The 800lb. Gorilla...

No that's what Palestinians and Muslims say about Jews and Christians. Perhaps one should review the Hamas charter, or better yet, Islamic Shariah law which is the law of the land among Palestinians and in many Muslim countries, in one form or another, which legally sanctions the oppression and persecution of non Muslims.

But why state the obvious? No, instead let's point the finger at Israel, which has about 2 million Arab Muslims (about a quarter of its population), that are citizens of Israel with the same exact rights as other Israelis.

As a side note, those Arabs prefer to live in Israel more than any Arab country, because they enjoy a higher standard of living than they would in any Muslim country.

Kudos to the Israelis. :clap:

None of this babble changes the fact that Israel has many laws and regulations that would be immediately deemed unConstitutional and discriminatory in the USA.

unless of course we were back in 1955. :)
Meaningless drivel. Israel is considered a democracy by all international standards.
Meaningless drivel. Israel is considered a democracy by all international standards.

yes, many Israelis consider human rights and equal rights for Arabs, to be "meaningless drivel".
More meaningless drivel. Israel is considered a democracy.

Israel is a representative democracy with a parliamentary system, proportional representation and universal suffrage.[22][23] The Prime Minister serves as head of government and the Knesset serves as Israel's unicameral legislative body. Israel has one of the highest life expectancies in the world.[24] It is a developed country, an OECD member,[25] and its economy, based on the nominal gross domestic product. Israel has the highest standard of living in the Middle East and the third highest in Asia.[26]

At 64, Israel is older than more than half of the democracies in the world. The Jewish state, moreover, belongs to a tiny group of countries -- the United States, Britain, and Canada among them -- never to have suffered intervals of non-democratic governance. Since its inception, Israel has been threatened ceaselessly with destruction. Yet it never once succumbed to the wartime pressures that often crush democracies.

On the contrary, conflict has only tempered an Israeli democracy that affords equal rights even to those Arabs and Jews who deny the state's legitimacy. Is there another democracy that would uphold the immunity of legislators who praise the terrorists sworn to destroy it? Where else could more than 5 percent of the population -- the equivalent of 15 million Americans -- rally in protest without incident and be protected by the police. And which country could rival the commitment to the rule of law displayed by the Jewish state, whose former president was convicted and jailed for sexual offenses by three Supreme Court justices -- two women and an Arab? Israeli democracy, according to pollster Khalil Shikaki, topped the United States as the most admired government in the world -- by the Palestinians.
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Meaningless drivel. Israel is considered a democracy by all international standards.

yes, many Israelis consider human rights and equal rights for Arabs, to be "meaningless drivel".
More meaningless drivel. Israel is considered a democracy.

Israel is a representative democracy with a parliamentary system, proportional representation and universal suffrage.[22][23] The Prime Minister serves as head of government and the Knesset serves as Israel's unicameral legislative body. Israel has one of the highest life expectancies in the world.[24] It is a developed country, an OECD member,[25] and its economy, based on the nominal gross domestic product. Israel has the highest standard of living in the Middle East and the third highest in Asia.[26]

Israel's Resilient Democracy - By Michael Oren | Foreign Policy

At 64, Israel is older than more than half of the democracies in the world. The Jewish state, moreover, belongs to a tiny group of countries -- the United States, Britain, and Canada among them -- never to have suffered intervals of non-democratic governance. Since its inception, Israel has been threatened ceaselessly with destruction. Yet it never once succumbed to the wartime pressures that often crush democracies.

On the contrary, conflict has only tempered an Israeli democracy that affords equal rights even to those Arabs and Jews who deny the state's legitimacy. Is there another democracy that would uphold the immunity of legislators who praise the terrorists sworn to destroy it? Where else could more than 5 percent of the population -- the equivalent of 15 million Americans -- rally in protest without incident and be protected by the police. And which country could rival the commitment to the rule of law displayed by the Jewish state, whose former president was convicted and jailed for sexual offenses by three Supreme Court justices -- two women and an Arab? Israeli democracy, according to pollster Khalil Shikaki, topped the United States as the most admired government in the world -- by the Palestinians.
Very nice colored glasses of what a wonderful Democracy Israel is...yet her outright theft of Palestinian homes is not recognized by International Law...or Morality.

Democracies like WWll Germany can be very oppressive when military force is the rule of law for compliance from un-armed civilians in occupations.
yes, many Israelis consider human rights and equal rights for Arabs, to be "meaningless drivel".
More meaningless drivel. Israel is considered a democracy.

Israel is a representative democracy with a parliamentary system, proportional representation and universal suffrage.[22][23] The Prime Minister serves as head of government and the Knesset serves as Israel's unicameral legislative body. Israel has one of the highest life expectancies in the world.[24] It is a developed country, an OECD member,[25] and its economy, based on the nominal gross domestic product. Israel has the highest standard of living in the Middle East and the third highest in Asia.[26]

Israel's Resilient Democracy - By Michael Oren | Foreign Policy

At 64, Israel is older than more than half of the democracies in the world. The Jewish state, moreover, belongs to a tiny group of countries -- the United States, Britain, and Canada among them -- never to have suffered intervals of non-democratic governance. Since its inception, Israel has been threatened ceaselessly with destruction. Yet it never once succumbed to the wartime pressures that often crush democracies.

On the contrary, conflict has only tempered an Israeli democracy that affords equal rights even to those Arabs and Jews who deny the state's legitimacy. Is there another democracy that would uphold the immunity of legislators who praise the terrorists sworn to destroy it? Where else could more than 5 percent of the population -- the equivalent of 15 million Americans -- rally in protest without incident and be protected by the police. And which country could rival the commitment to the rule of law displayed by the Jewish state, whose former president was convicted and jailed for sexual offenses by three Supreme Court justices -- two women and an Arab? Israeli democracy, according to pollster Khalil Shikaki, topped the United States as the most admired government in the world -- by the Palestinians.
Very nice colored glasses of what a wonderful Democracy Israel is...yet her outright theft of Palestinian homes is not recognized by International Law...or Morality.

Democracies like WWll Germany can be very oppressive when military force is the rule of law for compliance from un-armed civilians in occupations.
Again, for the millionth time, the land never belonged to the Palestinians. It was under the control of the British since the end of WWI and before that for 700 years it belonged to the Ottomans.
More meaningless drivel. Israel is considered a democracy.

Israel is a representative democracy with a parliamentary system, proportional representation and universal suffrage.[22][23] The Prime Minister serves as head of government and the Knesset serves as Israel's unicameral legislative body. Israel has one of the highest life expectancies in the world.[24] It is a developed country, an OECD member,[25] and its economy, based on the nominal gross domestic product. Israel has the highest standard of living in the Middle East and the third highest in Asia.[26]

Israel's Resilient Democracy - By Michael Oren | Foreign Policy

At 64, Israel is older than more than half of the democracies in the world. The Jewish state, moreover, belongs to a tiny group of countries -- the United States, Britain, and Canada among them -- never to have suffered intervals of non-democratic governance. Since its inception, Israel has been threatened ceaselessly with destruction. Yet it never once succumbed to the wartime pressures that often crush democracies.

On the contrary, conflict has only tempered an Israeli democracy that affords equal rights even to those Arabs and Jews who deny the state's legitimacy. Is there another democracy that would uphold the immunity of legislators who praise the terrorists sworn to destroy it? Where else could more than 5 percent of the population -- the equivalent of 15 million Americans -- rally in protest without incident and be protected by the police. And which country could rival the commitment to the rule of law displayed by the Jewish state, whose former president was convicted and jailed for sexual offenses by three Supreme Court justices -- two women and an Arab? Israeli democracy, according to pollster Khalil Shikaki, topped the United States as the most admired government in the world -- by the Palestinians.
Very nice colored glasses of what a wonderful Democracy Israel is...yet her outright theft of Palestinian homes is not recognized by International Law...or Morality.

Democracies like WWll Germany can be very oppressive when military force is the rule of law for compliance from un-armed civilians in occupations.
Again, for the millionth time, the land never belonged to the Palestinians. It was under the control of the British since the end of WWI and before that for 700 years it belonged to the Ottomans.
It was a British Mandate not ownership...
Very nice colored glasses of what a wonderful Democracy Israel is...yet her outright theft of Palestinian homes is not recognized by International Law...or Morality.

Democracies like WWll Germany can be very oppressive when military force is the rule of law for compliance from un-armed civilians in occupations.
Again, for the millionth time, the land never belonged to the Palestinians. It was under the control of the British since the end of WWI and before that for 700 years it belonged to the Ottomans.
It was a British Mandate not ownership...
Yes, the Ottomans owned it for 700 years and then after their collapse the entire Middle East was under the control of the British and the French. Which means there was never Palestinian ownership of the land, nor was there ever a Palestinian state.

Palestinian is a newly acquired (hijacked actually) term as of the 1960's by the invading Arabs. Prior to that, the label Palestinian only referred to Jews that lived in area.
There doesn't have to be a Palestinian State for Palestinians to own it....Show us the Land Deeds, and who was the mandate for? The International community even close ally USA don't recognize any Israeli annexations.
There doesn't have to be a Palestinian State for Palestinians to own it....Show us the Land Deeds, and who was the mandate for? The International community even close ally USA don't recognize any Israeli annexations.
There was no such thing as "Palestinian Arabs" for them to own it. During the Ottoman era the area was known as Southern Syria for 700 years. Te Palestine mandate was agreed by the British and League of Nations to be divided in two. One was to be Arab Palestine aka Jordan, and another was to be Jewish Palestine, aka Israel. The Arabs seen today calling themselves "Palestinjans" are recent 20th century invaders, most of which came with the arrival of of the Jews, looking for work and opportunity. Unfortunately for them, they decided to join their Arab brethren by attacking the newly formed state of Israel, and were handed a humiliating defeat.

War and aggression has its consequences. Arabs don't want to face them.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage


There doesn't have to be a Palestinian State for Palestinians to own it....Show us the Land Deeds, and who was the mandate for? The International community even close ally USA don't recognize any Israeli annexations.

Yo...PBow...could you give a coherent explanation as to why your whole life is consumed with Jews? We could be discussing the moose population of Alaska and you would find a way to bring the Jews into it. Do you not see that people see you for what you are?
Yo...PBow...could you give a coherent explanation as to why your whole life is consumed with Jews? We could be discussing the moose population of Alaska and you would find a way to bring the Jews into it. Do you not see that people see you for what you are?

hard for you to stick to the topic huh?
There doesn't have to be a Palestinian State for Palestinians to own it....Show us the Land Deeds, and who was the mandate for? The International community even close ally USA don't recognize any Israeli annexations.

Yo...PBow...could you give a coherent explanation as to why your whole life is consumed with Jews? We could be discussing the moose population of Alaska and you would find a way to bring the Jews into it. Do you not see that people see you for what you are?

What is it about the truth of the real ownership of Palestine that bothers you? Do you have any other info that show the inaccuracy of the message rather than attacking the messenger?
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There doesn't have to be a Palestinian State for Palestinians to own it....Show us the Land Deeds, and who was the mandate for? The International community even close ally USA don't recognize any Israeli annexations.
There was no such thing as "Palestinian Arabs" for them to own it. During the Ottoman era the area was known as Southern Syria for 700 years. Te Palestine mandate was agreed by the British and League of Nations to be divided in two. One was to be Arab Palestine aka Jordan, and another was to be Jewish Palestine, aka Israel. The Arabs seen today calling themselves "Palestinjans" are recent 20th century invaders, most of which came with the arrival of of the Jews, looking for work and opportunity. Unfortunately for them, they decided to join their Arab brethren by attacking the newly formed state of Israel, and were handed a humiliating defeat.

War and aggression has its consequences. Arabs don't want to face them.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage



Palestinian Arabs or what ever you want to call them owned the land deeds and many sold to non-Arabs, so what? It wasn't Israel's or anybody else's but th3e deed holders.

Keep dancing around who owned what by skirting the issue and show us the Land Deeds of the Eras you speak about.
Yo...PBow...could you give a coherent explanation as to why your whole life is consumed with Jews? We could be discussing the moose population of Alaska and you would find a way to bring the Jews into it. Do you not see that people see you for what you are?

hard for you to stick to the topic huh?
What's the topic? Oh, "most American's are against a strike on Syria". Well duh, anybody coulda told you that. Especially after the way Obama has handled everything. It's all over the media, nobody wants it. Even those that were for it are now starting to be against it.

It's all about the presidents vanity. Now he can't figure who drew the red line, even though he said: "if Assad moves around chemical weapons or uses them in any way, Thats the red line for me". Is it Obama that drew the red line, or humanity, or the planet? Maybe the aliens drew the red line? Oh wait, what am I thinking... the Mossad drew the red line, and then dropped the gas! Wow. Why didn't I think of it before?

Either way, as usual, THE JEWS ARE TO BLAME. That's the "topic" to be discussed. If it weren't for the Jews, Assad wouldn't be murdering 100,000 of his own people, and dropping chemical weapons on little Syrian kids, killing hundreds at a time in their sleep.

You take the Jews out of the picture, this subject wouldn't in the least bit be interesting. :clap:

Muslims killing other Muslims? Eh, what else is new? Any way we can blame Jews?

Now were talking! :eusa_whistle:
There doesn't have to be a Palestinian State for Palestinians to own it....Show us the Land Deeds, and who was the mandate for? The International community even close ally USA don't recognize any Israeli annexations.
There was no such thing as "Palestinian Arabs" for them to own it. During the Ottoman era the area was known as Southern Syria for 700 years. Te Palestine mandate was agreed by the British and League of Nations to be divided in two. One was to be Arab Palestine aka Jordan, and another was to be Jewish Palestine, aka Israel. The Arabs seen today calling themselves "Palestinjans" are recent 20th century invaders, most of which came with the arrival of of the Jews, looking for work and opportunity. Unfortunately for them, they decided to join their Arab brethren by attacking the newly formed state of Israel, and were handed a humiliating defeat.

War and aggression has its consequences. Arabs don't want to face them.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage



Palestinian Arabs or what ever you want to call them owned the land deeds and many sold to non-Arabs, so what? It wasn't Israel's or anybody else's but th3e deed holders.

Keep dancing around who owned what by skirting the issue and show us the Land Deeds of the Eras you speak about.
Yeah they sold many of the deeds legally until the sellers starting getting whacked by fellow Arabs.

But "land deeds" don't make a country now do they?
There was no such thing as "Palestinian Arabs" for them to own it. During the Ottoman era the area was known as Southern Syria for 700 years. Te Palestine mandate was agreed by the British and League of Nations to be divided in two. One was to be Arab Palestine aka Jordan, and another was to be Jewish Palestine, aka Israel. The Arabs seen today calling themselves "Palestinjans" are recent 20th century invaders, most of which came with the arrival of of the Jews, looking for work and opportunity. Unfortunately for them, they decided to join their Arab brethren by attacking the newly formed state of Israel, and were handed a humiliating defeat.

War and aggression has its consequences. Arabs don't want to face them.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage



Palestinian Arabs or what ever you want to call them owned the land deeds and many sold to non-Arabs, so what? It wasn't Israel's or anybody else's but th3e deed holders.

Keep dancing around who owned what by skirting the issue and show us the Land Deeds of the Eras you speak about.
Yeah they sold many of the deeds legally until the sellers starting getting whacked by fellow Arabs.

But "land deeds" don't make a country now do they?
Just as I thought your arguments condone terrorism and stealing of human rights, and that's why Israel has a Terrorism problem: her stolen Land Deeds don't make a country and never will.
Palestinian Arabs or what ever you want to call them owned the land deeds and many sold to non-Arabs, so what? It wasn't Israel's or anybody else's but th3e deed holders.

Keep dancing around who owned what by skirting the issue and show us the Land Deeds of the Eras you speak about.
Yeah they sold many of the deeds legally until the sellers starting getting whacked by fellow Arabs.

But "land deeds" don't make a country now do they?
Just as I thought your arguments condone terrorism and stealing of human rights, and that's why Israel has a Terrorism problem: her stolen Land Deeds don't make a country and never will.
The land was sold, until the Arab invasions. The policy changed and they began killing anybody who sold land to the Jews. Then the Arabs began the ethnic cleansing of ancient Jews such as the Hebron Maasacre in 1929.

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish land purchase in Palestine refers to the acquisition of land in Palestine by Jews from the 1840s until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.

Jewish organizations often offered to purchase the land from the wealthy owners for more than the actual value of the area. The Jews and Rothschild Zionists paid extraordinarily high prices for the uncultivated and marsh land. During a visit to Palestine in 1930, John Hope Simpson, a British politician, noticed: "They paid high prices for the land, and in addition they paid to certain of the occupants of those lands a considerable amount of money which they were not legally bound to pay". It was believed that Jews were paying as much as $1,000 to $1,100 per acre in Palestine for non arable land in 1944. At that same time, one could buy rich arable land in Iowa for a mere $110 per acre.[8]
Huge tracts of land were purchasedin the 1920s but in the next decade large tracts of uncultivated land were simply not available. Therefore in the 1930s most of the land were bought from small landowners. Of the land that the Jews bought, "52.6% of the lands were bought from big non-Palestinian landowners, 24.6% from Palestinian-Arab landowners and only 9.4% from the Fellahin".[10]

Peel Commission:

"The shortage of land is due less to purchase by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population. The Arab claims that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamps and uncultivated when it was bought."
Yeah they sold many of the deeds legally until the sellers starting getting whacked by fellow Arabs.

But "land deeds" don't make a country now do they?
Just as I thought your arguments condone terrorism and stealing of human rights, and that's why Israel has a Terrorism problem: her stolen Land Deeds don't make a country and never will.
The land was sold, until the Arab invasions. The policy changed and they began killing anybody who sold land to the Jews. Then the Arabs began the ethnic cleansing of ancient Jews such as the Hebron Maasacre in 1929.

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish land purchase in Palestine refers to the acquisition of land in Palestine by Jews from the 1840s until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.

Jewish organizations often offered to purchase the land from the wealthy owners for more than the actual value of the area. The Jews and Rothschild Zionists paid extraordinarily high prices for the uncultivated and marsh land. During a visit to Palestine in 1930, John Hope Simpson, a British politician, noticed: "They paid high prices for the land, and in addition they paid to certain of the occupants of those lands a considerable amount of money which they were not legally bound to pay". It was believed that Jews were paying as much as $1,000 to $1,100 per acre in Palestine for non arable land in 1944. At that same time, one could buy rich arable land in Iowa for a mere $110 per acre.[8]
Huge tracts of land were purchasedin the 1920s but in the next decade large tracts of uncultivated land were simply not available. Therefore in the 1930s most of the land were bought from small landowners. Of the land that the Jews bought, "52.6% of the lands were bought from big non-Palestinian landowners, 24.6% from Palestinian-Arab landowners and only 9.4% from the Fellahin".[10]

Peel Commission:

"The shortage of land is due less to purchase by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population. The Arab claims that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamps and uncultivated when it was bought."
Who had the land titles, the few rich land owners who owned large tracks. The vast majority of the Arab populace did not support selling out their future country allowable with the retrospect the land should never been divided...they should have created a state for both peoples who lived in peace until Zionism demanded a separate Jewish State...

But keep dancing by skirting the injustice of Western Imperialism that split the land to suit its interests, and this is the crux of the matter.
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Just as I thought your arguments condone terrorism and stealing of human rights, and that's why Israel has a Terrorism problem: her stolen Land Deeds don't make a country and never will.
The land was sold, until the Arab invasions. The policy changed and they began killing anybody who sold land to the Jews. Then the Arabs began the ethnic cleansing of ancient Jews such as the Hebron Maasacre in 1929.

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish land purchase in Palestine refers to the acquisition of land in Palestine by Jews from the 1840s until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.

Jewish organizations often offered to purchase the land from the wealthy owners for more than the actual value of the area. The Jews and Rothschild Zionists paid extraordinarily high prices for the uncultivated and marsh land. During a visit to Palestine in 1930, John Hope Simpson, a British politician, noticed: "They paid high prices for the land, and in addition they paid to certain of the occupants of those lands a considerable amount of money which they were not legally bound to pay". It was believed that Jews were paying as much as $1,000 to $1,100 per acre in Palestine for non arable land in 1944. At that same time, one could buy rich arable land in Iowa for a mere $110 per acre.[8]
Huge tracts of land were purchasedin the 1920s but in the next decade large tracts of uncultivated land were simply not available. Therefore in the 1930s most of the land were bought from small landowners. Of the land that the Jews bought, "52.6% of the lands were bought from big non-Palestinian landowners, 24.6% from Palestinian-Arab landowners and only 9.4% from the Fellahin".[10]

Peel Commission:

"The shortage of land is due less to purchase by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population. The Arab claims that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamps and uncultivated when it was bought."
Who had the land titles, the few rich land owners who owned large tracks. The vast majority of the Arab populace did not support selling out their future country allowable with the retrospect the land should never been divided...they should have created a state for both peoples who lived in peace until Zionism demanded a separate Jewish State...

But keep dancing by skirting the injustice of Western Imperialism that split the land to suit its interests, and this is the crux of the matter.
Again, land ownership does not amount to a state. The Arabs had land deed from the Ottomans which owned the land for 700 years. The Ottomans had an official policy of persecuting Jews and Christians, which included a law against selling land to non Muslims.

The Arabs tried to continue this policy after the Ottoman empire fell. When it failed they started massacring the Jews.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

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