The 2009 Baseball Season Thread

NY survives the Mitre turn, and win 8-4 to complete teh sweep of Toronto.

Red Sox again fall to the Rays 6-4 and fall 2 1/2 behind going into the four game set.

If NY can win one of the games against Boston (they are 0-8 so far against them) they will retain first after that series.
We got our solid 3rd closer. Jarrod Washburn from Seattle. OK, he'll go to free agency at the end of the season but we didn't give up any major prospects for him. I think this is a really good deal for us.

Doesn't help the bullpen of course, except if Leyland is planning to have the starters go for complete games only.

Hmmm. He's in line for the loss tonight. Tigers anaemic hitting (1 for 8 with RISP -uuugh!) and some nice Orioles D more to blame than his pitching IMO.

Unless there's a big surprise we'll lose this one. But I've got tix for tomorrow night and Ed Jackson is on the mound. It's all good.....

And Jackson pitched a beauty. Gave up a 2 run shot to start the 9th, but that was all. Rodney came on for the save. Tigers 4-2.

Twinkies visit us next. Important divisional series. Things are getting tight.
NY destroys Boston ending the 8 game losing streak vs the Red Sox.

Unbelavably, NY walked 12 batters and still won easily.

Yankees also got away with using all their average relievers as Joba struggled badly even with the win.

Now I see why A15 is on Big Crappy so much, 0-5, and runners on in all of his at bats and he didn't move one of them.

Posada had maybe the most Bush league play i have seen in years, allowing himself to be tagged at home when a slide would have scored him easily, but got away with it by having three hits including a 3 run bomb.

NY moves to 3 1/2 in front.
15 innings, one of the best games in years, 0-0 until 2 out in the bottom of the 15, Arod connects on a two run shot.

Beckett & Burnett brilliant

Big Crappy horrible

Red Sox & Yankee bullpens spectacular

NY wins, moves 4 1/2 up on red Sox

4 and a half up now...big game tonight...we should win tomm with CC on the mound...might be a 4 game sweep.


Reporter: David, if you knew about this a week and a half ago and you claim you never did steroids, and this must be because of an over the counter supplement. Why not say this back then to avoid the distraction?

Ortiz- ummm, I need more information from the union

lol wtf answer the questions you juicebag!
I take an over the counter supplement for my weight lifting regiment, that works almost exactly like steroids. It's a prohormone called Hemastan. It stops testosterone production, and your body produces larger amounts of estrogen. After you month long cycle, you are suggested to take a post-cycle therapy that boosts testosterone levels back up to their normal amount.

This is the same thing as steroids. If a player was taking anything over the counter that is like this, I don't make a distinction. It was still performance enhancing, and it still gave an unfair advantage. My strength levels increase drastically on Hemastan, so how is that really any different than if I was shooting roids into my ass?

This "i took something over the counter" crap is a cop out. What Manny got caught with was the post-cycle therapy that is meant to boost the test levels back up. There's no other earthly reason for taking such a substance other than if you've just completed a cycle of performance enhancers.

Congress banned most of those substances back in '04, and now there's even BETTER products on the market. There's no way in the world that ANYONE can stop this era of PE's. There will always be something bigger and better that gets created.
and the yankees are about to put the sox out of their misery for the 3rd straight game

Another brilliant pitching performance on the Yanks part...CC was dominant all game
NY shuts out Boston 5-0, and has held the nation scoreless now for 24 straight innings.

Big crappy is the biggest phoney on the planent, instead of manning up, he is trying to hide behind his union and saying he was 'careless way back then'.

It was only 6 years ago fucko, not 30 you lying sack of shit.

I hope the Nation fans never let up on this asshole, he's a cheat and he cheated you out of a clean title and he lies to your faces and says 'I didn't do it' which is also insulting your intelligence.

Red Soxfans might be joining in on mass suicides

this loss has got to feel worse then the 15 inning one

Yanks 6 and a half up

Red Soxfans might be joining in on mass suicides

this loss has got to feel worse then the 15 inning one

Yanks 6 and a half up


it's really not that bad, but i appreciate your concern.​
Andrew doesn't make a post in the thread all season and now that the Yankees are in the drivers seat he wants to talk shit ....

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