The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist

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No silly, but if the male was 12 years old, he too is a young minor....
Was the male? Moreover....that doesn't change the requirements of the Doctor...the Doctor has no way of knowing any of that, and has a legal obligation to first report such abuse to law enforcment to investigate....according to the OP the doctor never did.

Geez....stick with the facts and not your wild fantasy defending the lie

"There is a 10yo little girl...."

Sheep do not question, they just follow.
The story is very similar to a “what if story” from a year or so ago, it seemed fishy and the timing was strange plus the two credited reporters have only covered fluff stories.

The whole thing was suspicious and still is. She went to at least two doctors and no one has turned over this story to the authorities? Maybe, the story is real but no one has been able to confirm or even seen a police report on the incident of a 10 year old being raped.
I researched it for hours myself yesterday.... (Only a retired person could have that wasteful leisure time) :D

I even tried to find Ohio arrests and charges.... And all kinds of sh*t that had too many unanswered questions about it....

It pisses me off if it's made up.

Lying wasn't necessary.... Just discussion of the possibility of one single 10 yr old girl being forced by our government to go through 9 months of pregnancy, if her family could not afford to travel out of state, or afford the cost of an abortion, is just an unbearable and sorrowful and disgusting thought to me.
Was the male? Moreover....that doesn't change the requirements of the Doctor...the Doctor has no way of knowing any of that, and has a legal obligation to first report such abuse to law enforcment to investigate....according to the OP the doctor never did.

Geez....stick with the facts and not your wild fantasy defending the lie
That's fine.... But there is no way for YOU to know about it....whether she reported it, or not.

sure there is…there is no report, no investigation…read the OP
What kind of report? The one the doctor fills out to report a rape of a child? You're not going to see that.....

And until the investigators investigate and figure out exactly what happened, you are not going to have any info to be reported, and if another minor involved, for minor privacy reasons, we likely would never find out sh*t!!

No one is going to find out any thing on this less than a week from the doctor allegedly seeing the girl.... The young girl's privacy is always considered too.


That's why if this is a scam, it'll be hard for us to find out difinitively.
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It tugged at my heart to see a 10 year old girl forced in to a 9 month pregnancy....
Well your first clue should have been the fact that a 10 year old girl got pregnant.

You think 10 year old girls are having their periods? I promise you, 99.99999% of 10 year old girls are not having their periods. Would have to be one extreme rare case.

And since we know that 99% of rapes don't end in pregnancy, the chances that the rape of a 10 year old would end in a pregnancy is absolutely fucking astronomical.

That's not to say it's impossible, but it's absolutely fuck'n astronomical.
Well your first clue should have been the fact that a 10 year old girl got pregnant.

You think 10 year old girls are having their periods? I promise you, 99.99999% of 10 year old girls are not having their periods. Would have to be one extreme rare case.

And since we know that 99% of rapes don't end in pregnancy, the chances that the rape of a 10 year old would end in a pregnancy is absolutely fucking astronomical.

That's not to say it's impossible, but it's absolutely fuck'n astronomical.
I had my period at 10 years old, my sister was 11, and this was decades ago, and menstruation for girls has been getting younger and younger.... Something to do with hormones in meat, is what they believe is what is causing it to be earlier and earlier....
I had my period at 10 years old
So you are in the rare 1 in 1,000,000.
, my sister was 11, and this was decades ago, and menstruation for girls has been getting younger and younger.... Something to do with hormones in meat, is what they believe is what is causing it to be earlier and earlier....
Still extremely rare. And when you pair it with how rare it is for a rape to result in a pregnancy, you're dealing with some seriously astronomical odds.
Well your first clue should have been the fact that a 10 year old girl got pregnant.

You think 10 year old girls are having their periods? I promise you, 99.99999% of 10 year old girls are not having their periods. Would have to be one extreme rare case.

And since we know that 99% of rapes don't end in pregnancy, the chances that the rape of a 10 year old would end in a pregnancy is absolutely fucking astronomical.

That's not to say it's impossible, but it's absolutely fuck'n astronomical.
Oh, and read the news.... It happened Patriot.... The rapist confessed, and has been arrested.
Well your first clue should have been the fact that a 10 year old girl got pregnant.

You think 10 year old girls are having their periods? I promise you, 99.99999% of 10 year old girls are not having their periods. Would have to be one extreme rare case.

And since we know that 99% of rapes don't end in pregnancy, the chances that the rape of a 10 year old would end in a pregnancy is absolutely fucking astronomical.

That's not to say it's impossible, but it's absolutely fuck'n astronomical.
It's not.... In the Usa, 10 to 15 yr old is considered the normal range, 12 being the most common....

At what age does a first period generally happen?​

In the United States, a child may get their first period when they’re about 12. However, anytime between 10 and 15 is within the average range. It’s not entirely unusual for a first period to happen as young as 8 or as old as 16.


While I was searching this up, dear LORD ALMIGHTY! The youngest girl to have a period was about 2 yrs old, was raped at 5 yrs old on the first rape, and was 6.5 yrs old when she delivered her first baby. A baby! At 6 years old! Holy Cow! She did have a medical condition causing early puberty.
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