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The 2nd Amendment for dumbocrats


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Well, simply put, the Framers wrote a constitution designed to protect individual liberties (including the right to keep and bear arms) and curtail the power of the federal government two years before the Bill of Rights was even drafted and four years before it went into effect. James Wilson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and others all explained at length why a bill of rights was unnecessary, and how the Constitution protected our rights even in the absence of such a bill:

For why declare that things shall not be done [as in a bill of rights] which there is no power to do? Why for instance, should it be said, that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? (Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 84, emphasis added.)

In other words, the Constitution contains no provisions ceding to the federal government a person’s right to keep and bear arms; thus the federal government has no authority to infringe in this area. Additionally, again from Hamilton in Federalist No. 84,

There remains but one other view of this matter to conclude the point. The truth is, after all the declamation we have heard, that the constitution is itself in every rational sense, and to every useful purpose, A BILL OF RIGHTS [capital letters in original].

The Roots of the Second Amendment The Future of Freedom Foundation
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The Left loves a phantom statistic that a firearm in the hands of a citizen is X times more likely to cause accidental damage than to be used in the prevention of crime, but what is there about criminals that ensures that their gun use is accident-free? If, indeed, a firearm were more dangerous to its possessors than to potential aggressors, would it not make sense for the government to arm all criminals, and let them accidentally shoot themselves?

Former ?Brain Dead Liberal? Filmmaker Pens Scathing Column on Gun Control: ?A Political Appeal to the Ignorant? | TheBlaze.com
There was no power granted for 99% of the alphabet agencies we have either, but we got them, so there ya go. It's what ya get when a bunch a freaking lawyers are in charge.
Well, simply put, the Framers wrote a constitution designed to protect individual liberties (including the right to keep and bear arms) and curtail the power of the federal government two years before the Bill of Rights was even drafted and four years before it went into effect. James Wilson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and others all explained at length why a bill of rights was unnecessary, and how the Constitution protected our rights even in the absence of such a bill:

For why declare that things shall not be done [as in a bill of rights] which there is no power to do? Why for instance, should it be said, that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? (Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 84, emphasis added.)

In other words, the Constitution contains no provisions ceding to the federal government a person’s right to keep and bear arms; thus the federal government has no authority to infringe in this area. Additionally, again from Hamilton in Federalist No. 84,

There remains but one other view of this matter to conclude the point. The truth is, after all the declamation we have heard, that the constitution is itself in every rational sense, and to every useful purpose, A BILL OF RIGHTS [capital letters in original].

Again, who gives a fuck what the Founding Slave-Rapists thought? Frankly, I'm tired of things running so badly because we limit our thinking to what these idiots thought.

Practical matter- the two reasons you gun nuts give for wanting guns are downright silly.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy. Proven. Scientific. Fact. You might as well protect your family with a rabid pit bull. It would have about the same effect.

The other even sillier reason you guys give is that you need them to overthrow the government some day. Like most of you would get off your fat asses to do that, but even so, the government will always have more guns, bigger guns and be a lot better at using them.

And when they do come after you, most of your neighbors will be cheering because you were scaring the children.
why idiots think only THEY know what the founders meant and then think that their misguided ideas should be forced down the throats of the rest of us is just bizare.

They are little tyrants who dont give a rats ass that the whole constitution was made in the first place to protect people and NOT guns or nut ball radio hosts money making idiot magnets rantings
the OP ignores that all the scotus members dont agree with him

And the dumb bitch Liesmatters ignores the fact that SCOTUS members opinion means absolutely nothing since laws are made by the legislative branch and SCOTUS is the judicial branch. A very inconvenient fact that ignorant dumbocrats like her are completely unaware of.

How sad that you have zero understanding of your own government...
why idiots think only THEY know what the founders meant

:lmao: You mean, other than the fact that they wrote down exactly what they intended? :lmao:

You've never read the Federalist Papers in your life. Why don't you actually educate yourself just once on a topic before commenting?

Do you have any idea what a fucking fool you sound like when you claim nobody knows what the founders intended?
the whole reason the scotus exsists is to define the constitution in light of our laws.

you are one shitty American who doesnt know what they are talking about
Again, who gives a fuck what the Founding Slave-Rapists thought?

Again, who gives a fuck what you think? You've sat on the sidelines your entire life, being the epitome of of a failure - being released from job after job after job for pitiful performance, all while screaming that truly great men who accomplished the greatest feat of world history were "stupid" and "racist". In short, just another example of your extreme and very perverted envy of those more successful than you (which is most everybody).

Frankly, I'm tired of things running so badly because we limit our thinking to what these idiots thought.

Things are running so badly because of assholes like you who vote themselves marxism and redistribution of wealth because you're too fuck'n lazy to provide for yourself.

Practical matter- the two reasons you gun nuts give for wanting guns are downright silly.

Everything you post is downright silly. Everything in this world is a trade off. The downside to freedom is ignorant people like you having the right/freedom to spew your uneducated nonsense.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy. Proven. Scientific. Fact.

The Left loves a phantom statistic that a firearm in the hands of a citizen is X times more likely to cause accidental damage than to be used in the prevention of crime, but what is there about criminals that ensures that their gun use is accident-free? If, indeed, a firearm were more dangerous to its possessors than to potential aggressors, would it not make sense for the government to arm all criminals, and let them accidentally shoot themselves? :lmao:

Former ?Brain Dead Liberal? Filmmaker Pens Scathing Column on Gun Control: ?A Political Appeal to the Ignorant? | TheBlaze.com

The other even sillier reason you guys give is that you need them to overthrow the government some day. Like most of you would get off your fat asses to do that, but even so, the government will always have more guns, bigger guns and be a lot better at using them.

If they do, it's only because lazy, useless, parasites like you fought to ensure that the government had more guns and bigger guns, so you can continue to suckle at teat of government, groveling for their table scraps in exchange for your rights and freedoms.

Furthermore, as usual, you fail to realize that the majority of our men and women risk their lives for a reason. And it's not for your government table scraps or to ensure government power. It's for freedom - and most (if not all) of those men & women would happily use those "more guns, bigger guns" to over throw an unconstitutional, tyrannical government should it come to that point.
the whole reason the scotus exsists is to define the constitution in light of our laws.

Seriously, just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber, you go and out do yourself.

"Define the Constitution"... :lmao:

The Constitution is the ultimate law of the land my very ignorant friend. It's written in black and white and is not open to interpretation.

The purpose of the Supreme Court is to judge laws or issues as they apply to the Constitution. It is not to "interpret" the Constitution itself.

Again, how sad that you are this extremely ignorant of your own government. I take it you dropped out of high school?
Again, who gives a fuck what the Founding Slave-Rapists thought?

Um, pretty much 320 million Americans "give a fuck" because, well, those founders wrote and then signed into law the Constitution.

Frankly, I'm tired of things running so badly because we limit our thinking to what these idiots thought.

Well then amend the Constitution to "expand" the thinking asshole. Oh wait... that's right.... you dropped out of high school and have no idea how the amendment process works. How unfortunate for you. Oh well, I guess you'll never see your dream of a full-fledged communist nanny-state come to fruition.
There's nothing unapproachable about the Constitution. It's meant to be read and understood by the people. It's language is straightforward and clear. Pretending it means something it doesn't is lying.
Gun Control Proposals

From A soldier's Perspective blog


And the San Diego Chief of Police says “we can disarm Americans within a generation.”

7 killed Saturday night in Chicago, a city with strict gun control laws.

And from the guy who faced the tanks in Tianaman Square -
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Well, simply put, the Framers wrote a constitution designed to protect individual liberties (including the right to keep and bear arms) and curtail the power of the federal government two years before the Bill of Rights was even drafted and four years before it went into effect.

Actually the Constitution was written to expand the power of the Federal Government.
You have it backwards you inbred moron. The federal government was too weak under the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution was written to strengthen its power. Have you ever even cracked a history book in your entire stupid life? That's common knowledge to anyone who has taken American history.
A well regulated militia is no longer necessary to security of our nation. (Oh and the pop guns they allow you to have will not defeat the weapons our military has)

The proliferation of rapid fire firearms in the population has endanged and ended the inalienable right to life of many of our citizens.
Well, simply put, the Framers wrote a constitution designed to protect individual liberties (including the right to keep and bear arms) and curtail the power of the federal government two years before the Bill of Rights was even drafted and four years before it went into effect.
Actually the Constitution was written to expand the power of the Federal Government. [/B][/SIZE]You have it backwards you inbred moron. The federal government was too weak under the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution was written to strengthen its power. Have you ever even cracked a history book in your entire stupid life? That's common knowledge to anyone who has taken American history.

Once again the most ignorant poster on USMB strikes again with his own version of American history. Folks, you're getting a first hand account of just how profoundly the inner city schools are failing thanks to OPPD here...
Well, simply put, the Framers wrote a constitution designed to protect individual liberties (including the right to keep and bear arms) and curtail the power of the federal government two years before the Bill of Rights was even drafted and four years before it went into effect.

Actually the Constitution was written to expand the power of the Federal Government.You have it backwards you inbred moron. The federal government was too weak under the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution was written to strengthen its power. Have you ever even cracked a history book in your entire stupid life? That's common knowledge to anyone who has taken American history.

Here are some actual historical facts (something the uneducated OPPD can't provide in his made up version of history):

Simply put, the Framers wrote a constitution designed to protect individual liberties (including the right to keep and bear arms) and curtail the power of the federal government two years before the Bill of Rights was even drafted and four years before it went into effect. James Wilson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and others all explained at length why a bill of rights was unnecessary, and how the Constitution protected our rights even in the absence of such a bill:

For why declare that things shall not be done [as in a bill of rights] which there is no power to do? Why for instance, should it be said, that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? (Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 84, emphasis added.)

In other words, the Constitution contains no provisions ceding to the federal government a person’s right to keep and bear arms; thus the federal government has no authority to infringe in this area.

Straight from the horses mouth, asshole. You're the only asshole in the world who would try to convince people you know better what the Constitution was written for than the people who actually wrote it.... :lol:

The Roots of the Second Amendment The Future of Freedom Foundation

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