The 2013 Thread of the Provocative, Bizzare, Stupid, and Incomprehensible in the News


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Some things simply aren't important enough to justify cluttering up the board with a new thread. But there is stuff in the news almost every day that really does deserve a place somewhere even if it doesn't provoke a lot of discussion. It's okay if it does provoke discussion of course.

From a cursory observation of today's news, I came up with three things I'll post following this opening.

But hopefully this will be a repository for the most unusual provocative tidbits, the bizzare, the stupid, and incomprehensible stuff we read in the papers or see on television every day.

Object, reinforce, comment, or add your own observations at will.
Item No. 1 from today's gleanings:

Each year Judicial Watch puts out its list of the most corrupt politicians. The winners for 2012, in alphabetical order, are:

Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL)
Secretary of Energy Steven Chu
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice.
Attorney General Eric Holder
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL)
Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
President Barack Obama
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
Rep. David Rivera (R-FL)
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius

I do question a couple of these being included on the list and can think of a couple more who should be.
Item #2:

And the winners for most ridiculous new laws of 2013 (source FoxNation):

Kentucky - it is now illegal to release a feral hog into the wild. (?)

Wellington, KS - limit of four cats per household. (I wonder if they give advance notice to Mama Kitty as to how many kittens she is allowed to give birth to?)

Illinois - it is now illegal to pop a wheelie on a motorcycle while speeding.

California - you may not allow a dog to pursue a bear or a bobcat.
Item #3:

From Reader's Digest, 20 things you should never buy at a garage sale:
(Reason: Products likely to be non working on on last legs, contaminated with unknown bacteria or other uglies, or be damaged/outdated to the point they should not be used. Doesn't leave a lot to sell at the garage sale though does it.)

Helmets (they are likely outdated or damaged)
Child car seats (ditto)
Tires (ditto)
Wet suits and swimsuits
Plasma TVs
Shoes including running shoes
Sheets and pillow cases
Baby Bottles
Worn plates, pots, cookware
DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes
Upholstered furniture
Clothes that require a tailored fit
Video games
Fragrance or makeup (new or old)
Stuffed animals
Blenders or other electronics

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