The abortion of Down's syndrome babies is absolute moral depravity

Unless you are born with severe cognitive disabilities and then you cannot control your own destiny.........
That is true. So what? Neither can new born babies. Is it OK to snuff out their life too?

^^^ I know. That's been my argument. Now that you have conceded.........

So then newborn babies who don't control their destinies and rely on others are OK to snuff out?

That's a leap. Wanna try again?
I think you need to face the reality that you are a eugenicist like Slyhunter.
Sterilize the poor. Then the only people who'll have kids are the ones who can afford to.
Abort the defects before they are born so they don't have to suffer or make others suffer supporting them.
You can't take from the rich and give to the poor and have a strong society if the poor is allowed to multiply.
Ding must be lost. Go back to the shit pit. Thanks.

Meanwhile, as long as the person carrying that child has a say...its HER CHOICE. Period.
Whose job is it to speak for the child?
The mothers. Deal with it.
Should only be financially stable mothers. Mothers who rely on Government handouts should have that decision making capability stripped from them.
The abortion issue depends on one's conception of the "soul". I don't think a "person" exists until a critical mass of awareness and identity are established in a brain. When does that happen? Not sure. But I don't think it's there before live birth. So I'm ok with abortion.
Ummmm.... no. It is based upon when a new genetically distinct human being who has never existed and will never exist again has come into being.
You’re both right.

And you’re both at liberty to believe as you see fit – to either be ok with abortion or oppose it – and to freely express your respective viewpoints, all the benefit of the right to privacy, without interference from the state.

Let’s keep it that way.
But I would like for each state to decide for itself. Which is as it should be.
Negative eugenics, world wide, of a scale that would have given Hitler and his doktors a shiver up their legs.

"What an age to live in. Get pregnant; see if the baby meets your specifications. If not, just abort and try again."
No decent parent rejects a child’s love because the child is imperfect. Nobody casts aside an eight-year-old because she has bad grades or an attitude problem. So why would we think it is acceptable to destroy the life of a child, the result of a wanted pregnancy, because the child will be disabled? As the progressives put it, isn’t this the most horrible example of ableist privilege?

"If we are going down the road of selective abortion for admirable traits, one has to wonder if oneself would make the cut.
"After all, having a child isn’t really about the child. It’s about you and your hopes and dreams, your demand to live your best life."

Aborting Down Syndrome Babies Is An Absolute Moral Depravity

Abortion of any baby is the worst depravity by the most depraved.
What about babies that will be born to an awful life full of pain and nothing but hospital stays? Is the mother who is making minimum wage still supposed to let it be born, or have mercy on it and end the pregnancy?
And I would say who are you to predict what the future holds. I would say that let nature take its course. Who knows how things will turn out. There are billions of people who live in poverty right now. I don't see them ending their lives because of it. So they must believe that their life is worth living.
I'm ready to die.
Every night I go to bed hoping not to wake up in the morning.
I pay 60% of my household rent. I could deprive my family of a months rent and buy a gun, but that wouldn't be right.
Everyone has got to die. You can't cheat death, but you can cheat life. Most do. They don't see it for what it is. They don't see the big picture. They don't understand that they have hit the cosmic lottery. If you are hoping to die, then you surely do not see the big picture or realize just how fortunate you are.
That is true. So what? Neither can new born babies. Is it OK to snuff out their life too?

^^^ I know. That's been my argument. Now that you have conceded.........

So then newborn babies who don't control their destinies and rely on others are OK to snuff out?

That's a leap. Wanna try again?
No leap at all. It is the logical conclusion of your beliefs.

I on the other hand don't have that problem as I believe that we should let nature take its course. That pregnancies and outcomes are the consequences of actions and that the only way for people to become responsible is to hold them accountable for their actions.
Nature is inhumane.
Tell that to the Deer who is being eaten alive by the Lion ignoring the Deer's pleas for mercy.
Nature just is. Only man has knowledge of good and evil. The lion and the deer do not.
That is true. So what? Neither can new born babies. Is it OK to snuff out their life too?

^^^ I know. That's been my argument. Now that you have conceded.........

So then newborn babies who don't control their destinies and rely on others are OK to snuff out?

That's a leap. Wanna try again?
I think you need to face the reality that you are a eugenicist like Slyhunter.
Sterilize the poor. Then the only people who'll have kids are the ones who can afford to.
Abort the defects before they are born so they don't have to suffer or make others suffer supporting them.
You can't take from the rich and give to the poor and have a strong society if the poor is allowed to multiply.
But the poor can become rich. It happens all the time.

Just because you believe they suffer because they are poor or have defects doesn't mean they believe they suffer. For all you know, they are happier with their life than you are with yours. Maybe they realize just how fortunate they are. After all, they are the most advanced and rarest thing the universe has produced; beings that know and can create. They can experience everything that life has to offer.

If you asked a dying billionaire if he would trade places with a ten year old who lived in poverty, I bet he would make that trade in a heartbeat.
Ding must be lost. Go back to the shit pit. Thanks.

Meanwhile, as long as the person carrying that child has a say...its HER CHOICE. Period.
Whose job is it to speak for the child?
The mothers. Deal with it.
Should only be financially stable mothers. Mothers who rely on Government handouts should have that decision making capability stripped from them.
I'm pretty sure our founding fathers would have disagreed with you. I know I do.
^^^ I know. That's been my argument. Now that you have conceded.........

So then newborn babies who don't control their destinies and rely on others are OK to snuff out?

That's a leap. Wanna try again?
I think you need to face the reality that you are a eugenicist like Slyhunter.
Sterilize the poor. Then the only people who'll have kids are the ones who can afford to.
Abort the defects before they are born so they don't have to suffer or make others suffer supporting them.
You can't take from the rich and give to the poor and have a strong society if the poor is allowed to multiply.
But the poor can become rich. It happens all the time.

Just because you believe they suffer because they are poor or have defects doesn't mean they believe they suffer. For all you know, they are happier with their life than you are with yours. Maybe they realize just how fortunate they are. After all, they are the most advanced and rarest thing the universe has produced; beings that know and can create. They can experience everything that life has to offer.

If you asked a dying billionaire if he would trade places with a ten year old who lived in poverty, I bet he would make that trade in a heartbeat.
If a poor person, who has been sterilized, becomes wealthy enough to have kids then they will be wealthy enough to afford to undo the procedure.
So then newborn babies who don't control their destinies and rely on others are OK to snuff out?

That's a leap. Wanna try again?
I think you need to face the reality that you are a eugenicist like Slyhunter.
Sterilize the poor. Then the only people who'll have kids are the ones who can afford to.
Abort the defects before they are born so they don't have to suffer or make others suffer supporting them.
You can't take from the rich and give to the poor and have a strong society if the poor is allowed to multiply.
But the poor can become rich. It happens all the time.

Just because you believe they suffer because they are poor or have defects doesn't mean they believe they suffer. For all you know, they are happier with their life than you are with yours. Maybe they realize just how fortunate they are. After all, they are the most advanced and rarest thing the universe has produced; beings that know and can create. They can experience everything that life has to offer.

If you asked a dying billionaire if he would trade places with a ten year old who lived in poverty, I bet he would make that trade in a heartbeat.
If a poor person, who has been sterilized, becomes wealthy enough to have kids then they will be wealthy enough to afford to undo the procedure.
I'm pretty sure my point sailed over your head.
That's a leap. Wanna try again?
I think you need to face the reality that you are a eugenicist like Slyhunter.
Sterilize the poor. Then the only people who'll have kids are the ones who can afford to.
Abort the defects before they are born so they don't have to suffer or make others suffer supporting them.
You can't take from the rich and give to the poor and have a strong society if the poor is allowed to multiply.
But the poor can become rich. It happens all the time.

Just because you believe they suffer because they are poor or have defects doesn't mean they believe they suffer. For all you know, they are happier with their life than you are with yours. Maybe they realize just how fortunate they are. After all, they are the most advanced and rarest thing the universe has produced; beings that know and can create. They can experience everything that life has to offer.

If you asked a dying billionaire if he would trade places with a ten year old who lived in poverty, I bet he would make that trade in a heartbeat.
If a poor person, who has been sterilized, becomes wealthy enough to have kids then they will be wealthy enough to afford to undo the procedure.
I'm pretty sure my point sailed over your head.
If they are so poor they are a net loss to our economy then who gives a fuck if they're happy or not.
I think you need to face the reality that you are a eugenicist like Slyhunter.
Sterilize the poor. Then the only people who'll have kids are the ones who can afford to.
Abort the defects before they are born so they don't have to suffer or make others suffer supporting them.
You can't take from the rich and give to the poor and have a strong society if the poor is allowed to multiply.
But the poor can become rich. It happens all the time.

Just because you believe they suffer because they are poor or have defects doesn't mean they believe they suffer. For all you know, they are happier with their life than you are with yours. Maybe they realize just how fortunate they are. After all, they are the most advanced and rarest thing the universe has produced; beings that know and can create. They can experience everything that life has to offer.

If you asked a dying billionaire if he would trade places with a ten year old who lived in poverty, I bet he would make that trade in a heartbeat.
If a poor person, who has been sterilized, becomes wealthy enough to have kids then they will be wealthy enough to afford to undo the procedure.
I'm pretty sure my point sailed over your head.
If they are so poor they are a net loss to our economy then who gives a fuck if they're happy or not.
You don't know that they are a net loss to our economy. You don't know what they will become. Besides life isn't about money. Life is about experiences, challenges, opportunities and relationships. And for the record, happiness leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.
Sterilize the poor. Then the only people who'll have kids are the ones who can afford to.
Abort the defects before they are born so they don't have to suffer or make others suffer supporting them.
You can't take from the rich and give to the poor and have a strong society if the poor is allowed to multiply.
But the poor can become rich. It happens all the time.

Just because you believe they suffer because they are poor or have defects doesn't mean they believe they suffer. For all you know, they are happier with their life than you are with yours. Maybe they realize just how fortunate they are. After all, they are the most advanced and rarest thing the universe has produced; beings that know and can create. They can experience everything that life has to offer.

If you asked a dying billionaire if he would trade places with a ten year old who lived in poverty, I bet he would make that trade in a heartbeat.
If a poor person, who has been sterilized, becomes wealthy enough to have kids then they will be wealthy enough to afford to undo the procedure.
I'm pretty sure my point sailed over your head.
If they are so poor they are a net loss to our economy then who gives a fuck if they're happy or not.
You don't know that they are a net loss to our economy. You don't know what they will become. Besides life isn't about money. Life is about experiences, challenges, opportunities and relationships. And for the record, happiness leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.
Being a productive tax paying citizen does depend on money and if your not why would your country give a fuck about you? If you don't help make this country stronger, maybe your country shouldn't waste resources on keeping you alive.
kg calls others liars while being given proof that she herself if lying....

do you not think people make monetary decisions when having families? arent conservatives the ones riding around with the 'cant feed em dont breed em" bumper stickers? and yet now you are advocating the birth of a child that very few can afford in the long run?

DOTR so you against abortion in cases of rape or cases where the mother may die if the child is not aborted?
"Let nature take its course" would certainly save a lot of medical expenses; no more treatments for treatable diseases.
"Let states decide" what a woman has to experience, what she must allow to happen in and to her.
Again, there is no equivalent, comparable situation to women and conception. There is no generalization rationally possible. Ending a pregnancy, something that happens often in nature and can now be under human control, has nothing to do with other human action. Extremists who insist on intervening obviously wish to continue to repress women, to keep them at most second class citizens.
Of what value, I ask again, is the right of women to choose? I maintain it is a much higher right than, for example, number two in the Bill of Rights. To be against it merits a second amendment solution!
But the poor can become rich. It happens all the time.

Just because you believe they suffer because they are poor or have defects doesn't mean they believe they suffer. For all you know, they are happier with their life than you are with yours. Maybe they realize just how fortunate they are. After all, they are the most advanced and rarest thing the universe has produced; beings that know and can create. They can experience everything that life has to offer.

If you asked a dying billionaire if he would trade places with a ten year old who lived in poverty, I bet he would make that trade in a heartbeat.
If a poor person, who has been sterilized, becomes wealthy enough to have kids then they will be wealthy enough to afford to undo the procedure.
I'm pretty sure my point sailed over your head.
If they are so poor they are a net loss to our economy then who gives a fuck if they're happy or not.
You don't know that they are a net loss to our economy. You don't know what they will become. Besides life isn't about money. Life is about experiences, challenges, opportunities and relationships. And for the record, happiness leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.
Being a productive tax paying citizen does depend on money and if your not why would your country give a fuck about you? If you don't help make this country stronger, maybe your country shouldn't waste resources on keeping you alive.
There's a difference between not using federal funds to support the disabled..and killing them outright.

Leftist don't understand that. They argue for all these subsidy programs, they force us to mainstream retards into public schools where our normal children suffer...then they use the cost as a reason to kill the disabled.

It's called racketeering. You create a problem, then you force people to accept the solution.

Nazis of course called it the final solution.
If a poor person, who has been sterilized, becomes wealthy enough to have kids then they will be wealthy enough to afford to undo the procedure.
I'm pretty sure my point sailed over your head.
If they are so poor they are a net loss to our economy then who gives a fuck if they're happy or not.
You don't know that they are a net loss to our economy. You don't know what they will become. Besides life isn't about money. Life is about experiences, challenges, opportunities and relationships. And for the record, happiness leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.
Being a productive tax paying citizen does depend on money and if your not why would your country give a fuck about you? If you don't help make this country stronger, maybe your country shouldn't waste resources on keeping you alive.
There's a difference between not using federal funds to support the disabled..and killing them outright.

Leftist don't understand that. They argue for all these subsidy programs, they force us to mainstream retards into public schools where our normal children suffer...then they use the cost as a reason to kill the disabled.

It's called racketeering. You create a problem, then you force people to accept the solution.

Nazis of course called it the final solution.
I invoke Godwin's Law. You just lost the debate.

I'm pretty sure my point sailed over your head.
If they are so poor they are a net loss to our economy then who gives a fuck if they're happy or not.
You don't know that they are a net loss to our economy. You don't know what they will become. Besides life isn't about money. Life is about experiences, challenges, opportunities and relationships. And for the record, happiness leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.
Being a productive tax paying citizen does depend on money and if your not why would your country give a fuck about you? If you don't help make this country stronger, maybe your country shouldn't waste resources on keeping you alive.
There's a difference between not using federal funds to support the disabled..and killing them outright.

Leftist don't understand that. They argue for all these subsidy programs, they force us to mainstream retards into public schools where our normal children suffer...then they use the cost as a reason to kill the disabled.

It's called racketeering. You create a problem, then you force people to accept the solution.

Nazis of course called it the final solution.
I invoke Godwin's Law. You just lost the debate.


Yeah you guys don't like to talk about how similar your disgusting death cult ideology is to every other death cult ideology that has ever killed innocent people.

"Wartime, Adolf Hitler suggested, "was the best time for the elimination of the incurably ill." Many Germans did not want to be reminded of individuals who did not measure up to their concept of a "master race." The physically and mentally handicapped were viewed as "useless" to society, a threat to Aryan genetic purity, and, ultimately, unworthy of life. At the beginning of World War II, individuals who were mentally retarded, physically handicapped, or mentally ill were targeted for murder in what the Nazis called the "T-4," or "euthanasia," program."

The Murder of the Handicapped

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