The abuse of Greta

People like you hate people like me.
ANd then you attack us for not voting to give you power over us.
And you think that makes sense.
Because you are fucking assholes.

If you voted for Trump because you are a Repub and that is your party, fine. If you voted for him because you hate Hillary, I gotcha. But if you voted for him because you believe in him, not only are you scum, but you shouldn't be allowed to vote. Nobody like you should have the right to have any so over any decent society. He is scum. And I feel I'm doing a disservice to scum when I say that.

Trump ran on policies to appeal to the interests of the working class Americans.

A lot of us, saw in him someone who was at least promising to try to represent our interests.

Hillary, like you, hate people like us.

So we could vote for someone who might be willing to work for US, or someone who is actively hostile to us.

ONly a complete fucking asshole, would pretend that our choosing the person that does not hate us, is somehow wrong of us.
Nope. Objective truth. We are good people, and you are sub human scum.

If you voted for Trump because you believed in him, you are lower than pond a Deplorable.

OH the drama !
Oh nigga please
We voted for a monkey wrench and rolled the dice


"We voted for a monkey..''

Naw, monkeys can be cute and show a reasonable amount of intelligence.
I think you voted for an amoeba...
AND....Let's Not Forget The Underlying, Unspoken global...population...reduction...shhh !!

I noticed the little tyke participated as an actress (herself) in David Attenborough's ''Climate Change: The Facts.''

David, by the way, David contends that...

“‎Using his burgeoning intelligence, this most successful of all mammals has exploited the environment to produce food for an ever increasing population. Instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population, perhaps it's time we controlled the population to allow the survival of the environment.” ― David Attenborough

See, he says it right at the end of this short video...

So, yeah.

Oooh! Scary!

Hmm, it doesn't really refute any of the science though, does it?

Maybe they don't teach that in planetary science. Because they don't think they need to...

WHAT science?

Gads you leftist useful idiots are truly idiotic. I thought the term was just an insult. But no, it's real. As is the damage your brains have suffered as a result of the brainwashing you've been subjected to.

You literally reject reality for a false narrative. You really are that stupid.
Trump ran on policies to appeal to the interests of the working class Americans.
A lot of us, saw in him someone who was at least promising to try to represent our interests
Hillary, like you, hate people like us.
So we could vote for someone who might be willing to work for US, or someone who is actively hostile to us.
ONly a complete fucking asshole, would pretend that our choosing the person that does not hate us, is somehow wrong of us.

Fuck off you blithering idiot. Trump didn't even know his own policies. He ran his campaign on a slogan "make America great again", and nothing else. And is it? Is America great? Nope. This century is going to be China's. Even without Trump it might have happened. He has accelerated it mightily.
He doesn't give a shit about your interests. The only interests he cares about are his own. That's it.

I dunno about Hillary. Don't know her well enough. I would assume she has little time for people who are ignorant and ill educated. And that is his base.

Hillary is just as American, and cares for its future, as any one of you so-called 'patriots'. The only thing the Orange Buffoon cares about - THE ONLY THING - is himself. That is it.

No, you choosing a person whose only interest in the world is himself, is dumb as a sack of shit, acts like a petulant child, spreads fake news like sugar on his Cheerios, and thinks he's the smartest guy in the room when he is inevitably the dumbest, is what is wrong with you. As I have said before, if every person had to have an IQ test before voting, the vast majority of Deplorables would have been found ineligible and you wouldn't have that laughing stock of the US sitting on his fat arse in the WH.
For the casual passer-by....

The following are suggested as tools for testing arguments and detecting fallacious or fraudulent arguments. Taken from the book "The Demon-Haunted World" by the late Dr. Carl Sagan. That book, of course, was written in order to explain the scientific method to laypeople. It's a good book, give it a read. For now, I'm just gonna link to an excerpt from the book titled the ''Boloney Detection Kit.''

Boloney Detection Kit

Hopefully after just browsing through the Boloney Detection Kit you'll see just how media-indoctrinated and under-informed some of these USA Today type Internet posters like FFI etc really are about this word called ''science'' that they like to recklessly throw around so much. Heh heh.
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Natural Citizen said:
“‎Using his burgeoning intelligence, this most successful of all mammals has exploited the environment to produce food for an ever increasing population. Instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population, perhaps it's time we controlled the population to allow the survival of the environment.”
― David Attenborough
Diabolical, Sir David....
I hate that preferred pronoun shit. You're either a he or a she unless you're a hermaphrodite..

Yeah but did you listen to them ....and what are they attaching the" effects" of an un proven theory to ... ?
useful idiots of ..."higher education "

I may vote for warren if i think she has a real shot just to help bring the country down faster already look like she going to be the one ......a long shot

with a green new deal and health care for all
No fracking no new oil production and a radical course of de fossilization/ decarbonization

oh its gonna be spicy when the masses in urban centers and their suburbs get their first bowl of crickets and taste of rolling blackouts .
yeah ill have the 50 dollar a lb rib eye....enjoy your tasty bugs
For the casual passer-by....

The following are suggested as tools for testing arguments and detecting fallacious or fraudulent arguments. Taken from the book "The Demon-Haunted World" by the late Dr. Carl Sagan. That book, of course, was written in order to explain the scientific method to laypeople. It's a good book, give it a read. For now, I'm just gonna link to an excerpt from the book titled the ''Boloney Detection Kit.''

Boloney Detection Kit

Hopefully after just browsing through the Boloney Detection Kit you'll see just how media-indoctrinated and under-informed some of these USA Today type Internet posters like FFI etc really are about this word called ''science'' that they like to recklessly throw around so much. Heh heh.
It doesn't matter how informed I am, though. That's what any intellectual person understands about your whiny pap. i direct you to the experts. They are saying what they are saying. The science says what it says. We checked it. We called this effort, iPCC. It doesn't matter whether it's me or anyone else who spoonfeeds you or mocks you. That is irrelevant.
global warming is a bunch of bullshit Al Gore invented to sell books to Californians, and to exact revenge on his 2000 loss to Bush
Nope. Objective truth. We are good people, and you are sub human scum.

If you voted for Trump because you believed in him, you are lower than pond a Deplorable.

OH the drama !
Oh nigga please
We voted for a monkey wrench and rolled the dice


THe idea that voting for someone, means that you "believe" in them, is moronic in the extreme.

I think though that what they are doing, is projecting.

THey do look at their political leaders as spiritual leaders, since politics is everything to them.

And like the narrow minded fools they are, they cannot imagine that other people are not the same as they are.
Nope. Objective truth. We are good people, and you are sub human scum.

If you voted for Trump because you believed in him, you are lower than pond a Deplorable.

OH the drama !
Oh nigga please
We voted for a monkey wrench and rolled the dice


THe idea that voting for someone, means that you "believe" in them, is moronic in the extreme.

I think though that what they are doing, is projecting.

THey do look at their political leaders as spiritual leaders, since politics is everything to them.

And like the narrow minded fools they are, they cannot imagine that other people are not the same as they are.

Damn, the irony is just dripping off of this post!
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents
What we can't believe is that you would use a child to speak for you. Man up CHUMP! Or, do you hide behind your kids too!
Children are allowed to speak in our society

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