That's the Kind of Man Mitt Romney is

About 20,000 American GI's died in Vietnam in the 30 months Romney was hanging out in France, trying to talk people into joining a racist church.

What ever.

You people really have your head up your asses.

Generosity is when you give someone the shirt off your back, not when you give someone one of the 500 shirts you have in your closet,

that you never got around to wearing.

Giving someone the shirt off someone else's back is also no generosity. It isn't charity either.
About 20,000 American GI's died in Vietnam in the 30 months Romney was hanging out in France, trying to talk people into joining a racist church.

What were you doing during the Vietnam War, burning the American flag, spitting on returning GIs?

I was serving as an S-2 clerk in a missile battalion. What were you doing, fatso?

ROFL! In other words, you were 10,000 miles away from the nearest enemy.

I was in Jr High School at the time.
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When a guy already has more money than he knows what to do with serves in office in politics for free,

is that really some sort of sacrifice?

Yes; yes it is. Give the man some credit. He would be the type of neighbor most of us would want. He'd give you a ride on his car elevator.

He'd be a terrible President but he's a good, decent man.

You are so full of shit your eyes are brown.

Mormon church earns $7 billion a year from tithing, analysis indicates

They have so much money, they spent 20 million attacking gay people. Republicans call that "charity" because many of them want gay people killed. Not a secret.

Please document where the Mormon church (not it's members) spent 20 million on prop 8.

Additionally, please show where the GOP said they want gay people killed.

Document them both or you become the official board liar.

When a guy already has more money than he knows what to do with serves in office in politics for free,

is that really some sort of sacrifice?

Yes; yes it is. Give the man some credit. He would be the type of neighbor most of us would want. He'd give you a ride on his car elevator.

He'd be a terrible President but he's a good, decent man.

this is the liberal thinking I like, obama had no record, would makea great president, Romney at least has a record, terrible president.
Here's the kind of man Mitt Romney is:

Protesting FOR the Vietnam War, then taking his draft deferment to France, where he enjoyed a fine meal with friends. In the meantime, his betters who actually had the strength of their convictions, had another kind of casual dining experience.


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Mr Obama?

He's president of the United States and earned every cent he has.

Deal with it.

Mitt Romney is a low life scum who made his fortune by wrecking the lives of middle Americans.
Judging from the high unemployment and the record number of people on food stamps, I'd say Obama has wrecked far more middle American lives than Romney has.

But then, I'm not a reality-denying Obamabot like you.
When a guy already has more money than he knows what to do with serves in office in politics for free,

is that really some sort of sacrifice?

Yes; yes it is. Give the man some credit. He would be the type of neighbor most of us would want. He'd give you a ride on his car elevator.

He'd be a terrible President but he's a good, decent man.

this is the liberal thinking I like, obama had no record, would makea great president, Romney at least has a record, terrible president.

I don't think a doctor would make a great priest nor a priest a great doctor. A great actress would not necessarily make a great mother nor vice versa. Horses for courses; to put it another way.

Romney's business philosophy may serve him well as a CEO but the office of President is more than being a CEO. I do not think Romney has any clue what it is like to take an unsure breath. Seriously--be honest--do you really believe that he ever worried about making ends meet; ever? I mean; according to Ann Romney when times got tough, they sold their stock holdings. Her words; not mine. Doesn't make him a bad person or to put it into conserva-speak; eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil that he was well off. But it certainly doesn't put him on a par with those he is attempting to lead through the election to President.

Another example, he plans to cut 280,000 jobs through his reduction in the federal workforce. That is on his website; feel free to look it up. The plan is to do it through attrition; hire one person to replace every 2 or 3 that leave the federal workforce. 1 person doing the work of 2 or 3. Sounds great if you're a shareholder. If you're a veteran waiting on your VA check and there is 1 guy processing them instead of 2 or 3; you may get it a few days/weeks late. Or if you're in line at the Social Security office, I'm sure you'd like to have 1/3 as few people to see you.

He's not a bad guy. I wish the democrats and fellow liberals here would stop it with the personal attacks. But President?
About 20,000 American GI's died in Vietnam in the 30 months Romney was hanging out in France, trying to talk people into joining a racist church.

What ever.

You people really have your head up your asses.

Generosity is when you give someone the shirt off your back, not when you give someone one of the 500 shirts you have in your closet,

that you never got around to wearing.
Generosity is not taking those shirts from the man who bought them and giving them to others.

I know you can't comprehend that.

So he has had a hand in promoting a racist, misogynistic, homophobic cult that doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on the whole "Separation of Church and State" thing that has kept the peace in this country for 200+ years and engages in a lot of shady economic and political deals?

That sounds like a good reason to vote against him to me.

In fact, it is for me. Mormonism is the difference between voting for a Democrat and voting for another clueless loser like McCain or Dole.
About 20,000 American GI's died in Vietnam in the 30 months Romney was hanging out in France, trying to talk people into joining a racist church.

Thanks to President Johnson a Democrat who got us into that war.
Who took American worker's retirement funds (Social Security) off the books to pay for it.
Mormons have always allowed blacks to join the church, it was in 1978 that they allowed blacks to join the priesthood.

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