The 2009 Baseball Season Thread

yea cause he went to throw his helmet at him lol

once the helmet was out of the picture, the 20 year old rookie tossed him..cant deny that :)
yea cause he went to throw his helmet at him lol

once the helmet was out of the picture, the 20 year old rookie tossed him..cant deny that :)

He was running before Youk went for his helmet ... Porcello ended up on top but I wouldn't say that he tossed Youk at all.
[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]

i don't know dude lol

he chases him, procello backs up cause hes prob scared cause hes twenty years old.

Youk, tosses his helmet, Procello avoids it, Youk goes into him and Procello gets a grip and throws him into the floor lol

I mean in the end Youk prob wins the fight one on one...just funny to see tho

it's still not better then nolan ryan and ventua

found a great video here

the yankee orioles fight was sickkkk

Top Ten Baseball Fights - Video

couldnt figure out how to embedd the video in the post
NY Wins again 7-5, Boston also wins 7-5, so no change in standings.

Youk was thrown to the ground by that kid from what I saw in the vid, he did himself no favors with the tough guy routine.
NY Wins again 7-5, Boston also wins 7-5, so no change in standings.

Youk was thrown to the ground by that kid from what I saw in the vid, he did himself no favors with the tough guy routine.

Porcello's probably not gonna get a ban (he only defended himself) but look for Youk to be done for as much as a week for charging the mound and throwing his helmet.

I still don't think it was deliberate that Porcello hit him, though I can understand the umps making that decision. Coming immediately after our main man was drilled (for the 2nd time in as many nights) causing him to leave the game, some retaliation would be understandable.

On the other hand it's the 2nd inning and your starter looks good - bearing in mind it will mean an ejection, do you have him throw at a batter in the 2nd to send a message, or do you wait until the 7th and then have a reliever do it?

If I'm managing the team, I know which option I'm going with. Defending your players is important, but so is winning.
He was running before Youk went for his helmet ... Porcello ended up on top but I wouldn't say that he tossed Youk at all.

Youk's a dick.

yeah, but he's our dick.

That's not a pretty picture of your dick, Del! :lol:


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NY Wins again 7-5, Boston also wins 7-5, so no change in standings.

Youk was thrown to the ground by that kid from what I saw in the vid, he did himself no favors with the tough guy routine.

Porcello's probably not gonna get a ban (he only defended himself) but look for Youk to be done for as much as a week for charging the mound and throwing his helmet.

I still don't think it was deliberate that Porcello hit him, though I can understand the umps making that decision. Coming immediately after our main man was drilled (for the 2nd time in as many nights) causing him to leave the game, some retaliation would be understandable.

On the other hand it's the 2nd inning and your starter looks good - bearing in mind it will mean an ejection, do you have him throw at a batter in the 2nd to send a message, or do you wait until the 7th and then have a reliever do it?

If I'm managing the team, I know which option I'm going with. Defending your players is important, but so is winning.

Baseball Video Highlights & Clips | DET@BOS: Youkilis charges the mound after being hit - Video | Multimedia

Previous circumstances played a part.
lol did anyone see baseball tonight and the "proper way to charge the mound" which Youk failed at.

Why throw your helmet and go for a tackle? If you are going to charge get some swings in, dont bear hug the guy
Very few baseball players know how to fight, which is lucky for them as they would really hurt themselves.
NY wins in extra inning as Cano rips one off the wall with 2 on in the 11th, giving NY a 4-3 win and another series, and finishing this homestand at 6-1.

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