The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist

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Oh that is priceless!! He's an illegal alien!!

Democrats refuse to secure our border and insist everyone coming across are "good people" who are "seeking asylum" :laugh:
What's worse with you people? An illegal alien being in the Country or a 10 yr old child getting raped? Probably the former.
Oh that is priceless!! He's an illegal alien!!

Democrats refuse to secure our border and insist everyone coming across are "good people" who are "seeking asylum" :laugh:
Changing the subject eh? From calling the dems liars and political posturing and all kinds of defamatory Fng shit,

Just be a man, own up to it, YOU WERE WRONG. Your whole group of right wing authoritarian cultist Media liars, and thugs, were WRONG....

A 10 year old, or anyone raped should NOT be forced by our government to carry the rapist child through 9 months of pregnancy. Period. That is a decision for the family and doctor to make.
Just be a man, own up to it, YOU WERE WRONG.
Still reserving judgement on this. Very curious that law enforcement had no announcement on this at all until someone pointed out all of the flaws in the alleged story. Even the fucking Attorney General of Ohio stated he had no information at all that something like that had happened.

And when law enforcement finally comes forward - where is it? Ultra-liberal Columbus. Very curious. Going to reserve final judgement for now. Will happily admit I was wrong if this story turns out to be true.
Changing the subject eh?
Changing the subject, uh? You want to focus more on whether I was right or wrong than on the policies of the Dumbocrats which directly led to the (alleged) brutal rape of a 10 year old child?

How fucked up is your moral compass that whether I was right or wrong is more important to you than the failed policies that lead to 10 year olds being raped by foreigners who have no business being here to begin with?
What caused the 10 year old child to be raped, sicko?!?

Answer: liberal policy encouraging an invasion of our country by filthy animals
Got it. You guys were proven wrong when you claimed that the story was a hoax etc so now you want to cover your asses by ranting about the perv being an illegal immigrant. Won't work.

But don't apologize for claiming the story was made up. Don't do that.
If an abortion was needed in this case then every last person with a brain supports the kid not carrying the child.
What's worse with you people? An illegal alien being in the Country or a 10 yr old child getting raped? Probably the former.
One of Biden’s invited illegals who raped a 10 year old is the worst in my book.

How about yours?
Still reserving judgement on this. Very curious that law enforcement had no announcement on this at all until someone pointed out all of the flaws in the alleged story. Even the fucking Attorney General of Ohio stated he had no information at all that something like that had happened.

And when law enforcement finally comes forward - where is it? Ultra-liberal Columbus. Very curious. Going to reserve final judgement for now. Will happily admit I was wrong if this story turns out to be true.
Lol shut the fuck up. You know you’re wrong. Be a man and admit it now.

Got it. You guys were proven wrong when you claimed that the story was a hoax etc so now you want to cover your asses by ranting about the perv being an illegal immigrant. Won't work.

But don't apologize for claiming the story was made up. Don't do that.
Got it. Your policies led to the rape of a 10 year old girl, so now you want to change the discussion.

Can't say I blame you. If I supported crime to the point that it resulted in heinous crimes against small children, I too would be ashamed. The difference is, I'd never be dumb enough to do that AND if I had, I'd have the decency to change my views.
Changing the subject, uh? You want to focus more on whether I was right or wrong than on the policies of the Dumbocrats which directly led to the (alleged) brutal rape of a 10 year old child?

How fucked up is your moral compass that whether I was right or wrong is more important to you than the failed policies that lead to 10 year olds being raped by foreigners who have no business being here to begin with?
Utter right wing nonsense. When are you going to care about the 10 year old girl, (or any girl raped) only want to use her unfortunate situation to exp!oit your POLITICAL stance on il!egals now, AFTER you could no longer accuse fals!ey, democrats of lying and just making the story up for political reasons and calling the story a lie.....based on your right wing FAKE NEWS/FOX NEWS running 24/7 with it..

Are you okay with big government, making it illegal for a 10 year old pregnant girl to have an abortion? Do you think that is a decision big government should make for the 10 year old go through 9 months of pregnancy with her rapists child... as a child herself, and not a decision that her parents and doctor should make?

LOOK IN THE MIRROR KIDDO....ya hypocrite! You are trying to make it political, while c!aiming the other guy is....
Lol shut the fuck up. You know you’re wrong. Be a man and admit it now.

Billy000 - I buried you in a thread completely dedicated to asshole liberals just like yourself filing false police reports.

So no, I'm not going to "admit" what I don't know to be true. Everything about this is highly suspicious.
based on your right wing FAKE NEWS/FOX NEWS running 24/7 with it..
Oh sweetie...

  1. I never watch Fox News. Never.
  2. Fox News went with the story
Every time you post, you illustrate how uninformed you are about even the basics. How hard is it for you to go to Fox and read what they are saying before you make a comment?
Billy000 - I buried you in a thread completely dedicated to asshole liberals just like yourself filing false police reports.

So no, I'm not going to "admit" what I don't know to be true. Everything about this is highly suspicious.
Lol filing police reports? Where was this? Surely I would be traumatized to remember!

No, you know you were wrong. You’re just a pussy who won’t admit it.
One of Biden’s invited illegals who raped a 10 year old is the worst in my book.

How about yours?
It's a tragedy. But a child shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of an illegal living in this country. And her parents shouldn't have had to take her out of state to have the procedure.

Soon, we'll be hearing about children having babies. Nice job.
Are you okay with big government, making it illegal for a 10 year old pregnant girl to have an abortion?
Are you ok with big government making murder illegal? Yes or No? This isn't hard.

If you're not ok with murder, then STFU about abortion, because that is flat-out murder. It's settled science.
Do you think that is a decision big government should make for the 10 year old go through 9 months of pregnancy with her rapists child... as a child herself, and not a decision that her parents and doctor should make?
Tell me something psycho - did the baby commit a crime? Why do you want to execute the baby for the crime of the rapist?

Should we execute you for the actions of Al Qaeda on 9/11? This isn't hard - even for the low-IQ left.
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