The abortion of Down's syndrome babies is absolute moral depravity

Notice that since I exposed her as a liar she's showing her true face.

Before, she was arguing from a point of kindness and light...and knowledge. She was pretending to have an inside understanding, pretending that it's the kindest thing to kill babies.

Then I pointed out she's full of shit and her non understanding of ssi proves now she is in full defensive mode, where she's just going to call names and pretend there's no content to my statements...when it's been proven there's no content to hers.

Bottom killing pigs will say anything at all to justify the butchery of women and children. But the ones you run into here..the freaks like care and coyote..if they applied the yardstick to themselves, they would be the ones exterminated. It's ludicrous because it's so painfully obvious...and super duper creepy.
Stop being an overemotional nitwit and solve the problem.

I can think of an easy solution towards making all your problems go away ... You may not like it, but that's not my problem ... :thup:



You're the one asking for someone else to solve your problem.
If that's the case ... Then you really don't have a say-so in how they decide to solve it.

Solve her problem, dammit!
Those pesky disabled people who are responsible for her not getting a sufficient SSI check herself....they need to be offed.

I don't collect SSI.

I'm not convinced you even know what it is, cupcake.

And if you don't collect, I'm sure it's not for want of trying.

YOu are probably eligible for something. If you aren't getting ssi keep trying, third time is the charm. Especially if you can get an equally retarded fake doctor to lie about your *condition*.
I can think of an easy solution towards making all your problems go away ... You may not like it, but that's not my problem ... :thup:



You're the one asking for someone else to solve your problem.
If that's the case ... Then you really don't have a say-so in how they decide to solve it.

Solve her problem, dammit!
Those pesky disabled people who are responsible for her not getting a sufficient SSI check herself....they need to be offed.

I don't collect SSI.

I'm not convinced you even know what it is, cupcake.

And if you don't collect, I'm sure it's not for want of trying.

YOu are probably eligible for something. If you aren't getting ssi keep trying, third time is the charm. Especially if you can get an equally retarded fake doctor to lie about your *condition*.

I work between 50 to 60 hours a week. Again. The parents will pass on and you are looking at life time care with no one around because those services don't exist or have been cut back. If you have an individual that receives SSI as a child the odds are that they will be kicked off over the age of 18. Knowing full well that they can't navigate that system.
Notice that since I exposed her as a liar she's showing her true face.

Before, she was arguing from a point of kindness and light...and knowledge. She was pretending to have an inside understanding, pretending that it's the kindest thing to kill babies.

Then I pointed out she's full of shit and her non understanding of ssi proves now she is in full defensive mode, where she's just going to call names and pretend there's no content to my statements...when it's been proven there's no content to hers.

Bottom killing pigs will say anything at all to justify the butchery of women and children. But the ones you run into here..the freaks like care and coyote..if they applied the yardstick to themselves, they would be the ones exterminated. It's ludicrous because it's so painfully obvious...and super duper creepy.

You have exposed nothing but your own inept thinking process.
I can think of an easy solution towards making all your problems go away ... You may not like it, but that's not my problem ... :thup:



You're the one asking for someone else to solve your problem.
If that's the case ... Then you really don't have a say-so in how they decide to solve it.


No. Why don't you go back to the beginning of the thread and start there so you know what the fuck you are talking about.

I just read the whole thread and every bit of your discussions with ding , koshergrl and others.
You don't have to agree with my solution ... I am not asking you.

If you need tips on how that works ... Ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that plays out ... :thup:


So, you just showed up to be a douchebag. How convenient.

You think what I do is somehow a matter of convenience in regards to your desires, aspirations, or worldly concerns ... Think again ... :thup:


You're the one asking for someone else to solve your problem.
If that's the case ... Then you really don't have a say-so in how they decide to solve it.

Solve her problem, dammit!
Those pesky disabled people who are responsible for her not getting a sufficient SSI check herself....they need to be offed.

I don't collect SSI.

I'm not convinced you even know what it is, cupcake.

And if you don't collect, I'm sure it's not for want of trying.

YOu are probably eligible for something. If you aren't getting ssi keep trying, third time is the charm. Especially if you can get an equally retarded fake doctor to lie about your *condition*.

I work between 50 to 60 hours a week. Again. The parents will pass on and you are looking at life time care with no one around because those services don't exist or have been cut back. If you have an individual that receives SSI as a child the odds are that they will be kicked off over the age of 18. Knowing full well that they can't navigate that system.
Sure you do.

We are talking down's syndrome, or did you forget?
Down's syndrome kids very rarely outlive their parents.

And they don't get kicked off ssi.

But you are right about not being able to navigate the system, I deal with that as well. I see a lot of young people who come from families with intense child welfare involvement, who have been determined disabled, or have been moved around from foster home to foster home...and who at 18 are just cut loose from everything. They've been told all their lives that they are disabled, often by child welfare workers and teachers who are nuts themselves..when they really aren't...and then at 18 child welfare deserts them (after fucking up their lives and their heads) and they end up on the street, completely vulnerable and clueless.

But you don't fix them by killing babies.

You're the one asking for someone else to solve your problem.
If that's the case ... Then you really don't have a say-so in how they decide to solve it.


No. Why don't you go back to the beginning of the thread and start there so you know what the fuck you are talking about.

I just read the whole thread and every bit of your discussions with ding , koshergrl and others.
You don't have to agree with my solution ... I am not asking you.

If you need tips on how that works ... Ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that plays out ... :thup:


So, you just showed up to be a douchebag. How convenient.

You think what I do is somehow a matter of convenience in regards to your desires, aspirations, or worldly concerns ... Think again ... :thup:


I don't think about you at all.
I don't think about you at all.

Then shut the hell up about it ... And go on your merry little psycho way ... :thup:
I didn't ask you anything, at any time ... I told you to ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that works.


I can think of an easy solution towards making all your problems go away ... You may not like it, but that's not my problem ... :thup:



You're the one asking for someone else to solve your problem.
If that's the case ... Then you really don't have a say-so in how they decide to solve it.


No. Why don't you go back to the beginning of the thread and start there so you know what the fuck you are talking about.

I just read the whole thread and every bit of your discussions with ding , koshergrl and others.
You don't have to agree with my solution ... I am not asking you.

If you need tips on how that works ... Ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that plays out ... :thup:


So, you just showed up to be a douchebag. How convenient.
So here is how disir works..
she tells lies.
When she's exposed lying, she reverts to no content posts, one liners asserting that those who uncovered her dishonesty or stupidity by providing content, are stupid, irrelelvant, or whatever.

She doesn't actually argue with the information that exposes her. She just attacks the person who provides it.
So here is how disir works..
she tells lies.
When she's exposed lying, she reverts to no content posts, one liners asserting that those who uncovered her dishonesty or stupidity by providing content, are stupid, irrelelvant, or whatever.

She doesn't actually argue with the information that exposes her. She just attacks the person who provides it.

Meh ... I like Disir.
We all get set in our heads from time to time ... Sometimes it helps to add perspective.

Mine is simple ... Make your problems, my problems, and I will fix them without your consent.
ding was correct when he identified the argument is about justification and not the act at all.

If someone doesn't understand that ...
Then help them understand that their concerns can be just as unimportant to you ...
As an unborn child with downs syndrome is to them.


You're the one asking for someone else to solve your problem.
If that's the case ... Then you really don't have a say-so in how they decide to solve it.


No. Why don't you go back to the beginning of the thread and start there so you know what the fuck you are talking about.

I just read the whole thread and every bit of your discussions with ding , koshergrl and others.
You don't have to agree with my solution ... I am not asking you.

If you need tips on how that works ... Ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that plays out ... :thup:


So, you just showed up to be a douchebag. How convenient.
So here is how disir works..
she tells lies.
When she's exposed lying, she reverts to no content posts, one liners asserting that those who uncovered her dishonesty or stupidity by providing content, are stupid, irrelelvant, or whatever.

She doesn't actually argue with the information that exposes her. She just attacks the person who provides it.
Benefits Planner: Disability | How You Qualify | Social Security Administration

Research: Supplemental Security Income Program Entry at Age 18 and Entrants' Subsequent Earnings

It's coded differently. They have to reapply at age 18 and it is under a review every 3 years or less.
I don't think about you at all.

Then shut the hell up about it ... And go on your merry little psycho way ... :thup:
I didn't ask you anything, at any time ... I told you to ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that works.



Or what?

Again ... I didn't ask you anything ... I don't require a "what" ...
And you are missing the point I am not giving you the opportunity to discuss whatever "what" I may have.

I am showing you the same respect you afford an unborn child with downs syndrome.
You don't have a say in whatever "what" I may choose ... And I am not going to justify the "what" you have no control over.

You are just as helpless as an unborn child with downs syndrome in our discussion of the matter.
If you don't like or approve of that ... Too bad.

Negative eugenics, world wide, of a scale that would have given Hitler and his doktors a shiver up their legs.

"What an age to live in. Get pregnant; see if the baby meets your specifications. If not, just abort and try again."
No decent parent rejects a child’s love because the child is imperfect. Nobody casts aside an eight-year-old because she has bad grades or an attitude problem. So why would we think it is acceptable to destroy the life of a child, the result of a wanted pregnancy, because the child will be disabled? As the progressives put it, isn’t this the most horrible example of ableist privilege?

"If we are going down the road of selective abortion for admirable traits, one has to wonder if oneself would make the cut.
"After all, having a child isn’t really about the child. It’s about you and your hopes and dreams, your demand to live your best life."

Aborting Down Syndrome Babies Is An Absolute Moral Depravity

I posted it before, north western hospital specialist said we should abort my 20 year old when she was in the wrong they were , how right I was, nothing wrong with her.
Choice is a wonderful thing.
Choice is a wonderful thing.[/QUOTE]
...and the choice in this matter is the woman's.
I don't think about you at all.

Then shut the hell up about it ... And go on your merry little psycho way ... :thup:
I didn't ask you anything, at any time ... I told you to ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that works.



Or what?

Again ... I didn't ask you anything ... I don't require a "what" ...
And you are missing the point I am not giving you the opportunity to discuss whatever "what" I may have.

I am showing you the same respect you afford an unborn child with downs syndrome.
You don't have a say in whatever "what" I may choose ... And I am not going to justify the "what" you have no control over.

You are just as helpless as an unborn child with downs syndrome in our discussion of the matter.
If you don't like or approve of that ... Too bad.


I've never seen you in full blown idiocy mode. That's interesting. The decision to have an abortion still rests with egg donor. Awful lot of people interested in controlling the decision but not too many people willing to deal with the long term ramifications.
You're the one asking for someone else to solve your problem.
If that's the case ... Then you really don't have a say-so in how they decide to solve it.


No. Why don't you go back to the beginning of the thread and start there so you know what the fuck you are talking about.

I just read the whole thread and every bit of your discussions with ding , koshergrl and others.
You don't have to agree with my solution ... I am not asking you.

If you need tips on how that works ... Ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that plays out ... :thup:


So, you just showed up to be a douchebag. How convenient.
So here is how disir works..
she tells lies.
When she's exposed lying, she reverts to no content posts, one liners asserting that those who uncovered her dishonesty or stupidity by providing content, are stupid, irrelelvant, or whatever.

She doesn't actually argue with the information that exposes her. She just attacks the person who provides it.
Benefits Planner: Disability | How You Qualify | Social Security Administration

Research: Supplemental Security Income Program Entry at Age 18 and Entrants' Subsequent Earnings

It's coded differently. They have to reapply at age 18 and it is under a review every 3 years or less.
I don't know why you are telling me this.
I know how it works.
No. Why don't you go back to the beginning of the thread and start there so you know what the fuck you are talking about.

I just read the whole thread and every bit of your discussions with ding , koshergrl and others.
You don't have to agree with my solution ... I am not asking you.

If you need tips on how that works ... Ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that plays out ... :thup:


So, you just showed up to be a douchebag. How convenient.
So here is how disir works..
she tells lies.
When she's exposed lying, she reverts to no content posts, one liners asserting that those who uncovered her dishonesty or stupidity by providing content, are stupid, irrelelvant, or whatever.

She doesn't actually argue with the information that exposes her. She just attacks the person who provides it.
Benefits Planner: Disability | How You Qualify | Social Security Administration

Research: Supplemental Security Income Program Entry at Age 18 and Entrants' Subsequent Earnings

It's coded differently. They have to reapply at age 18 and it is under a review every 3 years or less.
I don't know why you are telling me this.
I know how it works.

Clearly you don't.
I don't think about you at all.

Then shut the hell up about it ... And go on your merry little psycho way ... :thup:
I didn't ask you anything, at any time ... I told you to ask an aborted child with downs syndrome how that works.



Or what?

Again ... I didn't ask you anything ... I don't require a "what" ...
And you are missing the point I am not giving you the opportunity to discuss whatever "what" I may have.

I am showing you the same respect you afford an unborn child with downs syndrome.
You don't have a say in whatever "what" I may choose ... And I am not going to justify the "what" you have no control over.

You are just as helpless as an unborn child with downs syndrome in our discussion of the matter.
If you don't like or approve of that ... Too bad.


I've never seen you in full blown idiocy mode. That's interesting. The decision to have an abortion still rests with egg donor. Awful lot of people interested in controlling the decision but not too many people willing to deal with the long term ramifications.
You keep saying that like it's true lol.

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