The 2012 Republican Conventiion

My first impression of the roll call is frustration with Fox who won't let us watch the roll call but has run constant commentary.

So I switch to CNN who has been totally focused on the unhappiness of the Ron Paul delegates.

MSNBC is focused on Al Sharpton blasting Rick Santorum for racist remarks. Sigh.

Modern news organizations have absolutely no clue how to cover a convention.

You really think the major networks that operate on ad revenue are going to cover the most boring aspects of a convention?

If you want the actual process CSPAN is the only place you're gonna get it.
Imagine. Without the Bush Tax Cuts. Without the trillions lost from the "Drugs for Votes" bill Republicans passed through reconciliation. Without the costs of the two unpaid for wars. Without TARP. Without the economic collapse from deregulation:

Imagine. Without the Bush Tax Cuts. Without the trillions lost from the "Drugs for Votes" bill Republicans passed through reconciliation. Without the costs of the two unpaid for wars. Without TARP. Without the economic collapse from deregulation:


This thread is about the 2012 Republican Convention Rdean. Please focus your comments on that. Thanks.
Scott Walker just finished speaking. He has gotten about as much applause of appreciation as anybody who has been at the convention to date.
Ann Romney will speak around 10 p.m. Eastern followed by Paul Ryan tonight. Don't want to miss either speech.
Imagine. Without the Bush Tax Cuts. Without the trillions lost from the "Drugs for Votes" bill Republicans passed through reconciliation. Without the costs of the two unpaid for wars. Without TARP. Without the economic collapse from deregulation:


This thread is about the 2012 Republican Convention Rdean. Please focus your comments on that. Thanks.

They said Obama caused the nation's debt. You're welcome.
The lineup tonight has so far been awesome. I don't know what they are going to top it.

I agree. This will build momentum in the base. We are seeing the beginnig of the end of the Obama administration.
I hope so, A. I hope so.

And Montrovant, if you just heard Gov. Christie speak, THAT was a stemwinder speech. It is kind of like the warm up act for the main event. The one that stirs up the crowd and gets them going.
Ann Romney knocked it out of the park in my opinion. Great speech. I'll be curious to see if the gender gap didn't just narrow quite a bit tonight.
I've been waiting for this for 40 years

It was that long ago that I started seeing small signs of change, not recognizing exactly what I was seeing. But it became clearer as time went by and I found myself with a growing frustration with politicians of all stripes.

SS is in trouble!!! We need to do something about it [maybe next year]

More and more people have no health insurance. We need to do something about it!! [maybe next year]

Medicare is in trouble!! We need to do something about it!! [maybe next year]

We can't pay pensions to our union employees!! We need to do something about it! [maybe next year]

Cities going bankrupt! Too damn late to do something about it. Next year is here, folks! We have a financial cliff ahead of us. We have a president who can't get his head out of his ass - totally at a loss to do anything but what he does best - campaign!

The Tea Party sprang up and they are seriously looking for change and trying to do something about it. It's a start.

We have had one of the ugliest campaigns in my memory and a man campaigning for office who many are too cynical to trust. He's not that well known. He seems a bit stiff. Why is he going to be a damn bit different than the jerk we currently have?

Tonite I could tell this was going to be different. What I saw was YOUNG PEOPLE. The NEW face of the Republican party. I saw John Kasich and Scott Walker and Nicki Haley tell tremendous stories of their state's recovery and a return to fiscal responsibility. I heard Artur Davis speak directly to members of his former party [and IMO specifically to those of his own race] asking them if they were satisfied with what Obama has brought them.

I listened to a woman tell the story of her life with her husband and she made him a lot more real. She also left no doubt he could do the job. He will not FAIL.

And, of course, the icing on this cake - Chris Christie who gave a powerhouse speech. A speech that no longer smacked of political pandering, hi-flying but empty promises, or pom-poms. He spoke honestly and truthfully. Something I've rarely heard from the clowns we've had for far too long in the halls of governmemt.

I see a party who is rebuilding with the best of their young elected officials who will be led and guided down a different path by an older, more experienced and very savvy man.

I look forward to the future with a degree of hope that finally, after 40 years, we MAY [haven't swallowed all my cynicism quite yet] have a party willing to take on those problems and actually try to solve them. No more can kicking!

Watch the polls.

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