That’s Why Hunter Biden Got a Wrist Slap

The post has gotten things right when commie propaganda outlets were giving themselves awards for lies.

“The IRS prepared an affidavit in support of a search warrant for the unit in December 2020, but . . . Wolf once again objected,” Shapley said.

2020 was Bill Barr's DOJ.
Until you do something serious. Of course, you could do the breathtakingly rational thing of not just taking their word for it, like a bank would for giving a loan or a employer would for giving you a job.

Actually, it works just fine in the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, we have 49,000 gun deaths every year, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes, etc.
haha yeah if you support tyrannical rule
And? You think there weren't commies in the DOJ in 2020?

It’s come out that the people involved knew there was more than enough evidence to search Biden’s homes and offices. But they were concerned about “the optics”. Funny those optics didn’t mean anything when the Gestapo raided Mar A Lago.
Why didn't Trump impose sanctions before the pipeline was started rather than when it was nearly finished. Biden is helping Ukraine to fight back against Russia. Trump would surrender Ukraine.
The sanctions were there when Obama was president, he didn't lift them. You're going against Obama? You're a racist.
He was told that he could not indict Trump. He came up with a meeting between the Trump campaign and a Russian spy where camp[aign information was turned over.
Because they knew it was made up. Quit proving yourself an idiot and wake up. Russian collusion was made up.
He was told that he could not indict Trump. He came up with a meeting between the Trump campaign and a Russian spy where camp[aign information was turned over.

You're a lying dog faced pony soldier. Mueller plainly stated in his report that "No American knowingly cooperated with Russian campaign interference."!

Who says the prosecutor was even privy to the communications between the DOJ and IRS? The conspiracy to protect the xiedn crime family is unraveling, deal with it. Too many moving parts to keep it secret forever.
The prosecutor mentioned was the one leading the investigation. They make the call to bring charges.
The prosecutor mentioned was the one leading the investigation. They make the call to bring charges.
who’s under orders from his boss Joey “the big guy” xiden, who’s goals are to protect the family business

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