The abortion of Down's syndrome babies is absolute moral depravity

I just read the whole thread and every bit of your discussions with ding , koshergrl and others.
You don't have to agree with my solution ... I am not asking you.

If you need tips on how that works ... Ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that plays out ... :thup:


So, you just showed up to be a douchebag. How convenient.
So here is how disir works..
she tells lies.
When she's exposed lying, she reverts to no content posts, one liners asserting that those who uncovered her dishonesty or stupidity by providing content, are stupid, irrelelvant, or whatever.

She doesn't actually argue with the information that exposes her. She just attacks the person who provides it.
Benefits Planner: Disability | How You Qualify | Social Security Administration

Research: Supplemental Security Income Program Entry at Age 18 and Entrants' Subsequent Earnings

It's coded differently. They have to reapply at age 18 and it is under a review every 3 years or less.
I don't know why you are telling me this.
I know how it works.

Clearly you don't.
No dear, clearly you don't.

SSI recipients are not *kicked off* at 18 as a matter of course, which is what you initially said. Yes they are reviewed. And the ones who were given disability as children sometimes are found not to be disabled at all. I have never seen a Down's Syndrome kicked off at 18. And I have never seen a Down's Sydrome adult causing any problems whatever..let alone burdening the system you are so attached to. The people who are burdening the system are the poor kids who have been indoctrinated from birth to think that drug addiction, crime, and anti-social behavior are great ways to make a living.

You're just a garden variety liar. Lying about Down's Syndrome people in order to justify killing them.
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The premise that life begins at conception doesn't hold. The egg is alive, the sperm is alive, the zygote is alive. Maintaining this is a human is an opinion in a range of opinions. Pretending that we do not, individually and collectively, make decisions about life is patently absurd and obviously wrong. At the point of a fertilized egg, the prodigious nature of life dictates that many will not mature. That human intelligence would intervene to spare suffering and disability is not unnatural.
The premise that life begins at conception doesn't hold. The egg is alive, the sperm is alive, the zygote is alive. Maintaining this is a human is an opinion in a range of opinions. Pretending that we do not, individually and collectively, make decisions about life is patently absurd and obviously wrong. At the point of a fertilized egg, the prodigious nature of life dictates that many will not mature. That human intelligence would intervene to spare suffering and disability is not unnatural.

Who said we didn't make decisions about life?

And btw, to proclaim "it's okay because we're doing it" is patently juvenile and won't win any debate ever.
So, you just showed up to be a douchebag. How convenient.
So here is how disir works..
she tells lies.
When she's exposed lying, she reverts to no content posts, one liners asserting that those who uncovered her dishonesty or stupidity by providing content, are stupid, irrelelvant, or whatever.

She doesn't actually argue with the information that exposes her. She just attacks the person who provides it.
Benefits Planner: Disability | How You Qualify | Social Security Administration

Research: Supplemental Security Income Program Entry at Age 18 and Entrants' Subsequent Earnings

It's coded differently. They have to reapply at age 18 and it is under a review every 3 years or less.
I don't know why you are telling me this.
I know how it works.

Clearly you don't.
No dear, clearly you don't.

SSI recipients are not *kicked off* at 18 as a matter of course, which is what you initially said. Yes they are reviewed. And the ones who were given disability as children sometimes are found not to be disabled at all. I have never seen a Down's Syndrome kicked off at 18. And I have never seen a Down's Sydrome adult causing any problems whatever..let alone burdening the system you are so attached to. The people who are burdening the system are the poor kids who have been indoctrinated from birth to think that drug addiction, crime, and anti-social behavior are great ways to make a living.

You're just a garden variety liar. Lying about Down's Syndrome people in order to justify killing them.
Yep. They are kicked off. They are no longer coded as child. They have to reapply as adults. Which is dandy IF you have someone around that has the prior paperwork and can navigate the system. The older that they get the less likely someone is around to have the paperwork or to navigate. If you work in any type of social services then you know that is highly unlikely otherwise they wouldn't be out on the street, living hand to mouth or getting the bejeezes beat out of them or taken advantage of.

You don't have an argument except that you don't like it. I understand that. If you want to control the decision then you need to control the outcome. So far.............I have not seen any indication that anyone is willing to identify and correct the issues presented in the outcomes.
So here is how disir works..
she tells lies.
When she's exposed lying, she reverts to no content posts, one liners asserting that those who uncovered her dishonesty or stupidity by providing content, are stupid, irrelelvant, or whatever.

She doesn't actually argue with the information that exposes her. She just attacks the person who provides it.
Benefits Planner: Disability | How You Qualify | Social Security Administration

Research: Supplemental Security Income Program Entry at Age 18 and Entrants' Subsequent Earnings

It's coded differently. They have to reapply at age 18 and it is under a review every 3 years or less.
I don't know why you are telling me this.
I know how it works.

Clearly you don't.
No dear, clearly you don't.

SSI recipients are not *kicked off* at 18 as a matter of course, which is what you initially said. Yes they are reviewed. And the ones who were given disability as children sometimes are found not to be disabled at all. I have never seen a Down's Syndrome kicked off at 18. And I have never seen a Down's Sydrome adult causing any problems whatever..let alone burdening the system you are so attached to. The people who are burdening the system are the poor kids who have been indoctrinated from birth to think that drug addiction, crime, and anti-social behavior are great ways to make a living.

You're just a garden variety liar. Lying about Down's Syndrome people in order to justify killing them.
Yep. They are kicked off. They are no longer coded as child. They have to reapply as adults. Which is dandy IF you have someone around that has the prior paperwork and can navigate the system. The older that they get the less likely someone is around to have the paperwork or to navigate. If you work in any type of social services then you know that is highly unlikely otherwise they wouldn't be out on the street, living hand to mouth or getting the bejeezes beat out of them or taken advantage of.

You don't have an argument except that you don't like it. I understand that. If you want to control the decision then you need to control the outcome. So far.............I have not seen any indication that anyone is willing to identify and correct the issues presented in the outcomes.

You pretended down's syndrome kids lost their benefits at 18. Then when I said you're full of shit, you said it's a coding thing.

In other words, you lied.

And you're engaging in all this nonsense just for the sake of killing unborn down's syndrome babies...and probably a lot of other babies as well.
I don't know why you are telling me this.
I know how it works.

Clearly you don't.
No dear, clearly you don't.

SSI recipients are not *kicked off* at 18 as a matter of course, which is what you initially said. Yes they are reviewed. And the ones who were given disability as children sometimes are found not to be disabled at all. I have never seen a Down's Syndrome kicked off at 18. And I have never seen a Down's Sydrome adult causing any problems whatever..let alone burdening the system you are so attached to. The people who are burdening the system are the poor kids who have been indoctrinated from birth to think that drug addiction, crime, and anti-social behavior are great ways to make a living.

You're just a garden variety liar. Lying about Down's Syndrome people in order to justify killing them.
Yep. They are kicked off. They are no longer coded as child. They have to reapply as adults. Which is dandy IF you have someone around that has the prior paperwork and can navigate the system. The older that they get the less likely someone is around to have the paperwork or to navigate. If you work in any type of social services then you know that is highly unlikely otherwise they wouldn't be out on the street, living hand to mouth or getting the bejeezes beat out of them or taken advantage of.

You don't have an argument except that you don't like it. I understand that. If you want to control the decision then you need to control the outcome. So far.............I have not seen any indication that anyone is willing to identify and correct the issues presented in the outcomes.

You pretended they lost their benefits at 18. Then when I said you're full of shit, you said it's a coding thing.

In other words, you lied.

They are kicked off. It's terminated. They lose their benefits.
The premise that life begins at conception doesn't hold. The egg is alive, the sperm is alive, the zygote is alive. Maintaining this is a human is an opinion in a range of opinions. Pretending that we do not, individually and collectively, make decisions about life is patently absurd and obviously wrong. At the point of a fertilized egg, the prodigious nature of life dictates that many will not mature. That human intelligence would intervene to spare suffering and disability is not unnatural.

Natural or not ...
One man's trash, is another man's treasure.

The best part is I bet Lacy would give you
a second chance at trying to be human.

We have a place for children with downs syndrome here ...
They are part of the regular community.

Abortion is unlike any other question. What and how a woman decides is not subject to generalization. In no other case is the inner workings of a person's body subject to censorship by others.
Let the woman decide. It is a difficult enough decisions as is.
Abortion is unlike any other question. What and how a woman decides is not subject to generalization. In no other case is the inner workings of a person's body subject to censorship by others.
Let the woman decide. It is a difficult enough decisions as is.

If it's a difficult decision to decide whether or not you want to avoid difficulty ...
You may actually be missing the point.

The Herd is stronger if you cull the weak. It's more humane to do it before they are born vs waiting until after.
The Herd is stronger if you cull the weak. It's more humane to do it before they are born vs waiting until after.

That's an awesome idea!
You just stay there in the herd ... I'll decide which one of you to eat later ... :thup:

Some people claim that the death of school students is a reasonable price to pay for the right to bear arms.
Some people claim they have a right to tell women to bear.
What is the right of a woman to choose worth?
Some people claim that the death of school students is a reasonable price to pay for the right to bear arms.
Some people claim they have a right to tell women to bear.
What is the right of a woman to choose worth?

What about babies that will be born to an awful life full of pain and nothing but hospital stays? Is the mother who is making minimum wage still supposed to let it be born, or have mercy on it and end the pregnancy?
And I would say who are you to predict what the future holds. I would say that let nature take its course. Who knows how things will turn out. There are billions of people who live in poverty right now. I don't see them ending their lives because of it. So they must believe that their life is worth living.
Of course you are. You think you are better than others because you believe you care more than they do. Go ahead and deny it.

Not at all. I simply think you have a lot of contradictory nonsense going on.
Your entire position is that you believe people don't do enough for others. That you believe they must do more or cannot even say that it is wrong to end the life of another human being. I see these as two different problems that are totally unrelated. Each problem has a different and unrelated solution. Even if we did everything that could possibly be done people would still abort human lives.

You can say it all you want, Sweetie. But, it isn't your decision to make. You want to control the decision but you are incapable of identifying or creating a solution.
No. I want each state to decide for itself.

I believe no one has the right to end the life of another human being. Especially because they are inconvenienced and want to avoid the consequences of their actions.

That isn't a solution. You are aware of this.

It's going to happen, Ding. It's not going to matter what the law says. It's a question of the conditions that it takes place in.

You do a lot of spinning, deflecting from the primary issue.
There is no solution that will satisfy you, Disir.
Raising children has never been more costly. According to the US Department of Agriculture, it takes about $240,000 dollars to raise a child from birth to age 18. Add special needs into the equation and the amount quadruples. I have one child, a son, who has been diagnosed with Down syndrome.Jul 22, 2014
The Cost of Raising a Child With Special Needs - The Kids Tips ...
The Cost of Raising a Child With Special Needs

do you end up robbing your other kids.....pouring all your money into one special needs child?
Are you suggesting that some human lives are expendable?

That's an incredibly slippery slope, Bones. You had cancer, right? You placed a burden on society. You were at the end of your life, you had nothing left to contribute society. Why shouldn't society have let you die rather than spend all that money on you?
Raising children has never been more costly. According to the US Department of Agriculture, it takes about $240,000 dollars to raise a child from birth to age 18. Add special needs into the equation and the amount quadruples. I have one child, a son, who has been diagnosed with Down syndrome.Jul 22, 2014
The Cost of Raising a Child With Special Needs - The Kids Tips ...
The Cost of Raising a Child With Special Needs

do you end up robbing your other kids.....pouring all your money into one special needs child?


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