The ACA is the 3rd. rail for the GOP

My point is that we shouldn't pass laws that implement sweeping change unless there's real consensus behind them. If we pass them without broad consensus, like we did with ACA, they'll be up for grabs every election.

....and it would be a "wrong point".......

First, Obama virtually copied what the ultra conservative Heritage Foundation had proposed and endorsed by the republican, he expected some damn consensus from the GOP......foolish hope.

Second, the ACA is somewhat similar to what almost EVERY civilized nation has done for its own citizens.
My point is that we shouldn't pass laws that implement sweeping change unless there's real consensus behind them. If we pass them without broad consensus, like we did with ACA, they'll be up for grabs every election.

....and it would be a "wrong point".......

How so? Because this:

First, Obama virtually copied what the ultra conservative Heritage Foundation had proposed and endorsed by the republican, he expected some damn consensus from the GOP......foolish hope.

Second, the ACA is somewhat similar to what almost EVERY civilized nation has done for its own citizens.

... doesn't prove my point wrong.

Despite the fact that Republicans originally proposed it, and despite the fact that other countries have something similar, there's not a solid consensus that it's what we should do here. That's why it's being undermined.

The Democrats were lazy. Instead of doing the hard work of drafting legislation that people could really get behind, they took what the insurance lobby handed them and passed it by a slim, partisan majority. Democrat voters didn't even like it. The best most of them could say was that it was "better than nothing".
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My son does not get healthcare through work.. He currently BUYS it through the ACA

Kill the ACA and he has no healthcare

I'm sorry to hear that. But that's exactly why it's so problematic to depend on government for our needs. Everyone election puts people at risk.
Your point being that we should never trust GOP politicians?

I agree
Not necessarily, though I never do.

My point is that we shouldn't pass laws that implement sweeping change unless there's real consensus behind them. If we pass them without broad consensus, like we did with ACA, they'll be up for grabs every election.
SO we can't trust the GOP to not screw things up. I agree

Fine. Stick your fingers deep in your ears and ignore what I'm saying. It won't change the reality of the situation. And if the Republicans turn around and do the same thing - pass a law that only pleases their base - it will be no better. And people like your son will be the victims again.
We have no inherent rights when it comes to healthcare which is why we need healthcare laws, that will insure that no one need die or suffer from lack healthcare because they can't pay for it.
No indigent who is in real need goes without care....And forcing others to pay for it via laws doesn't make it right.
Which is why healthcare should be a right rather than a privilege only for those who can afford it. Americans, including an overwhelming percentage of millennials currently believe that the government is obligated to ensure that all Americans have health-care coverage. Health care must be recognized as a right, not a privilege. Every man, woman and child in our country should be able to access the health care they need regardless of their income. Americans should not have to fear losing their health insurance if they lose their job or change employment. We need a system that prioritizes the health of working-class families over the profits of insurance companies.

Opponents argue that the system will be overused if the people don't have to pay, which is probably the most ridiculous argument yet. Anyone who has had to shit their brains out for 24 hours to undergo a colonoscopy or go thru the pain, and suffering of a transplant knows how ridiculous this argument is. People do not go to a doctor because it's free. They go because they are sick.

Sleeping in your house and eating your food should be a right, not a privilege.

The homeless and indigent should be have just as much right to your trailer or apartment as you do. They should get to vote on how the food you buy is divided up among them.
You're not unique thinking you owe nothing to the common good of the nation and that all individual earnings should remain with the individual. However, such is a path to anarchy.

Nor are you Comrade. You have different rules for us than you do for yourself. You're a hypocrite, like all Communists are.
My son does not get healthcare through work.. He currently BUYS it through the ACA

Kill the ACA and he has no healthcare


There were private plans before fascist care, there will be private plans after. Anyone using ACA has 20,000 to 30,000 in deductibles before the insurance can be used, so it is effectively useless.
My son does not get healthcare through work.. He currently BUYS it through the ACA

Kill the ACA and he has no healthcare


There were private plans before fascist care, there will be private plans after. Anyone using ACA has 20,000 to 30,000 in deductibles before the insurance can be used, so it is effectively useless.
There were...and the cost of those private plans was a big part of why 20 MILLION less people had healthcare insurance
My son does not get healthcare through work.. He currently BUYS it through the ACA

Kill the ACA and he has no healthcare


There were private plans before fascist care, there will be private plans after. Anyone using ACA has 20,000 to 30,000 in deductibles before the insurance can be used, so it is effectively useless.
There were...and the cost of those private plans was a big part of why 20 MILLION less people had healthcare insurance

Lying doesn't help your case, leach.

The number of uninsured Americans has increased since 2016, according to the report, reversing years of decline since the ACA was passed in 2010. The number of uninsured adults between the ages of 19 and 64 rose to 15.5 percent in March 2018, up from 12.7 percent in 2016. An estimated 4 million people lost individual coverage during that period, while the number of people with employer-sponsored coverage stayed steady.

Adults with lower incomes -- about $30,000 for an individual and $61,000 for a family of four -- saw a much higher increase: 25.7 percent in March 2018 compared to 20.9 percent in 2016.}

More Americans are going without health insurance

Fascist Care is for Kaiser and other big medical providers. It totally fucks the consumer with insane deductibles that make it utterly worthless to most.
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I had a nice inexpensive policy, until Ocommiecre basically outlawed it.

That insured almost nothing
My son does not get healthcare through work.. He currently BUYS it through the ACA

Kill the ACA and he has no healthcare


There were private plans before fascist care, there will be private plans after. Anyone using ACA has 20,000 to 30,000 in deductibles before the insurance can be used, so it is effectively useless.
There were...and the cost of those private plans was a big part of why 20 MILLION less people had healthcare insurance

Lying doesn't help your case, leach.

The number of uninsured Americans has increased since 2016, according to the report, reversing years of decline since the ACA was passed in 2010. The number of uninsured adults between the ages of 19 and 64 rose to 15.5 percent in March 2018, up from 12.7 percent in 2016. An estimated 4 million people lost individual coverage during that period, while the number of people with employer-sponsored coverage stayed steady.

Adults with lower incomes -- about $30,000 for an individual and $61,000 for a family of four -- saw a much higher increase: 25.7 percent in March 2018 compared to 20.9 percent in 2016.}

More Americans are going without health insurance

Fascist Care is for Kaiser and other big medical providers. It totally fucks the consumer with insane deductibles that make it utterly worthless to most.
All those declines mentioned occurred because of REPUBLICAN efforts to damage the ACA
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10's of millions share your fate.

The actual number of people who "lost their healthcare" was 3 million...but they didn't actually "lose" anything. Almost all of them got ACA plans that actually insured them...and those with low incomes got subsidies to help them afford those plans.
Which accounts for the massive increase in approval of the ACA
My son does not get healthcare through work.. He currently BUYS it through the ACA

Kill the ACA and he has no healthcare


There were private plans before fascist care, there will be private plans after. Anyone using ACA has 20,000 to 30,000 in deductibles before the insurance can be used, so it is effectively useless.

Goddamn are you an idiot or what? You just showed you know very little about ACA and believe some far right news articles about deductibles. Private insurance? That's what you've been getting. ACA obamacare anything you want to call it is not an insurance plan.
My son does not get healthcare through work.. He currently BUYS it through the ACA

Kill the ACA and he has no healthcare


There were private plans before fascist care, there will be private plans after. Anyone using ACA has 20,000 to 30,000 in deductibles before the insurance can be used, so it is effectively useless.
There were...and the cost of those private plans was a big part of why 20 MILLION less people had healthcare insurance

Lying doesn't help your case, leach.

The number of uninsured Americans has increased since 2016, according to the report, reversing years of decline since the ACA was passed in 2010. The number of uninsured adults between the ages of 19 and 64 rose to 15.5 percent in March 2018, up from 12.7 percent in 2016. An estimated 4 million people lost individual coverage during that period, while the number of people with employer-sponsored coverage stayed steady.

Adults with lower incomes -- about $30,000 for an individual and $61,000 for a family of four -- saw a much higher increase: 25.7 percent in March 2018 compared to 20.9 percent in 2016.}

More Americans are going without health insurance

Fascist Care is for Kaiser and other big medical providers. It totally fucks the consumer with insane deductibles that make it utterly worthless to most.
All those declines mentioned occurred because of REPUBLICAN efforts to damage the ACA

False Commie.

Those declines occurred the SECOND the gun was taken away from the head of the consumer FORCING them to buy a product they could not use.

Fascistcare is so wonderful that people will only use it when forced by the federal government.
10's of millions share your fate.

The actual number of people who "lost their healthcare" was 3 million...but they didn't actually "lose" anything. Almost all of them got ACA plans that actually insured them...and those with low incomes got subsidies to help them afford those plans.
Which accounts for the massive increase in approval of the ACA

Fascistcare is unusable by most. Insane deductibles make it so that people can't go to a doctor - well there are few doctors left - so the ACA deductibles make it so people can't go to a clinic to be seen by an LVN or medical technician with 6 weeks of training (thanks Obama).

Face it ******, Fascistcare was drafted to enrich entrenched corporations and fuck under the public. The ONLY ones benefiting are Blue Cross, Aetna, Kaiser, et al.

Which of these do you work for?
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My son does not get healthcare through work.. He currently BUYS it through the ACA

Kill the ACA and he has no healthcare


There were private plans before fascist care, there will be private plans after. Anyone using ACA has 20,000 to 30,000 in deductibles before the insurance can be used, so it is effectively useless.

Goddamn are you an idiot or what? You just showed you know very little about ACA and believe some far right news articles about deductibles. Private insurance? That's what you've been getting. ACA obamacare anything you want to call it is not an insurance plan.

God damn but you Communists are some lying fucks. Fascistcare makes it so the majority of victims cannot afford to use the "insurance" that they were forced by law to buy. The ONLY ones who benefit from Fascistcare are the massive corporations who bought off the democrats. You have fucked the nation with your scheme, which is why the moment the gun was taken from the head of the public, they abandoned the "coverage" that provided them nothing and drained their wealth.
ACA does not have plans insurance do.

Fascistcare mandates what must be in the plans of all providers. This was done to drive small providers from the market on behalf of the massive corporations the democrats serve. It also ensures that prices are kept extremely high by providing "services" people don't need or want.

Stop lying, Commie.
My son does not get healthcare through work.. He currently BUYS it through the ACA

Kill the ACA and he has no healthcare


There were private plans before fascist care, there will be private plans after. Anyone using ACA has 20,000 to 30,000 in deductibles before the insurance can be used, so it is effectively useless.

Goddamn are you an idiot or what? You just showed you know very little about ACA and believe some far right news articles about deductibles. Private insurance? That's what you've been getting. ACA obamacare anything you want to call it is not an insurance plan.

God damn but you Communists are some lying fucks. Fascistcare makes it so the majority of victims cannot afford to use the "insurance" that they were forced by law to buy. The ONLY ones who benefit from Fascistcare are the massive corporations who bought off the democrats. You have fucked the nation with your scheme, which is why the moment the gun was taken from the head of the public, they abandoned the "coverage" that provided them nothing and drained their wealth.

Again there are no $10,000 or $20,000 deductibles there was before obamacare.
10's of millions share your fate.

The actual number of people who "lost their healthcare" was 3 million...but they didn't actually "lose" anything. Almost all of them got ACA plans that actually insured them...and those with low incomes got subsidies to help them afford those plans.
Which accounts for the massive increase in approval of the ACA

Fascistcare is unusable by most. Insane deductibles make it so that people can't go to a doctor - well there are few doctors left - so the ACA deductibles make it so people can't go to a clinic to be seen by an LVN or medical technician with 6 weeks of training (thanks Obama).

Face it Leach, Fascistcare was drafted to enrich entrenched corporations and fuck under the public. The ONLY ones benefiting are Blue Cross, Aetna, Kaiser, et al.

Which of these do you work for?
Oddly I know many people on ACA healthcare and NONE of them "can't go to the doctor".


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