The abortion of Down's syndrome babies is absolute moral depravity

“The abortion of Down's [sic] syndrome babies is absolute moral depravity”

In your subjective, personal opinion.

Others are of the opinion that it is appropriate for families incapable of caring for such a child, an opinion just as valid.

Either way, the decision is the sole purview of the woman and her family, not that of the state.

And many women are forced to abort a Down Syndrome fetus because they don’t have access to affordable healthcare, the consequence of conservatives’ unwarranted opposition to ensuring Americans have access to affordable healthcare.

Indeed, it’s the right’s hostility to affording all Americans access to affordable healthcare that is absolute moral depravity.
“The abortion of Down's [sic] syndrome babies is absolute moral depravity”

In your subjective, personal opinion.

Others are of the opinion that it is appropriate for families incapable of caring for such a child, an opinion just as valid.

Either way, the decision is the sole purview of the woman and her family, not that of the state.

And many women are forced to abort a Down Syndrome fetus because they don’t have access to affordable healthcare, the consequence of conservatives’ unwarranted opposition to ensuring Americans have access to affordable healthcare.

Indeed, it’s the right’s hostility to affording all Americans access to affordable healthcare that is absolute moral depravity.
You keep forgetting about the new and genetically distinct human being that isn't the woman.
As opposed to when all else fails abort?

Ah, you are caught between abortion and socialism. Tough spot for you to be in.
Nope. I'm for neither. You on the other hand are caught between them. You want communism because you think it provides a guarantee. The only guarantee that provides is death, misery and suffering.

Provide the solution.
I did. Take your chances and don't rationalize that you are doing right when you are doing wrong.

That isn't a solution. That is a way for you to attempt to feel morally superior for doing nothing.
Life is full of risks. Sorry.

You'd have a hard time living in the third world. Lot's of hardships there too.
Negative eugenics, world wide, of a scale that would have given Hitler and his doktors a shiver up their legs.

"What an age to live in. Get pregnant; see if the baby meets your specifications. If not, just abort and try again."
No decent parent rejects a child’s love because the child is imperfect. Nobody casts aside an eight-year-old because she has bad grades or an attitude problem. So why would we think it is acceptable to destroy the life of a child, the result of a wanted pregnancy, because the child will be disabled? As the progressives put it, isn’t this the most horrible example of ableist privilege?

"If we are going down the road of selective abortion for admirable traits, one has to wonder if oneself would make the cut.
"After all, having a child isn’t really about the child. It’s about you and your hopes and dreams, your demand to live your best life."

Aborting Down Syndrome Babies Is An Absolute Moral Depravity
I actually with you on this, it is a disturbing slippery slope, like aborting based on gender.
Ah, you are caught between abortion and socialism. Tough spot for you to be in.
Nope. I'm for neither. You on the other hand are caught between them. You want communism because you think it provides a guarantee. The only guarantee that provides is death, misery and suffering.

Provide the solution.
The solution is to eradicate the undesirables genetic freaks like Downs or the Gay gene can solve a lot of problems by aborting them before they are born.

Ignore the truth and you are the only one who is blind to it.
I see. Who gets to decide? What if I decide you are one of the ones who should be eradicated because you aren't good enough?
The parents get to decide on their own fetus.
Just let the mother decide. Just let her take the moral responsibility. Just mind your own business.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.
Negative eugenics, world wide, of a scale that would have given Hitler and his doktors a shiver up their legs.

"What an age to live in. Get pregnant; see if the baby meets your specifications. If not, just abort and try again."
No decent parent rejects a child’s love because the child is imperfect. Nobody casts aside an eight-year-old because she has bad grades or an attitude problem. So why would we think it is acceptable to destroy the life of a child, the result of a wanted pregnancy, because the child will be disabled? As the progressives put it, isn’t this the most horrible example of ableist privilege?

"If we are going down the road of selective abortion for admirable traits, one has to wonder if oneself would make the cut.
"After all, having a child isn’t really about the child. It’s about you and your hopes and dreams, your demand to live your best life."

Aborting Down Syndrome Babies Is An Absolute Moral Depravity
I actually with you on this, it is a disturbing slippery slope, like aborting based on gender.
It is a slippery slope.
The solution is not to have them to begin with.

So the solution is to murder them earlier.

Same solution, different descriptions.

And yet, silence when they are adults indicating acquiescence w/ indirect murder via exposure to the elements etc.
You are correct, the abortion of those with Down’s syndrome will prevent all hardships that these people may have if they are allowed to live.

Perhaps all fetuses that “all not good enough” should be aborted. It could lead to a utopia if all the undesirables don’t exist.
Like Gattica?
Nope. I'm for neither. You on the other hand are caught between them. You want communism because you think it provides a guarantee. The only guarantee that provides is death, misery and suffering.

Provide the solution.
The solution is to eradicate the undesirables genetic freaks like Downs or the Gay gene can solve a lot of problems by aborting them before they are born.

Ignore the truth and you are the only one who is blind to it.
I see. Who gets to decide? What if I decide you are one of the ones who should be eradicated because you aren't good enough?
The parents get to decide on their own fetus.
Just let the mother decide. Just let her take the moral responsibility. Just mind your own business.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.

Except you aren't about sharing the consequences and, in order to, relieve your mind of those consequences you throw it over to a mere risk. How convenient!
Negative eugenics, world wide, of a scale that would have given Hitler and his doktors a shiver up their legs.

"What an age to live in. Get pregnant; see if the baby meets your specifications. If not, just abort and try again."
No decent parent rejects a child’s love because the child is imperfect. Nobody casts aside an eight-year-old because she has bad grades or an attitude problem. So why would we think it is acceptable to destroy the life of a child, the result of a wanted pregnancy, because the child will be disabled? As the progressives put it, isn’t this the most horrible example of ableist privilege?

"If we are going down the road of selective abortion for admirable traits, one has to wonder if oneself would make the cut.
"After all, having a child isn’t really about the child. It’s about you and your hopes and dreams, your demand to live your best life."

Aborting Down Syndrome Babies Is An Absolute Moral Depravity
I actually with you on this, it is a disturbing slippery slope, like aborting based on gender.
And I actually disagree with you on this – hence a slippery slope fallacy.

A woman is at liberty to end a pregnancy in good faith and in her own good conscience, pursuant to the right to privacy, consistent with the laws of her state; citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.
feel free to give every last one of them the 2 million $ that their care will cost. It will do your sanctimonius arse all kinds of good to get all that nasty money away from yourself.
Nope. I'm for neither. You on the other hand are caught between them. You want communism because you think it provides a guarantee. The only guarantee that provides is death, misery and suffering.

Provide the solution.
The solution is to eradicate the undesirables genetic freaks like Downs or the Gay gene can solve a lot of problems by aborting them before they are born.

Ignore the truth and you are the only one who is blind to it.
I see. Who gets to decide? What if I decide you are one of the ones who should be eradicated because you aren't good enough?
The parents get to decide on their own fetus.
Just let the mother decide. Just let her take the moral responsibility. Just mind your own business.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.
First of all, it isn't person out in the world defenseless against a hostile environment (as it indeed would be if abandoned while afflicted unnecessarily with a condition that rendered it incapable of understanding and dealing with that hostile environment). It is in the woman's body, under her control, as was the choice to conceive.
Second, do we want to take a look at protecting the defenseless? Personally, I very much would like to. Who, what group, is the most defenseless, most suffering? Women. Even in our society, where everyone really, after all, has it pretty good, women often have it a lot worse than we can tolerate. In the world at large, there are broad swathes where women are either literally or very nearly chattel. Let's start with them, this huge part of our population, our sisters. It is much more important to save so many instead of debating details over who gets to decide for a woman what is going to happen to her body.
'Liberating' some far away potentate, even if it isn't just for oil or something other than high ideals of international law, is often enough engaged in. What about liberation for our sisters? "Oh, not by war, certainly", you may protest.Well, we have very powerful means of media persuasion. America got the entire earth drinking "Coke" and wearing jeans and using the Internet and deficit spending. We could work on just subverting whoever is responsible for doing this to our sisters. We could have tried that against the Nazis, too, but it was pretty commonly held that such a course would take too much time. So, if there were ever a cause for militant 'evangelizing', this would be one.
So, yeah, let's go there. Let's talk "protecting the defenseless", because after our sisters there are other collective measures that need taking.
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Provide the solution.
The solution is to eradicate the undesirables genetic freaks like Downs or the Gay gene can solve a lot of problems by aborting them before they are born.

Ignore the truth and you are the only one who is blind to it.
I see. Who gets to decide? What if I decide you are one of the ones who should be eradicated because you aren't good enough?
The parents get to decide on their own fetus.
Just let the mother decide. Just let her take the moral responsibility. Just mind your own business.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.
First of all, it isn't person out in the world defenseless against a hostile environment (as it indeed would be if abandoned while afflicted unnecessarily with a condition that rendered it incapable of understanding and dealing with that hostile environment). It is in the woman's body, under her control, as was the choice to conceive.
Second, do we want to take a look at protecting the defenseless? Personally, I very much would like to. Who, what group, is the most defenseless, most suffering? Women. Even in our society, where everyone really, after all, has it pretty good, women often have it a lot worse than we can tolerate. In the world at large, there are broad swathes where women are either literally or very nearly chattel. Let's start with them, this huge part of our population, our sisters. It is much more important to save so many instead of debating details over who gets to decide for a woman what is going to happen to her body.
'Liberating' some far away potentate, even if it isn't just for oil or something other than high ideals of international law, is often enough engaged in. What about liberation for our sisters? "Oh, not by war, certainly", you may protest.Well, we have very powerful means of media persuasion. America got the entire earth drinking "Coke" and wearing jeans and using the Internet and deficit spending. We could work on just subverting whoever is responsible for doing this to our sisters. We could have tried that against the Nazis, too, but it was pretty commonly held that such a course would take too much time. So, if there were ever a cause for militant 'evangelizing', this would be one.
So, yeah, let's go there. Let's talk "protecting the defenseless", because after our sisters there are other collective measures that need taking.
Our sisters suffer more at the hands of the abortionists than the murdered babies themselves.

Abortionists exist to help the sex traffickers' bottom line.
The solution is not to have them to begin with.

So the solution is to murder them earlier.

Same solution, different descriptions.

And yet, silence when they are adults indicating acquiescence w/ indirect murder via exposure to the elements etc.
You are correct, the abortion of those with Down’s syndrome will prevent all hardships that these people may have if they are allowed to live.

Perhaps all fetuses that “all not good enough” should be aborted. It could lead to a utopia if all the undesirables don’t exist.
Like Gattica?
The solution is to eradicate the undesirables genetic freaks like Downs or the Gay gene can solve a lot of problems by aborting them before they are born.

Ignore the truth and you are the only one who is blind to it.
I see. Who gets to decide? What if I decide you are one of the ones who should be eradicated because you aren't good enough?
The parents get to decide on their own fetus.
Just let the mother decide. Just let her take the moral responsibility. Just mind your own business.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.
First of all, it isn't person out in the world defenseless against a hostile environment (as it indeed would be if abandoned while afflicted unnecessarily with a condition that rendered it incapable of understanding and dealing with that hostile environment). It is in the woman's body, under her control, as was the choice to conceive.
Second, do we want to take a look at protecting the defenseless? Personally, I very much would like to. Who, what group, is the most defenseless, most suffering? Women. Even in our society, where everyone really, after all, has it pretty good, women often have it a lot worse than we can tolerate. In the world at large, there are broad swathes where women are either literally or very nearly chattel. Let's start with them, this huge part of our population, our sisters. It is much more important to save so many instead of debating details over who gets to decide for a woman what is going to happen to her body.
'Liberating' some far away potentate, even if it isn't just for oil or something other than high ideals of international law, is often enough engaged in. What about liberation for our sisters? "Oh, not by war, certainly", you may protest.Well, we have very powerful means of media persuasion. America got the entire earth drinking "Coke" and wearing jeans and using the Internet and deficit spending. We could work on just subverting whoever is responsible for doing this to our sisters. We could have tried that against the Nazis, too, but it was pretty commonly held that such a course would take too much time. So, if there were ever a cause for militant 'evangelizing', this would be one.
So, yeah, let's go there. Let's talk "protecting the defenseless", because after our sisters there are other collective measures that need taking.
Our sisters suffer more at the hands of the abortionists than the murdered babies themselves.

Abortionists exist to help the sex traffickers' bottom line.

That is the craziest claim yet KG.
Provide the solution.
The solution is to eradicate the undesirables genetic freaks like Downs or the Gay gene can solve a lot of problems by aborting them before they are born.

Ignore the truth and you are the only one who is blind to it.
I see. Who gets to decide? What if I decide you are one of the ones who should be eradicated because you aren't good enough?
The parents get to decide on their own fetus.
Just let the mother decide. Just let her take the moral responsibility. Just mind your own business.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.

Except you aren't about sharing the consequences and, in order to, relieve your mind of those consequences you throw it over to a mere risk. How convenient!
Don't be silly. We all share in the consequences. Some to a lessor degree others to a greater degree. Stop being so emotional about this. Funny how you see me differently than yourself. What have you ever done about the suffering of others? Voted? Give me a break and climb down from your high horse before you break your neck.
Provide the solution.
The solution is to eradicate the undesirables genetic freaks like Downs or the Gay gene can solve a lot of problems by aborting them before they are born.

Ignore the truth and you are the only one who is blind to it.
I see. Who gets to decide? What if I decide you are one of the ones who should be eradicated because you aren't good enough?
The parents get to decide on their own fetus.
Just let the mother decide. Just let her take the moral responsibility. Just mind your own business.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.
First of all, it isn't person out in the world defenseless against a hostile environment (as it indeed would be if abandoned while afflicted unnecessarily with a condition that rendered it incapable of understanding and dealing with that hostile environment). It is in the woman's body, under her control, as was the choice to conceive.
Second, do we want to take a look at protecting the defenseless? Personally, I very much would like to. Who, what group, is the most defenseless, most suffering? Women. Even in our society, where everyone really, after all, has it pretty good, women often have it a lot worse than we can tolerate. In the world at large, there are broad swathes where women are either literally or very nearly chattel. Let's start with them, this huge part of our population, our sisters. It is much more important to save so many instead of debating details over who gets to decide for a woman what is going to happen to her body.
'Liberating' some far away potentate, even if it isn't just for oil or something other than high ideals of international law, is often enough engaged in. What about liberation for our sisters? "Oh, not by war, certainly", you may protest.Well, we have very powerful means of media persuasion. America got the entire earth drinking "Coke" and wearing jeans and using the Internet and deficit spending. We could work on just subverting whoever is responsible for doing this to our sisters. We could have tried that against the Nazis, too, but it was pretty commonly held that such a course would take too much time. So, if there were ever a cause for militant 'evangelizing', this would be one.
So, yeah, let's go there. Let's talk "protecting the defenseless", because after our sisters there are other collective measures that need taking.
Ending a human life, especially for selfish reasons is wrong.

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner, Report, Subcommittee on Separation of Powers to Senate Judiciary Committee S-158, 97th Congress, 1st Session 1981

"An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland.
The solution is to eradicate the undesirables genetic freaks like Downs or the Gay gene can solve a lot of problems by aborting them before they are born.

Ignore the truth and you are the only one who is blind to it.
I see. Who gets to decide? What if I decide you are one of the ones who should be eradicated because you aren't good enough?
The parents get to decide on their own fetus.
Just let the mother decide. Just let her take the moral responsibility. Just mind your own business.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.

Except you aren't about sharing the consequences and, in order to, relieve your mind of those consequences you throw it over to a mere risk. How convenient!
Don't be silly. We all share in the consequences. Some to a lessor degree others to a greater degree. Stop being so emotional about this. Funny how you see me differently than yourself. What have you ever done about the suffering of others? Voted? Give me a break and climb down from your high horse before you break your neck.

Social work you asshat.
I see. Who gets to decide? What if I decide you are one of the ones who should be eradicated because you aren't good enough?
The parents get to decide on their own fetus.
Just let the mother decide. Just let her take the moral responsibility. Just mind your own business.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.

Except you aren't about sharing the consequences and, in order to, relieve your mind of those consequences you throw it over to a mere risk. How convenient!
Don't be silly. We all share in the consequences. Some to a lessor degree others to a greater degree. Stop being so emotional about this. Funny how you see me differently than yourself. What have you ever done about the suffering of others? Voted? Give me a break and climb down from your high horse before you break your neck.

Social work you asshat.
That you get paid for. Give me a break.
The parents get to decide on their own fetus.
Just let the mother decide. Just let her take the moral responsibility. Just mind your own business.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.

Except you aren't about sharing the consequences and, in order to, relieve your mind of those consequences you throw it over to a mere risk. How convenient!
Don't be silly. We all share in the consequences. Some to a lessor degree others to a greater degree. Stop being so emotional about this. Funny how you see me differently than yourself. What have you ever done about the suffering of others? Voted? Give me a break and climb down from your high horse before you break your neck.

Social work you asshat.
That you get paid for. Give me a break.

Grow up, Ding.
We live in a shared society with shared consequences. It is our business to protect the defenseless.

Except you aren't about sharing the consequences and, in order to, relieve your mind of those consequences you throw it over to a mere risk. How convenient!
Don't be silly. We all share in the consequences. Some to a lessor degree others to a greater degree. Stop being so emotional about this. Funny how you see me differently than yourself. What have you ever done about the suffering of others? Voted? Give me a break and climb down from your high horse before you break your neck.

Social work you asshat.
That you get paid for. Give me a break.

Grow up, Ding.
Climb down from your high horse, Disir.

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