The ACLU speaks out, adamantly, in opposition to the militarization of our police

It is exactly why they're doing it. To contain and wipe out the poor....they control the food, they control the money, they limit the birthrate, and now they can also physically control the neighborhoods.

"They" being Reagan. And Papa Bush. And Dick Cheney. "They" got the ball rolling.

Then Dubya Bush added "zeal" to the plan.

It's all in the ACLU report.

Your admission as to their motives is interesting to say the least. Downright confessional!
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So..the progressives declare a war on minorities with abortion, which targets minority neighborhoods (and countries) with laser precision...

and now they claim we need the equipment to allow the police to move in on those neighborhoods that are the most dangerous...i.e., minority neighborhoods...

And, incidentally..children of color that come in? They go into camps...while those who traffic, exploit and otherwise abuse (and kill) them go free.

Warsaw, anyone?

I wish I knew or could understand the level of cognitive dissonance it takes to quote a liberal group such as the ACLU protecting your rights and claim that liberals are declaring war on your rights at the same time.

Its truely amazing...spectacular even
The ACLU does not protect anyone's rights
The ACLU monitors the events of the day picks an event, deems it a liberal political cause and files a lawsuit.

You dont know what you're talking about
You monitor posts of the day, pick one then make up a narrative to explain your flawed logic

I LOOOOVE story time. :eusa_clap:
It is exactly why they're doing it. To contain and wipe out the poor....they control the food, they control the money, they limit the birthrate, and now they can also physically control the neighborhoods.

When you say "they are doing it", who is "they"?

Progressives in general, and our current admin.

Reagan, Bush I, Dick Cheney, Bush II. Progressives.


You know, before you run off at the mouth, you should probably read your own links and the reports provided therein.

They even provided you a HUGE, CAN'T MISS link to their report:


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lie of the days is "the progressives declare a war on minorities with abortion, which targets minority neighborhoods (and countries) with laser precision..."

a prolifer lies and a mommy dies
lie of the days is "the progressives declare a war on minorities with abortion, which targets minority neighborhoods (and countries) with laser precision..."

a prolifer lies and a mommy dies

Since when do prolifers want mom's to die. Only a fraction of abortions are for mom's at risk. Not all of us oppose it for that reason, yet are still considered prolifers. Perhaps too broad a brush Jake?
The loons spiral erratically...sputtering, dipping, veering, boom.
Dick Cheney, Progressive, speaks:



Heres the weirdest part. Kosher will now ignore her own OP or the links in her own OP all for partisan reasons which goes to show that her concern isnt really with losing rights, her entire purpose is to demonize one political group and use her "concern" for rights as a cover.

Now that its Dick Cheney shes not concerned a true patriot
NCJ Number: NCJ 211756
Title: Another Man's Treasure
Date Published: 1998

Thought of as the ultimate recycling program, the 1033 Program has provided equipment of all types, from mobile homes to helicopters and gas masks, to agencies across the country. The article discusses the many ways this excess equipment is used by law enforcement and corrections agencies. For example, the South Carolina Department of Corrections received mobile homes, gas masks, and an armored vehicle through the program. The mobile homes are used as classrooms for the training of officers; the gas masks are useful in the event of a prison disturbance; and the armored vehicle is available for prison disturbances as well as hostage and stand off situations. The history of the program, which began in 1989, is described and contact information for the 1033 Program is provided.
our political leaders should have listened to our police chiefs a decade ago...

Speaking at a news conference with Rep. John Conyers and myself, Chief Godbee expressed dismay that there has been no action to revive the assault-weapons ban that was allowed to expire in 2004 when George W. Bush was president.

Leaders calling for a renewed ban are, not surprisingly, those most exposed to them on the streets: America’s police chiefs. Many of them are NRA members, but they know assault weapons put the lives of their officers and citizens at risk.

According to Miami Police Chief John Timoney, assault weapons have become “the weapon of choice among gangs here. . . . The guns keep coming in, their prices are dropping.”

In Miami, assault weapons were used in about 4 percent of all homicides in 2004 as the weapons ban expired. Now, Timoney says, the number is about 21 percent.

This month, Police Chief magazine reprinted a letter from Chief Joseph M. Polisar, then head of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, originally published in 2004 as the assault weapons ban expired. Polisar vowed that the chiefs would continue to push for the ban, noting it had proved “remarkably effective in reducing the number of crimes involving assault weapons. Since
1994 the proportion of assault weapons traced to crimes has fallen by a dramatic 66 percent.”

But politicians are more intimidated by the gun manufacturers and the National Rifle Association than they are moved by the police chiefs or by common sense. The result is that gun ownership is less well-policed than driving. There is no required training to own or use a gun, even an assault weapon. And as Holmes showed, in Colorado and many states, you can build an arsenal overnight capable of bringing down an airplane or shooting up a baseball crowd without any meaningful checks or accountability.

Will the laws change now? Speaking on ABC News, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey was skeptical, and he was worried that outrage will “fade into the background” and nothing will be done: “We talk about this constantly, and absolutely nothing happens, because many of our legislators, unfortunately, at the federal level, lack the courage to do anything.”

To change that, Americans must stand up and face down the gun lobby. Police chiefs — Republicans, Democrats, NRA members — will help show the way. The national debate is not about the Second Amendment, a gun for housekeeping or guns for hunting. We are talking about guns for terror that threaten national security and aid domestic and foreign terrorists.

Let’s lift the conversation from gun control to guns out of control and ban assault weapons to protect national security and domestic tranquility.

Our national security should be a common note for all of us.

Police chiefs are right: Ban assault weapons - Chicago Sun-Times
Detroit has experienced 37 percent fewer robberies in 2014 than during the same period last year, 22 percent fewer break-ins of businesses and homes, and 30 percent fewer carjackings. Craig attributed the drop to better police work and criminals being reluctant to prey on citizens who may be carrying guns.
“Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon,” said Craig, who has repeatedly said he believes armed citizens deter crime. “I don’t want to take away from the good work our investigators are doing, but I think part of the drop in crime, and robberies in particular, is because criminals are thinking twice that citizens could be armed.

From The Detroit News: Detroit police chief gives credit to armed citizens for drop in crime | The Detroit News
Detroit resident Al Woods, a self-described former criminal who is now an anti-violence advocate and author, agreed criminals are thinking twice about attacking citizens.
“If I was out there now robbing people these days, knowing there are a lot more people with guns, I know I’d have to rethink my game plan,” said Woods, 60.

From The Detroit News: Detroit police chief gives credit to armed citizens for drop in crime | The Detroit News
lie of the days is "the progressives declare a war on minorities with abortion, which targets minority neighborhoods (and countries) with laser precision..."

a prolifer lies and a mommy dies

Since when do prolifers want mom's to die. Only a fraction of abortions are for mom's at risk. Not all of us oppose it for that reason, yet are still considered prolifers. Perhaps too broad a brush Jake?

Everyone is pro-life.

The conflict exists as how to best end the practice of abortion without undermining the right to privacy, where 'banning' abortion is in no way a 'solution.'
Everyone who is pro-life is pro-life.

Pro-abortion, however, = pro-death. The definition of abortion includes the word *death* in it, you know:


noun \ə-ˈbȯr-shən\

: a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus

: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus

So if you are pro-abortion..then you are pro-death.

Glad we got that cleared up.
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Chicago already tries to restrict gun ownership. 20 people were killed there just last weekend alone.
Detroit's doing better...of course their police chief has been telling people to arm themselves.

Funny how that flies directly in the face of what the progressives tell us. How's almost like they WANT people to be killed in those neighborhoods!
Anybody care to discuss the merits of the National Guard having military weapons and the police not so much?

Police nowadays are pretty much a paramilitary group. Back in the 70's, cops had S&W revolvers and shotguns. After Reagan/Bush, they carry automatic pistols and AR-15's. SWAT units have their own APC's and machine guns.
Look, man. You can't go up against a gay Mexican Muslim with just a S&W revolver and a shotgun.

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