The abuse of Greta

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
so youre comparing a make believe world to real life and then complaining that some take real life serious and the make believe world just that,,,

the problem seems to be you and your grasp on reality

are you drunk?

not yet,,,but whats that got to do with it??

your post was incoherent, so I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.

so you dont know the difference between real world reality and make believe,,,

I have no idea which you consider to be which. You are making zero sense right now.

are you sure you are not drunk yet?
Well that was an embarrasing pile of horseshit.

So, numbnuts...who taught you that the climate has always changed?

Don't be a sissy. Answer the question.

You're not suggesting the global climate is static ? Cause that would be beyond stupid
Answer the question. Stop being such a sissy.

Who taught you the climate always changes?
I can play the left's run in circles game to
You still haven't answered mine
The ipcc report is not proof of anything
Is thier any irrefutable scientific evidence that the white mans co2 output is changing the global climate..?

I mean New York city is under water and the polar bears have been extinct for 75 years now
Let's see the proof ...for climate justice and massive wealth redistribution
Oh, sorry sissy, you forgot to answer the question.

Here it is again:

Who taught you the climate always changes?

My gender studies professor ....from Russia
Mr collusionaofski

It's a much more credible reply than the ipcc report...or your fake outrage over right wingers making fun of greta

Space potato!
Aww,poor little sissy talks a big game about 16 year old girls...then tucks his tiny weiner and runs when an adult confronts him.

As expected.

By the way, I knew you would break down and flame out. That was the exercise. You guys are a dime a dozen.
OPINION: If You Support Greta Thunberg’s Exploitation, You’re a Monster

The parents are obviously just as retarded as her. Who in the fuck puts a 16 year old on such a position? Bunch of child abusers, and of course, it's their own child. Only a leftist is fine with this amount of evil.

We are a country that has beauty pageants for small children where they parade around like mini hookers, and spin off hit TV shows about them and not a peep from any of the right wing nutjobs.

But a 16 year old gives 11 speeches and 1 TED talk about a topic that she is passionate about and she is being cannot make this shit up, you people are so full of double standards that you do not know which way is up.
Wrong. Righties don't go along with that beauty pageant stuff. Now you're desperate.

Nope, they not only go along with it they are the main participants.
Then you have a different definition of conservative than I do, which doesn't really surprise me.
You're not suggesting the global climate is static ? Cause that would be beyond stupid
Answer the question. Stop being such a sissy.

Who taught you the climate always changes?
I can play the left's run in circles game to
You still haven't answered mine
The ipcc report is not proof of anything
Is thier any irrefutable scientific evidence that the white mans co2 output is changing the global climate..?

I mean New York city is under water and the polar bears have been extinct for 75 years now
Let's see the proof ...for climate justice and massive wealth redistribution
Oh, sorry sissy, you forgot to answer the question.

Here it is again:

Who taught you the climate always changes?

My gender studies professor ....from Russia
Mr collusionaofski

It's a much more credible reply than the ipcc report...or your fake outrage over right wingers making fun of greta

Space potato!
Aww,poor little sissy talks a big game about 16 year old girls...then tucks his tiny weiner and runs when an adult confronts him.

As expected.

By the way, I knew you would break down and flame out. That was the exercise. You guys are a dime a dozen.

He's either a troll just really a simplistic retard

Have you ever been to school.? Ya know elementary schools used to teach kids about climate weather, and fluffy clouds well before the 6th least they used to ..I think it's been bumped for the" science " that their are 98 genders

Are you still in college should ask for a refund ?
Youre better suited for a future a the fry station guy

God they're pathetic
Is it any wonder they have no problem exploiting the innocent to advance thier pipe dream utopian agenda
Think its ok for a young person to speak in support of what they believe to be true, your not required too believe it your self. why would many of you treat a child in such an unkind manner.

Okay to speak what they believe, sure. Okay to lecture world leaders as though her hysteria is supposed to be the only thing that means anything? No. Okay for her parents to generate this sort of mental and emotional trauma and then promote her into the spotlight? Not even close.

Why would YOU treat a child in such an unkind manner as to use her as a human shield instead of strapping on a pair and saying what you want said yourself?
Also wrong to brainwash kids like this, and tell them that the ideology that is being pumped into them is SCIENCE. It isn't science. Her #1 message in that Hitleresque spasm was that we shouldn't have money.

Hello, she's a rich, PURE aryan Swede, the daughter of a Nobel prize winner and a swedish entertainment icon, who admits she's mentally ill and has had multiple audiences with world leaders and financiers.....and we are supposed to stop what we're doing and do what she tells us?

No thanks. She's not the daughter of the massah. She's a hysterical and mentally ill child that should be removed and placed in an institution, along with her whackadoodle parents.
Another Hitler comparison

Do you guys have any decency? She is a child who supports the environment

She is a political activist making a political move, and getting pushback from her political enemies.

That you want her treated with kid, is just you using her being a child, for partisan political purposes.

You are a coward.
She is a child

Conservatives need to learn the difference

Hmmm. A teenager wears a hat, gets harassed by an adult, yet does nothing, says nothing, and gets called rude, obnoxious, and immature. Another teenager does a publicity stunt, addresses world leaders, yelling at them, accusing them of ruining her world. Yet it's wrong to point out that she was being rude and obnoxious? And no, no one is justified making sexual comments about her.
Answer the question. Stop being such a sissy.

Who taught you the climate always changes?
I can play the left's run in circles game to
You still haven't answered mine
The ipcc report is not proof of anything
Is thier any irrefutable scientific evidence that the white mans co2 output is changing the global climate..?

I mean New York city is under water and the polar bears have been extinct for 75 years now
Let's see the proof ...for climate justice and massive wealth redistribution
Oh, sorry sissy, you forgot to answer the question.

Here it is again:

Who taught you the climate always changes?

My gender studies professor ....from Russia
Mr collusionaofski

It's a much more credible reply than the ipcc report...or your fake outrage over right wingers making fun of greta

Space potato!
Aww,poor little sissy talks a big game about 16 year old girls...then tucks his tiny weiner and runs when an adult confronts him.

As expected.

By the way, I knew you would break down and flame out. That was the exercise. You guys are a dime a dozen.

He's either a troll just really a simplistic retard

Have you ever been to school.? Ya know elementary schools used to teach kids about climate weather, and fluffy clouds well before the 6th least they used to ..I think it's been bumped for the" science " that their are 98 genders

Are you still in college should ask for a refund ?
Youre better suited for a future a the fry station guy

God they're pathetic
Is it any wonder they have no problem exploiting the innocent to advance thier pipe dream utopian agenda
Yeah, go ahead,have your little toddler fit. All it took was a simple bit of questioning:

"How can you be sure? Who taught you that?"

So that"'s your answer? Your elementary school teacher taught you? Hmm, no, your elementary school teacher did no climate research. How did your teacher come about this knowledge?
The more I look into this topic, the more I'm amazed at what a massive scam the whole thing is. I mean, I already knew that, but when you begin to dig into it, there's just so much more to it than most people realize. Their long-term political agendas hinge on this scam, and there are numerous agendas, none of them good.

To start with, everyone should read this article... and share it far and wide!

Follow the (Climate Change) Money

Btw, the sad part is that there actually ARE many serious, legitimate environmental problems that need to be addressed. But they aren't, they're being brushed aside, which just goes to show that the powers behind this whole thing really don't care about the environment. Ultimately it’s all about power grabs, controlling the population and long-term political agendas that are not good for anyone but those at the top.
Now he's just skipping like a broken record and claiming some sort of victory until he's see some kind of college transcripts that has to do with climate science :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:


Is it any wonder they have no problem exploiting the innocents to advance thier pipe dreams and disastrous utopian agenda

Lead by example I expect to see you eating crickets 3 times a week

I'll have the rib eye.and space potato...itll be my contributions to the mass extinction pffffft
Caused by white men In Chevy's
Now he's just skipping like a broken record and claiming some sort of victory until he's see some kind of college transcripts that has to do with climate science :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:


Is it any wonder they have no problem exploiting the innocents to advance thier pipe dreams and disastrous utopian agenda

Lead by example I expect to see you eating crickets 3 times a week

I'll have the rib eye.and space potato...itll be my contributions to the mass extinction pffffft
Caused by white men In Chevy's
That's an adorable little hissy fit youre having.

Wipe away those tears,and tell me who taught your elementary school teacher that the climate has always changed.
The more I look into this topic, the more I'm amazed at what a massive scam the whole thing is. I mean, I already knew that, but when you begin to dig into it, there's just so much more to it than most people realize. Their long-term political agendas hinge on this scam, and there are numerous agendas, none of them good.

To start with, everyone should read this article... and share it far and wide!

Follow the (Climate Change) Money

Btw, the sad part is that there actually ARE many serious, legitimate environmental problems that need to be addressed. But they aren't, they're being brushed aside, which just goes to show that the powers behind this whole thing really don't care about the environment. Ultimately it’s all about power grabs, controlling the population and long-term political agendas that are not good for anyone but those at the top.

The whole reason they put that mentally ill girl out front as their poster child is because they can't win with facts. So, they have to try to appeal to emotion. And then instead of debating fact, they think they can just call you mean for picking on a mentally ill girl.

It's all manufactured. And yes, follow the money.
Of What
Her Handlers Exploiting Her So Well ??

They're actually trying to exploit the electorate. They'll ditch the girl when they're done with her. For now everyone's debating this 'poor little girl'' instead of the actual issue. And that's precisely what they want.

That's what these kinds of weirdos do.
The more I look into this topic, the more I'm amazed at what a massive scam the whole thing is. I mean, I already knew that, but when you begin to dig into it, there's just so much more to it than most people realize. Their long-term political agendas hinge on this scam, and there are numerous agendas, none of them good.

To start with, everyone should read this article... and share it far and wide!

Follow the (Climate Change) Money

Btw, the sad part is that there actually ARE many serious, legitimate environmental problems that need to be addressed. But they aren't, they're being brushed aside, which just goes to show that the powers behind this whole thing really don't care about the environment. Ultimately it’s all about power grabs, controlling the population and long-term political agendas that are not good for anyone but those at the top.

The whole reason they put that mentally ill girl out front as their poster child is because they can't win with facts. So, they have to try to appeal to emotion. And then instead of debating fact, they think they can just call you mean for picking on a mentally ill girl.

It's all manufactured. And yes, follow the money.

Yep, they use emotional manipulation all the time. It's one of their main strategies. Remember this one?

Sadly, some people never learn.

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