The 12:00 Noon Vote: Updates

that will never happen because too many people put party before country.
Interesting how blaming both sides only shows up when the democrats have screwed the pooch. They never want to blame both sides any other time.

I have been blaming both sides for 20 fucking years, so kiss my ass.
You haven’t even been doing it since joining this board. You’re full of shit.

You just do not pay attention. You are another stupid fucknig Trump zealot that thinks anyone not licking Trump's ass daily like you do must have a Lib.
See there? Told you you were full of shit. One of the top tier lib posters here. You rank right up there.

Dishonest morons like you always make this claim and then can never show a single liberal position that I hold.

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Glad to see that the Democrats figured out that holding U.S. citizens hostage for the benefit of illegal aliens was NOT a winning strategy. Still don't trust 'em, though.
and they want to talk about Nationals Parks being open but no cleaning or trash pick up?

WTF? If you really want to make the Dems look bad, talk about the military working without pay! good lord!
Dems offered a bill to pay the military that republicans completely rejected. You’ll have to try another route.

Why...they don't like their staffers and Fed Gov't employees?

The GOP has offered a bill that pays everybody and allows the
Country to function. The Dems keep voting against it.

Those sorry asses have never worried about our military. It's
just a stunt because they know the GOP has got them behind
the 8-Ball in this entire ordeal.

They have actually shutdown the Government over something
that doesn't involve Law. DACA isn't a law. It has no business
being an issue in a CR vote.

The President's position and the Speaker of the House along with
the Senate Majority Leader is quite clear..."We will resume immigration
negotiations, to include DACA, once the Government is up and running."

Do you guys need a slide rule to figure out what that means?

If I was a Dem and I wanted to protect DACA, I think I'd vote to get
the Government up and running again. (That, along with agreeing
to fund the wall, eliminate Chain Immigration and end Lottery Immigration.
You are here because of chain immigration


I didn't immigrate here from Italy.

My Grandparents on both sides of the family were allowed into this country
thru the front door. They immigrated from Italy. Earned their citizenship.
My parents were born here. I was born here.

Go find a book at the Library,,,I think it's titled...

"Chain Immigration for Dummies."

It'll explain the process to you, in 5 letter words and big, big sized
Schumer: "Republicans could have avoided this whole thing.... if they would have only agreed to everything we wanted them to.
What we need to do, is get rid of the 27th Amendment, and keep Congress from getting paid during shutdowns.


And they should lose significant salaries if they can't pass a balanced budget every year.

But... we get the government we deserve, I guess.

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