The abuse of Greta

Greta went into a depression when she learned about climate change. the indifference of those around her and world leaders terrified her. normal will lead to catasrophe. we need to declare a state of emergency. why should children study for a future that will not come if we dont change course dramatically and invest the entire world treasury on combating climate change!

Another one of those posts I expect to see a laughing emoji at the end.....
Greta went into a depression when she learned about climate change. the indifference of those around her and world leaders terrified her. normal will lead to catasrophe. we need to declare a state of emergency. why should children study for a future that will not come if we dont change course dramatically and invest the entire world treasury on combating climate change!

Another one of those posts I expect to see a laughing emoji at the end.....
which part is funny? the little girl is depressed part or the world is going to end part?
Greta went into a depression when she learned about climate change. the indifference of those around her and world leaders terrified her. normal will lead to catasrophe. we need to declare a state of emergency. why should children study for a future that will not come if we dont change course dramatically and invest the entire world treasury on combating climate change!

Another one of those posts I expect to see a laughing emoji at the end.....
which part is funny? the little girl is depressed part or the world is going to end part?

You're a Riot!!!
Everything the the little fascist said was hilarious!!!
Greta went into a depression when she learned about climate change. the indifference of those around her and world leaders terrified her. normal will lead to catasrophe. we need to declare a state of emergency. why should children study for a future that will not come if we dont change course dramatically and invest the entire world treasury on combating climate change!

Another one of those posts I expect to see a laughing emoji at the end.....
which part is funny? the little girl is depressed part or the world is going to end part?

You're a Riot!!!
Everything the the little fascist said was hilarious!!!
let the record show you didnt specify what was funny in my post!
The rest of the world watches in embarrassment, as the snowflake, old white republicans of America lose their shit. Yet another embarrassment for our country.
How dare they! How dare they!

I know, you should be in school enjoying your first period.

But that's how children got smarter than you in the first place,which is what is making you foam at the mouth.
You think sanctimonious whing makes entitled children smart. or even adults for that matter?! Weird
No, i think the fact that she has average intelligence and knows basic scientific facts makes her smarter than a retarded old racist fuck like you.
Greta went into a depression when she learned about climate change. the indifference of those around her and world leaders terrified her. normal will lead to catasrophe. we need to declare a state of emergency. why should children study for a future that will not come if we dont change course dramatically and invest the entire world treasury on combating climate change!

Another one of those posts I expect to see a laughing emoji at the end.....
which part is funny? the little girl is depressed part or the world is going to end part?

You're a Riot!!!
Everything the the little fascist said was hilarious!!!
To a moron, maybe.
Fart Fun is calling names
Absolutely, you moron. That's exactly why i am watch all of you thin skinned crybaby morons throw your little fits when you get treated the way you treat others. So far, you have not disappointed.

So professor...who taught the tachers of the world that the climate has always changed?
Another Hitler comparison

Do you guys have any decency? She is a child who supports the environment

She is a political activist making a political move, and getting pushback from her political enemies.

That you want her treated with kid, is just you using her being a child, for partisan political purposes.

You are a coward.
She is a child

Conservatives need to learn the difference

Being used and abused by adults who wanna be on the right side of authoritarian wealth redistribution

View attachment 281076
How does climate change constitute a redistribution of wealth?

Do you really think poor people will get rich off of it?
Hey dummy, Climate Change Hoax Theology's major component is The Redistribution of Wealth. Read The UN Global Gov Manifesto on this:

Agenda 2020 which Trump trashed by simply getting elected was shitcanned. Why do you think all the Globalist Nuts are seething mad with hatred for our president?

He derailed their DemNazi Globalist Socialist Agenda.

They had to change their plan to Agenda 2030. Because in their own opinion, that is how long it will take for them to get their next shot at destroying America.

This is why The Left Tard Green Screamies tell you that we only have 11 years to live and save the planet.

2030 is 11 years away. Last year they were telling us we only had 12 years. Again 2030.
You failed to explain how poor people will make money off of climate change

You just making shit up again?
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents
you are so right about conservatives.
Outisde the US and before i'm moved here, we all knew american conservatives are more likely to be racist, close minded, regressive, anti immigrants, anti diversity.....I moved to the US and have been living here for 20 years....i'm not aligned with any party, infact I can lean both conservative and liberal but the hate that the conservatives harbor against everyone else that's not like them its amazing. And what puzzles me if they are religious or follow the teachings of Jesus, they should be pro immigrants/refugees/ pro helping the homeless/ the poor, pro medical for all, pro finding a solution for climate change.....but they are all the opposite of that. very strange!!!

They crucifying a young girl, and cheering a bully....and in another post you finding attacking the progressives on the subject of family values and freakishly weird.
I used to be Conservative Republican in the 1980s
What turned me off was the angriness and hostility of the right. The outright callousness towards suffering while they throw money at the wealthy

This attack and the attack of Parkland Students shows how low they have sunk
Evolution is a fraud.

Democrats prove that every day.

They haven’t evolved at all.

They are still bullies, liars, lovers of slave labor and oppressors of freedom, haters of God
Christians and Jews. Haters of Free Speech, America, Israel, and Babies.

but another angle for installing globalism.

Oh god. Another thick-as-pig-shit conspiracy theorist....jaysus...I wish evolution moved faster so you morons who are obviously lagging behind in the intelligence stakes would eventually become extinct. It's a pity you elephant foreskins are able to breed.
Evolution is a fraud.

Democrats prove that every day.

They haven’t evolved at all.

They are still bullies, liars, lovers of slave labor and oppressors of freedom, haters of God
Christians and Jews. Haters of Free Speech, America, Israel, and Babies.

but another angle for installing globalism.

Oh god. Another thick-as-pig-shit conspiracy theorist....jaysus...I wish evolution moved faster so you morons who are obviously lagging behind in the intelligence stakes would eventually become extinct. It's a pity you elephant foreskins are able to breed.

Paid moron
She is a political activist making a political move, and getting pushback from her political enemies.

That you want her treated with kid, is just you using her being a child, for partisan political purposes.

You are a coward.
She is a child

Conservatives need to learn the difference

Being used and abused by adults who wanna be on the right side of authoritarian wealth redistribution

View attachment 281076
How does climate change constitute a redistribution of wealth?

Do you really think poor people will get rich off of it?
Hey dummy, Climate Change Hoax Theology's major component is The Redistribution of Wealth. Read The UN Global Gov Manifesto on this:

Agenda 2020 which Trump trashed by simply getting elected was shitcanned. Why do you think all the Globalist Nuts are seething mad with hatred for our president?

He derailed their DemNazi Globalist Socialist Agenda.

They had to change their plan to Agenda 2030. Because in their own opinion, that is how long it will take for them to get their next shot at destroying America.

This is why The Left Tard Green Screamies tell you that we only have 11 years to live and save the planet.

2030 is 11 years away. Last year they were telling us we only had 12 years. Again 2030.
You failed to explain how poor people will make money off of climate change

You just making shit up again?

Poor people will starve and freeze
To death and be more impoverished than ever under The New Green Scam!

Only Elitist Pigs Like Al Gore will be richer and more powerful than ever.
Must be a favorite..that meme has been seen everywhere!

Truth tends to resonate.
And shit stinks..your point?

She could put to shame any of the assholes in here that have been attacking her for the last few days

Nope. She only looks good when she doesn't have to debate her claims.

They are not her claims. They are the claims of the scientific community, and she is relating them. Maybe step away from the child and go debate them. Ha, i would pay a dollar to watch that massacre.

So you're saying she doesn't have to debate her claims? Why should anyone believe her?

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