The African American Museum

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.
Guess you missed it........

Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian


Washington, DC | National Museum of the American Indian

New York;

New York, NY | National Museum of the American Indian

Native American Heritage Sites (National Park Service) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So you think that makes up for the genocide? Give their land back, and make it right.

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.

The short answer is that other then killing a shit ton of buffalo, Indians mean very little in the scheme of things. Most are to useless to court as a voting block and they have bastardized their ways so they can sell cheesy "indian" jewelry to hipsters or manufacturing meth on their reservations. In short, who cares. They no longer matter as a voting block if they ever did.

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.
Guess you missed it........

Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian


Washington, DC | National Museum of the American Indian

New York;

New York, NY | National Museum of the American Indian

Native American Heritage Sites (National Park Service) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So you think that makes up for the genocide? Give their land back, and make it right.
Soooooo, I point out that there are multiple monuments to my grandfather's peoples and that means I'm okay with what the European invaders did to my grandfather's peoples? Is there a name for what's wrong with you? :dunno:

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.

Yes, because we decided to genocide them out of functional existence as opposed to enslaving and propagating them as beasts of burden.

Not true at all. The so called genocide was propaganda that never occurred
Uuuummmmm, reminds me of what some say about the Germans and WWII....... Something having to do with it never happened......... :eusa_whistle:

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.

Yes, because we decided to genocide them out of functional existence as opposed to enslaving and propagating them as beasts of burden.

Not true at all. The so called genocide was propaganda that never occurred
Uuuummmmm, reminds me of what some say about the Germans and WWII....... Something having to do with it never happened......... :eusa_whistle:
Prosecutor Claims FORCED STERILIZATION of 272,000 Native American Women “Not a Crime Against Humanity”

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.

Yes, because we decided to genocide them out of functional existence as opposed to enslaving and propagating them as beasts of burden.

Not true at all. The so called genocide was propaganda that never occurred
Uuuummmmm, reminds me of what some say about the Germans and WWII....... Something having to do with it never happened......... :eusa_whistle:
Prosecutor Claims FORCED STERILIZATION of 272,000 Native American Women “Not a Crime Against Humanity”
Are you missing what I was responding to? :dunno:

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.

The Native American Museum opened on the mall years ago.

Where were you?

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.
The genocide was not done by "whites" it was done by the federal government and still is being done…
That isn't what genocide means.

Genocide is defined as the policy of attempting to systematically destroy or weaken an ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race. This is spelled out by the UN.

Forced relocation is commonly accepted to be a form of genocide. Read Article II C of the international convention on genocide.

Article II:
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

In retrospect, all those offenses were committed by every nation in the Americas.
I don't use the UN dictionary or care what they think. That definition fits every square foot of the planet. Using their idiotic terminology Indians were committing genocide on other Indians.

Deny, deny, deny, abject reality all you like.

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.
The genocide was not done by "whites" it was done by the federal government and still is being done…

The virus came to the "new world" with european contact son.

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.
The genocide was not done by "whites" it was done by the federal government and still is being done…

The virus came to the "new world" with european contact son.
Silly rabbit, the federal government is to blame. And at this time it's worse now than ever before and it's treatment of Indians.

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.
The genocide was not done by "whites" it was done by the federal government and still is being done…

The virus came to the "new world" with european contact son.
Silly rabbit, the federal government is to blame. And at this time it's worse now than ever before and it's treatment of Indians.

That's exactly what they have in mind for you, and ya know what? The public allowed and cheered what was done to indigenous peoples, often insisting upon it.

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