The abuse of Greta


Socialists always use children as human shields. The right thing to do is to blow them away, and then blow the socialists. No more human shields.

It was the same with the border. If the illegals traveled with children. then that made it fine. As result many children were trafficked.
Think its ok for a young person to speak in support of what they believe to be true, your not required too believe it your self. why would many of you treat a child in such an unkind manner.

Okay to speak what they believe, sure. Okay to lecture world leaders as though her hysteria is supposed to be the only thing that means anything? No. Okay for her parents to generate this sort of mental and emotional trauma and then promote her into the spotlight? Not even close.

Why would YOU treat a child in such an unkind manner as to use her as a human shield instead of strapping on a pair and saying what you want said yourself?
Also wrong to brainwash kids like this, and tell them that the ideology that is being pumped into them is SCIENCE. It isn't science. Her #1 message in that Hitleresque spasm was that we shouldn't have money.

Hello, she's a rich, PURE aryan Swede, the daughter of a Nobel prize winner and a swedish entertainment icon, who admits she's mentally ill and has had multiple audiences with world leaders and financiers.....and we are supposed to stop what we're doing and do what she tells us?

No thanks. She's not the daughter of the massah. She's a hysterical and mentally ill child that should be removed and placed in an institution, along with her whackadoodle parents.
She's a genius and the child of genius. Her Asperger's is part of that. She is far from the brainwashed child you wish to portray her as. Yeah, she's 16..and taking it over the top...16 is a good age for that. Her message is simplistic and bombastic...and not as nuanced as it could be. So what? At least she is on the right side of history..unlike the knee-jerk deniers.
I happen to be uninterested in why climate is changing..I think more focus should be on planning for it---but, if just for the spectacle alone..I'm grateful to her.

But by all means continue to mock a young woman who, quite likely, has already made more of an impact on the world than you ever 16.

Definition of *genius* is not "anybody who agrees with my insane ideology*. Likewise, not all aspergers are geniuses. Some of them are just cuckoo.

You poor progressives and your mindless worship of genes.......
As if I'm a Progressive...LOL!
BTW..she just was awarded the 'alternative' Nobel..for her activism. Which is cool..cause now her and her Dad can bond over their global recognition of their genius.

Greta Thunberg wins 'alternative Nobel' for environmental work

“I’m deeply grateful for being one of the recipients of this great honour,” said Thunberg, in New York for the UN general assembly. “But of course, it is not me who is the winner. I am part of a global movement of school children, youth and adults of all ages who have decided to act in defence of our living planet. I share this award with them.”
Thunberg and her fellow laureates will each receive 1m Swedish krona (£83,000) to further their work in addition to long-term support that includes help and protection for those “whose lives and liberty are in danger”.

Announcing the laureates in Stockholm, Ole von Uexkull, executive director of the Right Livelihood Foundation, said: “With the 2019 Right Livelihood award, we honour four practical visionaries whose leadership has empowered millions of people to defend their inalienable rights and to strive for a liveable future for all on planet Earth.”
If you worship a child because of her genetic code, which you obviously do, you're a *progressive*. Just like the *progressive* nazis. You just value a different set of genes. Or the same, who knows.

Socialists always use children as human shields. The right thing to do is to blow them away, and then blow the socialists. No more human shields.

It was the same with the border. If the illegals traveled with children. then that made it fine. As result many children were trafficked.
You're such a foul human being...if i accidentally agreed with you..I'd retch at the association.


Socialists always use children as human shields. The right thing to do is to blow them away, and then blow the socialists. No more human shields.

It was the same with the border. If the illegals traveled with children. then that made it fine. As result many children were trafficked.
You're such a foul human being...if i accidentally agreed with you..I'd retch at the association.


So what's your plan... let children run all over you and tell you how to live?

Great plan... You will be an amazing parent.

Typical post from an inferior human being. The superior beings have taken action and stopped the leftist operations of using children as human shields.
Okay to speak what they believe, sure. Okay to lecture world leaders as though her hysteria is supposed to be the only thing that means anything? No. Okay for her parents to generate this sort of mental and emotional trauma and then promote her into the spotlight? Not even close.

Why would YOU treat a child in such an unkind manner as to use her as a human shield instead of strapping on a pair and saying what you want said yourself?
Also wrong to brainwash kids like this, and tell them that the ideology that is being pumped into them is SCIENCE. It isn't science. Her #1 message in that Hitleresque spasm was that we shouldn't have money.

Hello, she's a rich, PURE aryan Swede, the daughter of a Nobel prize winner and a swedish entertainment icon, who admits she's mentally ill and has had multiple audiences with world leaders and financiers.....and we are supposed to stop what we're doing and do what she tells us?

No thanks. She's not the daughter of the massah. She's a hysterical and mentally ill child that should be removed and placed in an institution, along with her whackadoodle parents.
She's a genius and the child of genius. Her Asperger's is part of that. She is far from the brainwashed child you wish to portray her as. Yeah, she's 16..and taking it over the top...16 is a good age for that. Her message is simplistic and bombastic...and not as nuanced as it could be. So what? At least she is on the right side of history..unlike the knee-jerk deniers.
I happen to be uninterested in why climate is changing..I think more focus should be on planning for it---but, if just for the spectacle alone..I'm grateful to her.

But by all means continue to mock a young woman who, quite likely, has already made more of an impact on the world than you ever 16.

Definition of *genius* is not "anybody who agrees with my insane ideology*. Likewise, not all aspergers are geniuses. Some of them are just cuckoo.

You poor progressives and your mindless worship of genes.......
As if I'm a Progressive...LOL!
BTW..she just was awarded the 'alternative' Nobel..for her activism. Which is cool..cause now her and her Dad can bond over their global recognition of their genius.

Greta Thunberg wins 'alternative Nobel' for environmental work

“I’m deeply grateful for being one of the recipients of this great honour,” said Thunberg, in New York for the UN general assembly. “But of course, it is not me who is the winner. I am part of a global movement of school children, youth and adults of all ages who have decided to act in defence of our living planet. I share this award with them.”
Thunberg and her fellow laureates will each receive 1m Swedish krona (£83,000) to further their work in addition to long-term support that includes help and protection for those “whose lives and liberty are in danger”.

Announcing the laureates in Stockholm, Ole von Uexkull, executive director of the Right Livelihood Foundation, said: “With the 2019 Right Livelihood award, we honour four practical visionaries whose leadership has empowered millions of people to defend their inalienable rights and to strive for a liveable future for all on planet Earth.”
If you worship a child because of her genetic code, which you obviously do, you're a *progressive*. Just like the *progressive* nazis. You just value a different set of genes. Or the same, who knows.
Obvious to whom?? I was posting the rebuttal of the attempted Right wing rhetoric that states that she is a mentally ill little girl being used by the evil Globalists..when she is anything but that.

I'm just disgusted at your collective tactics of lying and foul I thought I'd chime in...But..since you are to the Right of Attila the Hun---I might seem like a you.

But, in the end, it matters little..her accomplishments tell her story. Your attempt to tarnish them are pathetic.
I dont deny that the climate has since the dawn of earth ..
Are you sure about that? Who taught you that?

My gender studies professor
Well that was easy. You wilted like lettuce in the Sun....

Eh wot
I really dont really argue with religious zealots..Your blind faith makes you stupid
I was on another thread

Wheres your proof?..reading the Iccc report is not proof I mean really laughable ...thier is no concrete irrefutable scientific evidence that white mans co2 output is rapidly changing the climate..

Again UN officials have stated it's not really about the climate it's about wealth redistribution..
So they have no credibility left on the subject when they admit it's not really about the climate

I threw in white man since leftists brains are so super simplistic that you can now either call me a racist ...or keep ignoring the Chinese and Indians as they lay waste to thier air lands and water ....your cult and the un is only interested in western co2 because it's where they wanna get the money from redistribute For social and climate justice:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The right side of murderous authoritarian history :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Child abusing freaks ....jesus they truly are religious crazies
Must be a favorite..that meme has been seen everywhere!
Ok fair enough... How about this one:
A bit simplistic..the problem with toons like that is that the base will laugh..but it really has no impact on the larger viewing audience.

The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.
I dont deny that the climate has since the dawn of earth ..
Are you sure about that? Who taught you that?

My gender studies professor
Well that was easy. You wilted like lettuce in the Sun....

Eh wot
I really dont really argue with religious zealots..Your blind faith makes you stupid
I was on another thread

Wheres your proof?..reading the Iccc report is not proof I mean really laughable ...thier is no concrete irrefutable scientific evidence that white mans co2 output is rapidly changing the climate..

Again UN officials have stated it's not really about the climate it's about wealth redistribution..
So they have no credibility left on the subject when they admit it's not really about the climate

I threw in white man since leftists brains are so super simplistic that you can now either call me a racist ...or keep ignoring the Chinese and Indians as they lay waste to thier air lands and water ....your cult and the un is only interested in western co2 because it's where they wanna get the money from redistribute For social and climate justice:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The right side of murderous authoritarian history :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Child abusing freaks ....jesus they truly are religious crazies
Well that was an embarrasing pile of horseshit.

So, numbnuts...who taught you that the climate has always changed?

Don't be a sissy. Answer the question.
The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.

Yeah, that's what happens when 16 year olds try to lecture adults on how to live.

Of course, in normal American families. You run yours on that sort of advice, obviously.

I am going to bet that most people here are not okay with the mini-hookers either. That's just you and your kids.
Yeah, that's what happens when 16 year olds try to lecture adults on how to live.
Bullshit. You throw the same, stupid, embarrassing hissy fits every time the topic of climate science comes up.

I will attack enemies whenever they reveal themselves. If they happen to use a human shield, well that's on them, not on me.

Yes, that's what men do.

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