The 2 reasons why American health care is the most expensive in the world


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
American health care is the most expensive in the world by a factor of 2 because it is the most socialist in the world and because America, being richer, thanks to capitalism in most industries except health care, can afford to waste more than other countries.
American health care is the most expensive in the world by a factor of 2 because it is the most socialist in the world and because America, being richer, thanks to capitalism in most industries except health care, can afford to waste more than other countries.

this is a fucking lie
American health care is the most expensive in the world by a factor of 2 because it is the most socialist in the world and because America, being richer, thanks to capitalism in most industries except health care, can afford to waste more than other countries.
That'd definitely be the Teabagger/head-up-your-ass explanation.....but, I prefer the numerous-examples from an (actual) health-care-insurance insider....someone who was in$trumental in denying care.

[ame=]BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Wendell Potter | PBS - YouTube[/ame]​
your fucking insane

1) its you're, not your

2) as a liberal it didn't occur to you to present a reason.

.....Like the ass-kickin' you got, from me, correct?

Here, you go.

American health care is the most expensive in the world by a factor of 2 because it is the most socialist in the world and because America, being richer, thanks to capitalism in most industries except health care, can afford to waste more than other countries.

this is a fucking lie

well then all you have to do is say who has more!!! Who has more precise and specific controls in so many different ways than the USA. Britain has one simple single payer socialist sytem while the USA has several!!

Catching on now?? You know any conservative/libertarian will twice as smart as you- right? Sorry its just a fact of life.
American health care is the most expensive in the world by a factor of 2 because it is the most socialist in the world and because America, being richer, thanks to capitalism in most industries except health care, can afford to waste more than other countries.

this is a fucking lie

well then all you have to do is say who has more!!! Who has more precise and specific controls in so many different ways than the USA. Britain has one simple single payer socialist sytem while the USA has several!!

Catching on now?? You know any conservative/libertarian will twice as smart as you- right? Sorry its just a fact of life.
GB's whole health care system is run by the govrement. GB does not have single payer
So you saying GB’s whole health care system being run by the government compared to Americas where only 40% is means GB is less soclizied ois just you grasping straws and being retarded
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American health care is the most expensive in the world by a factor of 2 because it is the most socialist in the world

So a step toward the Canadian system or the British system or the Swiss system or any other nation's system would be a step in the right direction, as it would be a step away from American socialism?

Slow down there, Kucinich.
Prove we have the most socialized medical care

medicare medicaid Schip VA , health insurance competition made illegal

catching on now?

Medicare , Medicaid and SHIP and VA are all 40% cheaper then their private sector counterparts.
Clearly you are not catching on at all you insane retard

of course if true you would not be so afraid to say where there is a private sector counterpart in America. what does your fear tell you?
American health care is the most expensive in the world by a factor of 2 because it is the most socialist in the world

So a step toward the Canadian system or the British system or the Swiss system or any other nation's system would be a step in the right direction, as it would be a step away from American socialism?

Slow down there, Kucinich.

It would be a step toward a more efficient socialism, but not a step toward capitalism which works best. This is why China just switched to it and its people are now getting rich rather than slowly starving to death under liberalism.

Is that really over a liberal's head?
American health care is the most expensive in the world by a factor of 2 because it is the most socialist in the world

So a step toward the Canadian system or the British system or the Swiss system or any other nation's system would be a step in the right direction, as it would be a step away from American socialism?

Slow down there, Kucinich.

It would be a step toward a more efficient socialism

European health systems are more efficient than the United States? You're not endearing yourself to us American exceptionalists, comrade.

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