The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

Feel free to pay all their medical bills. No one is trying to stop you.
You’re a selfish prick.
It appears you are the one who refuses to help the people you pretend to be so concerned about.
I’m for universal health care. So yes, I would help.
You don’t know what universal care is. Know what you’re talking about before trying to upend an extremely complex system with many moving parts that will have drastic consequences.

Does not seem like you know what Universal healthcare is and its impact on people. The evidence is there in the numbers I have posted. People in country's with Universal Healthcare live longer on average than people who live in country's without Universal Healthcare!
Goddammit, do I really have to go through this a third time on the same thread? Universal just means everyone is to have insurance, either through mandate to purchase private insurance (like when you drive a car it needs to be insured), single payer (socialized), or a mixture. The 2nd country on your list, Switzerland, is a free market system with a mandate to buy insurance, so it’s universal. It’s a much less regulated, freer market system than ours outside of the mandate, and it is pretty much the best on the planet.

What people who don’t know what they are talking about when they say “universal” healthcare usually mean is the Bernie Sanders Medicare for all plan, which includes abolishing private insurers...which is really the only way to attempt to make it work in the US (spoiler alert: it would be a train wreck for multiple reasons). I’ve been trying to differentiate and clarify this point, because there’s plenty of idiots who say “look at the Swiss system, that’s universal,” thinking they’re making a case for single payer when they’re really making a case for a free market solution.

It’s also to be noted that many of the countries you listed are a mix between, having a socialist system with private insurance to be purchased by those who can afford. So which system are you talking about OP?
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You are not a "developed" country if you have a system where you steal the money made by some people and use it to pay the health care bills of other people that didn't earn the money.

That is state sponsored thievery.

Wrong, because people EARN money from the MARKET! The MARKET decides your salary and how much your house is worth, NOT you. You did not create the market, you were born into it. Those who benefit most from the market are required to pay a higher percentage of their earnings in taxes in order to help build and sustain the market. The market needs to be defended from foreign invasion and it needs law and order to operate efficiently which is provided by a government.

Tell you what, move to Somalia where there is no government to "steal your earnings" and see how you like it.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I earned money because I fucking worked for a living. It is morally wrong for the oppressive government to steal that money from me and give it to some filthy ass welfare queen or illegal. You know, a ghetto Democrat voter.

Moon Bats like you have a hard time understanding things like that, don't you?

Instead of me going to Somalia to get lesser government how about you getting your fat commie ass down to Venezuela to how that socialism is working out? Send us a card.

How about this Moon Bat. I'll pay my bills and you pay yours. Isn't that fair or are you some greedy asshole who thinks that you have the right to demand that I pay your bills simply because you are alive?

Fuck socialism. Fuck universal health care. Fuck greedy worthless Moon Bats that are too sorry to pay for their own health care.

If you worked In the United States, then you were either employed by someone or if you had your own business it was dependent on people buying your services or products. Either way, your earnings came from THE MARKET. A market you were born into. A market that you exploited and profited from. Which is fine, as long as you pay the government back in taxes at a rate based on your earnings in order to protect the market and keep it going for future generations.
The market is not the government. Why is the latter entitled to anything because you worked your tail off and made a good living? The government is entitled only to what it costs to provide police protection, national defense and the courts. That's about 10% of what it now receives in taxes.

These stupid Moon Bats want the government to right all wrongs, provide them with a middle class income, take care of of all of their desires from cradle to grave and it not cost them a penny.

It comes from them being too sorry to provide for their own well being so they want to use our Democracy to steal what they are unwilling to provide for themselves.

Despicable, isn't it?
It’s called getting off your ass and make a living...
Minimum wage earners, those with disabilities... often can't afford health care. Stop being so selfish and obtuse.

Wasn't it YOUR President that set us a system where Minimum wage earners and those with disabilities were FORCED to buy health insurance for health care? Who is being selfish and obtuse?
I’m a Libertarian and didn’t vote for Obummer.
You're a libertarian, but you support socialized medicine?

Here's a clue for you: no libertarian supports socialized medicine. None.
Yes, I do. Too bad for you.
You are no libertarian.

Stop deluding yourself.
Medicare for all is socialized medicine. Universal just mean everyone is to be covered. Either through mandate requiring purchase of private insurance, or single payer, or a mix. For Medicare for all to work, you have to abolish private insurance, or force all doctors to accept the single payer method, then you’d get a 2 tier system. You could be universal and free market like the Swiss, which many rubes who don’t know the difference will point to the Swiss and say “see socialized medicine works great in that universal system.”
In Canada they have free health care for everyone as well as private health care as well if you have money...
And I see Canadian cancer patients all the time, I’m over 4 hours away from the border. Were you in Canada when you had to get specialized care or surgery? If Medicare for all works, why is there a need for private insurance?
Some people prefer their own doctor, and it can be faster to see them.
Did you ever deal with a medical condition requiring specialized care?

And ask yourself why is it that someone preferred their own doctor with a socialized system?
Yes, and got great care. Rich people like to see their own doctor, not some random doctor in emergency or wherever.
With what exactly?
Minimum wage earners, those with disabilities... often can't afford health care. Stop being so selfish and obtuse.

Wasn't it YOUR President that set us a system where Minimum wage earners and those with disabilities were FORCED to buy health insurance for health care? Who is being selfish and obtuse?
I’m a Libertarian and didn’t vote for Obummer.
You're a libertarian, but you support socialized medicine?

Here's a clue for you: no libertarian supports socialized medicine. None.
Yes, I do. Too bad for you.
You are no libertarian.

Stop deluding yourself.
I support some of Trump’s policies as well. Just not enough of them to vote for him. Nothing wrong there.
In Canada they have free health care for everyone as well as private health care as well if you have money...
And I see Canadian cancer patients all the time, I’m over 4 hours away from the border. Were you in Canada when you had to get specialized care or surgery? If Medicare for all works, why is there a need for private insurance?
Some people prefer their own doctor, and it can be faster to see them.
Did you ever deal with a medical condition requiring specialized care?

And ask yourself why is it that someone preferred their own doctor with a socialized system?
Yes, and got great care. Rich people like to see their own doctor, not some random doctor in emergency or wherever.
With what exactly?
That’s personal, but I’ve always gotten great care.
It appears you are the one who refuses to help the people you pretend to be so concerned about.
I’m for universal health care. So yes, I would help.
You don’t know what universal care is. Know what you’re talking about before trying to upend an extremely complex system with many moving parts that will have drastic consequences.
I know what it is, I lived in Canada for a while.
Medicare for all is socialized medicine. Universal just mean everyone is to be covered. Either through mandate requiring purchase of private insurance, or single payer, or a mix. For Medicare for all to work, you have to abolish private insurance, or force all doctors to accept the single payer method, then you’d get a 2 tier system. You could be universal and free market like the Swiss, which many rubes who don’t know the difference will point to the Swiss and say “see socialized medicine works great in that universal system.”

Then there's forcing all of the medical community under the insurance cabal umbrella , which folks during these debates conveniently forget.

There’s that too, why doesn’t anyone ever ask why it is we seem to have to get insurance through our employer?
And I see Canadian cancer patients all the time, I’m over 4 hours away from the border. Were you in Canada when you had to get specialized care or surgery? If Medicare for all works, why is there a need for private insurance?
Some people prefer their own doctor, and it can be faster to see them.
Did you ever deal with a medical condition requiring specialized care?

And ask yourself why is it that someone preferred their own doctor with a socialized system?
Yes, and got great care. Rich people like to see their own doctor, not some random doctor in emergency or wherever.
With what exactly?
That’s personal, but I’ve always gotten great care.
Fine what type of physician did you see?
Wasn't it YOUR President that set us a system where Minimum wage earners and those with disabilities were FORCED to buy health insurance for health care? Who is being selfish and obtuse?
I’m a Libertarian and didn’t vote for Obummer.
You're a libertarian, but you support socialized medicine?

Here's a clue for you: no libertarian supports socialized medicine. None.
Yes, I do. Too bad for you.
You are no libertarian.

Stop deluding yourself.
I support some of Trump’s policies as well. Just not enough of them to vote for him. Nothing wrong there.
You're not a libertarian. I never met a libertarian who supports socialized medicine.
Some people prefer their own doctor, and it can be faster to see them.
Did you ever deal with a medical condition requiring specialized care?

And ask yourself why is it that someone preferred their own doctor with a socialized system?
Yes, and got great care. Rich people like to see their own doctor, not some random doctor in emergency or wherever.
With what exactly?
That’s personal, but I’ve always gotten great care.
Fine what type of physician did you see?
I’ve seen general emergency doctors, specialists and have been operated on. What’s your point?
I’m a Libertarian and didn’t vote for Obummer.
You're a libertarian, but you support socialized medicine?

Here's a clue for you: no libertarian supports socialized medicine. None.
Yes, I do. Too bad for you.
You are no libertarian.

Stop deluding yourself.
I support some of Trump’s policies as well. Just not enough of them to vote for him. Nothing wrong there.
You're not a libertarian. I never met a libertarian who supports socialized medicine.
You learn something new every day. Fantastic, isn’t it?
You're a libertarian, but you support socialized medicine?

Here's a clue for you: no libertarian supports socialized medicine. None.
Yes, I do. Too bad for you.
You are no libertarian.

Stop deluding yourself.
I support some of Trump’s policies as well. Just not enough of them to vote for him. Nothing wrong there.
You're not a libertarian. I never met a libertarian who supports socialized medicine.
You learn something new every day. Fantastic, isn’t it?
I learned that you're not a libertarian.

I’ve seen general emergency doctors, specialists and have been operated on. What’s your point?

A Libertarian would have paid for the treatment himself. A socialist would demand that somebody else pay for it.

Which one are you?
Yes, I do. Too bad for you.
You are no libertarian.

Stop deluding yourself.
I support some of Trump’s policies as well. Just not enough of them to vote for him. Nothing wrong there.
You're not a libertarian. I never met a libertarian who supports socialized medicine.
You learn something new every day. Fantastic, isn’t it?
I learned that you're not a libertarian.
That’s how I voted. You lose.

I’ve seen general emergency doctors, specialists and have been operated on. What’s your point?

A Libertarian would have paid for the treatment himself. A socialist would demand that somebody else pay for it.

Which one are you?
It was in Canada when I lived there. Doesn’t matter who you vote for, it’s free.
You are no libertarian.

Stop deluding yourself.
I support some of Trump’s policies as well. Just not enough of them to vote for him. Nothing wrong there.
You're not a libertarian. I never met a libertarian who supports socialized medicine.
You learn something new every day. Fantastic, isn’t it?
I learned that you're not a libertarian.
That’s how I voted. You lose.
That doesn't make you a libertarian. You don't believe in any of it's central tenants.

I’ve seen general emergency doctors, specialists and have been operated on. What’s your point?

A Libertarian would have paid for the treatment himself. A socialist would demand that somebody else pay for it.

Which one are you?
It was in Canada when I lived there. Doesn’t matter who you vote for, it’s free.

"Free"??? Really? LOL!

You aren't that stupid are you? Nobody is that stupid.
I support some of Trump’s policies as well. Just not enough of them to vote for him. Nothing wrong there.
You're not a libertarian. I never met a libertarian who supports socialized medicine.
You learn something new every day. Fantastic, isn’t it?
I learned that you're not a libertarian.
That’s how I voted. You lose.
That doesn't make you a libertarian. You don't believe in any of it's central tenants.
It’s the party that had the most for me among all the parties. Only a fool blindly follows every single thing a party says.

I’ve seen general emergency doctors, specialists and have been operated on. What’s your point?

A Libertarian would have paid for the treatment himself. A socialist would demand that somebody else pay for it.

Which one are you?
It was in Canada when I lived there. Doesn’t matter who you vote for, it’s free.

"Free"??? Really? LOL!

You aren't that stupid are you? Nobody is that stupid.
Well, it’s paid out of general tax revenues, but free when you go to hospital.
You're not a libertarian. I never met a libertarian who supports socialized medicine.
You learn something new every day. Fantastic, isn’t it?
I learned that you're not a libertarian.
That’s how I voted. You lose.
That doesn't make you a libertarian. You don't believe in any of it's central tenants.
It’s the party that had the most for me among all the parties. Only a fool blindly follows every single thing a party says.
That idiot they ran was hardly a libertarian. What about their platform do you support?

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