The abuse of Greta

I dont deny that the climate has since the dawn of earth ..
Are you sure about that? Who taught you that?

My gender studies professor
Well that was easy. You wilted like lettuce in the Sun....

Eh wot
I really dont really argue with religious zealots..Your blind faith makes you stupid
I was on another thread

Wheres your proof?..reading the Iccc report is not proof I mean really laughable ...thier is no concrete irrefutable scientific evidence that white mans co2 output is rapidly changing the climate..

Again UN officials have stated it's not really about the climate it's about wealth redistribution..
So they have no credibility left on the subject when they admit it's not really about the climate

I threw in white man since leftists brains are so super simplistic that you can now either call me a racist ...or keep ignoring the Chinese and Indians as they lay waste to thier air lands and water ....your cult and the un is only interested in western co2 because it's where they wanna get the money from redistribute For social and climate justice:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The right side of murderous authoritarian history :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Child abusing freaks ....jesus they truly are religious crazies
Well that was an embarrasing pile of horseshit.

So, numbnuts...who taught you that the climate has always changed?

Don't be a sissy. Answer the question.

You're not suggesting the global climate is static and mans changing it with minuscule amounts of gaseous plant food? Cause that would be beyond stupid
The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
so youre comparing a make believe world to real life and then complaining that some take real life serious and the make believe world just that,,,

the problem seems to be you and your grasp on reality
Are you sure about that? Who taught you that?

My gender studies professor
Well that was easy. You wilted like lettuce in the Sun....

Eh wot
I really dont really argue with religious zealots..Your blind faith makes you stupid
I was on another thread

Wheres your proof?..reading the Iccc report is not proof I mean really laughable ...thier is no concrete irrefutable scientific evidence that white mans co2 output is rapidly changing the climate..

Again UN officials have stated it's not really about the climate it's about wealth redistribution..
So they have no credibility left on the subject when they admit it's not really about the climate

I threw in white man since leftists brains are so super simplistic that you can now either call me a racist ...or keep ignoring the Chinese and Indians as they lay waste to thier air lands and water ....your cult and the un is only interested in western co2 because it's where they wanna get the money from redistribute For social and climate justice:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The right side of murderous authoritarian history :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Child abusing freaks ....jesus they truly are religious crazies
Well that was an embarrasing pile of horseshit.

So, numbnuts...who taught you that the climate has always changed?

Don't be a sissy. Answer the question.

You're not suggesting the global climate is static ? Cause that would be beyond stupid
Answer the question. Stop being such a sissy.

Who taught you the climate always changes?

Socialists always use children as human shields. The right thing to do is to blow them away, and then blow the socialists. No more human shields.

It was the same with the border. If the illegals traveled with children. then that made it fine. As result many children were trafficked.
You're such a foul human being...if i accidentally agreed with you..I'd retch at the association.


Typical lefty, you don't want those who abuse and hide behind children to be held accountable.

You view children as chattel, like all democrats, and if anybody challenges that, you pretend they're attacking the children that you are pushing in front of you.

My gender studies professor
Well that was easy. You wilted like lettuce in the Sun....

Eh wot
I really dont really argue with religious zealots..Your blind faith makes you stupid
I was on another thread

Wheres your proof?..reading the Iccc report is not proof I mean really laughable ...thier is no concrete irrefutable scientific evidence that white mans co2 output is rapidly changing the climate..

Again UN officials have stated it's not really about the climate it's about wealth redistribution..
So they have no credibility left on the subject when they admit it's not really about the climate

I threw in white man since leftists brains are so super simplistic that you can now either call me a racist ...or keep ignoring the Chinese and Indians as they lay waste to thier air lands and water ....your cult and the un is only interested in western co2 because it's where they wanna get the money from redistribute For social and climate justice:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The right side of murderous authoritarian history :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Child abusing freaks ....jesus they truly are religious crazies
Well that was an embarrasing pile of horseshit.

So, numbnuts...who taught you that the climate has always changed?

Don't be a sissy. Answer the question.

You're not suggesting the global climate is static ? Cause that would be beyond stupid
Answer the question. Stop being such a sissy.

Who taught you the climate always changes?


"Then, in 1976, a study published in the journal Science examined deep-sea sediment cores and found that Milankovitch's theory did in fact correspond to periods of climate change (Hays et al. 1976). Specifically, the authors were able to extract the record of temperature change going back 450,000 years and found that major variations in climate were closely associated with changes in the geometry (eccentricity, obliquity, and precession) of Earth's orbit. Indeed, ice ages had occurred when the Earth was going through different stages of orbital variation.

Since this study, the National Research Council of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences has embraced the Milankovitch Cycle model.

  • ...orbital variations remain the most thoroughly examined mechanism of climatic change on time scales of tens of thousands of years and are by far the clearest case of a direct effect of changing insolation on the lower atmosphere of Earth (National Research Council, 1982).

Milutin Milankovitch
The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
Wrong. Righties don't go along with that beauty pageant stuff. Now you're desperate.
My gender studies professor
Well that was easy. You wilted like lettuce in the Sun....

Eh wot
I really dont really argue with religious zealots..Your blind faith makes you stupid
I was on another thread

Wheres your proof?..reading the Iccc report is not proof I mean really laughable ...thier is no concrete irrefutable scientific evidence that white mans co2 output is rapidly changing the climate..

Again UN officials have stated it's not really about the climate it's about wealth redistribution..
So they have no credibility left on the subject when they admit it's not really about the climate

I threw in white man since leftists brains are so super simplistic that you can now either call me a racist ...or keep ignoring the Chinese and Indians as they lay waste to thier air lands and water ....your cult and the un is only interested in western co2 because it's where they wanna get the money from redistribute For social and climate justice:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The right side of murderous authoritarian history :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Child abusing freaks ....jesus they truly are religious crazies
Well that was an embarrasing pile of horseshit.

So, numbnuts...who taught you that the climate has always changed?

Don't be a sissy. Answer the question.

You're not suggesting the global climate is static ? Cause that would be beyond stupid
Answer the question. Stop being such a sissy.

Who taught you the climate always changes?
I can play the left's run in circles game to
You still haven't answered mine
The ipcc report is not proof of anything
Is thier any irrefutable scientific evidence that the white mans co2 output is changing the global climate..?

I mean New York city is under water and the polar bears have been extinct for 75 years now
Let's see the proof ...for climate justice and massive wealth redistribution
Well that was easy. You wilted like lettuce in the Sun....

Eh wot
I really dont really argue with religious zealots..Your blind faith makes you stupid
I was on another thread

Wheres your proof?..reading the Iccc report is not proof I mean really laughable ...thier is no concrete irrefutable scientific evidence that white mans co2 output is rapidly changing the climate..

Again UN officials have stated it's not really about the climate it's about wealth redistribution..
So they have no credibility left on the subject when they admit it's not really about the climate

I threw in white man since leftists brains are so super simplistic that you can now either call me a racist ...or keep ignoring the Chinese and Indians as they lay waste to thier air lands and water ....your cult and the un is only interested in western co2 because it's where they wanna get the money from redistribute For social and climate justice:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The right side of murderous authoritarian history :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Child abusing freaks ....jesus they truly are religious crazies
Well that was an embarrasing pile of horseshit.

So, numbnuts...who taught you that the climate has always changed?

Don't be a sissy. Answer the question.

You're not suggesting the global climate is static ? Cause that would be beyond stupid
Answer the question. Stop being such a sissy.

Who taught you the climate always changes?
I can play the left's run in circles game to
You still haven't answered mine
The ipcc report is not proof of anything
Is thier any irrefutable scientific evidence that the white mans co2 output is changing the global climate..?

I mean New York city is under water and the polar bears have been extinct for 75 years now
Let's see the proof ...for climate justice and massive wealth redistribution
Oh, sorry sissy, you forgot to answer the question.

Here it is again:

Who taught you the climate always changes?
Yeah, that's what happens when 16 year olds try to lecture adults on how to live.

Of course, in normal American families. You run yours on that sort of advice, obviously.

I am going to bet that most people here are not okay with the mini-hookers either. That's just you and your kids.

The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
so youre comparing a make believe world to real life and then complaining that some take real life serious and the make believe world just that,,,

the problem seems to be you and your grasp on reality

are you drunk?
Eh wot
I really dont really argue with religious zealots..Your blind faith makes you stupid
I was on another thread

Wheres your proof?..reading the Iccc report is not proof I mean really laughable ...thier is no concrete irrefutable scientific evidence that white mans co2 output is rapidly changing the climate..

Again UN officials have stated it's not really about the climate it's about wealth redistribution..
So they have no credibility left on the subject when they admit it's not really about the climate

I threw in white man since leftists brains are so super simplistic that you can now either call me a racist ...or keep ignoring the Chinese and Indians as they lay waste to thier air lands and water ....your cult and the un is only interested in western co2 because it's where they wanna get the money from redistribute For social and climate justice:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The right side of murderous authoritarian history :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Child abusing freaks ....jesus they truly are religious crazies
Well that was an embarrasing pile of horseshit.

So, numbnuts...who taught you that the climate has always changed?

Don't be a sissy. Answer the question.

You're not suggesting the global climate is static ? Cause that would be beyond stupid
Answer the question. Stop being such a sissy.

Who taught you the climate always changes?
I can play the left's run in circles game to
You still haven't answered mine
The ipcc report is not proof of anything
Is thier any irrefutable scientific evidence that the white mans co2 output is changing the global climate..?

I mean New York city is under water and the polar bears have been extinct for 75 years now
Let's see the proof ...for climate justice and massive wealth redistribution
Oh, sorry sissy, you forgot to answer the question.

Here it is again:

Who taught you the climate always changes?

The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
Wrong. Righties don't go along with that beauty pageant stuff. Now you're desperate.

Nope, they not only go along with it they are the main participants.
Eh wot
I really dont really argue with religious zealots..Your blind faith makes you stupid
I was on another thread
NASA they lie
The Russian space agency told me

Wheres your proof?..reading the Iccc report is not proof I mean really laughable ...thier is no concrete irrefutable scientific evidence that white mans co2 output is rapidly changing the climate..

Again UN officials have stated it's not really about the climate it's about wealth redistribution..
So they have no credibility left on the subject when they admit it's not really about the climate

I threw in white man since leftists brains are so super simplistic that you can now either call me a racist ...or keep ignoring the Chinese and Indians as they lay waste to thier air lands and water ....your cult and the un is only interested in western co2 because it's where they wanna get the money from redistribute For social and climate justice:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The right side of murderous authoritarian history :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Child abusing freaks ....jesus they truly are religious crazies
Well that was an embarrasing pile of horseshit.

So, numbnuts...who taught you that the climate has always changed?

Don't be a sissy. Answer the question.

You're not suggesting the global climate is static ? Cause that would be beyond stupid
Answer the question. Stop being such a sissy.

Who taught you the climate always changes?
I can play the left's run in circles game to
You still haven't answered mine
The ipcc report is not proof of anything
Is thier any irrefutable scientific evidence that the white mans co2 output is changing the global climate..?

I mean New York city is under water and the polar bears have been extinct for 75 years now
Let's see the proof ...for climate justice and massive wealth redistribution
Oh, sorry sissy, you forgot to answer the question.

Here it is again:

Who taught you the climate always changes?

My gender studies professor ....from Russia
Mr collusionaofski

It's a much more credible reply than the ipcc report...or your fake outrage over right wingers making fun of greta

Space potato!
Last edited:
The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
so youre comparing a make believe world to real life and then complaining that some take real life serious and the make believe world just that,,,

the problem seems to be you and your grasp on reality

are you drunk?

not yet,,,but whats that got to do with it??
The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
so youre comparing a make believe world to real life and then complaining that some take real life serious and the make believe world just that,,,

the problem seems to be you and your grasp on reality

are you drunk?

not yet,,,but whats that got to do with it??

your post was incoherent, so I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.
The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
Wrong. Righties don't go along with that beauty pageant stuff. Now you're desperate.

Nope, they not only go along with it they are the main participants.
The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
Wrong. Righties don't go along with that beauty pageant stuff. Now you're desperate.

Nope, they not only go along with it they are the main participants.

So did your son win?

Next time you attend, remember that you don't represent "the right-wing".
The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
so youre comparing a make believe world to real life and then complaining that some take real life serious and the make believe world just that,,,

the problem seems to be you and your grasp on reality

are you drunk?

not yet,,,but whats that got to do with it??

your post was incoherent, so I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.

so you dont know the difference between real world reality and make believe,,,

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