That Which Is Caesar's....

Any can claim to be Christian--actions prove it-- Jesus taught pay caesers things to caeser--taxes-- one has to throw this truth away to start a war against caeser for taxes. Not a Christian action. and as history goes on it gets worse.

Actions can't prove it because anyone can be an actor. Some people don't believe like Jehovah Witnesses as it is only an exercise.

Not in this world--The JW,s are taught to learn and apply every utterance from God on a daily basis. Every real Christian is taught to do just that.---no matter what, govts, men or family have to say about it.
Any can claim to be Christian--actions prove it-- Jesus taught pay caesers things to caeser--taxes-- one has to throw this truth away to start a war against caeser for taxes. Not a Christian action. and as history goes on it gets worse.

Jesus did not necessarily teach to pay taxes by saying 'render unto Caesar the the things of Caesar and render unto God the things of God'.

To a non Jew it would have seemed like Jesus was advocating paying taxes to Caesar but to a Jew who understood that everything belongs to God and nothing belongs to Caesar, a man who falsely claimed to be a god, it would have seemed like Jesus was saying the exact opposite, give Caesar nothing.

Jesus sent them to go get a fish and a coin fell out of its mouth --for taxes--it was the reason Jesus said that.

Jesus in that same story also made it clear that he thought of himself as exempt.

Jesus spoke to him first, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others? And when he said, “From others,” Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free.

It was also made clear that Jesus had the tax paid to avoid a meaningless conflict on their journey.

What do you think happened anyway? They caught a gefilte fish with money where its mouth was while on the road or they hooked a follower of Jesus into paying the road tax, a fish being a well known symbol for a believer?
Jesus did not necessarily teach to pay taxes by saying 'render unto Caesar the the things of Caesar and render unto God the things of God'.

To a non Jew it would have seemed like Jesus was advocating paying taxes to Caesar but to a Jew who understood that everything belongs to God and nothing belongs to Caesar, a man who falsely claimed to be a god, it would have seemed like Jesus was saying the exact opposite, give Caesar nothing.

Jesus sent them to go get a fish and a coin fell out of its mouth --for taxes--it was the reason Jesus said that.

Jesus in that same story also made it clear that he thought of himself as exempt.

Jesus spoke to him first, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others? And when he said, “From others,” Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free.

It was also made clear that Jesus had the tax paid to avoid a meaningless conflict on their journey.

What do you think happened anyway? They caught a gefilte fish with money where its mouth was while on the road or they hooked a follower of Jesus into paying the road tax, a fish being a well known symbol for a believer?

Gods word is clear on matters of caeser--pay your taxes and don't break their laws( if not conflicting with God' word) so they have no reason to imprision one. --And have respect for authority---that about covers it.

Yes they caught a fish.
Jesus sent them to go get a fish and a coin fell out of its mouth --for taxes--it was the reason Jesus said that.

Jesus in that same story also made it clear that he thought of himself as exempt.

Jesus spoke to him first, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others? And when he said, “From others,” Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free.

It was also made clear that Jesus had the tax paid to avoid a meaningless conflict on their journey.

What do you think happened anyway? They caught a gefilte fish with money where its mouth was while on the road or they hooked a follower of Jesus into paying the road tax, a fish being a well known symbol for a believer?

Gods word is clear on matters of caeser--pay your taxes and don't break their laws( if not conflicting with God' word) so they have no reason to imprision one. --And have respect for authority---that about covers it.

Yes they caught a fish.


as was mentioned earlier Pauls epistle to the romans chapter 13 seems to agree with you but Nero was ceasar at the time it was written.

Do you really think God wanted the people of the time it was written to submit to Nero who was known most for his perverse mind and persecution of Christians and for them to pay taxes that empowered such an evil person to stand in the place of God??

Isn't it more likely that either Nero or any other Caesar that came after him had Pauls epistle perverted or Paul was an agent of the enemy?
Any can claim to be Christian--actions prove it-- Jesus taught pay caesers things to caeser--taxes-- one has to throw this truth away to start a war against caeser for taxes. Not a Christian action. and as history goes on it gets worse.

Actions can't prove it because anyone can be an actor. Some people don't believe like Jehovah Witnesses as it is only an exercise.

Not in this world--The JW,s are taught to learn and apply every utterance from God on a daily basis. Every real Christian is taught to do just that.---no matter what, govts, men or family have to say about it.

From God or the Green Phantom?
Actions can't prove it because anyone can be an actor. Some people don't believe like Jehovah Witnesses as it is only an exercise.

Not in this world--The JW,s are taught to learn and apply every utterance from God on a daily basis. Every real Christian is taught to do just that.---no matter what, govts, men or family have to say about it.

From God or the Green Phantom?

By learning and applying Jesus truths--my teachers get all of them deep into our hearts--we live by them daily. Everytime I post Jesus' important truths, every Trinitarian rejects them.
Jesus in that same story also made it clear that he thought of himself as exempt.

Jesus spoke to him first, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others? And when he said, “From others,” Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free.

It was also made clear that Jesus had the tax paid to avoid a meaningless conflict on their journey.

What do you think happened anyway? They caught a gefilte fish with money where its mouth was while on the road or they hooked a follower of Jesus into paying the road tax, a fish being a well known symbol for a believer?

Gods word is clear on matters of caeser--pay your taxes and don't break their laws( if not conflicting with God' word) so they have no reason to imprision one. --And have respect for authority---that about covers it.

Yes they caught a fish.


as was mentioned earlier Pauls epistle to the romans chapter 13 seems to agree with you but Nero was ceasar at the time it was written.

Do you really think God wanted the people of the time it was written to submit to Nero who was known most for his perverse mind and persecution of Christians and for them to pay taxes that empowered such an evil person to stand in the place of God??

Isn't it more likely that either Nero or any other Caesar that came after him had Pauls epistle perverted or Paul was an agent of the enemy?

Yes it is exactly what Jesus was teaching---then they would have 0 reason to bother one. They are a necessary evil for now--otherwise total anarchy would occur.
Gods word is clear on matters of caeser--pay your taxes and don't break their laws( if not conflicting with God' word) so they have no reason to imprision one. --And have respect for authority---that about covers it.

Yes they caught a fish.


as was mentioned earlier Pauls epistle to the romans chapter 13 seems to agree with you but Nero was ceasar at the time it was written.

Do you really think God wanted the people of the time it was written to submit to Nero who was known most for his perverse mind and persecution of Christians and for them to pay taxes that empowered such an evil person to stand in the place of God??

Isn't it more likely that either Nero or any other Caesar that came after him had Pauls epistle perverted or Paul was an agent of the enemy?

Yes it is exactly what Jesus was teaching---then they would have 0 reason to bother one. They are a necessary evil for now--otherwise total anarchy would occur.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not about how to stay out of trouble in a police state.

There may be anarchy in the government if people stopped playing nice, they wouldn't have a clue as to what to do, but what is the alternative if evil people remained in power because the oppressed won't do anything about it out of fear of the man??

Peace, liberty, justice, freedom??

I don't think so......
Yes they caught a fish.


They hooked a fish, a known symbol for a follower, who coughed up a coin or put his money where his mouth was so Jesus wouldn't be hassled, but they didn't throw a hook on a lure into the water and randomly caught an aquatic creature that miraculously happened to have exact change....

That is just silly superstitious gobbledygook.
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The way I understand the quote is as follows:

"That which is Caeser's...." can refer to the material world. The world of flesh and blood, of dirt and sin all of which is of little value to god.

"That which is God's" can refer to the spiritual world. Such as your consciousness, soul and others matters pertaining to the spirit.

So which world does gold belongs to? Better question is--does God value gold, or does man?

as was mentioned earlier Pauls epistle to the romans chapter 13 seems to agree with you but Nero was ceasar at the time it was written.

Do you really think God wanted the people of the time it was written to submit to Nero who was known most for his perverse mind and persecution of Christians and for them to pay taxes that empowered such an evil person to stand in the place of God??

Isn't it more likely that either Nero or any other Caesar that came after him had Pauls epistle perverted or Paul was an agent of the enemy?

Yes it is exactly what Jesus was teaching---then they would have 0 reason to bother one. They are a necessary evil for now--otherwise total anarchy would occur.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not about how to stay out of trouble in a police state.

There may be anarchy in the government if people stopped playing nice, they wouldn't have a clue as to what to do, but what is the alternative if evil people remained in power because the oppressed won't do anything about it out of fear of the man??

Peace, liberty, justice, freedom??

I don't think so......

Did you ever read the bible? It is not left to man to undo govts--its been foreordained--Gods appointed king, the Messiah has been given that task-Daniel 2:44) God already knew govts are corrupt-2Peter 2:19) What I showed is all that's required of a follower of Christ.
--Satan offered Jesus every kingdom on earth for an act of worship---he wouldn't have bothered if he wasn't in control of them. Rev 16 shows the same for the very end of the last days. Daniel 2:44 is the result---Gods kingdom--a cure all.
The way I understand the quote is as follows:

"That which is Caeser's...." can refer to the material world. The world of flesh and blood, of dirt and sin all of which is of little value to god.

"That which is God's" can refer to the spiritual world. Such as your consciousness, soul and others matters pertaining to the spirit.

So which world does gold belongs to? Better question is--does God value gold, or does man?

Two different worlds?

1. The Industrial Revolution invested ‘quantities’ with import, over ‘qualities.’ The central motivation of this transition of society was to harness technological power to satisfy purely material wants; there is a ruthlessness and power of the machine that fosters the idea of a universe governed by inexorable mechanical forces rather than one of biblical genesis.

a. The mechanistic worldview: essentially a substitute religion.

b. One can see the attraction this had for the physicist, and those desirous to share their acclaim! On the one hand, it absolved one of the need to consider or obey anything not within their discipline, and on the other, everything not so contained, mathematically, was demoted to merely a creation of the human imagination, the mind.

c. Materialism: those things that could be measured.

2. Dating back to antiquity, most cultures have assumed that a human being comprises both physical and spiritual elements: body and soul. Contemporary thought, it seems, has split these apart. In accordance with liberal or Postmodernist thinking, there is the autonomous self, the person versus the Modernist concept of a biochemical machine, the body.

Pearcey, "Saving Leonardo"
9. On page 221 in David Mamet’s book “The Secret Knowledge” he quotes Christopher Hollis who wrote in 1936:

“The left is atheist, and simply because it is atheist, its religious fanaticism is worse than the other fanaticisms of history. For the romantic of the past has sometimes, if all too rarely, has been restrained by the reality that God is truth. But the atheist fanatic has no reason for such restraint. There is no reason in principle why the revolutionary atheist should regard truth, and it does not seem he does so in practice.”

Sixty five years later it continues to be a brilliant observation. This is why fanatical atheism which seeks to stamp out all mention of God in the public square is to be a concern to all.
Wacko Atheists Sue Over WTC Cross |Blogs |

And, if religion and morality are erased a a guide for society, what is left but the state....
.....and no restraints on its activities.

I am happy to see that PoliticalSpice has finally decided to "come clean" about her religious agenda to turn this nation into a theocracy.
NO WHERE in any place in the Constitution does it state that "rights came from God".
That's right! Because it's in the Declaration of Independence!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…

You DO know there are three documents?

Declaration of Independence: Told the King of England to "Toss off!"
Constitution: Establishes the Framework of Gov't and Separation of Powers.
Bill of Rights: Rights so important the Founding Fathers had them Enumerated.

If you ALLOW that Rights come from MAN then ANY MAN can come along and change them AT WILL.

But if you understand and accept they come from God then no man may take them away from you. Even if they sign a Law.

The DoI is not the Law of the Land.

The BoR is simply the 1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution.

Constitutional rights are granted by law and you can be deprived of them by law. Your right to bear arms can be taken away when you are convicted of a crime. During WW2 and the phony "War on Terror" US citizens have been imprisoned without trial. Your privacy rights were stripped by the Patriot Act.

Your rights are upheld by your fellow citizens, not God, and yes, they can be taken away.
Yes it is exactly what Jesus was teaching---then they would have 0 reason to bother one. They are a necessary evil for now--otherwise total anarchy would occur.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not about how to stay out of trouble in a police state.

There may be anarchy in the government if people stopped playing nice, they wouldn't have a clue as to what to do, but what is the alternative if evil people remained in power because the oppressed won't do anything about it out of fear of the man??

Peace, liberty, justice, freedom??

I don't think so......

Did you ever read the bible? It is not left to man to undo govts--its been foreordained--Gods appointed king, the Messiah has been given that task-Daniel 2:44) God already knew govts are corrupt-2Peter 2:19) What I showed is all that's required of a follower of Christ.

If you think that all that is required of a follower of Jesus is to pay taxes, submit to perverse men who have usurped positions of authority and do nothing proactive till kingdom come, then perhaps you need to reread the bible.

If undoing corrupt governments is the appointed task of the messiah and the messiah said that believers in him will do what he is doing then you better start doing something towards that end if you are claiming to be a follower of Jesus.

If Jesus showed up tomorrow, would you ask him when he is going to get around to making the world a better place? If you did he would probably ask you what have you been doing. When you tell him you have been waiting for him to show up and do it he will ask you why haven't you done anything yourself and when the fuck are you going to start.

--Satan offered Jesus every kingdom on earth for an act of worship---he wouldn't have bothered if he wasn't in control of them. Rev 16 shows the same for the very end of the last days. Daniel 2:44 is the result---Gods kingdom--a cure all.

again like in the fish who coughed up a coin, what do you think actually happened?

Was Satan some invisible disembodied entity whispering in Jesus' head and causing hallucinations?

Or was it just some bearded guy in robes with a box on his head saying something like, "Jesus, you are such a nice guy, everybody likes you. You make beautiful furniture and could make lots of money and have the whole world at your command. You could have it all if you would just stop all that crazy talk about right and wrong and good and evil.

It really does matter how one interprets what is written......

If you don't know why, I will tell you.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is not about how to stay out of trouble in a police state.

There may be anarchy in the government if people stopped playing nice, they wouldn't have a clue as to what to do, but what is the alternative if evil people remained in power because the oppressed won't do anything about it out of fear of the man??

Peace, liberty, justice, freedom??

I don't think so......

Did you ever read the bible? It is not left to man to undo govts--its been foreordained--Gods appointed king, the Messiah has been given that task-Daniel 2:44) God already knew govts are corrupt-2Peter 2:19) What I showed is all that's required of a follower of Christ.

If you think that all that is required of a follower of Jesus is to pay taxes, submit to perverse men who have usurped positions of authority and do nothing proactive till kingdom come, then perhaps you need to reread the bible.

If undoing corrupt governments is the appointed task of the messiah and the messiah said that believers in him will do what he is doing then you better start doing something towards that end if you are claiming to be a follower of Jesus.

If Jesus showed up tomorrow, would you ask him when he is going to get around to making the world a better place? If you did he would probably ask you what have you been doing. When you tell him you have been waiting for him to show up and do it he will ask you why haven't you done anything yourself and when the fuck are you going to start.

--Satan offered Jesus every kingdom on earth for an act of worship---he wouldn't have bothered if he wasn't in control of them. Rev 16 shows the same for the very end of the last days. Daniel 2:44 is the result---Gods kingdom--a cure all.

again like in the fish who coughed up a coin, what do you think actually happened?

Was Satan some invisible disembodied entity whispering in Jesus' head and causing hallucinations?

Or was it just some bearded guy in robes with a box on his head saying something like, "Jesus, you are such a nice guy, everybody likes you. You make beautiful furniture and could make lots of money and have the whole world at your command. You could have it all if you would just stop all that crazy talk about right and wrong and good and evil.

It really does matter how one interprets what is written......

If you don't know why, I will tell you.

It matters immensely--John 4:22-24
How come God did not give any rights to black folk here for centuries?
That God fellow Aryan Nation?
How come God did not give any rights to black folk here for centuries?
That God fellow Aryan Nation?

God did give them rights--those told they were Christian, were lied to by teachers of darkness to have anything to do with all the atrocities that has occurred by fake Christians the last 1750 years. The bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens.
again like in the fish who coughed up a coin story, what do you think actually happened?

Was Satan some invisible disembodied entity whispering in Jesus' head and causing hallucinations?

Or was it just some bearded guy in robes with a box on his head saying something like, "Jesus, you are such a nice guy, everybody likes you. You make beautiful furniture and could make lots of money and have the whole world at your command. You could have it all if you would just stop all that crazy talk about right and wrong and good and evil.

It really does matter how one interprets what is written.......

It matters immensely--John 4:22-24

I agree with your insistence of the importance of those words in John and your observation that many Christians are doing something else entirely different for worship that Jesus himself would have rejected as idolatry but in the same way that it matters how one interprets what is written, whether the disciples caught a fish with exact change or they hooked a follower into coughing up some money, one must know the truth to be capable of the worship of God in words that are both spirit and truth.

If the truth is that the disciples did not literally go fishing then you are not doing what you notice other people not doing either.

so what actually happened when Jesus was being tempted by the devil?

Was Jesus a lonely aesthetic starving himself in the desert among the wildlife until he started having auditory and visual hallucinations, or was Jesus, who was probably employed in construction building a Roman town, in the wilderness, 4 miles from Nazareth running around with the wild beasts, the Romans, doing what Romans were doing, eating and drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes and all sorts of bad characters debating with some bearded guy in robes trying to dissuade Jesus from doing what righteousness demanded?

As you said , it matters immensely.

If you believe that the devil is a disembodied entity talking in peoples heads and causing hallucinations then every schizophrenic out there is potentially the returning Messiah, or at least a holy man or saint, and if anyone was running around out there eating and drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes and claiming to be the Messiah you would reject that out of hand as completely ridiculous and would be convinced that they were just a nutjob, just like they did with Jesus, even if it really was Jesus.
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Not in this world--The JW,s are taught to learn and apply every utterance from God on a daily basis. Every real Christian is taught to do just that.---no matter what, govts, men or family have to say about it.

From God or the Green Phantom?

By learning and applying Jesus truths--my teachers get all of them deep into our hearts--we live by them daily. Everytime I post Jesus' important truths, every Trinitarian rejects them.

I encourage you to read the book of Revelation from a KJ Bible and then you will know the truth about Jesus.:eusa_angel:

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