The 800lb. Gorilla...

Indeed, just another war to pack the pockets of the military industrial complex with our tax money. Not to mention what is to be stolen from the Syrians.

Libya had billions in gold. Who has it now?

I am not for war with Syria. Let's not forget, though, that this whole thing started because Assad gassed his own ppl.

Truth or propaganda?

We were lied into Iraq. We were lied into Libya. Can we follow a pattern?

Yes, Iraq was questionable. But in Libya, there were surely no lies. It was not claimed that Qaddaffi had WMD, since it was known he gave them up years ago. Obama said that we had to go in to prevent a mass slaughter, and considering the 100,000 ppl that were killed in Syria, that probably would've happened in Libya as well.
I am not for war with Syria. Let's not forget, though, that this whole thing started because Assad gassed his own ppl.

Truth or propaganda?

We were lied into Iraq. We were lied into Libya. Can we follow a pattern?

Yes, Iraq was questionable. But in Libya, there were surely no lies. It was not claimed that Qaddaffi had WMD, since it was known he gave them up years ago. Obama said that we had to go in to prevent a mass slaughter, and considering the 100,000 ppl that were killed in Syria, that probably would've happened in Libya as well.

Iraq was a pack of lies.
Libya was a pack of lies.
Lies about Syria are being exposed all over the place.
Money talks, Bullshit walks...We need New Finance Reform Laws in this country to regain our Democracy lost to the 1%...

Our children die in Foreign Wars while the one percent thrives....

Indeed, just another war to pack the pockets of the military industrial complex with our tax money. Not to mention what is to be stolen from the Syrians.

Libya had billions in gold. Who has it now?

I am not for war with Syria. Let's not forget, though, that this whole thing started because Assad gassed his own ppl.

Lie----this whole started before anyone even thought about using any gas. Check your facts
AIPAC always works its political success in Silence...It is an arm of Israeli Politics...Israel wants intervention...what do you think?
That's why I like listening the "Neo Nazi Daily News".

It's always good news for Jews and Israel.

They control so much. At a snap of a finger the leaders of both parties and the president fall in line. It's amazing. Jews can even control the inner workings of your mind. LOL

Money talks, Bullshit walks...We need New Finance Reform Laws in this country to regain our Democracy lost to the 1%...

Our children die in Foreign Wars while the one percent thrives....
Have patience, Phillip. Obobo is doing all he can to spread the wealth so we all have the same amount in his never-ending quest for a world-wide Caliphate. My only complaint is that my welfare checks and food stamps haven't caught up with me. Otherwise, everything is jes fine.
Truth or propaganda?

We were lied into Iraq. We were lied into Libya. Can we follow a pattern?

Yes, Iraq was questionable. But in Libya, there were surely no lies. It was not claimed that Qaddaffi had WMD, since it was known he gave them up years ago. Obama said that we had to go in to prevent a mass slaughter, and considering the 100,000 ppl that were killed in Syria, that probably would've happened in Libya as well.

Iraq was a pack of lies.
Libya was a pack of lies.
Lies about Syria are being exposed all over the place.

What lies about Syria are you talking about ?
Indeed, just another war to pack the pockets of the military industrial complex with our tax money. Not to mention what is to be stolen from the Syrians.

Libya had billions in gold. Who has it now?

I am not for war with Syria. Let's not forget, though, that this whole thing started because Assad gassed his own ppl.

Lie----this whole started before anyone even thought about using any gas. Check your facts

Please elaborate on what you're saying.
Yes, Iraq was questionable. But in Libya, there were surely no lies. It was not claimed that Qaddaffi had WMD, since it was known he gave them up years ago. Obama said that we had to go in to prevent a mass slaughter, and considering the 100,000 ppl that were killed in Syria, that probably would've happened in Libya as well.

Iraq was a pack of lies.
Libya was a pack of lies.
Lies about Syria are being exposed all over the place.

What lies about Syria are you talking about ?

Its pretty clear that an attack on Syria is an unwritten message to Iran.
Indeed, just another war to pack the pockets of the military industrial complex with our tax money. Not to mention what is to be stolen from the Syrians.

Libya had billions in gold. Who has it now?

I am not for war with Syria. Let's not forget, though, that this whole thing started because Assad gassed his own ppl.

Lie----this whole started before anyone even thought about using any gas. Check your facts

Uploaded on Dec 15, 2011

There have been reports of hundreds of American and NATO troops training militants on the Syrian border to overthrow Al-assad's regime. According to a former FBI official this has been going on since May 2011.

[ame=]US and NATO troops train on the Syrian border - YouTube[/ame]
I don't see anything wrong with overthrowing his regime. He is a murdering scumbag, and if anyone had any dounts about that before, the last two years should clear them up.
I don't see anything wrong with overthrowing his regime. He is a murdering scumbag, and if anyone had any dounts about that before, the last two years should clear them up.

So let Israel attack, why should America?
Predicting the war on Libya by looking at the lies.

[ame=]U.S. Invasion of Libya: Media Lies Warning from Joyce Riley of The Power Hour - YouTube[/ame]
I don't see anything wrong with overthrowing his regime. He is a murdering scumbag, and if anyone had any dounts about that before, the last two years should clear them up.

So let Israel attack, why should America?
Don't you think your friends in the Arab League should handle this? After all, it is Arabs killing Arabs and you would think they would want to help in putting a stop to this..
ForeverYoung436, et al,

This is because most people don't understand that AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is a Congressional Lobby Effort (a paid activity in which special interests are promoted in Congress with $30B of activity annually).

Why is everything always put on AIPAC? AIPAC didn't kill 1400 ppl, and AIPAC didn't foolishly draw a line in the sand.

AIPAC is not even one of the top 10 or even 20 lobbies.

LOBBYING Top Spenders

  • US Chamber of Commerce..............................$1,002,845,680
  • General Electric ................................................$294,040,000
  • American Medical Assn......................................$290,647,500
  • American Hospital Assn.....................................$245,049,385
  • Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America............$242,328,920
  • National Assn of Realtors..................................$237,499,713
  • AARP...............................................................$227,412,064
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield......................................$215,484,202
  • Northrop Grumman...........................................$198,835,253
  • Exxon Mobil.....................................................$190,292,742
  • Boeing Co........................................................$179,592,310
  • Verizon Communications..................................$179,455,933
  • Edison Electric Institute...................................$178,096,789
  • Business Roundtable.......................................$176,780,000
  • Lockheed Martin..............................................$174,002,984
  • AT&T Inc........................................................$160,449,336
  • Southern Co....................................................$152,660,694
  • National Cable & Telecommunications Assn......$151,210,000
  • Altria Group....................................................$143,035,200
  • National Assn of Broadcasters.........................$140,280,000

Top 20 PAC Contributors to Candidates, 2013-2014

  • CLIENT...............................................................Total:.........% to DEMs & % to Repub
  • Northrop Grumman........................................$1,199,250.........37%..............63%
  • Operating Engineers Union............................$1,081,515..........78%..............22%
  • Honeywell International.................................$1,063,120.........43%..............57%
  • American Federation of Teachers......................$932,500.......100%................0%
  • Every Republican is Crucial PAC........................$875,000...........0%.............100%
  • AT&T Inc.........................................................$851,000.........35%...............65%
  • Credit Union National Assn...............................$774,250.........48%...............52%
  • National Beer Wholesalers Assn........................$759,500........45%...............55%
  • Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers................$745,700.......99%.................1%
  • American Crystal Sugar....................................$662,500........55%................45%
  • Home Depot....................................................$603,500........22% ................78%
  • Carpenters & Joiners Union..............................$603,000........63%.................37%
  • Lockheed Martin..............................................$599,500........33%.................67%
  • American Bankers Assn....................................$574,000........23%.................77%
  • Raytheon Co...................................................$572,700.........39%.................61%
  • Deloitte LLP....................................................$571,500.........35%.................64%
  • American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees......$563,000........100%.................0%
  • Boeing Co.......................................................$547,000...........31%...............69%
  • General Electric...............................................$546,500..........41%...............59%
  • Koch Industries...............................................$541,500............1%...............99%

A database search shows that as a lobby it had a very modest monetary impact. Yet, it is one of the most talked about influences.


I think that most people simply do not know how influence peddling works in Washington. While the top lobbies give hundreds of millions of dollars, AIPAC only give $3M tops. There is a big difference between buying a Member of Congress, and being effective in the influence of Congress.

Fact is stranger than fiction. See OpenSecrets.Org.

Most Respectfully,

Great post! Since when did they let facts get in their way.
Hoffstra, et al,

I wouldn't count on that.


It is more like when Arab deeds turn the corner, and they demonstrate that they are not Article 13 Jihadist, and they are not Article 10 Feday'een, then their reputation will begin to change and they will gain greater credibility.

But that is not likely to happen in my lifetime.

It is not about money; while that is an important aspect. It is about votes to candidates that have ideals that closely follow the voter. Pro-Israel votes are not made, they are driven to it as an alternative to the outrageous established patterns and the history of terrorist and criminal behaviors of the Hostile Arab Palestinian.

Clearly, the Palestinian was embarrassed.

It is not rocket science.

Most Respectfully,
That's what I keep saying, but it falls on deaf ears. American politicians support Israel because Americans support Israel. The politicians are simply carrying out the will of the people.

U.S. public opposes Syria intervention as Obama presses Congress | Reuters
Reuters) - President Barack Obama has failed so far to convince most Americans that the United States should launch a limited military strike against Syria in response to a suspected chemical weapons attack by the Syrian government, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Tuesday.

Some 56 percent of those surveyed said the United States should not intervene in Syria, while only 19 percent supported action, the online poll found. Some 25 percent said they did not know what course of action the United States should take.
We're talking about support for Israel, not support for a half assed strike on Syria, and that's if congress gives "permission". Even Zionists are against that. Obama is laying the groundwork for embarrassment and defeat in Syria.
That's what I keep saying, but it falls on deaf ears. American politicians support Israel because Americans support Israel. The politicians are simply carrying out the will of the people.

they foolishly think that the USA and Israel have shared values.

we surely do not.
That's what Islamists, Neo Nazis and anti Semites keep saying.
I am not for war with Syria. Let's not forget, though, that this whole thing started because Assad gassed his own ppl.

Lie----this whole started before anyone even thought about using any gas. Check your facts

Uploaded on Dec 15, 2011

There have been reports of hundreds of American and NATO troops training militants on the Syrian border to overthrow Al-assad's regime. According to a former FBI official this has been going on since May 2011.

[ame=]US and NATO troops train on the Syrian border - YouTube[/ame]
Russian propaganda clip? Surely this is a joke.
I don't see anything wrong with overthrowing his regime. He is a murdering scumbag, and if anyone had any dounts about that before, the last two years should clear them up.

So let Israel attack, why should America?
Israel has, when it felt it was necessary. Such as taking out Syria's nuclear program. We should all be thankful.
I don't see anything wrong with overthrowing his regime. He is a murdering scumbag, and if anyone had any dounts about that before, the last two years should clear them up.

So let Israel attack, why should America?
Israel has, when it felt it was necessary. Such as taking out Syria's nuclear program. We should all be thankful.

Exactly! Israel has and Israel should do so now...Those WMD are pointed at her, not us.

Go ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the U.S attacks, that is Obama's decision, not Israels. The whole "Israel tells American to attack" propaganda is just .....well...propaganda
So let Israel attack, why should America?
Israel has, when it felt it was necessary. Such as taking out Syria's nuclear program. We should all be thankful.

Exactly! Israel has and Israel should do so now...Those WMD are pointed at her, not us.

Go ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't get excited. Unlike Obama, Israel has struck convoys of chemical weapons moving towards Hezbollah in Lebanon. Without having to ask anybody for permission.

Is that your way of thanking Israel?

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