The abuse of Greta

Call for Adam shiff to resign from office for lying to Congress. He admitted it

She could put to shame any of the assholes in here that have been attacking her for the last few days

Nope. She only looks good when she doesn't have to debate her claims.

They are not her claims. They are the claims of the scientific community, and she is relating them. Maybe step away from the child and go debate them. Ha, i would pay a dollar to watch that massacre.

"The general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at present founded are unfit for their purpose. Therefore, it is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions on the basis of results from such immature models. Current climate policies pointlessly, grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, continuous electrical power.

"We urge you to follow a climate policy based on sound science, realistic economics and genuine concern for those harmed by costly but unnecessary attempts at mitigation."

500 Climate Scientists Write To UN: There Is No Climate Emergency | Europe Reloaded
"Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming
The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.

"Warming is far slower than predicted
The world has warmed at less than half the originally-predicted rate, and at less than half the rate to be expected on the basis of net anthropogenic forcing and radiative imbalance. It tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.

"Climate policy relies on inadequate models
Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools. Moreover, they most likely exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial." 500 Climate Scientists Write To UN: There Is No Climate Emergency | Europe Reloaded
The rest of the world watches in embarrassment, as the snowflake, old white republicans of America lose their shit. Yet another embarrassment for our country.
How dare they! How dare they!

I know, you should be in school enjoying your first period.

But that's how children got smarter than you in the first place,which is what is making you foam at the mouth.
You think sanctimonious whing makes entitled children smart. or even adults for that matter?! Weird
No, i think the fact that she has average intelligence and knows basic scientific facts makes her smarter than a retarded old racist fuck like you.

knows basic scientific facts = she agrees with me, so she MUST be right!!!
What we can't believe is that you would use a child to speak for you
Another painfully stupid talking point....

Translation: "Ignore the man behind the curtain!"
No crybaby...we have been talking about this issue for years. And for years you denier morons have flitted from reason to reason to have your little hissy fits. This is just your newest reason.

No, Fart Fun, WE'VE been discussing it, and you've been dancing around us like a dog who needs to pee, yapping for attention. That you can't handle more than half
an idea at a time doesn't mean that having multiple reasons to think you and your compatriots are full of shit is "flitting from reason to reason". Amazingly enough, we can object to fake science, media hyperbole, dimwit supporters like you, AND child abuse all at once. It's one of the perks to having functioning brains.
Fart Fun is calling names
Absolutely, you moron. That's exactly why i am watch all of you thin skinned crybaby morons throw your little fits when you get treated the way you treat others. So far, you have not disappointed.

So professor...who taught the tachers of the world that the climate has always changed?

Oh, I know that's exactly why you're here. You're incapable of saying anything useful or meaningful, and calling everyone else "moron" and "crybaby" indiscriminately is the only way you'll ever have to feel like you're intelligent or manly. If you don't like the way you get treated, maybe try not looking to teenagers for wisdom and guidance in life (despite the fact that they ARE actually wiser than you are, because who isn't?) That sort of thing just isn't likely to make people treat you like anything but the organic refuse that you are.
Must be a favorite..that meme has been seen everywhere!

Truth tends to resonate.
And shit stinks..your point?

Well, now that you've brought YOUR positions up . . .
So you're saying she doesn't have to debate her claims?
They are not her claims.

But she is urging people to listen to the experts.

No, she's not. She's urging people to be as overwrought and emotional as she is. Only someone as dumb as you could look at an emotionally traumatized little girl having a meltdown in public and think "Wise, scientific position" while simultaneously ignoring ACTUAL experts who are disputing her.

But of course, you missed the 500 climate experts sending a letter to the UN saying there's no "climate emergency" because your masters didn't tell you to know about it.

Socialists always use children as human shields. The right thing to do is to blow them away, and then blow the socialists. No more human shields.

It was the same with the border. If the illegals traveled with children. then that made it fine. As result many children were trafficked.
You're such a foul human being...if i accidentally agreed with you..I'd retch at the association.


I wouldn't worry. You're clearly not bright enough to come up with the correct answers even by accident.

Do hold your breath waiting for Kosher to shrivel up in despair at not having the approval of the likes of you.
I don't give a damn what any of you losers the reading of my words. I'm talking to the crowd..not you dried up, Stepford Wife, hags.

I was responding to Norman...but if the shit sticks...wear it proudly.

Awww, is the tough little man being bullied by the mean little girls? Don't be bitter because the only women who will speak to you have to be paid to do it.

And don't post in a public forum if your balls are too tiny to handle being responded to.
So you're saying she doesn't have to debate her claims?
They are not her claims.

But she is urging people to listen to the experts.
In other words, the same old cultist shit.
Yes, that is what i hear the angry old morons are saying.
The morons are telling us to accept the views of a 16 year old girl as if they were handed down by God.
Neat! But,as anyone not plagued by mental problems knows, you angry old morons were throwing the same fit before anyone ever heard of her, and you will be throwing the same fit after she is gone. So, if telling yourself that she is the reason for your embarrassing behavior makes ya feel better, knock yourself out.

As if you'd know anything about what it's like to not be plagued by mental problems.
The morons are telling us to accept the views of a 16 year old girl as if they were handed down by God.
Neat! But,as anyone not plagued by mental problems knows, you angry old morons were throwing the same fit before anyone ever heard of her, and you will be throwing the same fit after she is gone. So, if telling yourself that she is the reason for your embarrassing behavior makes ya feel better, knock yourself out.
What "embarrassing behavior?"
"Exactly" what?
Dude, seriously, go watch Trump. I'm not going to convince the drunk uncle at the wedding that he is embarrassing hnself.

Dude, seriously, there is nothing about you that allows you to feel superior to Trump.
How did evolution get here?

The flying spaghetti monster who has always 'just been there' made it happen...
It never ceases to amaze me that even though there is verifiable proof of evolution happening over time, in many species, wingnuts refuse to believe it. Yet, they are willing to believe some 'being' who popped up from 'god' knows where, went 'abracadabra', and it seems so believable to them. Strange...
How did evolution get here?

The flying spaghetti monster who has always 'just been there' made it happen...
It never ceases to amaze me that even though there is verifiable proof of evolution happening over time, in many species, wingnuts refuse to believe it. Yet, they are willing to believe some 'being' who popped up from 'god' knows where, went 'abracadabra', and it seems so believable to them. Strange...
It had to have started, right? Who started it? Why don’t you answer?
How did evolution get here?

The flying spaghetti monster who has always 'just been there' made it happen...
It never ceases to amaze me that even though there is verifiable proof of evolution happening over time, in many species, wingnuts refuse to believe it. Yet, they are willing to believe some 'being' who popped up from 'god' knows where, went 'abracadabra', and it seems so believable to them. Strange...
True or not, humanity is still around. Resistance to being animals in everything we do does count for something. Even with all the failures.

Socialists always use children as human shields. The right thing to do is to blow them away, and then blow the socialists. No more human shields.

It was the same with the border. If the illegals traveled with children. then that made it fine. As result many children were trafficked.
You're such a foul human being...if i accidentally agreed with you..I'd retch at the association.


I wouldn't worry. You're clearly not bright enough to come up with the correct answers even by accident.

Do hold your breath waiting for Kosher to shrivel up in despair at not having the approval of the likes of you.
I don't give a damn what any of you losers the reading of my words. I'm talking to the crowd..not you dried up, Stepford Wife, hags.

I was responding to Norman...but if the shit sticks...wear it proudly.

Awww, is the tough little man being bullied by the mean little girls? Don't be bitter because the only women who will speak to you have to be paid to do it.

And don't post in a public forum if your balls are too tiny to handle being responded to.
You really got all that out of my post eh? "tough little man and mean little girls"...ROTFLMAO! Thank you for the amusement. Checked my balls..they seem to be undiminished.

Not sure where I indicated I was feeling bullied..but if it's important to you that you believe it...does no harm, i suppose. given the number of totally off the wall and untrue things you believe....just pile a bit more on....your head has gotta be empty enough to provide all kinds of room...

But since you were stupid enough to not only mistake my response to Norman as directed the Koshergirl....but to double down with it..I can only watch the show and laugh.

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