The abuse of Greta

Climate changes
You sure about that, professor? Who taught you that?

But yet no one on earth can prove that mans co2 out put is the culprit .
Embarrassing lie....

So youre the only one on earth holding back the irrefutable scientific proof that mans co2 output is changing the global climate...shouldn't you tell someone
Damn that is stupid.

Read the IPCC report. Or don't. I don't debate with denier fools. I only mock them.

Translation: "I have no points! I just tell people they're stupid and hope someone will think I matter!"
I dont deny that the climate has since the dawn of earth ..
Are you sure about that? Who taught you that?

Are you truly that stupid?
Answer the questions. If they are too much for you to handle, then shut up and read.

It's up to Just whether he wants to let you interrogate him and give him orders while airily refusing to answer any questions yourself, Torquemada. Personally, I think he should tell your cowardly, mouthbreathing self to fuck off back to your dunce cap.
Must be a favorite..that meme has been seen everywhere!

Truth tends to resonate.

Socialists always use children as human shields. The right thing to do is to blow them away, and then blow the socialists. No more human shields.

It was the same with the border. If the illegals traveled with children. then that made it fine. As result many children were trafficked.
You're such a foul human being...if i accidentally agreed with you..I'd retch at the association.


I wouldn't worry. You're clearly not bright enough to come up with the correct answers even by accident.

Do hold your breath waiting for Kosher to shrivel up in despair at not having the approval of the likes of you.
Well that was an embarrasing pile of horseshit.

So, numbnuts...who taught you that the climate has always changed?

Don't be a sissy. Answer the question.

You're not suggesting the global climate is static ? Cause that would be beyond stupid
Answer the question. Stop being such a sissy.

Who taught you the climate always changes?
I can play the left's run in circles game to
You still haven't answered mine
The ipcc report is not proof of anything
Is thier any irrefutable scientific evidence that the white mans co2 output is changing the global climate..?

I mean New York city is under water and the polar bears have been extinct for 75 years now
Let's see the proof ...for climate justice and massive wealth redistribution
Oh, sorry sissy, you forgot to answer the question.

Here it is again:

Who taught you the climate always changes?


Not to mention every serious climate scientist ever.

I'd ask who taught Fart Fun that the climate is unchanging and static without human activity, but I'm pretty sure he made it up in his own diseased little brain stem, like every other thing he "knows".
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.

Yeah these fucking leftists have a lot of goddamn nerve lecturing everyone else on how we should treat Greta when they went around wishing death on Nick Sandmann for nothing.
Nobody wished death on Sandman for his racist stunt.
What "racist stunt?" Waiting for a bus and minding your own business is a "stunt?"

You're just another of those sleazy lying kid-hating leftwing douchebags.

That didn't happen.

I know you wont watch the video but here ya go.....
Be sure and point out where Sandman was being racist.
A Video of Teenagers and a Native American Man Went Viral. Here’s What Happened.
the dude is not fair-minded. he's a leftist. nothing would ever qualify in his lack of objectivity or fairness.
Think its ok for a young person to speak in support of what they believe to be true, your not required too believe it your self. why would many of you treat a child in such an unkind manner.

Okay to speak what they believe, sure. Okay to lecture world leaders as though her hysteria is supposed to be the only thing that means anything? No. Okay for her parents to generate this sort of mental and emotional trauma and then promote her into the spotlight? Not even close.

Why would YOU treat a child in such an unkind manner as to use her as a human shield instead of strapping on a pair and saying what you want said yourself?
Also wrong to brainwash kids like this, and tell them that the ideology that is being pumped into them is SCIENCE. It isn't science. Her #1 message in that Hitleresque spasm was that we shouldn't have money.

Hello, she's a rich, PURE aryan Swede, the daughter of a Nobel prize winner and a swedish entertainment icon, who admits she's mentally ill and has had multiple audiences with world leaders and financiers.....and we are supposed to stop what we're doing and do what she tells us?

No thanks. She's not the daughter of the massah. She's a hysterical and mentally ill child that should be removed and placed in an institution, along with her whackadoodle parents.
She's a genius and the child of genius. Her Asperger's is part of that. She is far from the brainwashed child you wish to portray her as. Yeah, she's 16..and taking it over the top...16 is a good age for that. Her message is simplistic and bombastic...and not as nuanced as it could be. So what? At least she is on the right side of history..unlike the knee-jerk deniers.
I happen to be uninterested in why climate is changing..I think more focus should be on planning for it---but, if just for the spectacle alone..I'm grateful to her.

But by all means continue to mock a young woman who, quite likely, has already made more of an impact on the world than you ever 16.

Translation: "It's perfectly okay for us to use children as human shields! Now stop having opinions and knuckle under to the words we put in their mouths because we're too chickenshit to say them ourselves!"

Translation: I have no actual knowledge on the subject and cannot dispute any of her points so I will instead make fun of her and call her names.

Where has Claudia made fun of Greta or called her names?
Yeah, when you have to restate what I said, using very different words, before you can make a point to challenge what I said?

What that means is that you cannot challenge what I actually said.

My point stands.

She is a political activist making a political move, and getting pushback from her political enemies.

and my point still stands, you are good with comparing someone to Hitler just because they are a political activist

In this polarized environment, any spokesperson, especially one as prominent as this one, is going to get all kinds of pushback.

That is something that those choosing her to use as a spokesperson, knew and accepted.

You want to change that? YOu first.
Valid point. But it's also important to keep in mind that those pushing bask are on the wrong side of the facts,of science, and of history.

And ends with a simplistic slogan to justify the nazi left's redistribution scheme and its exploitation of innocents
Haha...the best way to embarrass idiots like you is just to let you talk.

Hey numbnuts...who taught the teachers of the world that the climate has always changed?

Fart Fun is calling names and demanding answers without providing any = We're completely right and should continue laughing at Fart like the fool he is.
For the casual passer-by....

The following are suggested as tools for testing arguments and detecting fallacious or fraudulent arguments. Taken from the book "The Demon-Haunted World" by the late Dr. Carl Sagan. That book, of course, was written in order to explain the scientific method to laypeople. It's a good book, give it a read. For now, I'm just gonna link to an excerpt from the book titled the ''Boloney Detection Kit.''

Boloney Detection Kit

Hopefully after just browsing through the Boloney Detection Kit you'll see just how media-indoctrinated and under-informed some of these USA Today type Internet posters like FFI etc really are about this word called ''science'' that they like to recklessly throw around so much. Heh heh.
It doesn't matter how informed I am, though. That's what any intellectual person understands about your whiny pap. i direct you to the experts. They are saying what they are saying. The science says what it says. We checked it. We called this effort, iPCC. It doesn't matter whether it's me or anyone else who spoonfeeds you or mocks you. That is irrelevant.

"Stop seeing how stupid I am!! My masters told me I was right and you aren't allowed to question me!!"
Yeah these fucking leftists have a lot of goddamn nerve lecturing everyone else on how we should treat Greta when they went around wishing death on Nick Sandmann for nothing.
Nobody wished death on Sandman for his racist stunt.
What "racist stunt?" Waiting for a bus and minding your own business is a "stunt?"

You're just another of those sleazy lying kid-hating leftwing douchebags.

That didn't happen.

I know you wont watch the video but here ya go.....
Be sure and point out where Sandman was being racist.
A Video of Teenagers and a Native American Man Went Viral. Here’s What Happened.
the dude is not fair-minded. he's a leftist. nothing would ever qualify in his lack of objectivity or fairness.
these fks are moving on the presumption of hate. Pure hate, not one of us, anything and everything violates their existence. PERIOD. You could argue with them until your tongue fell out. they are worse than PeeWee Herman and the 'I know you are but what am I' sayings. They are the ultimate nanny nanny boo boo, my ball I'm going home mold. irrational, and without objectivity. might as well throw poop on them and watch them get it off. that would garner more response.
Also wrong to brainwash kids like this, and tell them that the ideology that is being pumped into them is SCIENCE. It isn't science. Her #1 message in that Hitleresque spasm was that we shouldn't have money.

Hello, she's a rich, PURE aryan Swede, the daughter of a Nobel prize winner and a swedish entertainment icon, who admits she's mentally ill and has had multiple audiences with world leaders and financiers.....and we are supposed to stop what we're doing and do what she tells us?

No thanks. She's not the daughter of the massah. She's a hysterical and mentally ill child that should be removed and placed in an institution, along with her whackadoodle parents.
Another Hitler comparison

Do you guys have any decency? She is a child who supports the environment

She is a political activist making a political move, and getting pushback from her political enemies.

That you want her treated with kid, is just you using her being a child, for partisan political purposes.

You are a coward.
She is a child

Conservatives need to learn the difference

Being used and abused by adults who wanna be on the right side of authoritarian wealth redistribution

View attachment 281076
How does climate change constitute a redistribution of wealth?

Do you really think poor people will get rich off of it?
Hey dummy, Climate Change Hoax Theology's major component is The Redistribution of Wealth. Read The UN Global Gov Manifesto on this:

Agenda 2020 which Trump trashed by simply getting elected was shitcanned. Why do you think all the Globalist Nuts are seething mad with hatred for our president?

He derailed their DemNazi Globalist Socialist Agenda.

They had to change their plan to Agenda 2030. Because in their own opinion, that is how long it will take for them to get their next shot at destroying America.

This is why The Left Tard Green Screamies tell you that we only have 11 years to live and save the planet.

2030 is 11 years away. Last year they were telling us we only had 12 years. Again 2030.
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I’m curious as to when Greta, her Parents, and ANTIFA sponsors are going to take their message to the Middle East and Far East. Those are the countries contributing to Carbon and have a lot less environmental regulation. Do you think those countries will be tolerant and open minded to listen like those of us in The West? Think they will ratchet up their regulations and clean their air and water?

Until I see those countries take action, this is all a hoax to hinder US Economic position.
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Nobody wished death on Sandman for his racist stunt.
What "racist stunt?" Waiting for a bus and minding your own business is a "stunt?"

You're just another of those sleazy lying kid-hating leftwing douchebags.

That didn't happen.

I know you wont watch the video but here ya go.....
Be sure and point out where Sandman was being racist.
A Video of Teenagers and a Native American Man Went Viral. Here’s What Happened.
the dude is not fair-minded. he's a leftist. nothing would ever qualify in his lack of objectivity or fairness.
these fks are moving on the presumption of hate. Pure hate, not one of us, anything and everything violates their existence. PERIOD. You could argue with them until your tongue fell out. they are worse than PeeWee Herman and the 'I know you are but what am I' sayings. They are the ultimate nanny nanny boo boo, my ball I'm going home mold. irrational, and without objectivity. might as well throw poop on them and watch them get it off. that would garner more response.

I watched the video. Those kids were not innocent.
I’m curious as to when Greta, her Parents, and ANTIFA sponsors are going to take their message to the Middle East and Far East. Those are the countries contributing to Carbon and have a lot less environmental regulation. Do you think those countries will be tolerant and open minded to listen like those of us in The West? Think they will ratchet up their regulations and clean their air and water?

Until I see those countries take action, this is all a hoax to hinder US Economic position.
She spoke to the UN General Assembly. What you see is irrelevant. They all signed the Paris Accords. We contribute more carbon than the ME. This is no hoax.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents
you are so right about conservatives.
Outisde the US and before i'm moved here, we all knew american conservatives are more likely to be racist, close minded, regressive, anti immigrants, anti diversity.....I moved to the US and have been living here for 20 years....i'm not aligned with any party, infact I can lean both conservative and liberal but the hate that the conservatives harbor against everyone else that's not like them its amazing. And what puzzles me if they are religious or follow the teachings of Jesus, they should be pro immigrants/refugees/ pro helping the homeless/ the poor, pro medical for all, pro finding a solution for climate change.....but they are all the opposite of that. very strange!!!

They crucifying a young girl, and cheering a bully....and in another post you finding attacking the progressives on the subject of family values and freakishly weird.
I’m curious as to when Greta, her Parents, and ANTIFA sponsors are going to take their message to the Middle East and Far East. Those are the countries contributing to Carbon and have a lot less environmental regulation. Do you think those countries will be tolerant and open minded to listen like those of us in The West? Think they will ratchet up their regulations and clean their air and water?

Until I see those countries take action, this is all a hoax to hinder US Economic position.
She spoke to the UN General Assembly. What you see is irrelevant. They all signed the Paris Accords. We contribute more carbon than the ME. This is no hoax.

Talking to the UN and all signatures is nothing. Go get in the core perpetrators’ faces and call them out (China, India, Maylasia). Paris Accord signatures don’t mean shit. It’s all show.
What "racist stunt?" Waiting for a bus and minding your own business is a "stunt?"

You're just another of those sleazy lying kid-hating leftwing douchebags.

That didn't happen.

I know you wont watch the video but here ya go.....
Be sure and point out where Sandman was being racist.
A Video of Teenagers and a Native American Man Went Viral. Here’s What Happened.
the dude is not fair-minded. he's a leftist. nothing would ever qualify in his lack of objectivity or fairness.
these fks are moving on the presumption of hate. Pure hate, not one of us, anything and everything violates their existence. PERIOD. You could argue with them until your tongue fell out. they are worse than PeeWee Herman and the 'I know you are but what am I' sayings. They are the ultimate nanny nanny boo boo, my ball I'm going home mold. irrational, and without objectivity. might as well throw poop on them and watch them get it off. that would garner more response.

I watched the video. Those kids were not innocent.

They were white, wearing MAGA hats, and from Kentucky. By your own personal prejudices and stereotypes, they are guilty. Bet you had no problem with Nathan Phillips banging a drum in Sandmann’s face after the Black Hebrew Israelites ripped Phillips a new one with racist verbal attacks? Phillips took it out on Sandmann and his friends.
the last time there was this much carbon in the atmosphere, humans didnt exist.

yet you chose not to act? HOW DARE YOU!

Greta went into a depression when she learned about climate change. the indifference of those around her and world leaders terrified her. normal will lead to catasrophe. we need to declare a state of emergency. why should children study for a future that will not come if we dont change course dramatically and invest the entire world treasury on combating climate change!

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