The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist

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i asked you if you live in Ohio. I didn't say you did. Didn't do too well in reading comprehension on the ole GED final, didga?
If you asked, it would have started with “DO”. Here is your exact post. You did not start with “do”. Fail the basic English part of the GED, did ya asswipe?
You live in Ohio, you moron? If you do maybe you can tell Jordan to do something about the opiate crisis in that state which is one of the worst in the Country instead of running your yap about N.Y. or California.

You probably don't so I'll just chalk your rant up to your ignorance.
You made an ignorant accusation based on your illiteracy.
the SC made the decision to overturn Roe. Not the voter's of Ohio, you asswipe.
It’s easy to see what type of person votes Dumbocrat: the uneducated kind.

They literally have no clue what Roe v Wade was and what overturning it meant.
the SC made the decision to overturn Roe. Not the voter's of Ohio, you asswipe.
Perhaps you should direct tour outrage at the person who invited this child rapist illegal into the US……YOUR Vegetable Messiah.
Are you ok with big government making murder illegal? Yes or No? This isn't hard.

If you're not ok with murder, then STFU about abortion, because that is flat-out murder. It's settled science.

Tell me something psycho - did the baby commit a crime? Why do you want to execute the baby for the crime of the rapist?

Should we execute you for the actions of Al Qaeda on 9/11? This isn't hard - even for the low-IQ left.
It isn't murder, and it has never been murder, for thousands of years.

Even in this nation, under common law, it was a misdemeanor, and ONLY if it took place, after QUICKENING....quickening is around 19 to 21 weeks, and it is when the baby begins to kick...
I don't think there has ever been a woman charged with murder for an abortion, in this nation, NOT EVER!

In the founding father era.

One of the most authoritative sources for learning law during the founding era was William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England. Blackstone, a distinguished English jurist, was so well-liked by the founding fathers that he was the second most frequently cited thinker in the American political writings of the founding era. American law students studied his work so religiously that Thomas Jefferson wrote to a friend that “Blackstone is to us what the Koran is to the Muslims.”

Blackstone affirmed in his Commentaries that an individual’s right to life is an “immediate gift of God.” This right to life is legally binding “as soon as an infant is able to stir in the mother’s womb.” Per Blackstone,

“For if a woman is quick with child, and by a potion, or otherwise kills it in her womb; or if any one beat her, whereby the child dies in her body, and she is delivered of a dead child; this, though not murder, was by the ancient law homicide or manslaughter. But at present it is not looked upon in quite so atrocious a light, though it remains a very heinous misdemeanor.”
Interestingly, Blackstone also explains that fetuses “in the mother’s womb” are legally considered “to be born.” Thus, the law considered a fetus to be his or her own person, independent of the mother.
From these commentaries, the founding fathers learned that any abortion perpetrated after the stirring of an infant in the mother’s womb was a “heinous misdemeanor.”

American courts upheld this traditional common law approach in characterizing abortion as a misdemeanor. Founding father James Wilson, a signatory of the Declaration of Independence and original U.S. Supreme Court justice, taught his law students that,

“With consistency, beautiful and undeviating, human life, from its commencement to its close, is protected by the common law. In the contemplation of law, life begins when the infant is first able to stir in the womb. By the law, life is protected not only from immediate destruction, but from every degree of actual violence, and, in some cases, from every degree of danger.”
Similarly, St. George Tucker, a Madison judicial appointee and professor of law at the College of William and Mary, explained in his celebrated legal treatise on American law that it is “a great misprision [misdemeanor]” to “kill a child in its mother’s womb.”
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Oh sweetie...

  1. I never watch Fox News. Never.
  2. Fox News went with the story
Every time you post, you illustrate how uninformed you are about even the basics. How hard is it for you to go to Fox and read what they are saying before you make a comment?
You just switched out Fox for other garbage rightwing rags lol. You’re just as uniformed and deceived.
This is neither a “branch” nor a “dead stick”. It’s a thread on a website 🤦‍♂️

When are YOU going to change the lying thread title now that the story has been verified and proven to be true, and when are YOU going to apologize to the forum for posting the lies?????

I do note that like the good little sheep you are, once the story was proven to be true and the rapist charged, you immediately pivoted to the illegal immigrant rant.

You have 11 million jobs which are going unfilled, leading to shortages and lack of goods and services throughout the country, so that even the US Chamber of Commerce are BEGGING the government to re-open immigration to your country to get workers in to fill these jobs.

Your food prices are through the roof because there's no one to plant the crops, pick the crops or process the food, because Trump closed the Southern Border, and didn't let anyone in, and you're blaming Biden for this.

Did you think that if you stopped illegal immigration, and didn't let the foreign workers in that there would be no consequences???? You really didn't think this through very well, did you???
It isn't murder, and it has never been murder, for thousands of years.

Even in this nation, under common law, it was a misdemeanor, and ONLY if it took place, after QUICKENING....quickening is around 19 to 21 weeks, and it is when the baby begins to kick...
I don't think there has ever been a woman charged with murder for an abortion, in this nation, NOT EVER!

In the founding father era.

One of the most authoritative sources for learning law during the founding era was William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England. Blackstone, a distinguished English jurist, was so well-liked by the founding fathers that he was the second most frequently cited thinker in the American political writings of the founding era. American law students studied his work so religiously that Thomas Jefferson wrote to a friend that “Blackstone is to us what the Koran is to the Muslims.”

Blackstone affirmed in his Commentaries that an individual’s right to life is an “immediate gift of God.” This right to life is legally binding “as soon as an infant is able to stir in the mother’s womb.” Per Blackstone,

Interestingly, Blackstone also explains that fetuses “in the mother’s womb” are legally considered “to be born.” Thus, the law considered a fetus to be his or her own person, independent of the mother.
From these commentaries, the founding fathers learned that any abortion perpetrated after the stirring of an infant in the mother’s womb was a “heinous misdemeanor.”

American courts upheld this traditional common law approach in characterizing abortion as a misdemeanor. Founding father James Wilson, a signatory of the Declaration of Independence and original U.S. Supreme Court justice, taught his law students that,

Similarly, St. George Tucker, a Madison judicial appointee and professor of law at the College of William and Mary, explained in his celebrated legal treatise on American law that it is “a great misprision [misdemeanor]” to “kill a child in its mother’s womb.”

English common law knew nothing about DNA

But now we know that the unborn child is human from the moment of conception
You just switched out Fox for other garbage rightwing rags lol. You’re just as uniformed and deceived.
Tell me something, Billy000 - is it hard being wrong all the time? :laugh:
When are YOU going to change the lying thread title now that the story has been verified and proven to be true, and when are YOU going to apologize to the forum for posting the lies?????
Tell me something, Dragonlady - is it hard being wrong all the time? :laugh:

The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOES exist

It’s amazing how easy it is to dupe the low-IQ left :lmao:
It’s amazing how easy it is to dupe the low-IQ left :lmao:
Don't be a trump supporter calling others dupes. You're the duped one.
Don't be a trump supporter calling others dupes. You're the duped one.
Snowflake - this was a massive propaganda campaign by the left to convince you low-IQ leftists of some “atrocity” that never occurred.

It wasn’t until an actual journalist started asking questions that some charges were “magically” filed. Conveniently against an illegal alien who doesn’t speak English. And now the mother is saying this is all a lie.
It’s amazing how easy it is to dupe the low-IQ left :lmao:

Quoting a questionable source like the Blaze is hardly proof of anything. The rapist has confessed and the story has been confirmed.

You’ve been caught believing the lies from right wing media yet again.

Gullible, stupid and believing the rabid right is no way to go through life, Son.

English common law knew nothing about DNA

But now we know that the unborn child is human from the moment of conception

What did you think it was before DNA? A puppy????
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Lying thread by lying cons.
You low-IQ leftists are so easy to dupe… :laugh:
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