.

Now turning to Jim Crow....

From the history I've read the Republicans washed its hand of caring for the rights of former slaves when they traded away Reconstruction for the commitment by Southern Democrats to not contest the close election of 1876. This was soon followed by the "Lilly White" movement within the Republican Party which resulted in blacks being put between a rock and a hard place.
Percentages are not people.
That's just dumb. Repubs were way outnumbered in the Congress, and they were much stronger advocates for civil rights than the dems.

Suggesting anything else is just revisionist history.

The post-1964 narrative created by the dems was designed purely to convince people like you that it was republicans who were behind the systemic racism of the democrats, and absolve them of the historical guilt. And it worked.

So keep voting for dems. They will show up every four years and pander to you and call you a victim, like they always do...
It's not 1860 anymore as I get told when I talk about slavery or reparations. But for some reason the right believes they have special privileges and can determine what particular parts of the past can be discussed today.

Which political party is the most anti-black? Hosted by Ralph Northam:


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