The $100/hr. Minimum Wage idea I presented isn't popular?

Only a idiot would post a thread like this not knowing that the price of goods would shoot through the roof. The minimum wage is made to balance the needs with the the cost of the product people need.
Your OP of $100 wage is simplistic nonsense...Um...why not make the wage $100 then?
It does not help you make your point

Why do you keep beating a dead horse?

Well, if it's "simplistic nonsense" it seems like you'd be able to tell me why? :dunno:

...And that is what I am asking YOU... Why not make it $100?

Yes, it would put you in a higher tax bracket but that's okay, you wouldn't mind, right? You'd probably have to subscribe to ADT or some kind of home security system to protect all your valuables... that's easy enough to do. I'm really not seeing what your objections are, I figured lefty liberals would LOVE my idea and I'd be your new hero for proposing it... but that seems to not be the case.

What else is it you need? A shorter work week? --I bet that's it! With a $100/hr. MW, I am not factoring in how people wouldn't want to have to be working all the time, they'd want more leisure time to enjoy their wealth. That's easy to fix, we just mandate a shorter work week!

Beating a dead horse? What dead horse? I am pushing for a REAL living wage! You're the one beating the dead horse with this $15/hr. bullshit.... like THAT is going to make some great difference! For 82 years, you 'small-thinkers' have been chasing a "living wage" with a nickel and dime here and there, whenever you can get it, but you haven't fixed the problem you claimed you were going to fix in 1933 with the MW. By the time you lobby and whine to finally get an increase, it's time to start lobbying and whining for the next one. I say, let's jack it on up to something that would make a REAL difference!

Why do you think it's simplistic nonsense?
$100 an hour is too high

$10-$15 an hour is more justified

I could not live on $2.10 an hour but it provided what Conservatives always claims is the purpose of minimum wage...A Starter Wage

On $2.10 an hour, I could get started in life by paying my college tuition without going into debt. I could buy a car to get to work and pay for gas in that car.

You can't do that on todays $7.25 wage

Well, no you couldn't pay your college costs... we had to institute the student loan program to help you do that... remember?

And why are you now arguing the Conservative argument about the MW being a "starter wage" and abandoning your argument for a "living wage?"

I am arguing that for 82 years, liberal democrats have promised a minimum wage which provided a decent living... it's time to deliver on your promise and implement my idea of a $100/hr. MW. That solves the problem for everyone and everyone is happy, right?

You're not giving me a good reason why we shouldn't do this. If the principles behind your idea of a $15 MW are sound, then a $100 MW should be too. It's just a number. What are you so afraid of?

Are you concerned that we might actually solve the problem and you won't have anything to complain about anymore?

If minimum wage had kept pace with inflation, those student loans would not be necessary. I didn't need one and I only made $2.10 an hour
Pay kids $10 to $15 an hour and they would not need all that college debt

I would be content with just a "Starter Wage" right now. $7.25 is not that wage
Give workers a wage they can get started in life with for college, basic transportation

Your $100 theme on this thread is just nonsense and does nothing to negate the fact that we need a $10-$15 wage just to provide the buying power that was available to workers thirty years ago

So where is all these magical company's going to come from?

What world do you live in?

Oh yea you live in a world of pixie dust, unicorns and fairys.
Those magical companies used to be all over the place. They paid a wage workers could get started on and offered a path up where you could do better in life

But they learned that if you kept workers hungry and made sure there were plenty of workers who were willing to take their jobs, you could pay anything you want

The result is the wage structure has not kept up with the cost of living.

Unless the government stands up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.......the current workforce structure will continue

Nah you sent them away by buying stuff from the dollar store..

It was you.
Only a idiot would post a thread like this not knowing that the price of goods would shoot through the roof. The minimum wage is made to balance the needs with the the cost of the product people need.

Four words for you: Government mandated price caps!
Only a idiot would post a thread like this not knowing that the price of goods would shoot through the roof. The minimum wage is made to balance the needs with the the cost of the product people need.

Four words for you: Government mandated price caps!

Who's to say that all government mandates are bad? We know from history of the 19th and early 20th century that corporations pay as little as they can get away with...Same can be said throughout Africa and most of the "developing" world where they pay people pennies for their work.

Do we want this here?
The minimum wage is made to balance the needs with the the cost of the product people need.

The MW has nothing to do with cost of a product... that totally contradicts the liberal argument FOR the increase in MW. Back in 1933... 82 years ago... FDR imposed the MW and said that any business in America who couldn't afford to pay people a decent living wage should not exist. Today, liberal democrats are screaming the exact same thing. And we'll eventually raise the MW again, and nothing will change. The problem will still exist and liberal democrats will start screaming for another increase.

Instead of wasting all this time and energy on silly little increases that don't work, why not adopt MY idea and raise the minimum wage to $100/hr.? So far, I am not hearing any reasons NOT to do it!

I don't know why you guys seem to think I'm not serious. I am a highly-successful person who has made a lot of money in my life simply because I wouldn't settle for less. Back when I worked, my time was worth a lot... I made over $100/hr. doing what I did. Wouldn't work for less! If you wanted Boss, you had to pay up! I can't believe how you little clowns are so willing to settle for mere table scraps and you think that will somehow improve someone's life.
Only a idiot would post a thread like this not knowing that the price of goods would shoot through the roof. The minimum wage is made to balance the needs with the the cost of the product people need.

Four words for you: Government mandated price caps!

Who's to say that all government mandates are bad? We know from history of the 19th and early 20th century that corporations pay as little as they can get away with...Same can be said throughout Africa and most of the "developing" world where they pay people pennies for their work.

Do we want this here?

Pennies? NOooo... I am advocating a $100/hr. minimum wage! (That's more than pennies.)

You said it would cause prices to skyrocket... I said-- government mandated price caps! Somehow, you've now started arguing as if I have opposed government mandates. Is there something you misunderstood? The MW increase IS a government mandate. You say raising it to $100/hr. will cause prices to skyrocket... but not if we apply another mandate that companies can't increase prices.
Your OP of $100 wage is simplistic nonsense...Um...why not make the wage $100 then?
It does not help you make your point

Why do you keep beating a dead horse?

Well, if it's "simplistic nonsense" it seems like you'd be able to tell me why? :dunno:

...And that is what I am asking YOU... Why not make it $100?

Yes, it would put you in a higher tax bracket but that's okay, you wouldn't mind, right? You'd probably have to subscribe to ADT or some kind of home security system to protect all your valuables... that's easy enough to do. I'm really not seeing what your objections are, I figured lefty liberals would LOVE my idea and I'd be your new hero for proposing it... but that seems to not be the case.

What else is it you need? A shorter work week? --I bet that's it! With a $100/hr. MW, I am not factoring in how people wouldn't want to have to be working all the time, they'd want more leisure time to enjoy their wealth. That's easy to fix, we just mandate a shorter work week!

Beating a dead horse? What dead horse? I am pushing for a REAL living wage! You're the one beating the dead horse with this $15/hr. bullshit.... like THAT is going to make some great difference! For 82 years, you 'small-thinkers' have been chasing a "living wage" with a nickel and dime here and there, whenever you can get it, but you haven't fixed the problem you claimed you were going to fix in 1933 with the MW. By the time you lobby and whine to finally get an increase, it's time to start lobbying and whining for the next one. I say, let's jack it on up to something that would make a REAL difference!

Why do you think it's simplistic nonsense?

$100 an hour is too high

$10-$15 an hour is more justified

I could not live on $2.10 an hour but it provided what Conservatives always claims is the purpose of minimum wage...A Starter Wage

On $2.10 an hour, I could get started in life by paying my college tuition without going into debt. I could buy a car to get to work and pay for gas in that car.

You can't do that on todays $7.25 wage

Well, no you couldn't pay your college costs... we had to institute the student loan program to help you do that... remember?

And why are you now arguing the Conservative argument about the MW being a "starter wage" and abandoning your argument for a "living wage?"

I am arguing that for 82 years, liberal democrats have promised a minimum wage which provided a decent living... it's time to deliver on your promise and implement my idea of a $100/hr. MW. That solves the problem for everyone and everyone is happy, right?

You're not giving me a good reason why we shouldn't do this. If the principles behind your idea of a $15 MW are sound, then a $100 MW should be too. It's just a number. What are you so afraid of?

Are you concerned that we might actually solve the problem and you won't have anything to complain about anymore?

If minimum wage had kept pace with inflation, those student loans would not be necessary. I didn't need one and I only made $2.10 an hour
Pay kids $10 to $15 an hour and they would not need all that college debt

I would be content with just a "Starter Wage" right now. $7.25 is not that wage
Give workers a wage they can get started in life with for college, basic transportation

Your $100 theme on this thread is just nonsense and does nothing to negate the fact that we need a $10-$15 wage just to provide the buying power that was available to workers thirty years ago

So where is all these magical company's going to come from?

What world do you live in?

Oh yea you live in a world of pixie dust, unicorns and fairys.
Those magical companies used to be all over the place. They paid a wage workers could get started on and offered a path up where you could do better in life

But they learned that if you kept workers hungry and made sure there were plenty of workers who were willing to take their jobs, you could pay anything you want

The result is the wage structure has not kept up with the cost of living.

Unless the government stands up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.......the current workforce structure will continue

Nah you sent them away by buying stuff from the dollar store..

It was you.
It started with killing the unions

Once the workers were on their could do what they wanted
Your OP of $100 wage is simplistic nonsense...Um...why not make the wage $100 then?
It does not help you make your point

Why do you keep beating a dead horse?

Well, if it's "simplistic nonsense" it seems like you'd be able to tell me why? :dunno:

...And that is what I am asking YOU... Why not make it $100?

Yes, it would put you in a higher tax bracket but that's okay, you wouldn't mind, right? You'd probably have to subscribe to ADT or some kind of home security system to protect all your valuables... that's easy enough to do. I'm really not seeing what your objections are, I figured lefty liberals would LOVE my idea and I'd be your new hero for proposing it... but that seems to not be the case.

What else is it you need? A shorter work week? --I bet that's it! With a $100/hr. MW, I am not factoring in how people wouldn't want to have to be working all the time, they'd want more leisure time to enjoy their wealth. That's easy to fix, we just mandate a shorter work week!

Beating a dead horse? What dead horse? I am pushing for a REAL living wage! You're the one beating the dead horse with this $15/hr. bullshit.... like THAT is going to make some great difference! For 82 years, you 'small-thinkers' have been chasing a "living wage" with a nickel and dime here and there, whenever you can get it, but you haven't fixed the problem you claimed you were going to fix in 1933 with the MW. By the time you lobby and whine to finally get an increase, it's time to start lobbying and whining for the next one. I say, let's jack it on up to something that would make a REAL difference!

Why do you think it's simplistic nonsense?


Is that a picture from 1933 of some liberal beating the "living wage" dead horse?
It started with killing the unions

Wait... We killed unions? WHEN? I must have missed that! Damn... would have loved seeing it!

It started with Reagan
It followed with fighting the right to collectively bargain and then not requiring workers to join a union in their workplace even though they benefit
It started with killing the unions

Wait... We killed unions? WHEN? I must have missed that! Damn... would have loved seeing it!

It started with Reagan
It followed with fighting the right to collectively bargain and then not requiring workers to join a union in their workplace even though they benefit

Wow... Well... To be a dead entity, they sure are contributing a lot of money to Bernie Sanders campaign.
It started with killing the unions

Wait... We killed unions? WHEN? I must have missed that! Damn... would have loved seeing it!

It started with Reagan
It followed with fighting the right to collectively bargain and then not requiring workers to join a union in their workplace even though they benefit

Wow... Well... To be a dead entity, they sure are contributing a lot of money to Bernie Sanders campaign.
Let's check your logic

Ummmmm...because you want to increase minimum wage $7 an hour, why don't you increase it $93 an's the same thing

Conservative Rocket Science
It started with killing the unions

Wait... We killed unions? WHEN? I must have missed that! Damn... would have loved seeing it!

It started with Reagan
It followed with fighting the right to collectively bargain and then not requiring workers to join a union in their workplace even though they benefit

Wow... Well... To be a dead entity, they sure are contributing a lot of money to Bernie Sanders campaign.
Let's check your logic

Ummmmm...because you want to increase minimum wage $7 an hour, why don't you increase it $93 an's the same thing

Conservative Rocket Science

Yes... Let's check your logic... If there is a net positive effect from increasing it $7, then there will be a greater net positive effect by increasing it $93. If there is no significant negative effects to raising it $7, then there shouldn't be any negative effects when raising it $93.

You are saying you just want people to be paid what they are worth and I am saying the same thing. You simply value people less than me. I think people deserve $100/hr. and you think they only deserve $15/hr.
It started with killing the unions

Wait... We killed unions? WHEN? I must have missed that! Damn... would have loved seeing it!

It started with Reagan
It followed with fighting the right to collectively bargain and then not requiring workers to join a union in their workplace even though they benefit

Wow... Well... To be a dead entity, they sure are contributing a lot of money to Bernie Sanders campaign.
Let's check your logic

Ummmmm...because you want to increase minimum wage $7 an hour, why don't you increase it $93 an's the same thing

Conservative Rocket Science

Yes... Let's check your logic... If there is a net positive effect from increasing it $7, then there will be a greater net positive effect by increasing it $93. If there is no significant negative effects to raising it $7, then there shouldn't be any negative effects when raising it $93.

You are saying you just want people to be paid what they are worth and I am saying the same thing. You simply value people less than me. I think people deserve $100/hr. and you think they only deserve $15/hr.
Simplistic logic is still simplistic

Raising minimum wage at all = Raising it indefinitely can't raise minimum wage
Wait... We killed unions? WHEN? I must have missed that! Damn... would have loved seeing it!

It started with Reagan
It followed with fighting the right to collectively bargain and then not requiring workers to join a union in their workplace even though they benefit

Wow... Well... To be a dead entity, they sure are contributing a lot of money to Bernie Sanders campaign.
Let's check your logic

Ummmmm...because you want to increase minimum wage $7 an hour, why don't you increase it $93 an's the same thing

Conservative Rocket Science

Yes... Let's check your logic... If there is a net positive effect from increasing it $7, then there will be a greater net positive effect by increasing it $93. If there is no significant negative effects to raising it $7, then there shouldn't be any negative effects when raising it $93.

You are saying you just want people to be paid what they are worth and I am saying the same thing. You simply value people less than me. I think people deserve $100/hr. and you think they only deserve $15/hr.
Simplistic logic is still simplistic

Raising minimum wage at all = Raising it indefinitely can't raise minimum wage

What the hell are you trying to say? You're not making coherent sense.

I don't want to raise the MW indefinitely. Is that what YOU want? For people to perpetually be chasing a carrot they'll never get? How fucking cruel and dishonest! So... for 82 years, this has all been about Democrats exploiting the hopes of working class Americans with a "promise" they never intend to fulfill?
Boss is obviously daring folks to be honest and admit there are limits to a minimum wage, why there are limits, and (if they're bold enough) to have an honest conversation about wage equilibrium and how it might be found.

So far, no takers, just deflection. Not terribly surprising. Not because it would be impossible, but because people just don't want to give an inch. That would be too honest. And we SURE as hell can't have THAT.

There are too many people running around right now whose first impulse is to be intellectually dishonest.
That is the real point, and the one that MW increasers don't want to address, because to address it means to admit that increasing the MW DOES negatively impact jobs, and the bigger the increase, the bigger the impact. The only way a MW increase does not have much of a negative impact is if it is small enough to not make much of a difference.
Maybe that is why all the places that are implementing MW are spreading it out over a few years.
Yeah, I saw a study that said that increasing it too quickly would be even more dangerous than the final level to which it's increased.
The other thing the MW increasers don't want to talk about is the ripple effect. 62% of America's workers earn $20/hour or less. Everyone of those workers will demand a raise as well if we bump the minimum to $15. That's an effect that can't be ignored.
I'm willing to talk about it

Long overdue
Okay, good. Do you believe that over half the workers in America can receive large raises at the same time without impacting prices and available jobs?
That is the real point, and the one that MW increasers don't want to address, because to address it means to admit that increasing the MW DOES negatively impact jobs, and the bigger the increase, the bigger the impact. The only way a MW increase does not have much of a negative impact is if it is small enough to not make much of a difference.
Maybe that is why all the places that are implementing MW are spreading it out over a few years.
Yeah, I saw a study that said that increasing it too quickly would be even more dangerous than the final level to which it's increased.
The other thing the MW increasers don't want to talk about is the ripple effect. 62% of America's workers earn $20/hour or less. Everyone of those workers will demand a raise as well if we bump the minimum to $15. That's an effect that can't be ignored.
I'm willing to talk about it

Long overdue
Okay, good. Do you believe that over half the workers in America can receive large raises at the same time without impacting prices and available jobs?


But keep in mind, they have been denied raises at the same time and it has been going on for over a decade

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