That’s Why Hunter Biden Got a Wrist Slap

Same thing that made the other 99% of people who settle with the IRS "Special". He was actually willing to settle.

I've said for a long time that background checks are useless.

I recently applied for my Illinois FOID card. You know, where you Ammosexuals complain IL has such "tough" gun laws.
I spent $11.00 and filled out a form with 13 questions, and sent them a picture of myself.
That's it.

Now, if they had done a real background check,maybe made him piss in a cup, or talked to his associates, like oh, any job would make you do before hiring you, they'd have found out he had a problem.

So you have no problem paying an equivalent of a poll tax to exercise your Constitutional rights, got it.

Sweet heart deal. Well he plead guilty. He now has a criminal record. Any further screw ups will probably result in jail time. He lied when he purchased a gun. He didn't pay his taxes. Wow , now throw him in jail. If he had committed a crime with that gun then yeah , the sentencing would be harsher.

H Biden punishment is a deal between the prosecutor and Biden. It is presented to the judge and it is up to the judge to determine if it is acceptable. He can turn it down. Biden pleads guilty and the case is over. The Judges has ultimate control. In the Federal court the Judge can only use the sentencing range under the US sentencing Guidelines.

So now republicans are hollowing that Trump is getting a raw deal. Well Trump beat two attempts for impeachment. This allows him to stay as president and run again. So who got the sweet heart deal. Trump

Votes in favor230
Votes against197

2/3 majority vote needed.

Now he can plead guilty to the federal case about the classified records and enter into a plea deal. He can still run for president even if found guilty. That is what Makes America Great. The deal work both ways.
Where is your evidence? The fact is that Hunter Biden paid the taxes owed except it was after the due date. Many of these rappers were found to have willfully evaded taxes.

The post has gotten things right when commie propaganda outlets were giving themselves awards for lies.

Probably because you are a liar. He did not commit 2 felonies. He paid his tax bill after the due date.

Tiger laughing.jpg

Biden loves him some Putin to, he lifted the sanctions on him. Even the American hating Obama wouldn't do that.

Why didn't Trump impose sanctions before the pipeline was started rather than when it was nearly finished. Biden is helping Ukraine to fight back against Russia. Trump would surrender Ukraine.

The post has gotten things right when commie propaganda outlets were giving themselves awards for lies.


The propaganda outfits are on the right. That is what you post as sources for your lie.
No, Russian collusion was a made up lie. But it let Mueller investigate Trump as he wish and he still came up with nothing.

He was told that he could not indict Trump. He came up with a meeting between the Trump campaign and a Russian spy where camp[aign information was turned over.
The undesirables are Trump fascists. Republicans want everyone who have guns. Why are you complaining? You should be defending Hunter Biden's right to own a gun.

Every gun I've bought over the last 60 years was purchased legally. I expect everyone to do the same, if they don't they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The crackhead has a law degree, he knew what he was doing was illegal and did it anyway,

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