The accidental anti abortion episode of Game of Thrones.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I stopped watching Game of Thrones after the second is too depressing a show....but I saw this article and thought it was an interesting take on what they say happened in this episode...of course you can see the lefties on the show thought it was showing religious extremism...maybe.....but in reality, the stronger message seems to be against abortion...and they don't realize what they did......

Blog The unintentional abortion metaphor in Game Of Thrones

He must fulfill his destiny and become who he is meant to be no matter how much he may hate it.”

And isn’t that exactly the lie that those who choose abortion believe?

Pro-abortion advocates are convinced that filicide permits people to be true to themselves, and that making the choice to dispose of one’s offspring, no matter how hateful that act may be, somehow guarantees that future destinies will be fulfilled.

The truth is that the character Stannis Baratheon is a weak, sorry excuse for a human being whose quest for power is greater than his love for his less-than-perfect daughter. And Shireen’s sickly mother Selyse is no different. Selyse, who stores the bodies of her three stillborn sons in crystal containers, is so enamored with the Red Priestess’s fire god that she agrees to hand over her only living child to be burnt at the stake.
While both stunning and shocking, the visceral reaction to the scene where the Red Priestess sets Shireen on fire provides a graphic fictional depiction of a very modern-day practice.

If you watch the crap they produce, your just as fucked up as the show's premise..
Easily countered.

Look what becomes of the babies not aborted to the guy living north of the wall with all the incetuous wives. The White Walkers come and take them making them one of the army of the undead. :)

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