The ACA is the 3rd. rail for the GOP

NO insurance company could just drop you because you got sick.

When the ACA goes away that can....

Before obamacare yes I knew of insurance companies that would drop you if you got sick and that was called underwriting at time of claim. If the new sickness or disease by any remote chance be tied to a pre x they would not pay claims and drop you. Believe me there were a few that could and would do that back then. Why do you think some of the companies now do not operate in all counties or states? But normally the application was underwritten before approval and you would receive an exclusion for certain things or completely denied. But there are and were state laws and it depends if is a state is letting an insurance company operate in the respective state, domestic or foreign.

Before Obamacare, my son worked for a small restaurant chain that provide low cost healthcare coverage. We thought he had great coverage until he got sick. Then we found out that buried in the documents, there was a clause that denied all coverage to employees with less than 1 year on the job and only $1,000 coverage to any employee without 2 years on job. We complained to the state insurance commissioner but he said nothing could be done even thou the turnover rate was so high very few workers ever collected anything from the policy. Later we found out that the insurance coverage for management was free with no such restriction. It turned out that management's insurance was being funded by premiums paid by the workers. Before Obamacare, insurance companies could get away with all kinds shit depending on insurance laws and regulations in the state. This what many conservatives would like see again.

Why did your son work? Why didn't you have men from the government take what your son wants or needs from your neighbors by force of arms?

Why do you treat health insurance different than income?
You listed millions to distract from the fact that YOU want free lunch.

Nope. No free lunch. He is paying for that healthcare monthly...and with his back problems would either be denied or priced out.

There are millions like me and him (parents and young adults)

And I'd feel the same way about this regardless.

There are millions of people who are born preexisting conditions.

Millions born with either heart problems, problems with other organs, born with spina biffitca or Down syndrome or autism or one of a very, very long list of conditions babies are born with.

None of them will ever be able to get insurance. They are all preexisting from birth.
Means testing could cover those. Concentrating capital on those issues should result in a better understanding and better solutions.

For the rest, unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed could better ensures capital circulates in our market based economy.

I don't live on unemployment. Or any type of government assistance.

I don't qualify for any type of government assistance. I had to give up my career because I'm disabled but don't qualify for disability.

I was married for 30 years and it wasn't an issue. I had private employer provided insurance through my ex husband. I'm divorced now. I am able to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years after divorce. That coverage runs out on December 31st 2019. On January 1, 2020, I will have no insurance. If the conservatives get their way, I will never be able to buy insurance again in my life. Which will guarantee that I die an unnecessary early death. I will suffer during that time because I won't be able to get the proper medications, physical therapy or see my doctors for a spine injury and nerve damage that has made me disabled. Nerve damage that's not the kind that causes no feeling and use. The kind that causes horrible agony. My hands and arms are literally being burned from the inside out. Imagine the feel of burning red hot fire knives slicing through your hands and arms with no way to make it stop. That's what I will face without insurance. And that's just in my arms. I have the same type of nerve damage in my spine. From my skull all the way down to the bottom of my spine. With one small area that's not damaged.

I have the money to buy insurance. I pay $8800.00 dollars a year in premiums alone right now. Add in the deductible, residuals, medication costs and I pay at least 15 thousand dollars a year in health care right now. I expected it to at least double when I lose that insurance I've had since 1988. Now I expect it to skyrocket to the point I can't afford it, That is IF I can find a company to sell me a policy.

As with most people, it's not a matter that I don't want to buy insurance. I want to. It's a matter that no one will sell me a policy or if they do, it's so expensive I can't afford it.
The law of large numbers should be able to help in this case. Hypothetically, with unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, Labor could create greater capital demand. With more market participants having an income, prices should become more competitive.

There is no such "law," you drooling retard.

Losses on a single unit cannot be overcome by volume.
Nope. No free lunch. He is paying for that healthcare monthly...and with his back problems would either be denied or priced out.

There are millions like me and him (parents and young adults)

And I'd feel the same way about this regardless.

There are millions of people who are born preexisting conditions.

Millions born with either heart problems, problems with other organs, born with spina biffitca or Down syndrome or autism or one of a very, very long list of conditions babies are born with.

None of them will ever be able to get insurance. They are all preexisting from birth.
Means testing could cover those. Concentrating capital on those issues should result in a better understanding and better solutions.

For the rest, unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed could better ensures capital circulates in our market based economy.

I don't live on unemployment. Or any type of government assistance.

I don't qualify for any type of government assistance. I had to give up my career because I'm disabled but don't qualify for disability.

I was married for 30 years and it wasn't an issue. I had private employer provided insurance through my ex husband. I'm divorced now. I am able to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years after divorce. That coverage runs out on December 31st 2019. On January 1, 2020, I will have no insurance. If the conservatives get their way, I will never be able to buy insurance again in my life. Which will guarantee that I die an unnecessary early death. I will suffer during that time because I won't be able to get the proper medications, physical therapy or see my doctors for a spine injury and nerve damage that has made me disabled. Nerve damage that's not the kind that causes no feeling and use. The kind that causes horrible agony. My hands and arms are literally being burned from the inside out. Imagine the feel of burning red hot fire knives slicing through your hands and arms with no way to make it stop. That's what I will face without insurance. And that's just in my arms. I have the same type of nerve damage in my spine. From my skull all the way down to the bottom of my spine. With one small area that's not damaged.

I have the money to buy insurance. I pay $8800.00 dollars a year in premiums alone right now. Add in the deductible, residuals, medication costs and I pay at least 15 thousand dollars a year in health care right now. I expected it to at least double when I lose that insurance I've had since 1988. Now I expect it to skyrocket to the point I can't afford it, That is IF I can find a company to sell me a policy.

As with most people, it's not a matter that I don't want to buy insurance. I want to. It's a matter that no one will sell me a policy or if they do, it's so expensive I can't afford it.
The law of large numbers should be able to help in this case. Hypothetically, with unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, Labor could create greater capital demand. With more market participants having an income, prices should become more competitive.

There is no such "law," you drooling retard.

Losses on a single unit cannot be overcome by volume.
loss leaders, gainsay your contention.
We have no inherent rights when it comes to healthcare which is why we need healthcare laws, that will insure that no one need die or suffer from lack healthcare because they can't pay for it.
No indigent who is in real need goes without care....And forcing others to pay for it via laws doesn't make it right.
Which is why healthcare should be a right rather than a privilege only for those who can afford it. Americans, including an overwhelming percentage of millennials currently believe that the government is obligated to ensure that all Americans have health-care coverage. Health care must be recognized as a right, not a privilege. Every man, woman and child in our country should be able to access the health care they need regardless of their income. Americans should not have to fear losing their health insurance if they lose their job or change employment. We need a system that prioritizes the health of working-class families over the profits of insurance companies.

Opponents argue that the system will be overused if the people don't have to pay, which is probably the most ridiculous argument yet. Anyone who has had to shit their brains out for 24 hours to undergo a colonoscopy or go thru the pain, and suffering of a transplant knows how ridiculous this argument is. People do not go to a doctor because it's free. They go because they are sick.

Sleeping in your house and eating your food should be a right, not a privilege.

The homeless and indigent should be have just as much right to your trailer or apartment as you do. They should get to vote on how the food you buy is divided up among them.
We have no inherent rights when it comes to healthcare which is why we need healthcare laws, that will insure that no one need die or suffer from lack healthcare because they can't pay for it.
No indigent who is in real need goes without care....And forcing others to pay for it via laws doesn't make it right.
Which is why healthcare should be a right rather than a privilege only for those who can afford it. Americans, including an overwhelming percentage of millennials currently believe that the government is obligated to ensure that all Americans have health-care coverage. Health care must be recognized as a right, not a privilege. Every man, woman and child in our country should be able to access the health care they need regardless of their income. Americans should not have to fear losing their health insurance if they lose their job or change employment. We need a system that prioritizes the health of working-class families over the profits of insurance companies.

Opponents argue that the system will be overused if the people don't have to pay, which is probably the most ridiculous argument yet. Anyone who has had to shit their brains out for 24 hours to undergo a colonoscopy or go thru the pain, and suffering of a transplant knows how ridiculous this argument is. People do not go to a doctor because it's free. They go because they are sick.

Sleeping in your house and eating your food should be a right, not a privilege.

The homeless and indigent should be have just as much right to your trailer or apartment as you do. They should get to vote on how the food you buy is divided up among them.
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is more market recognizable and market friendly.
There are millions of people who are born preexisting conditions.

Millions born with either heart problems, problems with other organs, born with spina biffitca or Down syndrome or autism or one of a very, very long list of conditions babies are born with.

None of them will ever be able to get insurance. They are all preexisting from birth.
Means testing could cover those. Concentrating capital on those issues should result in a better understanding and better solutions.

For the rest, unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed could better ensures capital circulates in our market based economy.

I don't live on unemployment. Or any type of government assistance.

I don't qualify for any type of government assistance. I had to give up my career because I'm disabled but don't qualify for disability.

I was married for 30 years and it wasn't an issue. I had private employer provided insurance through my ex husband. I'm divorced now. I am able to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years after divorce. That coverage runs out on December 31st 2019. On January 1, 2020, I will have no insurance. If the conservatives get their way, I will never be able to buy insurance again in my life. Which will guarantee that I die an unnecessary early death. I will suffer during that time because I won't be able to get the proper medications, physical therapy or see my doctors for a spine injury and nerve damage that has made me disabled. Nerve damage that's not the kind that causes no feeling and use. The kind that causes horrible agony. My hands and arms are literally being burned from the inside out. Imagine the feel of burning red hot fire knives slicing through your hands and arms with no way to make it stop. That's what I will face without insurance. And that's just in my arms. I have the same type of nerve damage in my spine. From my skull all the way down to the bottom of my spine. With one small area that's not damaged.

I have the money to buy insurance. I pay $8800.00 dollars a year in premiums alone right now. Add in the deductible, residuals, medication costs and I pay at least 15 thousand dollars a year in health care right now. I expected it to at least double when I lose that insurance I've had since 1988. Now I expect it to skyrocket to the point I can't afford it, That is IF I can find a company to sell me a policy.

As with most people, it's not a matter that I don't want to buy insurance. I want to. It's a matter that no one will sell me a policy or if they do, it's so expensive I can't afford it.
The law of large numbers should be able to help in this case. Hypothetically, with unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, Labor could create greater capital demand. With more market participants having an income, prices should become more competitive.

There is no such "law," you drooling retard.

Losses on a single unit cannot be overcome by volume.
loss leaders, gainsay your contention.

Another term druggie danny has no concept of...
Means testing could cover those. Concentrating capital on those issues should result in a better understanding and better solutions.

For the rest, unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed could better ensures capital circulates in our market based economy.

I don't live on unemployment. Or any type of government assistance.

I don't qualify for any type of government assistance. I had to give up my career because I'm disabled but don't qualify for disability.

I was married for 30 years and it wasn't an issue. I had private employer provided insurance through my ex husband. I'm divorced now. I am able to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years after divorce. That coverage runs out on December 31st 2019. On January 1, 2020, I will have no insurance. If the conservatives get their way, I will never be able to buy insurance again in my life. Which will guarantee that I die an unnecessary early death. I will suffer during that time because I won't be able to get the proper medications, physical therapy or see my doctors for a spine injury and nerve damage that has made me disabled. Nerve damage that's not the kind that causes no feeling and use. The kind that causes horrible agony. My hands and arms are literally being burned from the inside out. Imagine the feel of burning red hot fire knives slicing through your hands and arms with no way to make it stop. That's what I will face without insurance. And that's just in my arms. I have the same type of nerve damage in my spine. From my skull all the way down to the bottom of my spine. With one small area that's not damaged.

I have the money to buy insurance. I pay $8800.00 dollars a year in premiums alone right now. Add in the deductible, residuals, medication costs and I pay at least 15 thousand dollars a year in health care right now. I expected it to at least double when I lose that insurance I've had since 1988. Now I expect it to skyrocket to the point I can't afford it, That is IF I can find a company to sell me a policy.

As with most people, it's not a matter that I don't want to buy insurance. I want to. It's a matter that no one will sell me a policy or if they do, it's so expensive I can't afford it.
The law of large numbers should be able to help in this case. Hypothetically, with unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, Labor could create greater capital demand. With more market participants having an income, prices should become more competitive.

There is no such "law," you drooling retard.

Losses on a single unit cannot be overcome by volume.
loss leaders, gainsay your contention.

Another term druggie danny has no concept of...
like the "drugless wonders", do.
Not only do Republicans think that healthcare is NOT a right...they think that only "certain people" should have it

So you have a "right" to the talent and labor of others against their will?

Promote slavery much, you fucking leach?

I guess you are not a fan of public schooling either .

Government indoctrination centers that crush critical thinking and purge intellectual curiosity from children?

"public" education was a function of communities until we adopted the Prussian model. America had no classes, no monarchy, no aristocracy. That has always been the prime factor of you evil fucks, to establish a dictatorship reminiscent of the monarchy you lost in the enlightenment. The German model was adopted to instill European style permanent social classes, a caste system, into America. Community schools controlled by the community which reflected the values and needs of that community have been subverted by the nationalized mal-education bureaucracy that indoctrinates drones into their societal function.

The black community has caught on, dubbing the systems "the kindergarten to prison pipeline," as that is the caste assigned by the ruling left elite to black people.

The Prussian model

I support community schools, but the Soviet style gulags that children are mind-raped in today?

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world.”

― Vladimir Lenin
Yet that is the model you moron Communists demand for health care coverage...

You could have just stayed in bed....rather than confirming in that response what a fucking idiot you are........Good job........LOL
Yet that is the model you moron Communists demand for health care coverage...

You could have just stayed in bed....rather than confirming in that response what a fucking idiot you are........Good job........LOL

Poor gnat, defeated by his own idiocy, AGAIN...

The Communism you promote is absurdity. Regardless of how the hate sites dress it for you, it is absurdity. Once examined, the evil shit you promote will always stand as starkly stupid.
Even those people lose out if ACA is trashed

As one of those people who had employee healthcare before the ACA and saw my premium increase substantially when the ACA went into effect to provide services I don’t even use.

So please tell me what I’m gonna lose if the ACA gets thrown out.
If you have a 20 something on your policy...that goes away

Your insurance could now put yearly or lifetime caps on benefits...which kinda sucks if you get sick. That's how it used to be

Routine check ups now cost you nothing extra...that could change.

There's a whole range of things that even people who have employer provided insurance would lose
If you have a 20 something on your policy...that goes away

Your insurance could now put yearly or lifetime caps on benefits...which kinda sucks if you get sick. That's how it used to be

Routine check ups now cost you nothing extra...that could change.

There's a whole range of things that even people who have employer provided insurance would lose
Routine doctor visits shouldn't be insurable items, any more than getting oil changes and new tires should be on auto policies.

You really are a free luncher.
If you have a 20 something on your policy...that goes away

Your insurance could now put yearly or lifetime caps on benefits...which kinda sucks if you get sick. That's how it used to be

Routine check ups now cost you nothing extra...that could change.

There's a whole range of things that even people who have employer provided insurance would lose

I don’t have and won’t have kids... Strike 1

No such caps existed in the insurance we had previously. I can’t see the Union accepting them in a rented policy... Strike 2

I get a single “Yearly Physical” at no cost. If we go back to the copay levels before the ACA, I can pay for that appointment and STILL spend less on my overall company’s forctge year. It’s not even close... Strike 3

YOU'RE OUT!!!!!!!

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