The abuse of Greta

Okay to speak what they believe, sure. Okay to lecture world leaders as though her hysteria is supposed to be the only thing that means anything? No. Okay for her parents to generate this sort of mental and emotional trauma and then promote her into the spotlight? Not even close.

Why would YOU treat a child in such an unkind manner as to use her as a human shield instead of strapping on a pair and saying what you want said yourself?
Also wrong to brainwash kids like this, and tell them that the ideology that is being pumped into them is SCIENCE. It isn't science. Her #1 message in that Hitleresque spasm was that we shouldn't have money.

Hello, she's a rich, PURE aryan Swede, the daughter of a Nobel prize winner and a swedish entertainment icon, who admits she's mentally ill and has had multiple audiences with world leaders and financiers.....and we are supposed to stop what we're doing and do what she tells us?

No thanks. She's not the daughter of the massah. She's a hysterical and mentally ill child that should be removed and placed in an institution, along with her whackadoodle parents.
Another Hitler comparison

Do you guys have any decency? She is a child who supports the environment

She is a political activist making a political move, and getting pushback from her political enemies.

That you want her treated with kid, is just you using her being a child, for partisan political purposes.

You are a coward.
She is a child

Conservatives need to learn the difference

Being used and abused by adults who wanna be on the right side of authoritarian wealth redistribution

View attachment 281076
How does climate change constitute a redistribution of wealth?

Do you really think poor people will get rich off of it?
Nope. Objective truth. We are good people, and you are sub human scum.

If you voted for Trump because you believed in him, you are lower than pond a Deplorable.

OH the drama !
Oh nigga please
We voted for a monkey wrench and rolled the dice


"We voted for a monkey..''

Naw, monkeys can be cute and show a reasonable amount of intelligence.
I think you voted for an amoeba...

Way to cowardly avoid his point.

You are a coward.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents
What we can't believe is that you would use a child to speak for you. Man up CHUMP! Or, do you hide behind your kids too!
Children are allowed to speak in our society
Also wrong to brainwash kids like this, and tell them that the ideology that is being pumped into them is SCIENCE. It isn't science. Her #1 message in that Hitleresque spasm was that we shouldn't have money.

Hello, she's a rich, PURE aryan Swede, the daughter of a Nobel prize winner and a swedish entertainment icon, who admits she's mentally ill and has had multiple audiences with world leaders and financiers.....and we are supposed to stop what we're doing and do what she tells us?

No thanks. She's not the daughter of the massah. She's a hysterical and mentally ill child that should be removed and placed in an institution, along with her whackadoodle parents.
Another Hitler comparison

Do you guys have any decency? She is a child who supports the environment

She is a political activist making a political move, and getting pushback from her political enemies.

That you want her treated with kid, is just you using her being a child, for partisan political purposes.

You are a coward.
She is a child

Conservatives need to learn the difference

Being used and abused by adults who wanna be on the right side of authoritarian wealth redistribution

View attachment 281076
How does climate change constitute a redistribution of wealth?

Do you really think poor people will get rich off of it?
Who do you think will ultimately pay for climate change? Limo liberals are the only ones who care for a reason.
Climate Science is an Oxymoron.

You are a moron.

The Green New Deal will cause mass starvation and death, and disease, chaos and pestilence will follow if anyone were stupid enough to implement it.

I hold 2 Science degrees and graduated Suma.
Fort Fun Indiana said:
Hmm, no, you delusional freak, I never claimed that.
Again, So Solly I Not Forget
You, With NO Science Credential In..... ANY Field

In climate science? Great..tell us the story..

you are dumber than a post...seriously...
Actually you are the Dumb Dupe that fell for this quack science which is nothing but another angle for installing globalism.

You are dumber than your posts......seriously,
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The rest of the world watches in embarrassment, as the snowflake, old white republicans of America lose their shit. Yet another embarrassment for our country.
Trump ran on policies to appeal to the interests of the working class Americans.
A lot of us, saw in him someone who was at least promising to try to represent our interests
Hillary, like you, hate people like us.
So we could vote for someone who might be willing to work for US, or someone who is actively hostile to us.
ONly a complete fucking asshole, would pretend that our choosing the person that does not hate us, is somehow wrong of us.

Fuck off you blithering idiot. Trump didn't even know his own policies. He ran his campaign on a slogan "make America great again", and nothing else. And is it? Is America great? Nope. This century is going to be China's. Even without Trump it might have happened. He has accelerated it mightily.
He doesn't give a shit about your interests. The only interests he cares about are his own. That's it.

I dunno about Hillary. Don't know her well enough. I would assume she has little time for people who are ignorant and ill educated. And that is his base.

Hillary is just as American, and cares for its future, as any one of you so-called 'patriots'. The only thing the Orange Buffoon cares about - THE ONLY THING - is himself. That is it.

No, you choosing a person whose only interest in the world is himself, is dumb as a sack of shit, acts like a petulant child, spreads fake news like sugar on his Cheerios, and thinks he's the smartest guy in the room when he is inevitably the dumbest, is what is wrong with you. As I have said before, if every person had to have an IQ test before voting, the vast majority of Deplorables would have been found ineligible and you wouldn't have that laughing stock of the US sitting on his fat arse in the WH.

As I said, we went with the one who might be willing to try to work for us, vs the one that was actively hostile to us, like you are.

Even if everything you said was true, and it isn't, he still would have a vested interest in doing something for us, to try to get us to vote for him AGAIN, in 2020.

Hillary and her ilk on the other hand, hate us, as you so perfectly demonstrate with your hate filled rant.

Only a fool blinded by hate, would think that there was anything wrong with us choosing a possible partner vs an obvious enemy.

That is my point, and you are afraid to even admit what it is, let alone address it.
The rest of the world watches in embarrassment, as the snowflake, old white republicans of America lose their shit. Yet another embarrassment for our country.
How dare they! How dare they!

I know, you should be in school enjoying your first period.

But that's how children got smarter than you in the first place,which is what is making you foam at the mouth.
The rest of the world watches in embarrassment, as the snowflake, old white republicans of America lose their shit. Yet another embarrassment for our country.
How dare they! How dare they!

I know, you should be in school enjoying your first period.

But that's how children got smarter than you in the first place,which is what is making you foam at the mouth.
You think sanctimonious whing makes entitled children smart. or even adults for that matter?! Weird
Nope. Objective truth. We are good people, and you are sub human scum.

If you voted for Trump because you believed in him, you are lower than pond a Deplorable.

OH the drama !
Oh nigga please
We voted for a monkey wrench and rolled the dice


THe idea that voting for someone, means that you "believe" in them, is moronic in the extreme.

I think though that what they are doing, is projecting.

THey do look at their political leaders as spiritual leaders, since politics is everything to them.

And like the narrow minded fools they are, they cannot imagine that other people are not the same as they are.

Damn, the irony is just dripping off of this post!

HOw so? Or are you just here talking shit?
Nope. Objective truth. We are good people, and you are sub human scum.

If you voted for Trump because you believed in him, you are lower than pond a Deplorable.

OH the drama !
Oh nigga please
We voted for a monkey wrench and rolled the dice


THe idea that voting for someone, means that you "believe" in them, is moronic in the extreme.

I think though that what they are doing, is projecting.

THey do look at their political leaders as spiritual leaders, since politics is everything to them.

And like the narrow minded fools they are, they cannot imagine that other people are not the same as they are.

Damn, the irony is just dripping off of this post!

HOw so? Or are you just here talking shit?

How do? Other than your undying devotion to Trump?

Socialists always use children as human shields. The right thing to do is to blow them away, and then blow the socialists. No more human shields.

It was the same with the border. If the illegals traveled with children. then that made it fine. As result many children were trafficked.
You're such a foul human being...if i accidentally agreed with you..I'd retch at the association.


Typical lefty, you don't want those who abuse and hide behind children to be held accountable.

You view children as chattel, like all democrats, and if anybody challenges that, you pretend they're attacking the children that you are pushing in front of you.

Allowing children to speak is not abuse

An adult Mocking them and harassing them is
Think its ok for a young person to speak in support of what they believe to be true, your not required too believe it your self. why would many of you treat a child in such an unkind manner.

Okay to speak what they believe, sure. Okay to lecture world leaders as though her hysteria is supposed to be the only thing that means anything? No. Okay for her parents to generate this sort of mental and emotional trauma and then promote her into the spotlight? Not even close.

Why would YOU treat a child in such an unkind manner as to use her as a human shield instead of strapping on a pair and saying what you want said yourself?
Also wrong to brainwash kids like this, and tell them that the ideology that is being pumped into them is SCIENCE. It isn't science. Her #1 message in that Hitleresque spasm was that we shouldn't have money.

Hello, she's a rich, PURE aryan Swede, the daughter of a Nobel prize winner and a swedish entertainment icon, who admits she's mentally ill and has had multiple audiences with world leaders and financiers.....and we are supposed to stop what we're doing and do what she tells us?

No thanks. She's not the daughter of the massah. She's a hysterical and mentally ill child that should be removed and placed in an institution, along with her whackadoodle parents.
She's a genius and the child of genius. Her Asperger's is part of that. She is far from the brainwashed child you wish to portray her as. Yeah, she's 16..and taking it over the top...16 is a good age for that. Her message is simplistic and bombastic...and not as nuanced as it could be. So what? At least she is on the right side of history..unlike the knee-jerk deniers.
I happen to be uninterested in why climate is changing..I think more focus should be on planning for it---but, if just for the spectacle alone..I'm grateful to her.

But by all means continue to mock a young woman who, quite likely, has already made more of an impact on the world than you ever 16.

Translation: "It's perfectly okay for us to use children as human shields! Now stop having opinions and knuckle under to the words we put in their mouths because we're too chickenshit to say them ourselves!"
Think its ok for a young person to speak in support of what they believe to be true, your not required too believe it your self. why would many of you treat a child in such an unkind manner.

Okay to speak what they believe, sure. Okay to lecture world leaders as though her hysteria is supposed to be the only thing that means anything? No. Okay for her parents to generate this sort of mental and emotional trauma and then promote her into the spotlight? Not even close.

Why would YOU treat a child in such an unkind manner as to use her as a human shield instead of strapping on a pair and saying what you want said yourself?
Also wrong to brainwash kids like this, and tell them that the ideology that is being pumped into them is SCIENCE. It isn't science. Her #1 message in that Hitleresque spasm was that we shouldn't have money.

Hello, she's a rich, PURE aryan Swede, the daughter of a Nobel prize winner and a swedish entertainment icon, who admits she's mentally ill and has had multiple audiences with world leaders and financiers.....and we are supposed to stop what we're doing and do what she tells us?

No thanks. She's not the daughter of the massah. She's a hysterical and mentally ill child that should be removed and placed in an institution, along with her whackadoodle parents.
She's a genius and the child of genius. Her Asperger's is part of that. She is far from the brainwashed child you wish to portray her as. Yeah, she's 16..and taking it over the top...16 is a good age for that. Her message is simplistic and bombastic...and not as nuanced as it could be. So what? At least she is on the right side of history..unlike the knee-jerk deniers.
I happen to be uninterested in why climate is changing..I think more focus should be on planning for it---but, if just for the spectacle alone..I'm grateful to her.

But by all means continue to mock a young woman who, quite likely, has already made more of an impact on the world than you ever 16.

Translation: "It's perfectly okay for us to use children as human shields! Now stop having opinions and knuckle under to the words we put in their mouths because we're too chickenshit to say them ourselves!"

Translation: I have no actual knowledge on the subject and cannot dispute any of her points so I will instead make fun of her and call her names.
Oh, my parents never considered making church attendance optional for my siblings and me, and as an adult now, I'm glad for it. It was specifically the obsession with the End Times that was going on at the time that caused the problem. I was much too young and uneducated in advanced, adult-level Biblical teachings like that, especially without someone explaining it to me on my own level, to handle it. They just didn't realize at the time that I was picking up on it as much as I was.

I look at it like this.
I learned a lot about morality and doing the right thing,and that's stuck with me throughout my life.
We all know whats right and wrong denomination be damned.

Yeah, uh, we're not talking about "is Christianity good or bad" here, so I'd appreciate it if you'd stop trying to divert the topic onto that. We're talking about adults traumatizing children by dumping ideas onto them that they don't have the experience and maturity to handle, and then exhibiting the resulting mess as though it's something laudable.

I answered one of your posts where you brought up religion.

No, I brought up an occasion in which I was exposed as a child to ideas I couldn't handle and freaked out over them. The ideas in question happened to be religious, but that was incidental. You, for some unknown reason, responded to that post by telling me how much YOU learned from church attendance as a child, as though that somehow had something to do with the topic. And when I responded by drawing the topic BACK to the subject of traumatizing children, you kept on with your one-sided argument about the wonders of Biblical education in general, as though I said something else.

If you dont know how I stand with the Greta situation you know nothing about me after all these years.

Last time for the honesty-impaired: this conversation between us has been 100% about you rushing to a kneejerk defense of your personal sacred cow without bothering to understand what you were commenting on first, and every post after that, including this one, has been about you trying to somehow make yourself out to be in the right because you can't admit that you fucked up.

At no point in time has this EVER been about "how you stand with the Greta situation" or me not knowing your stance, because you haven't been commenting on that at all. You've been defending Christianity against an attack that never happened because you talk before you think.

Oh, and if you think I pay enough attention to you to "know anything about you", you vastly overestimate your importance to me. All in all, whatever your positions may be - which you can't be bothered to state because you're too busy leaping to attacks apropos of not a fucking thing - your behavior sounds remarkably left-think.

You were wrong, you continue to be wrong and too cowardly to admit it, and you've used up far more of my time than you're worthy of. Talk to yourself, Emotion Boy.
I look at it like this.
I learned a lot about morality and doing the right thing,and that's stuck with me throughout my life.
We all know whats right and wrong denomination be damned.

Yeah, uh, we're not talking about "is Christianity good or bad" here, so I'd appreciate it if you'd stop trying to divert the topic onto that. We're talking about adults traumatizing children by dumping ideas onto them that they don't have the experience and maturity to handle, and then exhibiting the resulting mess as though it's something laudable.

I answered one of your posts where you brought up religion.

No, I brought up an occasion in which I was exposed as a child to ideas I couldn't handle and freaked out over them. The ideas in question happened to be religious, but that was incidental. You, for some unknown reason, responded to that post by telling me how much YOU learned from church attendance as a child, as though that somehow had something to do with the topic. And when I responded by drawing the topic BACK to the subject of traumatizing children, you kept on with your one-sided argument about the wonders of Biblical education in general, as though I said something else.

If you dont know how I stand with the Greta situation you know nothing about me after all these years.

Last time for the honesty-impaired: this conversation between us has been 100% about you rushing to a kneejerk defense of your personal sacred cow without bothering to understand what you were commenting on first, and every post after that, including this one, has been about you trying to somehow make yourself out to be in the right because you can't admit that you fucked up.

At no point in time has this EVER been about "how you stand with the Greta situation" or me not knowing your stance, because you haven't been commenting on that at all. You've been defending Christianity against an attack that never happened because you talk before you think.

Oh, and if you think I pay enough attention to you to "know anything about you", you vastly overestimate your importance to me. All in all, whatever your positions may be - which you can't be bothered to state because you're too busy leaping to attacks apropos of not a fucking thing - your behavior sounds remarkably left-think.

You were wrong, you continue to be wrong and too cowardly to admit it, and you've used up far more of my time than you're worthy of. Talk to yourself, Emotion Boy.

Here's an idea.
Show me where I was wrong.

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