The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist

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You guys doubt this, a story reported by multiple credible sources but swear the election was stolen from trump based on no evidence.
You don’t have any credible sources on the left. Your all liars and bullshit artists.
simply not true. Parents can make those decisions together, if both young juveniles where both children freely participated..... is my understanding.

I wouldn't label that rape, though..... As the Header in the article calls it rape, so it's possible the guy is over the age of consent, while still a minor.....??

I agree there is a lot we don't know and need to find out, through thorough investigation....especially if it was an adult or family member, they should be charged.

what I don't agree with, is seeding another story, contradicting the first, without proof..... That just gives us two WRONGS.

Get physical proof, and show it, in your reporting on it.....

And finally, fake story or not....the situation is what it is....

a pregnant, very young girl, is or will be forced by Ohio state government to go through a dangerous 9 months of pregnancy, if she has no means to get to another state to have an abortion.

the parents should make that decision...and have the abortion option, in their own state.
so you believe a 10 year old can consent? wow…welcome to the xiden dembot cult folks…
"Even a fucking 11 year old would be arrested and charged"
Because that's what's really important here. Not forcing children to travel to other States for an abortion. No, the arrest of a hypothetical 11 year old sperm donor and treating him like an adult rapist regardless of circumstances -- that's paramount. Never mind also treating the egg donor like an adult criminal.. As Carlin brilliantly noted, "Once they're born, fuck 'em!" It would take a chainsaw to even begin cutting through all the inherent irony.
the issue presented is that a doctor would send a 10 year old rape victim to another state for an abortion instead of falling the law and reporting the sexual abuse to law enforcement

you think the doctor was trying to destroy evidence?
Da fuq is this stupid OP about? NO LINK.
You wouldn't understand even if there were 50 links...

You wouldn't understand even if there were 50 links...

Sure I would. Seems everyone fell for a fake story the MSM reported. Not the first, or last time it happens.
Fuck'n amazing how easy it is to dupe the low-IQ left...
I told pknopp that the story sounded like a hoax and there was a similar “what if“ story a year or so ago but he is a lot smarter than all of us do it must be true!

You didn't even read what I said then. I clearly said more than once that it could be fake but it's something that will happen in the future either way.

So you really didn't tell me anything so...........................
You guys doubt this, a story reported by multiple credible sources but swear the election was stolen from trump based on no evidence.
What credible sources? The media doesnt check facts, where have you been the past 6 years? Holy shit you're clueless
They weren’t duped….they were helping to spread the lie….

On Jesse waters tonight it was shown that Ohio doesn’t have a 6 week ban, it has a heart beat ban…..with exceptions…

This story was a lie and they spread it to get the lie out there
Well, its sad to see this story likely was made up by that Indiana doctor activist.....shame on her!

It tugged at my heart to see a 10 year old girl forced in to a 9 month pregnancy....shoot a 13 or even 15 year old having to go through pregnancy after statutory rape, would even rip at my heart....!

It's a low life tactic of this OBGYN activist to put out that story, if truly made up, as it appears! It discredits ALL other activists who have just argued their side on their knowledge and beliefs etc, who have not relied on dirty tricks and lies like what this Indiana OBGYN activist doctor, appears to have done.... It pisses me off!


Ohio's ban on fetal heartbeat, is what Ohio calls their 6 week ban on abortion..... There is a sound of a beat/spasm on the sonogram or audio gram but the article I read said it truly isn't the heart beat at 6 weeks....the heart valves are not connected or developed yet, and their opening and closing when pumping blood in to the heart is what a heart beat is, in medical terms and biological terms, which occurs at around or after 9 weeks of what this OBGYN said.....

REGARDLESS, that other beat/spasm sound occurs at 6 weeks +/-, and that's what the clinics are using as cut off.
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